Ejemplo n.º 1
OpState OpShowGuides::GetState(String_256* pUIDescription, OpDescriptor*)
	OpState OpSt;

	DocView *pDocView = DocView::GetSelected();
	if (pDocView != NULL)
		OpSt.Ticked = pDocView->GetShowGuidesState();

	Spread* pSpread = Document::GetSelectedSpread();
	if (pSpread != NULL)
		// if we have a guide layer, then make the menu item available, if not, grey it 
		//	and give a reason.
		if (pSpread->FindFirstGuideLayer() != NULL)
			OpSt.Greyed = FALSE;
			OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;
			*pUIDescription = String_256 (_R(IDS_NO_GUIDES));

	}	// if (pSpread != NULL)

	return OpSt;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void analyze(TTPOutputSet bestFront, TTPOutputSet front) {

    vector<vector<double>> solutionFront = convertTTPOutput(front);
    vector<vector<double>> trueFront = convertTTPOutput(bestFront);

    Hypervolume hv;
    double hvValue = hv.hypervolume(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());

    Spread spread;
    double spreadValue = spread.spread(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());

    InvertedGenerationalDistance igd;
    double igdValue = igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());

    Epsilon eps;
    double epsValue = eps.epsilon(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());

    cout << "hv: " << hvValue << endl;
    cout << "spread: " << spreadValue << endl;
    cout << "igd: " << igdValue << endl;
    cout << "eps: " << epsValue << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOL ScaleTab::InitSection()
TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("ScaleTab::InitSection\n"));
	ERROR2IF(pPrefsDlg == NULL,FALSE,"ScaleTab::InitSection called with no dialog pointer");

//	BOOL ReadOk = FALSE; 	// Flag to say whether the preference value was read ok 

	// Make sure the information field displaying the name of the current document
	// is correct.
	String_256	DocumentName(_R(IDT_OPTS_SCALING_INFO)); 
	DocumentName +=	*GetDocumentName();
	pPrefsDlg->SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_OPTS_INFO), DocumentName);

	// Section = Scale settings

	DocView* pSelectedView = DocView::GetSelected();
	// This may now be a valid state so must not error
	//ERROR3IF(pSelectedView == NULL,"ScaleTab::InitSection Where's the current view eh?");
	if (pSelectedView != NULL)
		Spread* pSpread = pSelectedView->GetFirstSelectedSpread();

		// If no selected spread then use the visible spread
		if (pSpread == NULL)
			pSpread = pSelectedView->GetVisibleSpread();

		// If no selected spread then use the first spread
		// Of course, this should not be here but above routines seem to return
		// null a bit too often for my liking
		if (pSpread == NULL)
TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("ScaleTab::InitSection BODGE! using 1st spread\n"));
			Document* pSelectedDoc = Document::GetSelected();
			if (pSelectedDoc !=NULL )
				pSpread = pSelectedDoc->FindFirstSpread();

		// Go and get a pointer to the scaling values
		if (pSpread != NULL)
			pDimScale = pSpread->GetPtrDimScale();
			if (pDimScale != NULL)
				// And now show the initial state of the controls given this
				// scaling 
		// If no current view then ensure section is greyed

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SelectionState::DeselectAll(BOOL RenderBlobs)
	// Find the selected objects in the tree;
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	ERROR3IF( Selected==NULL, "Selection object is null in DeselectAll()");

	// Get the selected spread
 	Spread* pSpread = Document::GetSelectedSpread();
	ERROR3IF(pSpread == NULL,"NULL selected spread");

	// Make sure that we have a spread and a selection
	if (pSpread == NULL || Selected == NULL)

	// Find first selected node

#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	Node* pFirstSelectedNode = Selected->FindFirst();
	// If there is a selection, EOR blobs off, deselect nodes, and inform everybody
	if (pFirstSelectedNode != NULL && RenderBlobs)
		// Go though and render all the EOR blobs off the screen

		// Find the Blob Manager
		BlobManager* BlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
		ENSURE( BlobMgr!=NULL, "Blob Manager unexpectedly not there.");

		// Render all the blobs
		BlobMgr->RenderOff(NULL, pFirstSelectedNode->FindParentSpread());

		Tool* pTool = Tool::GetCurrent();
		// Get the tool to remove all its blobs before we deselect the nodes.
		// Only do this if the current tool dosent update itself on sel changed messages
		if (pSpread!=NULL && pTool!=NULL && !pTool->AreToolBlobsRenderedOnSelection())


	// Selection cache is no longer valid, so update and tell everyone that it has changed

	// *Note*, This used to be 'Selected->Update(TRUE)', but I (Will) removed the TRUE, so
	// that a message is NOT broadcast.  This should only be called from an operation,
	// and the op will send a message when it ends.

