Ejemplo n.º 1
 OrigIterationOutput::RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
   std::string prev_cat = roptions->RegisteringCategory();
     "Enables printing of additional info string at end of iteration output.",
     "no", "don't print string",
     "yes", "print string at end of each iteration output",
     "This string contains some insider information about the current "
     "iteration.  For details, look for \"Diagnostic Tags\" in the Ipopt "
     "Determines what value is printed in the \"inf_pr\" output column.",
     "internal", "max-norm of violation of internal equality constraints",
     "original", "maximal constraint violation in original NLP",
     "Ipopt works with a reformulation of the original problem, where slacks "
     "are introduced and the problem might have been scaled.  The choice "
     "\"internal\" prints out the constraint violation of this formulation. "
     "With \"original\" the true constraint violation in the original NLP is "
Ejemplo n.º 2
 OrigIterationOutput::RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
   std::string prev_cat = roptions->RegisteringCategory();
     "Enables printing of additional info string at end of iteration output.",
     "no", "don't print string",
     "yes", "print string at end of each iteration output",
     "This string contains some insider information about the current iteration.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  void AdaptiveMuUpdate::RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions)
      "Factor for initialization of maximum value for barrier parameter.",
      0.0, true, 1e3,
      "This option determines the upper bound on the barrier parameter.  This "
      "upper bound is computed as the average complementarity at the initial "
      "point times the value of this option. (Only used if option "
      "\"mu_strategy\" is chosen as \"adaptive\".)");
      "Maximum value for barrier parameter.",
      0.0, true, 1e5,
      "This option specifies an upper bound on the barrier parameter in the "
      "adaptive mu selection mode.  If this option is set, it overwrites the "
      "effect of mu_max_fact. (Only used if option "
      "\"mu_strategy\" is chosen as \"adaptive\".)");
      "Minimum value for barrier parameter.",
      0.0, true, 1e-11,
      "This option specifies the lower bound on the barrier parameter in the "
      "adaptive mu selection mode. By default, it is set to the minimum of 1e-11 and "
      "min(\"tol\",\"compl_inf_tol\")/(\"barrier_tol_factor\"+1), which "
      "should be a reasonable value. (Only used if option "
      "\"mu_strategy\" is chosen as \"adaptive\".)");
    std::string prev_cat = roptions->RegisteringCategory();
      0.0, false, 0.0);

      "Globalization strategy for the adaptive mu selection mode.",
      "kkt-error", "nonmonotone decrease of kkt-error",
      "obj-constr-filter", "2-dim filter for objective and constraint violation",
      "never-monotone-mode", "disables globalization",
      "To achieve global convergence of the adaptive version, the algorithm "
      "has to switch to the monotone mode (Fiacco-McCormick approach) when "
      "convergence does not seem to appear.  This option sets the "
      "criterion used to decide when to do this switch. (Only used if option "
      "\"mu_strategy\" is chosen as \"adaptive\".)");

      "Maximum number of iterations requiring sufficient progress.",
      0, 4,
      "For the \"kkt-error\" based globalization strategy, sufficient "
      "progress must be made for \"adaptive_mu_kkterror_red_iters\" "
      "iterations. If this number of iterations is exceeded, the "
      "globalization strategy switches to the monotone mode.");

      "Sufficient decrease factor for \"kkt-error\" globalization strategy.",
      0.0, true, 1.0, true,
      "For the \"kkt-error\" based globalization strategy, the error "
      "must decrease by this factor to be deemed sufficient decrease.");

      "Factor determining width of margin for obj-constr-filter adaptive globalization strategy.",
      0.0, true, 1.0, true,
      "When using the adaptive globalization strategy, \"obj-constr-filter\", "
      "sufficient progress for a filter entry is defined as "
      "follows: (new obj) < (filter obj) - filter_margin_fact*(new "
      "constr-viol) OR (new constr-viol) < (filter constr-viol) - "
      "filter_margin_fact*(new constr-viol).  For the description of "
      "the \"kkt-error-filter\" option see \"filter_max_margin\".");
      "Maximum width of margin in obj-constr-filter adaptive globalization strategy.",
      0.0, true,
      // ToDo Detailed description later
      "Indicates if the previous iterate should be restored if the monotone mode is entered.",
      "no", "don't restore accepted iterate",
      "yes", "restore accepted iterate",
      "When the globalization strategy for the adaptive barrier algorithm "
      "switches to the monotone mode, it can either start "
      "from the most recent iterate (no), or from the last "
      "iterate that was accepted (yes).");

      "Determines the initial value of the barrier parameter when switching to the monotone mode.",
      0.0, true, 0.8,
      "When the globalization strategy for the adaptive barrier algorithm "
      "switches to the monotone mode and fixed_mu_oracle is chosen as "
      "\"average_compl\", the barrier parameter is set to the "
      "current average complementarity times the value of "

      "Norm used for the KKT error in the adaptive mu globalization strategies.",
      "1-norm", "use the 1-norm (abs sum)",
      "2-norm-squared", "use the 2-norm squared (sum of squares)",
      "max-norm", "use the infinity norm (max)",
      "2-norm", "use 2-norm",
      "When computing the KKT error for the globalization strategies, the "
      "norm to be used is specified with this option. Note, this options is also used "
      "in the QualityFunctionMuOracle.");
