Ejemplo n.º 1
bool String::StartsWith(const String& string) const
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < string.Length(); ++i)
		if (this->CharAt(i) != string.CharAt(i))
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Fetches target section in string using given start and end-tokens. Returns the first occurance, if any, or an empty string if none such exist.
String GetSection(String inString, char withStartToken, char andEndToken){
	int startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < inString.Length(); ++i){
		char c = inString.CharAt(i);
		if (c == withStartToken)
			startIndex = i+1;
		if (c == andEndToken)
			endIndex = i;
		if (startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0)
	if (startIndex < 0 && endIndex < 0)
		return String();
	String newString;
	for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i){
	std::cout<<"newString: "<<newString<<" length: "<<newString.Length();
	return newString;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool String::EndsWith(const String& string) const
	for (std::size_t i = 1; i <= string.Length(); ++i)
		if (this->CharAt(this->Length() - i) != string.CharAt(string.Length() - i))
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Fetches type-integer from the header-data. See above for RFC details.
void SIPPacket::ParseHeader(){
//	std::cout << "SIPPacket::ParseHeader called.";
	String line;
	List<String> tokens;
	sipType = SIP_NULL;
	// Evaluate basic type of the packet, first need to get the first valid line...
	String firstLine;
	int firstLineIndex;
	for (int i = 0; i < header.Size(); ++i){
		firstLine = header[i];
		if (firstLine.Length()){
			firstLineIndex = i;
	// Determine type from first line
	for (int i = 0; i < SIP_PACKET_TYPES; ++i){
		String typeName = PacketTypeName(i);
		if (firstLine.Contains(typeName)){
			sipType = i;
	// Try and see if it's a numerical response-code we don't know?
	if (sipType == SIP_NULL){
		// Split using white-space, get first element, try and parse numberrr!
		String firstPart = firstLine.Tokenize(" \t\n\r")[0];
		int number = firstPart.ParseInt();
		if (number >= 700)
			sipType = SIP_NULL;
		else if (number >= 600)
		else if (number >= 500)
		else if (number >= 400)
			sipType = SIP_BAD_REQUEST;
		else if (number >= 300)
		else if (number >= 200)
			sipType = SIP_OK; // Should not even get here, but eh..
		else if (number >= 100)
	// If still bad type, don't parse anymore? :|
	if (sipType == SIP_NULL){
//		std::cout <<"Type of packet could not be determined in SIPPacket::ParseHeader, firstline: "<<firstLine;
	// Evaluate the rest of the lines
	for (int i = firstLineIndex+1; i < header.Size(); ++i){
		line = header[i];
		// Split using all white-space characters and the colon for header-fields!
		// First find where attribute name and value start/end (the first colon)
		String attributeName = String();
		String attributeValue = String();
		// Remove only up to the first colon?
		int firstColonIndex = -1;
		for(int i = 0; i < line.Length(); ++i){
			if (line.CharAt(i) == ':'){
				firstColonIndex = i;

		attributeName = line.Part(0, firstColonIndex);
		attributeValue = line.Part(firstColonIndex+1);

// Macro for the comparison, getting tired of this...
// First macro checks if they are lexicographically the same (i.e. identical), except not case sensitive
#define IsAttributeName(a) (attributeName == a)
// And the second macros does the same but compares if it is either the same to a OR b, inclusive.
#define IsAttributeName2(a,b) (IsAttributeName(a) || IsAttributeName(b))
		// Set comparison mode to not case sensitive.
		// Apparently all fields can have compact forms too, so spam all the comparisons..
		if (IsAttributeName2("Call-ID","i")){
			callID = attributeValue;
		else if (IsAttributeName2("Content-Length","l")){
			String s = attributeValue;
			contentLength = s.ParseInt();
		else if (IsAttributeName2("Content-Type","c")){
			contentType = attributeValue;
		else if (IsAttributeName("CSeq")){
			cSeq = attributeValue;
		else if (IsAttributeName("Expires")){
			String s = attributeValue;
			expirationTime = s.ParseInt();
		else if (IsAttributeName2("From","f")){
			senderData = attributeValue;
		else if (IsAttributeName("Require")){
			// Although an optional header field, the Require MUST NOT be
   			// ignored if it is present.
   			assert(false && "Not implemented, sorry. ):");
		else if (IsAttributeName2("To","t")){
			recipientData = attributeValue;
		else if (IsAttributeName("Warning")){
			String warning = attributeValue;
//			std::cout<<"Warning attribute found on packet: "<<attributeValue;
		else if (IsAttributeName("Script")){
			event = attributeValue;
		else {
//			std::cout << "Could not find anything relevant in line: "<<line;
	if (type == SIP_REGISTER && !cSeq.Length()){
		std::cout << "WARNING: Lacking CSeq in Register message!";
	// Set default packet type?
	if (type == SIP_NULL)
		std::cout <<"WARNING: Packet of type SIP_NULL. Either the packet lacks a proper header or this function (SIPPacket::ParseHeader) requires expansion.";