Ejemplo n.º 5
void OpShowGuides::Do(OpDescriptor*)
	DocView *pDocView = DocView::GetSelected();

	if (pDocView != NULL)

		Spread* pSpread = Document::GetSelectedSpread();
		Document* pDoc  = Document::GetSelected();
		if (pSpread != NULL && pDoc != NULL)
			Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstGuideLayer();
			if (pLayer != NULL)


Ejemplo n.º 6
BOOL OpNudge::IsNudgeOK(BOOL dx,BOOL dy)
    // Get the selection
    SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
    ERROR2IF(pSel == NULL,FALSE,"Awooga, NULL sel range");

    // Find out the bounding rectangle of the selection
    DocRect BoundingRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect();

    // Find out the Pasteboard rect
    DocRect PasteRect;
    Spread* pSpread = pOurDoc->GetSelectedSpread();
    if (pSpread==NULL)
        PasteRect = BoundingRect;
        // Try to make the pasteboard grow if necessary to include the new object position
        // This is very quick if the pasteboard is large enough already.

        // And re-read the bounding rectangle of the selection, as the pasteboard resize may have
        // caused the origin of our entire coordinate space to have moved! Argh!
        BoundingRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect();
//		BoundingRect.Translate(dx,dy);

        // This is in Document Coords, so we need to convert it
        PasteRect = pSpread->GetPasteboardRect();

    // Assume the nudge will be OK.
    BOOL NudgeOK = TRUE;

    if (PasteRect.ContainsRect(BoundingRect))
        // Untranslated bounds fit inside pasteboard rect, so we must complain if the bounds
        // do not fit *after* translation

        // Translate the bounds by the nudge values

        // Do the translated bounds still fit entirely in the pasteboard rect?
        NudgeOK = PasteRect.ContainsRect(BoundingRect);
        // The original bounds overlap the pasteboard rect, so we must complain if the user
        // nudges the bounds completely out of sight

        if (PasteRect.IsIntersectedWith(BoundingRect))
            // The original bounds intersect with the pasteboard rect

            // Only allow the nudge if the translated bounds still overlap with the spread.
            NudgeOK = PasteRect.IsIntersectedWith(BoundingRect);

    // If the nudge is OK, we may need to scroll the DocView?

    /*	Jim, 12/9/96 - removed this because we don't want to scroll to show opn nudges

    	if (NudgeOK)
    		DocCoord Coord(0,0);

    		// If nudging left or right, pick the min or max X coord
    		if (dx != 0)
    			if (dx < 0)
    				Coord.x = BoundingRect.lox;
    				Coord.x = BoundingRect.hix;

    		// If nudging up or down, pick the max or min Y coord
    		if (dy != 0)
    			if (dy < 0)
    				Coord.y = BoundingRect.loy;
    				Coord.y = BoundingRect.hiy;

    		// If we have picked a coord, ensure that this coord is visible in the selected spread
    		// of the selected DocView
    		if (Coord != DocCoord(0,0))
    			DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetSelected();
    			if (pDocView != NULL)
    return NudgeOK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
BOOL ScaleTab::CommitSection()
TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("commit Scale section\n"));
	ERROR3IF(pPrefsDlg == NULL, "ScaleTab::CommitSection called with no dialog pointer");

	BOOL ok = pPrefsDlg->TalkToPage(_R(IDD_OPTSTAB_SCALE));	// The Scale tab identifier
	if (!ok)
		return TRUE;	// Talk to View failed to return now

	// Ok has been pressed so take the values from this section of the dialog box
	// Takes the values in the dialog and sets the DimScale object accordingly.
	BOOL Valid=TRUE;		// Flag for validity of value
//	BOOL State=FALSE;		// Flag for state of button/switch
	BOOL SetOk=TRUE;		// Preference value set ok

	// Section = Scale settings

	// Now check that we have the selected view still, just in case it has switched
	// without us being told about it or even we have no current document/view.
	// This may be a valid state now, so do not complain about it. 
	DocView* pCurrentView = DocView::GetSelected();
	if (pCurrentView != NULL)
		// Only if there is a current view do we read the values.
		String_256 DrawingStr;
		String_256 RealStr;
		//TCHAR* pDrawingStr = DrawingStr;
		//TCHAR* pRealStr = RealStr;
		BOOL Active;

		// Get the values from the dialog box
		Active 		= pPrefsDlg->GetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_OPTS_USESCALEFACTOR),0,1,0, &Valid);
		DrawingStr  = pPrefsDlg->GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_OPTS_DRAWINGSCALE), &Valid);
		RealStr 	= pPrefsDlg->GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_OPTS_REALSCALE), &Valid);

		Spread* pSpread = pCurrentView->GetFirstSelectedSpread();
		// If no selected spread then use the visible spread
		if (pSpread == NULL)
			pSpread = pCurrentView->GetVisibleSpread();

