int main()
  cout << "Testing wavelet-Galerkin solution of a Sturm b.v.p. ..." << endl;

  const unsigned int testcase=1;
  TestProblem<testcase> T;
  Function<1>* uexact = 0;
    switch(testcase) {
        case 1:
            uexact = new Function2();
        case 2:
            uexact = new Function2b();
        case 3:
            uexact = new FunctionBBCCDDU();
        case 4:
            uexact = new Function4();
        case 5:
            uexact = new Function2a();
        case 6:
            uexact = new scaledHat2a();
        case 7:
            uexact = new scaledHat2b();
        case 8:
            uexact = new scaledQuark();
    // evaluate exact solution
    const unsigned int N = 100;
    const double h = 1./N;
    Vector<double> uexact_values(N+1);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      const double point = i*h;
      uexact_values[i] = uexact->value(Point<1>(point));

  const int d  = 2;
  const int dT = 2; // be sure to use a continuous dual here, otherwise the RHS test will fail
  const int jmax = 8;
  const int pmax = 0;
#ifdef BASIS
  typedef PBasis<d,dT> Basis;
  Basis basis(1,1);
  typedef Basis::Index Index;
  const char* basis_type = "Primbs basis";
#ifdef FRAME
  typedef PQFrame<d,dT> Basis;
  Basis basis(true, true, false);
  typedef Basis::Index Index;
  const char* basis_type = "Primbs quarklet frame";
  SturmEquation<Basis> eq(T, basis);
  const int j0=eq.basis().j0();

  //nonadaptive setting
#if 0
 //Testing some entrys of the stiffness matrix
  Index mu(1,3,0,2, &basis);
  Index nu (1,3,0,2, &basis);
  double entry=eq.a(mu,nu);
  cout << "Entry in stiffness matrix A for indices " << mu << "and " << nu << ": " << entry << endl;


#if 0
  InfiniteVector<double, Index> coeffs;
  eq.RHS(1e-2, coeffs);
  cout << "- approximate coefficient set of the right-hand side:" << endl
       << coeffs << endl;


  //Implementation of the index set
  set<Index> Lambda;
#ifdef FRAME
#if 1
  int p = 0;
      for (Index lambda = eq.basis().first_generator(j0,0);;) {
	if (lambda == eq.basis().last_wavelet(jmax,pmax)) break;
        //if (i==7) break;
        if (lambda == eq.basis().last_wavelet(jmax,p)){
            lambda = eq.basis().first_generator(j0,p);
#elif 0  
      for (Index lambda = eq.basis().first_generator(j0,0);;) {
         if (lambda == eq.basis().last_generator(j0,0)) break; 
    int p = 0;
    for (Index lambda = eq.basis().first_generator(j0,0);;) {
	if (lambda == eq.basis().last_generator(j0,pmax)) break;
        if (lambda == eq.basis().last_generator(j0,p)){
            lambda = eq.basis().first_generator(j0,p);

  for (Index lambda = eq.basis().first_generator(j0);; ++lambda) {
    if (lambda == eq.basis().last_wavelet(jmax)) break;    

  //gives the index set
//     cout << "- set up stiffness matrix with respect to the index set Lambda=" << endl;
//     for (set<Index>::const_iterator it = Lambda.begin(); it != Lambda.end(); ++it)
//       cout << *it << endl;

  cout << "- set up (preconditioned) stiffness matrix (j0=" << eq.basis().j0() << ",jmax=" << jmax << ",pmax=" << pmax << ")..." << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> A;
  setup_stiffness_matrix(eq, Lambda, A);

   cout << "- writing A to the file stiffmat.m ..." << endl;
   std::ofstream Astream("stiffmat.m");
   Astream << "A=";
   print_matrix(A, Astream);
   Astream << ";" << endl;
   cout << "  ... done!" << endl;

  cout << "- set up right-hand side..." << endl;
  Vector<double> b;
  setup_righthand_side(eq, Lambda, b);
  cout << "- writing b to the file rhs.m ..." << endl;
   std::ofstream bstream("rhs.m");
   bstream << "b=";
   print_vector(b, bstream);
   bstream << ";" << endl;
   cout << "  ... done!" << endl;


