void PhotonProcess::operator()(const Photon &photon,
		float distSquared, float &maxDistSquared) const {
	static StatsPercentage discarded("Photon Map", "Discarded photons"); // NOBOOK
	discarded.Add(0, 1); // NOBOOK
	if (foundPhotons < nLookup) {
		// Add photon to unordered array of photons
		photons[foundPhotons++] = ClosePhoton(&photon, distSquared);
		if (foundPhotons == nLookup) {
			std::make_heap(&photons[0], &photons[nLookup]);
			maxDistSquared = photons[0].distanceSquared;
	else {
		// Remove most distant photon from heap and add new photon
		discarded.Add(1, 0); // NOBOOK
		std::pop_heap(&photons[0], &photons[nLookup]);
		photons[nLookup-1] = ClosePhoton(&photon, distSquared);
		std::push_heap(&photons[0], &photons[nLookup]);
		maxDistSquared = photons[0].distanceSquared;
Ejemplo n.º 2
IrradianceCache::InterpolateIrradiance(const Scene *scene,
		const Point &p, const Normal &n, Spectrum *E) const {
	if (!octree) return false;
	IrradProcess proc(n, maxError);
	octree->Lookup(p, proc);
	// Update irradiance cache lookup statistics
	static StatsPercentage nSuccessfulLookups("Irradiance Cache",
		"Successful irradiance cache lookups");
	static StatsRatio nSamplesFound("Irradiance Cache",
		"Irradiance samples found per successful lookup");
	static StatsRatio nSamplesChecked("Irradiance Cache",
		"Irradiance samples checked per lookup");
	nSuccessfulLookups.Add(proc.Successful() ? 1 : 0, 1);
	nSamplesFound.Add(proc.nFound, 1);
	nSamplesChecked.Add(proc.samplesChecked, 1);
	if (!proc.Successful()) return false;
	*E = proc.GetIrradiance();
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool Triangle::Intersect(const Ray *ray, float *tHit, Intersection *isect) const {
	// Initialize triangle intersection statistics
	StatsPercentage triangleHits("Geometry",
	                             "Triangle Ray Intersections");
	// Update triangle tests count
	triangleHits.Add(0, 1);
	// Compute $\VEC{s}_1$
	// Get triangle vertices in _p1_, _p2_, and _p3_
	const Point &p1 = mesh->p[v[0]];
	const Point &p2 = mesh->p[v[1]];
	const Point &p3 = mesh->p[v[2]];
	Vector e1 = p2 - p1;
	Vector e2 = p3 - p1;
	Vector s1 = Cross(ray->d, e2);
	float divisor = Dot(s1, e1);
	if (divisor == 0.)
		return false;
	float invDivisor = 1.f / divisor;
	// Compute first barycentric coordinate
	Vector d = ray->o - p1;
	float b1 = Dot(d, s1) * invDivisor;
	if (b1 < 0. || b1 > 1.)
		return false;
	// Compute second barycentric coordinate
	Vector s2 = Cross(d, e1);
	float b2 = Dot(ray->d, s2) * invDivisor;
	if (b2 < 0. || b1 + b2 > 1.)