		// Only do the chnage if we have a valid spread pointer and we have changed something.
		if ( (pSpread != NULL) &&
			 	(OldActiveState != Active) ||
			 	(OldDrawingStr != DrawingStr) ||
			 	(OldRealStr != RealStr)
			pDimScale = pSpread->GetPtrDimScale();
			if (pDimScale != NULL)
				// Only if active is set do we need to try and set new strings
				// and hence a new drawing scale
				if (Active)
					// Dim Scales can only be 32 characters long
					String_32 DrawingStr32 = _T("");
					String_32 RealStr32 = _T("");
					// Check if read in strings are longer than this
					if (DrawingStr.Length() > DrawingStr32.MaxLength())
						return FALSE;
					if (RealStr.Length() > RealStr32.MaxLength())
						return FALSE;

					RealStr32 = RealStr;
					DrawingStr32 = DrawingStr;

					// Try and set these strings as new drawing and real scales strings
					SetOk = pDimScale->SetDrawingScaleStr(DrawingStr32);
					if (!SetOk)
						return FALSE;

					SetOk = SetOk && pDimScale->SetRealScaleStr(RealStr32);
					if (!SetOk)
						return FALSE;
					// Now try to convert these into a new scaling factor
					if (SetOk)
						SetOk = SetOk && pDimScale->SetScaleFactor();
					// If we failed in any of the conversions then warn the user and fail
					if (!SetOk)
						return FALSE;
				// Set up a possibly new active state


			// Now tell other users of units/scaling factors that there they are likely
			// to need to update any currently displayed units. 
			Document *pCurrentDoc = (Document *)pSpread->FindOwnerDoc();
			BROADCAST_TO_ALL(OptionsChangingMsg(pCurrentDoc, OptionsChangingMsg::NEWUNITS));
// unfortunately pScopeDoc is NULL!, and since pCurrentDoc is calulated I thought it ought to use! - Ed 17/10/95
//			BROADCAST_TO_ALL(OptionsChangingMsg(pScopeDocument, OptionsChangingMsg::OptionsState::NEWUNITS));

			// Make sure the document is marked as modified.
			// And note the new states
			OldActiveState = Active;
			OldDrawingStr = DrawingStr;
			OldRealStr = RealStr;
//	else
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ExperimentReport::generateQualityIndicators() {

  if ((!isSingleObjective_) && (paretoFrontDirectory_.empty())) {

  // TODO: Check if it is possible to use QualityIndicator class instead each independent class.
  // Problem: knowing number of objectives of each problem

  if (indicatorList_.size() > 0) {

    cout << "PF file: " << paretoFrontDirectory_ << endl;

    for (int algorithmIndex=0; algorithmIndex<algorithmNameList_.size(); algorithmIndex++) {

      string algorithmDirectory;
      algorithmDirectory = experimentBaseDirectory_ + "/data/" + algorithmNameList_[algorithmIndex] + "/";

      for (int problemIndex=0; problemIndex<problemList_.size(); problemIndex++) {

        string problemDirectory = algorithmDirectory + problemList_[problemIndex];
        string paretoFrontPath;

        if (!isSingleObjective_) {

          if (paretoFrontDirectory_.empty()) {

            string referenceFrontDirectory = experimentBaseDirectory_ + "/referenceFronts";
            paretoFrontPath = referenceFrontDirectory + "/" + problemList_[problemIndex] + ".rf";

          } else {
            paretoFrontPath = paretoFrontDirectory_ + "/" + paretoFrontFile_[problemIndex];
          } // if

        } // if

        for (int indicatorIndex = 0; indicatorIndex < indicatorList_.size(); indicatorIndex++) {

          resetFile(problemDirectory + "/" + indicatorList_[indicatorIndex]);

          if (indicatorList_[indicatorIndex].compare("FIT")==0) {

            string solutionFrontFile = problemDirectory + "/FUN";
            string qualityIndicatorFile = problemDirectory;

            Fitness * indicators = new Fitness();
            vector< vector<double> > solutionFront =
            qualityIndicatorFile = qualityIndicatorFile + "/FIT";
            indicators->fitness(solutionFront, qualityIndicatorFile);
            delete indicators;

          } else {

            for (int numRun=0; numRun<independentRuns_; numRun++) {

              stringstream outputParetoFrontFilePath;
              outputParetoFrontFilePath << problemDirectory << "/FUN_" << numRun;
              string solutionFrontFile = outputParetoFrontFilePath.str();
              string qualityIndicatorFile = problemDirectory;
              double value;

              cout << "ExperimentReport: Quality indicator: " << indicatorList_[indicatorIndex] << endl;

