bool HollowBall::intersects(const Line3D& line, ClosedIntervalSet& segs) const { Sphere3D s;; s.radius=outerRadius+wsEpsilon; ClosedInterval i; OpenInterval j; if(!s.intersects(line,&i.a,&i.b)) return false; //cout<<"Outer sphere intersects at "<<i.a<<","<<i.b<<endl; segs.resize(1); segs[0] = i; if(innerRadius >= 0) { s.radius=innerRadius-wsEpsilon; if(s.intersects(line,&j.a,&j.b)) { //cout<<"Inner sphere intersects at "<<j.a<<","<<j.b<<endl; ClosedInterval p,q; int num=IntervalSubtract(i,j,p,q); Assert(num==2); segs.resize(num); segs[0] = p; segs[1] = q; } } return true; }
bool Ellipsoid3D::intersects(const Segment3D& seg, Real* t1, Real* t2) const { Segment3D slocal; toLocalNormalized(seg,slocal); Sphere3D s;; s.radius = One; return s.intersects(slocal,t1,t2); }
bool Ellipsoid3D::intersects(const Line3D& l, Real* t1, Real* t2) const { Line3D llocal; toLocalNormalized(l,llocal); Sphere3D s;; s.radius = One; return s.intersects(llocal,t1,t2); }
bool Box3D::intersects(const Sphere3D& s) const { Sphere3D sloc; toLocal(,; sloc.radius = s.radius; AABB3D bbloc; bbloc.bmin.setZero(); bbloc.bmax=dims; return sloc.intersects(bbloc); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //function that checks if line segment collides with another sphere object //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Line3D::IsColliding(const Sphere3D& secondSphere) const { glm::vec3 distanceFromLine; //calculate the distance the sphere and point on line segment are apart from each other //this makes use of inner function that calculates the point on line segment closest to sphere distanceFromLine = secondSphere.GetPosition() - PointOnLine(secondSphere.GetPosition().x, secondSphere.GetPosition().y, secondSphere.GetPosition().z); //return flag based on if line segment intersects with sphere return (glm::length(distanceFromLine) <= secondSphere.GetRadius()); }
void OctreePointSet::BallQuery(const Vector3& c,Real r,vector<Vector3>& points,vector<int>& ids) const { points.resize(0); ids.resize(0); vector<int> ballnodes; BallLookup(c,r,ballnodes); Sphere3D s; = c; s.radius = r; for(size_t i=0;i<ballnodes.size();i++) { const vector<Vector3>& pts = pointLists[ballnodes[i]]; const vector<int>& bids = idLists[ballnodes[i]]; for(size_t k=0;k<pts.size();k++) if(s.contains(pts[k])) { points.push_back(pts[k]); ids.push_back(bids[k]); } } }
void WorkspaceBound::GetBounds(AABB3D& bb) const { Sphere3D s; GetBounds(s); s.getAABB(bb); }
bool TransformWidget::Hover(int x,int y,Camera::Viewport& viewport,double& distance) { Real globalScale = 1.0; if(scaleToScreen) { float sx,sy,sz; viewport.project(T.t,sx,sy,sz); globalScale = sz/viewport.scale; } distance = Inf; int oldHoverItem = hoverItem; hoverItem = -1; Ray3D r; viewport.getClickSource(x,y,r.source); viewport.getClickVector(x,y,r.direction); //check origin if(enableTranslation && enableOriginTranslation) { Sphere3D s; = T.t; s.radius = originRadius*globalScale; Real tmin,tmax; if(s.intersects(r,&tmin,&tmax)) { distance = tmin; hoverItem = 0; } } //check translation axes for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { if(!enableTranslation) break; if(!enableTranslationAxes[i]) continue; Line3D axisLine; axisLine.source = T.t; axisLine.direction = Vector3(T.R.col(i)); Real t,u; axisLine.closestPoint(r,t,u); t = Clamp(t,0.0,axisLength*globalScale); u = Clamp(u,0.0,Inf); Vector3 paxis,pray; axisLine.eval(t,paxis); r.eval(u,pray); if(paxis.distanceSquared(pray) <= Sqr(axisRadius*globalScale)) { if(u < distance) { distance = u; hoverItem = 1+i; } } } if(enableRotation) { //check rotation rings Circle3D c; = T.t; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { if(!enableRotationAxes[i]) continue; c.axis = Vector3(T.R.col(i)); c.radius = ringOuterRadius*globalScale; Real t; if(c.intersects(r,&t) && t >= 0) { c.radius = ringInnerRadius*globalScale; if(!c.intersects(r,NULL)) { if(t < distance) { distance = t; hoverItem = i+4; } } } } } if(enableRotation && enableOuterRingRotation) { //check outer ring Circle3D c; = T.t; viewport.getViewVector(c.axis); c.radius = (ringOuterRadius+arrowHeight)*globalScale; Real t; if(c.intersects(r,&t) && t >= 0) { c.radius = (ringInnerRadius+arrowHeight)*globalScale; if(!c.intersects(r,NULL)) { if(t < distance) { distance = t; hoverItem = 7; } } } clickAxis = c.axis; } if(hoverItem != oldHoverItem) Refresh(); r.eval(distance,hoverPos); return hoverItem != -1; }