		return false;
	// Compute _t_ to intersection point
	float t = Dot(e2, s2) * invDivisor;
	if (t < ray->mint || t > ray->maxt)
		return false;
	*tHit = t;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// GridAccel Method Definitions
GridAccel::GridAccel(const vector<Reference<Primitive> > &p,
		bool forRefined, bool refineImmediately)
	: gridForRefined(forRefined) {
	// Initialize _prims_ with primitives for grid
	vector<Reference<Primitive> > prims;
	if (refineImmediately)
		for (u_int i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i)
		prims = p;
	// Initialize mailboxes for grid
	nMailboxes = prims.size();
	mailboxes = (MailboxPrim *)AllocAligned(nMailboxes *
	for (u_int i = 0; i < nMailboxes; ++i)
		new (&mailboxes[i]) MailboxPrim(prims[i]);
	// Compute bounds and choose grid resolution
	for (u_int i = 0; i < prims.size(); ++i)
		bounds = Union(bounds, prims[i]->WorldBound());
	Vector delta = bounds.pMax - bounds.pMin;
	// Find _voxelsPerUnitDist_ for grid
	int maxAxis = bounds.MaximumExtent();
	float invMaxWidth = 1.f / delta[maxAxis];
	Assert(invMaxWidth > 0.f); // NOBOOK
	float cubeRoot = 3.f * powf(float(prims.size()), 1.f/3.f);
	float voxelsPerUnitDist = cubeRoot * invMaxWidth;
	for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
		NVoxels[axis] =
		     Round2Int(delta[axis] * voxelsPerUnitDist);
		NVoxels[axis] = Clamp(NVoxels[axis], 1, 64);
	// Compute voxel widths and allocate voxels
	for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
		Width[axis] = delta[axis] / NVoxels[axis];
		InvWidth[axis] =
		    (Width[axis] == 0.f) ? 0.f : 1.f / Width[axis];
	int nVoxels = NVoxels[0] * NVoxels[1] * NVoxels[2];
	voxels = (Voxel **)AllocAligned(nVoxels * sizeof(Voxel *));
	memset(voxels, 0, nVoxels * sizeof(Voxel *));
	// Add primitives to grid voxels
	for (u_int i = 0; i < prims.size(); ++i) {
		// Find voxel extent of primitive
		BBox pb = prims[i]->WorldBound();
		int vmin[3], vmax[3];
		for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
			vmin[axis] = PosToVoxel(pb.pMin, axis);
			vmax[axis] = PosToVoxel(pb.pMax, axis);
		// Add primitive to overlapping voxels
		for (int z = vmin[2]; z <= vmax[2]; ++z)
			for (int y = vmin[1]; y <= vmax[1]; ++y)
				for (int x = vmin[0]; x <= vmax[0]; ++x) {
					int offset = Offset(x, y, z);
					if (!voxels[offset]) {
						// Allocate new voxel and store primitive in it
						voxels[offset] = new (voxelArena) Voxel(&mailboxes[i]);
					else {
						// Add primitive to already-allocated voxel
		static StatsRatio nPrimitiveVoxels("Grid Accelerator", // NOBOOK
			"Voxels covered vs # / primitives"); // NOBOOK
		nPrimitiveVoxels.Add((1 + vmax[0]-vmin[0]) * (1 + vmax[1]-vmin[1]) * // NOBOOK
			(1 + vmax[2]-vmin[2]), 1); // NOBOOK
	// Update grid statistics
	static StatsPercentage nEmptyVoxels("Grid Accelerator",
	                                    "Empty voxels");
	static StatsRatio avgPrimsInVoxel("Grid Accelerator",
		"Average # of primitives in voxel");
	static StatsCounter maxPrimsInVoxel("Grid Accelerator",
		"Max # of primitives in a grid voxel");
	nEmptyVoxels.Add(0, NVoxels[0] * NVoxels[1] * NVoxels[2]);
	avgPrimsInVoxel.Add(0,NVoxels[0] * NVoxels[1] * NVoxels[2]);
	for (int z = 0; z < NVoxels[2]; ++z)
		for (int y = 0; y < NVoxels[1]; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < NVoxels[0]; ++x) {
				int offset = Offset(x, y, z);
				if (!voxels[offset]) nEmptyVoxels.Add(1, 0);
				else {
				    int nPrims = voxels[offset]->nPrimitives;
					avgPrimsInVoxel.Add(nPrims, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void PBRT_RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTIONP_HIT(const Ray *, float t) {
    rayTriIntersectionPs.Add(1, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void PBRT_RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTIONP_TEST(const Ray *, const Triangle *) {
    rayTriIntersectionPs.Add(0, 1);