              if (indicatorList_[indicatorIndex].compare("HV")==0) {

                Hypervolume * indicators = new Hypervolume();
                vector< vector<double> > solutionFront =
                vector< vector<double> > trueFront =
                value = indicators->hypervolume(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());
                delete indicators;
                qualityIndicatorFile = qualityIndicatorFile + "/HV";
              if (indicatorList_[indicatorIndex].compare("SPREAD")==0) {
                Spread * indicators = new Spread();
                vector< vector<double> > solutionFront =
                vector< vector<double> > trueFront =
                value = indicators->spread(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());
                delete indicators;
                qualityIndicatorFile = qualityIndicatorFile + "/SPREAD";
              if (indicatorList_[indicatorIndex].compare("IGD")==0) {
                InvertedGenerationalDistance * indicators = new InvertedGenerationalDistance();
                vector< vector<double> > solutionFront =
                vector< vector<double> > trueFront =
                value = indicators->invertedGenerationalDistance(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());
                delete indicators;
                qualityIndicatorFile = qualityIndicatorFile + "/IGD";
              if (indicatorList_[indicatorIndex].compare("EPSILON")==0) {
                Epsilon * indicators = new Epsilon();
                vector< vector<double> > solutionFront =
                vector< vector<double> > trueFront =
                value = indicators->epsilon(solutionFront, trueFront, trueFront[0].size());
                delete indicators;
                qualityIndicatorFile = qualityIndicatorFile + "/EPSILON";

              cout << "ExperimentReport: Quality indicator file: " << qualityIndicatorFile << endl;

              if (qualityIndicatorFile.compare(problemDirectory)!=0) {
                std::fstream out(qualityIndicatorFile.c_str(),
                    std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
                out << value << endl;
              } // if

            } // for

          } // if
        } // for
      } // for
    } // for
  } // if
} // generateQualityIndicators
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: spread.cpp Proyecto: olyd/st
void *StartSpreadThread(void *arg)
	Spread *spread = (Spread *)arg;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10

>	BOOL AIBitmapProcessor::DecodeXI( AI5EPSFilter& filter )

	Author:		Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	23/03/00
	Returns:	TRUE if the definition was processed, 
				FALSE if not used by this filter..
	Purpose:	Decodes the EPS XI, bitmap definition in an Illustrator 5 file

	The format of the operator is:

	[ a b c d tx ty ] llx lly urx ury h w bits ImageType AlphaChannelCount reserved bin-ascii ImageMask XI

BOOL AIBitmapProcessor::DecodeXI( AI5EPSFilter& filter )
	// Graeme (18/4/00) - This code isn't very pretty, but it's necessary because of the way
	// in which the bitmap is stored. If I try a GetCoordPair () to get the bitmap positions,
	// the image will be misrendered because the transformation should take place due to the
	// tx and ty components of the matrix. Note also that the bitmap's position in Adobe
	// Illustrator is taken from the top left corner, whilst we use the bottom left.

	// Get the page origin.

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - Declare variables to get the origin of the page within Camelot's
	// co-ordinate space.
	Document	*pDocument	= filter.GetDocument ();
	Spread		*pSpread	= pDocument->FindFirstSpread ();
	Page		*pPage		= pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread ();
	DocCoord	Origin		= pPage->GetPageRect ().lo;

	// decode the bitmap parameters

	Matrix ImageMatrix;
	DocCoord Translation;

	INT32 h, w, bits, ImageType, AlphaChannelCount, reserved, bin_ascii, ImageMask;
	INT32 llx, lly, urx, ury;

	INT32 nLength = 0;
	INT32 nLineLength = 0;
	INT32 nMaxLineOffset = 0;

	INT32 nChannels = 0;

	NodeBitmap* pNodeBitmap = NULL;
	DocCoord p;

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - I've replaced the Pop with PopCoordPair for extracting the
	// bounding co-ordinates of the bitmap. This means that they will be scaled up
	// into the Xara co-ordinate space. I've also reversed the popping of h and w
	// from the stack - their order is incorrect in the AI documentation.
	if (	!filter.GetStack().Pop(&ImageMask) 	  || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&bin_ascii) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&reserved) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&AlphaChannelCount) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&ImageType) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&bits) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&h) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&w) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&ury) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&urx) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&lly) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&llx) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop( &ImageMatrix, TRUE )
		goto EPSError;

	// create space for the tentative bitmap

	//	ImageType gives the number of channels per pixel
	//	bits is the bits per channel
	//	However we will convert CMYK bitmaps to RGB

	switch ( ImageType )
		case 1:	// greyscale
			nChannels = 1;
		case 3:	// rgb
			nChannels = 3;
		case 4:	// CMYK
			nChannels = 3;
		default: // unknown
			goto EPSError;

	mpNewBitmap = new KernelBitmap( w, h, bits * nChannels, 96 );
	if ( !mpNewBitmap )
		goto EPSError;

	//	We can import greyscale bitmaps as well

	if ( ImageType == 1 )

