bool StiffnessSolver::SolveSystem( SpMat &K, VX &D, VX &F, VX &R, int DoF, VXi &q, VXi &r, int verbose, int &info, double &rms_resid) { VX diag; /* diagonal vector of the L D L' decomp. */ diag.resize(DoF); //MX K_comp = K; int row = K.rows(), col = K.cols(); MX K_comp(row, col); K_comp.setZero(); for (int k = 0; k < K.outerSize(); ++k) { for (SpMat::InnerIterator it(K, k); it; ++it) { int r = it.row(); int c = it.col(); double v = it.value(); K_comp(r, c) = v; } } /* L D L' decomposition of K[q,q] into lower triangle of K[q,q] and diag[q] */ /* vectors F and D are unchanged */ /* not solving at this moment*/ LDLDecompPM(K_comp, DoF, diag, F, D, R, q, r, 1, 0, info); if (info < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Stiffness Matrix is not positive definite: %d negative elements\n", info); fprintf(stderr, "found on decomp diagonal of K.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "The stucture may have mechanism and thus not stable in general\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Please Make sure that all six\n"); fprintf(stderr, "rigid body translations are restrained!\n"); return false; } else { /* LDL' back-substitution for D[q] and R[r] */ LDLDecompPM(K_comp, DoF, diag, F, D, R, q, r, 0, 1, info); if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, " LDL' RMS residual:"); } rms_resid = info = 1; do { /* improve solution for D[q] and R[r] */ LDLImprovePM(K_comp, DoF, diag, F, D, R, q, r, rms_resid, info); if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "%9.2e", rms_resid); } } while (info); if (verbose) fprintf(stdout, "LDL^t Solving completed\n"); } return true; }
Mat solveQurdOpt(SpMat L, SpMat C, Mat alpha_star){ // cout << "solving quadratic optimization proble .............." << endl; double lambda = 0.000001; SpMat D(L.rows(), L.cols()); D.setIdentity(); //cout << D << endl; alpha_star = matlab_colVector(alpha_star); MatrixXd as_dense; cv2eigen(alpha_star, as_dense); SpMat b = as_dense.sparseView(); SpMat A, alpha; A = L + C + lambda * D; b = C * b; //cout << b << endl; Eigen::SimplicialLLT<SpMat> solver; //Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMat> solver; //Eigen::SparseQR<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; //Eigen::BiCGSTAB<SpMat> solver; solver.compute(A); if ( != Eigen::Success) { cout << "decomposition failed" << endl; } cout << "decomposition success" << endl; cout << "begin to solve !" << endl; alpha = solver.solve(b); cout << "solve success" << endl; Mat cvAlpha; eigen2cv(Eigen::MatrixXd(alpha), cvAlpha); cvAlpha = cvAlpha.reshape(0, sz.width); cvAlpha = cvAlpha.t(); showSavePicLBDM("alpha", cvAlpha, showImgLBDM, saveImgLBDM); cvAlpha = cvAlpha*0.5 + 0.5; cvAlpha = max(min(cvAlpha, 1.0), 0.0); return cvAlpha; }
Mat solveQurdOpt(SpMat L, SpMat C, VectorXd alpha_star){ // omp_set_num_threads(1); Eigen::setNbThreads(1); cout << "solving quadratic optimization proble .............." << endl; double lambda = 0.000001; SpMat D(L.rows(), L.cols()); D.setIdentity(); SpMat b = alpha_star.sparseView(); SpMat A, alpha; A = L + C + lambda * D; b = C * b; Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMat> solver; cout << "begin to factorize A" << endl; solver.compute(A); if( != Eigen::Success) cout << "decomposition failed" << endl; else cout << "decomposition success" << endl; cout << "begin to solve !" << endl; alpha = solver.solve(b); cout << "solve success" << endl; Mat alpha_mat; eigen2cv(MatrixXd(alpha), alpha_mat); alpha_mat = alpha_mat.t(); alpha_mat = alpha_mat.reshape(0, imgSize.width).t(); alpha_mat = alpha_mat * 0.5 + 0.5; alpha_mat = max(min(alpha_mat, 1), 0); //showSavePicLBDM("alpha", alpha_mat, showImgLBDM, saveImgLBDM); return alpha_mat; }