  Vector<double> x(Lambda.size()), x2(Lambda.size()), err(Lambda.size()), err2(Lambda.size()); x = 0, x2 = 0;
  unsigned int iterations;
CG(A, b, x, 1e-8, 5000, iterations);

A.apply(x, err);
  //cout << "Ax " << err << endl << endl;
  err -= b;
  //cout << "residual " << err << endl;
  cout << " residual (infinity) norm " << linfty_norm(err) << endl;
#if 1
  // evaluate approximate solution on a grid
    Vector<double> u_values(N+1);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      const double point = i*h;
      int id = 0;
      for (set<Index>::const_iterator it(Lambda.begin()); it != Lambda.end(); ++it, ++id) 
	u_values[i] += x[id] * basis.evaluate(0, *it, point)*1./eq.D(*it);


    // compute some error-norms
    const double Linfty_error = linfty_norm(u_values-uexact_values);
    cout << "  L_infinity error on a subgrid: " << Linfty_error << endl;
    const double L2_error = sqrt(l2_norm_sqr(u_values-uexact_values)*h);
    cout << "  L_2 error on a subgrid: " << L2_error << endl;
//  cout << "- point values of the solution:" << endl;
  InfiniteVector<double,Index> u,v,w,testv;
  unsigned int i = 0;
  for (set<Index>::const_iterator it = Lambda.begin(); it != Lambda.end(); ++it, ++i)
    u.set_coefficient(*it, x[i]);
  //optional outputs
//  Matrix<double> evecs;
//  Vector<double> evals;
//  SymmEigenvalues(A,evals,evecs);
//  cout<< "Eigenwerte A: " << evals << endl;
//  cout << "- (preconditioned) stiffness matrix A=" << endl << A << endl;
//  cout << "- right hand side: " << b << endl << endl;
//  cout << "  point values of Galerkin solution: " << u_values << endl;
//  cout << "  point values of exact solution: " << uexact_values << endl;
//  cout << " pointwise error (exact solution): " << u_values-uexact_values << endl;
//  cout << "solution: " << endl << u << endl;
//  cout << "coarsed solution: " << endl << v << endl;
  cout << "Number of iterations: " << iterations << endl;

  /* plot solution coefficients */
  // output for Frame has to be renewed
#ifdef FRAME
#if 0
  string filenameCoefficients[4] = {"sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_0.m", "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_1.m",
  "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_2.m", "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_3.m"};
//  string filenameCoefficients[1] = {"sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_0.m"};
  for(int p=0;p<=pmax;p++){
  const char* cstr = filenameCoefficients[p].c_str();
  cout << filenameCoefficients[p] << endl;
  std::ofstream coeff_stream1 (cstr);
  coeff_stream1 << "figure;" << endl;
  plot_indices(&basis, u, jmax, coeff_stream1, p, "jet", false, true, -8);
  coeff_stream1 << "title('coefficients on the level p=" << p <<" of the test problem ("
                  << basis_type << " basis)');" << endl;
    const char* filenameCoefficients1 = "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients.m";
    std::ofstream coeff_stream1;;
    coeff_stream1 << "figure;" << endl;
    plot_indices(&basis, v, jmax, coeff_stream1, "jet", false, true, -8);
    coeff_stream1 << "title('Sturm bvp: solution coefficients of the test problem ("
                  << basis_type << ")');" << endl;
 /* plot solution*/ 
  const char* filenameSolution1 = "sturm_bvp_solution.m";  
  u.scale(&eq, -1);
  //u.set_coefficient(Index(1,3,0,1,&basis), u[Index(1,3,0,1,&basis)]+1);
//  w.set_coefficient(Index(1,3,1,1,&basis), 1);
//  basis.reconstruct(w,4,testv);
//  cout << "reconstruction: " << testv << endl;
//  cout << "scaled solution: " << endl << u << endl;
  SampledMapping<1> s(evaluate(eq.basis(), u, true, 7));
//  SampledMapping<1> s(evaluate(eq.basis(), Index(1,3,0,1,&basis), true, 7));
  std::ofstream u_stream1(filenameSolution1);
  u_stream1 << "figure;\nplot(x,y);"
            << "title('Sturm bvp: solution to test problem ("
            << basis_type << "), " << "pmax= " << pmax << ", " << "d= " << d << "');" << endl;
  //adaptive setting (CDD2)
#ifdef FRAME  
  CachedQuarkletProblem<SturmEquation<Basis> > ceq(&eq);
#ifdef BASIS
  CachedProblem<SturmEquation<Basis> > ceq(&eq);
  InfiniteVector<double, Index> F_eta;
  ceq.RHS(1e-6, F_eta);
  const double nu = ceq.norm_Ainv() * l2_norm(F_eta);
  double epsilon = 1e-6;
  InfiniteVector<double, Index> u_epsilon;
#ifdef FRAME
  CDD2_SOLVE(ceq, nu, epsilon, u_epsilon, jmax, DKR, pmax, 2, 2);
#ifdef BASIS
  CDD2_SOLVE(ceq, nu, epsilon, u_epsilon, jmax);