	// get the binary data

	nLength = mpNewBitmap->GetActualBitmap()->GetBitmapSize();
	nLineLength = mpNewBitmap->GetActualBitmap()->GetScanlineSize();
	nMaxLineOffset = (( w * mpNewBitmap->GetActualBitmap()->GetBPP() ) / 8) - 1;

	if ( !ReadImageData( filter, ImageType, mpNewBitmap->GetBitmapBits(), nLength, nLineLength, nMaxLineOffset ) )
		goto EPSError;

	//	insert the image into the document

	// Get a new NodeBitmap object to import into. Don't know what the 12,12 bit does
	pNodeBitmap = new NodeBitmap;

	if ( !pNodeBitmap || !pNodeBitmap->SetUpPath(12,12) )
		goto EPSError;

	pNodeBitmap->GetBitmapRef()->Attach( mpNewBitmap, filter.GetDocument() );

	//	set up the bounds of the shape containing the bitmap

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - Adjust the values of lly and ury before they're transformed.
	lly -= h * EPSScaleFactor;
	ury -= h * EPSScaleFactor;

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - Modify the matrix to place the bitmap in the correct place.
	ImageMatrix.GetTranslation ( Translation );		// Extract the translation component.
	Translation += Origin;							// Add the page origin to it.
	ImageMatrix.SetTranslation ( Translation );		// And reset the value in the matrix.

	// Graeme (17/4/00) - Colin overlooked setting up the bounding parallelogram when he
	// wrote this code, and I've just added this.
	p.x = llx;
	p.y = ury;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertMoveTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [0] = p;

	p.x = urx;
	p.y = ury;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [1] = p;

	p.x = urx;
	p.y = lly;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [2] = p;

	p.x = llx;
	p.y = lly;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [3] = p;

	p.x = llx;
	p.y = ury;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );


	// Graeme (18/4/00) - It is necessary to set the default attributes up for a
	// new node bitmap before inserting it into the tree. Otherwise it's rendered
	// as a greyscale image, even if it is colour, because there's a start colour
	// value set.
	pNodeBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs ( NULL );

	filter.AddNewNode( pNodeBitmap );

	return TRUE;

	if ( mpNewBitmap )
		delete mpNewBitmap;
		mpNewBitmap = 0;

	return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 11

>	void OpMoveToLayer::Do(OpDescriptor*)

	Author:		Simon_Knight (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**> 
	Created:	3/5/00
	Purpose:	This takes the selection and moves it to the active layer. This is a more
				powerful operation than the move forward/backward a layer

void OpMoveToLayer::Do(OpDescriptor*)
	if (DoStartSelOp(FALSE,TRUE))
		// get the selection
		Range Sel(*(GetApplication()->FindSelection()));

		// set the range flags so it includes shadow and bevel manager nodes
		RangeControl rg = Sel.GetRangeControlFlags();
		rg.PromoteToParent = TRUE;

		// Prepare an ObjChangeParam so we can mark which nodes will allow this op to happen to them
		ObjChangeFlags cFlags;
		cFlags.MoveNode = TRUE;
		ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,this);

		// add items directly after the layer node as its first child
		Node * pTail = (Node *) (Document::GetCurrent()->GetInsertionPosition());
		AttachNodeDirection TailAttachDirection = PREV;
		Spread* pSpread = Document::GetSelectedSpread();

		if (!pTail)
			if (pSpread)
				pTail = pSpread->FindActiveLayer();
				// AttachNodeDirection TailAttachDirection = LASTCHILD; <--- AMB removed this and inserted the next line 2006-04-10 presuming bug
				TailAttachDirection = LASTCHILD;
				return; // nowhere to put the nodes

		// Mark nodes that will allow this to happen, and error if no nodes will let it happen
		if (!Sel.AllowOp(&ObjChange))
			return; // op not allowed

		// get a list from which to move the nodes (fixes job #10781 - the re-selection of 
		// moved nodes caused an infinite loop)

		List* pNodeList = Sel.MakeListOfNodes(FALSE);
		NodeListItem* CurItem = (NodeListItem*)(pNodeList->GetHead());
		while (CurItem)
			Node* pNode = CurItem->pNode;

			// Make sure the current owner Layer is told about the changes
			// and given the chance to release any cached info it may be
			// holding about the selected object
			// (I know that the original position coincides with the destination position
			//  but this is hte simplest way to get the original parent layer uncached
			//  and to get a record in the undo history so that the layer cacheing will
			//  be dealt with properly during gundo/redo)
			DoInvalidateNodeRegion((NodeRenderableBounded*) pNode, TRUE, FALSE);

			// localise attribs for this node
			DoLocaliseForAttrChange((NodeRenderableInk*) pNode, (AttrTypeSet *)NULL, (ObjectSet*) NULL);
			DoMoveNode(pNode, pTail, TailAttachDirection);
			// factor out common attribs
			if (pNode->IsCompound())
				DoFactorOutCommonChildAttributes((NodeRenderableInk*) pNode);
				DoFactorOutAfterAttrChange((NodeRenderableInk*) pNode, (AttrTypeSet *)NULL);

