Ejemplo n.º 1
/*! @brief Calculates the difference between the current state and the stationary object
    @param theObject the stationary field object you want the relative coordinates
    @return the difference between the current field state and theObject, otherwise known as the relative location of theObject [distance, bearing]
std::vector<float> Self::CalculateDifferenceFromStationaryObject(const StationaryObject& theObject)
    std::vector<float> fieldlocation(2,0);
    fieldlocation[0] = theObject.X();
    fieldlocation[1] = theObject.Y();
    return CalculateDifferenceFromFieldLocation(fieldlocation);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*! @brief Calculate the distance to a stationary object */
float Self::CalculateDistanceToStationaryObject(const StationaryObject& theObject)
    float selfX = WorldModelLocation[0];
    float selfY = WorldModelLocation[1];
    float diffX = theObject.X() - selfX;
    float diffY = theObject.Y() - selfY;
    float distance = sqrt( diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY );
    return distance;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*! @brief Calculate the bearing to a stationary object */
float Self::CalculateBearingToStationaryObject(const StationaryObject& theObject)
    float selfX = WorldModelLocation[0];
    float selfY = WorldModelLocation[1];
    float selfHeading = WorldModelLocation[2];
    float diffX = theObject.X() - selfX;
    float diffY = theObject.Y() - selfY;
    float positionHeading = atan2(diffY, diffX);
    float bearing = normaliseAngle(positionHeading - selfHeading);
    return bearing;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/*! @brief Calculates the angular width (in radians) of the goal from the mobile object */
float Self::CalculateAngularWidthOfGoalFromMobileObject(const StationaryObject& goalpost, const MobileObject& mobileobject)
    float mobileX = mobileobject.X();
    float mobileY = mobileobject.Y();
    float goalX = goalpost.X();
    float goalY = 0;
    float diffX = goalX - mobileX;
    float diffY = goalY - mobileY;
    if( (diffX == 0) && (diffY == 0)) diffY = 0.0001;
    float distance = sqrt( diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY );
    float bearing = atan2(diffY, diffX);                        // bearing FROM the mobile object to the goal (from the field x-axis)
    float width = 2*fabs(goalpost.Y());
    // python: angularwidth = numpy.arctan2(width*numpy.cos(bearing), 2*distance + width*numpy.sin(bearing)) + numpy.arctan2(width*numpy.cos(bearing), 2*distance - width*numpy.sin(bearing))
    float angularwidth = atan2(width*cos(bearing), 2*distance + width*sin(bearing)) + atan2(width*cos(bearing), 2*distance - width*sin(bearing));
    return angularwidth;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/*! @brief Calculates the position to stand in to protect the goal from a mobile object
    @return [x,y] of the position relative to the current state
std::vector<float> Self::CalculatePositionToProtectGoalFromMobileObject(const MobileObject& mobileobject, const StationaryObject& goalpost, float blockingwidth)
    vector<float> prediction = CalculateClosestInterceptToMobileObject(mobileobject);
    if (prediction[0] < 4 and mobileobject.estimatedDistance() > 30)
    {   // if the ball is moving go to where the ball will be!
        vector<float> prediction_position(2,0);
        prediction_position[0] = prediction[1];
        prediction_position[1] = prediction[2];

            debug << "protectGoal Predicated x:" << prediction_position[0] << " y: " << prediction_position[1] << " ballx: " << ball.estimatedDistance()*cos(heading) << " bally: " << ball.estimatedDistance()*sin(heading) << endl;
        return prediction_position;
        float goal_angular_width = fabs(CalculateAngularWidthOfGoalFromMobileObject(goalpost, mobileobject));
        float goal_width = 2*fabs(goalpost.Y());
        float distancebetween = sqrt(pow(mobileobject.X() - goalpost.X(), 2) + pow(mobileobject.Y(),2));
        float distancefrommobile = (0.5*blockingwidth)/tan(0.5*goal_angular_width);
        vector<float> position(2,0);
        if (distancebetween < 0.7*goal_width)
        {   // if the mobile object is inside the goal then the calculation will break --- just go to the mobile object
            float b_r = mobileobject.estimatedDistance()*cos(mobileobject.estimatedElevation());          // get the flat distance!
            float b_b = mobileobject.estimatedBearing();
            position[0] = b_r*cos(b_b);
            position[1] = b_r*sin(b_b);
            return position;
        // clip the distancefrommobile so that we don't go back into the goal.
        if (distancebetween - distancefrommobile < 0.7*goal_width)
            distancefrommobile = distancebetween - 0.7*goal_width;
        return CalculatePositionBetweenMobileObjectAndGoal(mobileobject, goalpost, distancefrommobile);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void locWmGlDisplay::drawStationaryObjectLabel(const StationaryObject& object)
    QString displayString("(%1,%2)");
    renderText(object.X(), object.Y(),1,displayString.arg(object.measuredDistance(),0,'f',1).arg(object.measuredBearing(),0,'f',3));
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*! @brief Calculates the difference from a goal 
    @return the difference between the current position and the goal [distance, bearing] */
std::vector<float> Self::CalculateDifferenceFromGoal(const StationaryObject& goalpost)
    std::vector<float> fieldlocation(2,0);
    fieldlocation[0] = goalpost.X();
    return CalculateDifferenceFromFieldLocation(fieldlocation);