Ejemplo n.º 1
// Shortcut to test if a table exists.
bool Database::tableExists ( const char* apTableName )
    Statement query ( *this, "SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?" );
    query.bind ( 1, apTableName );
    ( void ) query.executeStep(); // Cannot return false, as the above query always return a result
    const int Nb = query.getColumn ( 0 );
    return ( 1 == Nb );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Shortcut to execute a one step query and fetch the first column of the result.
// WARNING: Be very careful with this dangerous method: you have to
// make a COPY OF THE result, else it will be destroy before the next line
// (when the underlying temporary Statement and Column objects are destroyed)
// this is an issue only for pointer type result (ie. char* and blob)
// (use the Column copy-constructor)
Column Database::execAndGet ( const char* apQuery )
    Statement query ( *this, apQuery );
    ( void ) query.executeStep(); // Can return false if no result, which will throw next line in getColumn()
    return query.getColumn ( 0 );