			// make the nodes region be redrawn
			DoInvalidateNodeRegion((NodeRenderableBounded*) pNode, TRUE, FALSE);

			CurItem = (NodeListItem*)(pNodeList->GetNext(CurItem));
		// delete the the list objects 
		delete pNodeList;

		// the selection will have changed - after all we just deleted it

		// end the op

		// update the bars
		// give up and go home
Ejemplo n.º 12

>	BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapIntoDocument(UndoableOperation *pOp, KernelBitmap* KernelBmp, Document* DestDoc)

	Author:		Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	11/6/96
	Purpose:	Exports the current selection as a bitmap, via the virtual fns of the
				inherited class.
	Returns:	TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
	SeeAlso:	GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; ExportRenderNodes; CleanUpAfterExport;

BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapIntoDocument(UndoableOperation *pOp, KernelBitmap* KernelBmp, Document* DestDoc)
	Spread *pSpread;
	DocCoord Origin;

	// Remember the selection rect, before we change it
	DocRect SelRect = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetBoundingRect();

	// For now, position Draw objects on 1st page of spread 1
PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
	pSpread = GetFirstSpread(DestDoc);
	Page *pPage = (Page *) pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread();
		   "MakeBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapIntoDocument: Could not find first Page");

	// Use bottom left of page as origin
	DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect();
	Origin.x = PageRect.lo.x;
	Origin.y = PageRect.hi.y;

	// Get a new NodeBitmap object to import into.
	NodeBitmap *pNodeBitmap = new NodeBitmap;
	if ((pNodeBitmap == NULL) || (!pNodeBitmap->SetUpPath(12,12)))
		return FALSE;

	// Attach the Imported Bitmap to our Node
	pNodeBitmap->GetBitmapRef()->Attach(KernelBmp, DestDoc); //GetDocument());
	if (pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap() != KernelBmp)
		delete KernelBmp; // It didn't use the bitmap we gave it, so we can delete it

	// Import worked - try to add the bitmap object into the tree.
	// First, set the rectangle to the right size for the bitmap...
	BitmapInfo Info;

	DocRect BoundsRect;
	BoundsRect.lo = Origin;
	BoundsRect.hi.x = BoundsRect.lo.x + Info.RecommendedWidth;
	BoundsRect.hi.y = BoundsRect.lo.y + Info.RecommendedHeight;

	// And set this in our bitmap node

	// Make sure that there is a layer to put the bitmap onto
	if (!MakeSureLayerExists(DestDoc))
		// There is no layer and one could not be made, so we will have to fail
		delete pNodeBitmap;
		return FALSE;

	// Set the default attrs
	// This MUST be done before the NodeBitmap is Inserted into the tree
	if (!pNodeBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs(pOp))
		return FALSE;

	// Insert the node, but don't invalidate its region
	if (!pOp->DoInsertNewNode(pNodeBitmap, pSpread, FALSE))
		// It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created, and report error.
		delete pNodeBitmap;
		return FALSE;

	// bitmap is currently positioned so its bottom left hand
	// corner is at the top left of the page

	// By default we'll move it down so the top-left of the bitmap is on the top-left of the page
	INT32 XTranslate = 0;
	INT32 YTranslate = -Info.RecommendedHeight;

	ClickModifiers ClickMods = ClickModifiers::GetClickModifiers();

	if (ClickMods.Adjust && !SelRect.IsEmpty())
		// If shift is down, then we'll try and place the bitmap exactly on top of the selection
		DocCoord SelectionCentre(SelRect.lo.x + (SelRect.Width()/2), SelRect.lo.y + (SelRect.Height()/2));

		XTranslate = SelectionCentre.x - Origin.x - (Info.RecommendedWidth/2);
		YTranslate = SelectionCentre.y - Origin.y - (Info.RecommendedHeight/2);
		// Otherwise we'll try and centre it within the current view
		Spread* pCurrentSpread;
		DocCoord ViewCentre;

		if (FindCentreInsertionPosition(&pCurrentSpread, &ViewCentre))
/*	Karim 19/01/2000
 *	Ensure that the bmp is pixel-aligned as close to the centre as possible.
			XTranslate = ViewCentre.x - Origin.x - (Info.RecommendedWidth/2);
			YTranslate = ViewCentre.y - Origin.y - (Info.RecommendedHeight/2);
			DocCoord PixAlignBmpOrigin(	ViewCentre.x - Info.RecommendedWidth/2,
										ViewCentre.y - Info.RecommendedHeight/2 );
			INT32			FullDPI		= GRenderRegion::GetDefaultDPI();
			MILLIPOINT	PixWidth	= (INT32)((IN_MP_VAL / (double)FullDPI) + 0.5);
			PixAlignBmpOrigin.x -= PixAlignBmpOrigin.x % PixWidth;
			PixAlignBmpOrigin.y -= PixAlignBmpOrigin.y % PixWidth;
			XTranslate = PixAlignBmpOrigin.x - Origin.x;
			YTranslate = PixAlignBmpOrigin.y - Origin.y;