  // evaluate approximate solution on a grid
    Vector<double> u_values_ad(N+1);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      const double point = i*h;
      for (InfiniteVector<double, Index>::const_iterator it(u_epsilon.begin()); it != u_epsilon.end(); ++it) 
	u_values_ad[i] += *it * basis.evaluate(0, it.index(), point)*1./ceq.D(it.index());
    // compute some error-norms
    const double Linfty_error_ad = linfty_norm(u_values_ad-uexact_values);
    cout << "  L_infinity error on a subgrid (adaptive): " << Linfty_error_ad << endl;
    const double L2_error_ad = sqrt(l2_norm_sqr(u_values_ad-uexact_values)*h);
    cout << "  L_2 error on a subgrid (adaptive): " << L2_error_ad << endl;
/* plot solution coefficients */
  // output for Frame has to be renewed
#ifdef FRAME
#if 0
  string filenameCoefficients2[4] = {"sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_0_ad.m", "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_1_ad.m",
  "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_2_ad.m", "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_3_ad.m"};
//  string filenameCoefficients2[1] = {"sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_p_0_ad.m"};
  for(int p=0;p<=pmax;p++){
  const char* cstr = filenameCoefficients2[p].c_str();
  cout << filenameCoefficients2[p] << endl;
  std::ofstream coeff_stream2 (cstr);
  coeff_stream2 << "figure;" << endl;
  plot_indices(&basis, u_epsilon, jmax, coeff_stream2, p, "jet", false, true, -8);
  coeff_stream2 << "title('adaptive coefficients on the level p=" << p <<" of the test problem ("
                  << basis_type << " basis)');" << endl;
    const char* filenameCoefficients2 = "sturm_bvp_solution_coefficients_adaptive.m";
    std::ofstream coeff_stream2;;
    coeff_stream2 << "figure;" << endl;
    plot_indices(&basis, u_epsilon, jmax, coeff_stream2, "jet", false, true, -8);
    coeff_stream2 << "title('Sturm bvp: adaptive solution coefficients of the test problem ("
                  << basis_type << ")');" << endl;
//plot of the adaptive solution
  const char* filenameSolution2 = "sturm_bvp_solution_adaptive.m";  
  u_epsilon.scale(&ceq, -1);
  SampledMapping<1> s2(evaluate(ceq.basis(), u_epsilon, true, 7));
  std::ofstream u_stream2(filenameSolution2);
  u_stream2 << "figure;\nplot(x,y);"
            << "title('Sturm bvp: adaptive solution to test problem ("
            << basis_type << "), " << "pmax= " << pmax << ", " << "d= " << d << "');" << endl;