	Trans2DMatrix Xlate(XTranslate, YTranslate);

	// Ensure Sel Bounds are correct after translation

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
BOOL ScreenCamView::OnDrop(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point)
	if (!m_DropFormatOK || pDataObject == NULL)
		return FALSE;

//	Document* pSelDoc = Document::GetSelected();

	Document* pClipDoc = InternalClipboard::Instance();
	if (pClipDoc != NULL)

		// If there is *still* a format on the external clip board we like, then it's ok to drop
		CLIPFORMAT ClipFormat = ExternalClipboard::GetBestPasteFormat(pDataObject);
		ExternalClipboard* pExtClipBoard = ExternalClipboard::GetExternalClipboard();

		if (ClipFormat != 0 && pExtClipBoard !=NULL && pExtClipBoard->PrepareForOlePaste(pDataObject))
			DocView *pDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();

			if (pDocView != NULL)
				// Make the drop point a WinCoord so we can turn it into an oil coord
				WinCoord DropPoint(point.x,point.y);

				// Turn it into Oil coordinates...
				OilCoord OilPos = DropPoint.ToOil(pDocView);

				// Find the spread that contains the coord
				Spread* pSpread = pDocView->FindEnclosingSpread(OilPos);
				if (pSpread != NULL)
					// First of all convert the OilCoord into device coords
					DocCoord Centre = OilPos.ToDoc(pSpread, pDocView);
					// Translate the coord to spread coords

					// 'Centre' now contains the centre point for the paste, in spread coords

						// Wrap all this in a TRY/CATCH block so that if OLE throws a wobbly, we can
						// ensure that the clipboard remains intacted on exit.

						// Copy the selection to the drag'n'drop clipboard.
						OpDescriptor* pOp = OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor(OPTOKEN_PASTE);
						ERROR3IF(!pOp, "No paste operation in ScreenCamView::OnDrop");

						if (pOp != NULL)
							InsertionNode* pInsertNode = pClipDoc->GetInsertionPosition();
							if (pInsertNode != NULL)
								delete pInsertNode;
								pInsertNode = NULL;

							// create a param object that contains the centre point in the spread at which
							// we would like the objects to be pasted
							OpParamPasteAtPosition Param(pSpread,Centre);

							// Call the paste op via its DoWithParams() funtion
						if (m_ClipBoardSwapped = FALSE)
//							TRACEUSER( "Markn", _T("Swapping back to clipboard doc (Catch in ScreenCamView::OnDrop())\n"));
Ejemplo n.º 14
void BitmapEffectAtom::Test2(UndoableOperation * Op)
	Range Sel(*(GetApplication()->FindSelection()));

	Node* FirstSelectedNode = Sel.FindFirst(); 
	if (FirstSelectedNode != NULL) // No nodes selected so End
	    Node* CurrentNode = FirstSelectedNode;       
	    Node* NextCurrent; 
	    // Do all bitmaps
		while ((CurrentNode != NULL) && CarryOn)
			NextCurrent = Sel.FindNext(CurrentNode);
	       	if  ( (CurrentNode->IsSelected()) && (CurrentNode->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeBitmap)) ) 
				KernelBitmap * pBitmap = ((NodeBitmap *)(CurrentNode))->GetBitmap();
				BitmapInfo BMInfo;
				UINT32 bpp;
  				TRACEUSER( "Alex", _T("Bitmap found %d bpp\n"),bpp);

				if ((bpp==32) || TRUE)
					CarryOn = FALSE;
					NodeBitmap *pNodeBitmap = new NodeBitmap;
					if ((pNodeBitmap == NULL) || (!pNodeBitmap->SetUpPath(12,12)))

					Spread *pSpread;
					DocCoord Origin;

					// For now, position Draw objects on 1st page of spread 1
					Node *pNode = (Document::GetSelected())->GetFirstNode()->FindNext()->FindFirstChild();
					while ((pNode != NULL) && (!pNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(Chapter))))
						pNode = pNode->FindNext();
						   "Filter::GetFirstSpread(): Could not find Chapter");
					Chapter *pChapter = (Chapter *) pNode;
					// pSpread is a child of pChapter
					pSpread = (Spread *) pChapter->FindFirstChild();
						   "Filter::GetFirstSpread(): Could not find Spread");

					Page *pPage = (Page *) pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread();
						   "BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport(): Could not find first Page");
					// Use bottom left of page as origin
					DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect();
					Origin = PageRect.lo;
					KernelBitmap* kb = new KernelBitmap(BMInfo.PixelWidth,BMInfo.PixelHeight,32,100);
					// Get a new bitmap object for this node.
					if (pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap() != kb)
						// It didn't use the bitmap we gave it, so we can delete it
						delete kb;
					ENSURE(pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap()->ActualBitmap != NULL, "No bitmap object found!");
					// Import worked - try to add the bitmap object into the tree.
					// First, set the rectangle to the right size for the bitmap...
					BitmapInfo Info;

					DocRect BoundsRect;
					BoundsRect.lo = Origin;
					BoundsRect.hi.x = BoundsRect.lo.x + Info.RecommendedWidth;
					BoundsRect.hi.y = BoundsRect.lo.y + Info.RecommendedHeight;

					// And set this in our bitmap node

					// Apply some default attrs for the bitmap
					// This Must be done before the NodeBitmap is inserted into the tree
					if (!pNodeBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs(Op))
					// Insert the node, but don't invalidate its region
					if (!Op->DoInsertNewNode(pNodeBitmap, pSpread, FALSE))
						// It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created, and report error.
						delete pNodeBitmap;
					// Invalidate the region
					Op->DoInvalidateNodeRegion(pNodeBitmap, TRUE, FALSE);

					// Right, now we're going to do some processing...
					BitmapEffectBase * pEffect;

					pEffect=new /*TestBitmapEffect*/ BitmapEffectSILT;




			CurrentNode = NextCurrent; 


//	if (CarryOn) BitmapEffectSILT::RunA();

Ejemplo n.º 15
void OpAlign::DoWithParam(OpDescriptor* pOp, OpParam* pAlignParam)
	// DMc alterations so that this works with compound nodes	
	SelRange   Selection(*(GetApplication()->FindSelection()));

	RangeControl rg = Selection.GetRangeControlFlags();
	rg.PromoteToParent = TRUE;

	DocRect		SelRect   = Selection.GetBoundingRect();
	DocRect		TargetRect;
	INT32        NumObjs   = Selection.Count();
	AlignParam* pAlign    =(AlignParam*)pAlignParam;

	BOOL moved=FALSE;					// set to TRUE if any object is moved
	BOOL OK=DoStartTransOp(FALSE);

	// find parent spread of first object in selection
	Node*   pFirstNode=NULL;
	Spread* pSpread   =NULL;
	if (OK)
		if (pFirstNode!=NULL)
		if (!OK)
			ERROR2RAW("OpAlign::DoWithParam() - could not find parent spread");

	// Find the size of the target rectangle
	if (pAlign->target==ToSelection)
		Page* pPage=pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread();
		while (pPage)
			DocRect PageRect=pPage->GetPageRect();
			if (pAlign->target==ToSpread || SelRect.IsIntersectedWith(PageRect))

	// allocate all dynamic memory required
	Node**	 pObj=NULL;
	ObjInfo* x   =NULL;
	ObjInfo* y   =NULL;
	INT32*    dx  =NULL;
	INT32*    dy  =NULL;
	if (OK)			ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(pObj,(Node**)  CCMalloc(NumObjs*sizeof(Node*)),  this);
	if (pObj!=NULL)	ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(x,   (ObjInfo*)CCMalloc(NumObjs*sizeof(ObjInfo)),this);
	if (   x!=NULL) ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(y,   (ObjInfo*)CCMalloc(NumObjs*sizeof(ObjInfo)),this);
	if (   y!=NULL) ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(dx,  (INT32*)   CCMalloc(NumObjs*sizeof(INT32)),   this);
	if (  dx!=NULL) ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(dy,  (INT32*)   CCMalloc(NumObjs*sizeof(INT32)),   this);

	// if memory claimed OK and target rect not empty proceed with op
	// (ie. do nothing if 'within page(s)' when no object on a page)
	DocRect EmptyRect;
	if (OK && TargetRect!=EmptyRect)
		// create an array of pointers to objects (nodes) to be affected
		Node* pNode=Selection.FindFirst();
		INT32  i=0;
		while (pNode!=NULL)
			if (pNode->IsBounded() && !((NodeRenderableBounded*)pNode)->GetBoundingRect(TRUE).IsEmpty())

		// cache x & y info in separate arrays so they can be sorted separately
		XLONG SumObjWidths =0;
		XLONG SumObjHeights=0;
		for (i=0; i<NumObjs; i++)
			DocRect ObjRect=((NodeRenderableBounded*)pObj[i])->GetBoundingRect();

		// for each object, calculate the x and y displacements independently
		AlignOneAxis(pAlign->h,NumObjs,SumObjWidths, TargetRect.lo.x,TargetRect.hi.x,x,dx);

		// apply the x and y displacements simultaneously to each object
		for (i=0; i<NumObjs; i++)
			if (dx[i]!=0 || dy[i]!=0)
				Trans2DMatrix* pMatrix=new Trans2DMatrix(dx[i],dy[i]);

	// free up any memory which was allocated

	if (moved)
		Document::GetSelected()->ForceRedraw(pSpread, TargetRect);