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    const int d  = 3;
    const int dT = 3;
    const int jmax = 10;
    const bool normalization = 0;//choose 1 for Laplacian
    const unsigned int testcase=5;
    PeriodicTestProblem<testcase> tper;
    Function<1>* uexact = 0;
    switch(testcase) {
        case 1:
            uexact = new Function1();
        case 2:
            uexact = new Function2();
        case 3:
            uexact = new Function3();
        case 4:
            uexact = new Function4();
        case 5:
            uexact = new Hat();    
    typedef CDFBasis<d,dT> RBasis;
    typedef PeriodicBasis<RBasis> Basis;
    typedef Basis::Index Index;
    Basis basis;
    typedef PeriodicIntervalGramian<RBasis> Problem;
    Problem G(tper, basis);
    const int j0= G.basis().j0();
#if 1
    //Plot of wavelet with coefficient mu
    Index mu(3,0,1);
    SampledMapping<1> sm1(basis.evaluate(mu, 8, normalization));
    std::ofstream u_stream1("plot_periodicwavelet.m");
    u_stream1 << "figure;\nplot(x,y);"
            << "title('periodic wavelet/generator with index: " << mu << "');" << endl;
    set<Index> Lambda;
    Vector<double> x;
  for (int j = j0; j <= jmax; j++) {
    cout << "  j=" << j << ":" << endl;
    //Implementation of the index set
    for (Index lambda = G.basis().first_generator(j0);; ++lambda) {
        if (lambda == G.basis().last_wavelet(j)) break;    
    SparseMatrix<double> A;
    cout << "- set up stiffness matrix..." << endl;
    setup_stiffness_matrix(G, Lambda, A);
    cout << "- set up right-hand side..." << endl;
    Vector<double> b;
    setup_righthand_side(G, Lambda, b);
//    cout << "- right hand side: " << b << endl << endl;
    x.resize(Lambda.size()); x = 0;
    Vector<double> residual(Lambda.size()); 
    unsigned int iterations;
    CG(A, b, x, 1e-15, 250, iterations);
    cout << "  Galerkin system solved with residual (infinity) norm ";
    A.apply(x, residual);
    residual -= b;
    cout << linfty_norm(residual)
	 << " (" << iterations << " iterations needed)" << endl;
    // evaluate approximate solution on a grid
    const unsigned int N = 100;
    const double h = 1./N;
    Vector<double> u_values(N+1);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      const double point = i*h;
      int id = 0;
      for (set<Index>::const_iterator it(Lambda.begin()); it != Lambda.end(); ++it, ++id) 
	u_values[i] += x[id] * basis.evaluate(0, *it, point, normalization);
//     cout << "  point values of Galerkin solution: " << u_values << endl;

    // evaluate exact solution
    Vector<double> uexact_values(N+1);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
      const double point = i*h;
      uexact_values[i] = uexact->value(Point<1>(point));
//     cout << "  point values of exact solution: " << uexact_values << endl;

    // compute some errors
    const double Linfty_error = linfty_norm(u_values-uexact_values);
    cout << "  L_infinity error on a subgrid: " << Linfty_error << endl;
    const double L2_error = sqrt(l2_norm_sqr(u_values-uexact_values)*h);
    cout << "  L_2 error on a subgrid: " << L2_error << endl;
    //Solution plot
    InfiniteVector<double,Index> u;
        unsigned int i = 0;
    for (set<Index>::const_iterator it = Lambda.begin(); it != Lambda.end(); ++it, ++i)
        u.set_coefficient(*it, x[i]);
//    cout << "Solution: " << endl << u << endl;    
    SampledMapping<1> sm2(basis.evaluate(u, 8, 0));
    std::ofstream u_stream2("plot_periodicsolution.m");
    u_stream2 << "figure;\nplot(x,y);"
            << "title('solution of the gramian')" << endl;
