Ejemplo n.º 1
	CoreLib::String ShaderLibFile::ToString()
		StringBuilder writer;
		writer << L"name " << MetaData.ShaderName << EndLine;
		for (auto & world : MetaData.Worlds)
			writer << L"world " << world.Key << EndLine << L"{" << EndLine;
			writer << L"target " << world.Value.TargetName << EndLine;
			for (auto & blk : world.Value.InputBlocks)
				writer << L"in " << blk << L";\n";
			writer << L"out " << world.Value.OutputBlock << L";\n";
			for (auto & comp : world.Value.Components)
				writer << L"comp " << comp << L";\n";
			writer << L"}" << EndLine;
		for (auto & ublock : MetaData.InterfaceBlocks)
			writer << L"interface " << ublock.Key << L" size " << ublock.Value.Size << L"\n{\n";
			for (auto & entry : ublock.Value.Entries)
				writer << ILBaseTypeToString(entry.Type) << L" " << entry.Name << L" : " << entry.Offset << L"," << entry.Size;
				if (entry.Attributes.Count())
					writer << L"\n{\n";
					for (auto & attrib : entry.Attributes)
						writer << attrib.Key << L" : " << CoreLib::Text::Parser::EscapeStringLiteral(attrib.Value) << L";\n";
					writer << L"}";
				writer << L";\n";
			writer << L"}\n";
		writer << L"source" << EndLine << L"{" << EndLine;
		for (auto & src : Sources)
			writer << src.Key << EndLine;
			writer << L"{" << EndLine;
			writer << src.Value.GetAllCodeGLSL() << EndLine;
			writer << L"}" << EndLine;
		writer << L"}" << EndLine;
		StringBuilder formatSB;
		IndentString(formatSB, writer.ProduceString());
		return formatSB.ProduceString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
		CoreLib::String EscapeCodeName(CoreLib::String str)
			StringBuilder sb;
			bool isUnderScore = false;
			for (auto ch : str)
				if (ch == '_' || !((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')))
					if (isUnderScore)
						sb << "I_";
						sb << "_";
					isUnderScore = true;
					isUnderScore = false;
					sb << ch;
			if (isUnderScore)
				sb << "I";
			return sb.ProduceString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
			/* Generate a shader variant by applying mechanic choice rules and the choice file.
			   The choice file provides "preferred" definitions, as represented in ShaderComponentSymbol::Type::PinnedWorlds
		       The process resolves the component references by picking a pinned definition if one is available, or a definition
			   with the preferred import path as defined by import operator ordering.
			   After all references are resolved, all unreferenced definitions (dead code) are eliminated, 
			   resulting a shader variant ready for code generation.
			RefPtr<ShaderIR> GenerateShaderVariantIR(CompileResult & cresult, ShaderClosure * shader, Schedule & schedule, SymbolTable * symbolTable)
				RefPtr<ShaderIR> result = new ShaderIR();
				result->Shader = shader;
				result->SymbolTable = symbolTable;
				// mark pinned worlds
				for (auto & comp : shader->Components)
					for (auto & impl : comp.Value->Implementations)
						for (auto & w : impl->Worlds)
							if (impl->SrcPinnedWorlds.Contains(w) || impl->SyntaxNode->IsInline() || impl->ExportWorlds.Contains(w) || impl->SyntaxNode->IsInput())
				// apply choices
				Dictionary<String, ShaderComponentSymbol*> choiceComps;
				for (auto & comp : shader->AllComponents)
					for (auto & choiceName : comp.Value.Symbol->ChoiceNames)
						choiceComps[choiceName] = comp.Value.Symbol;
				HashSet<ShaderComponentImplSymbol*> pinnedImpl;
				for (auto & choice : schedule.Choices)
					ShaderComponentSymbol * comp = nullptr;
					if (choiceComps.TryGetValue(choice.Key, comp))
						for (auto & selectedDef : choice.Value)
							if (comp->Type->ConstrainedWorlds.Contains(selectedDef->WorldName))
								// find specified impl
								for (auto & impl : comp->Implementations)
									if (impl->Worlds.Contains(selectedDef->WorldName))
                                cresult.GetErrorWriter()->diagnose(selectedDef.Ptr()->Position, Diagnostics::worldIsNotAValidChoiceForKey, selectedDef->WorldName, choice.Key);
				for (auto & attribs : schedule.AddtionalAttributes)
					ShaderComponentSymbol * comp = nullptr;
					if (choiceComps.TryGetValue(attribs.Key, comp))
						// apply attributes
						for (auto & impl : comp->Implementations)
                            for (auto & attrib : attribs.Value)
                                auto modifier = new SimpleAttribute();
                                modifier->Key = attrib.Key;
                                modifier->Value.Content = attrib.Value;

                                modifier->next = impl->SyntaxNode->modifiers.first;
                                impl->SyntaxNode->modifiers.first = modifier;
				// generate definitions
				Dictionary<ShaderClosure*, ModuleInstanceIR*> moduleInstanceMap;
				auto createModuleInstance = [&](ShaderClosure * closure)
					ModuleInstanceIR * inst;
					if (moduleInstanceMap.TryGetValue(closure, inst))
						return inst;
					List<String> namePath;
					auto parent = closure;
					while (parent)
						if (parent->Name.Length())
						parent = parent->Parent;
					StringBuilder sbBindingName;
					for (int i = namePath.Count() - 2; i >= 0; i--)
						sbBindingName << namePath[i];
						if (i > 0)
							sbBindingName << ".";
					// if this is the root module, its binding name is module name.
					if (namePath.Count() == 1)
						sbBindingName << namePath[0];
					inst = new ModuleInstanceIR();
					inst->SyntaxNode = closure->ModuleSyntaxNode;
					inst->BindingIndex = closure->BindingIndex;
					inst->UsingPosition = closure->UsingPosition;
					inst->BindingName = sbBindingName.ProduceString();
					moduleInstanceMap[closure] = inst;
					return inst;
				for (auto & comp : shader->AllComponents)
					EnumerableDictionary<String, ComponentDefinitionIR*> defs;
					Dictionary<String, ShaderComponentImplSymbol*> impls;
					for (auto & impl : comp.Value.Symbol->Implementations)
						auto createComponentDef = [&](const String & w)
							RefPtr<ComponentDefinitionIR> def = new ComponentDefinitionIR();
							def->OriginalName = comp.Value.Symbol->Name;
							def->UniqueKey = comp.Value.Symbol->UniqueKey;
							def->UniqueName = comp.Value.Symbol->UniqueName;
							def->Type = comp.Value.Symbol->Type->DataType;
							def->IsEntryPoint = (impl->ExportWorlds.Contains(w) || impl->SyntaxNode->IsParam() ||
								(shader->Pipeline->IsAbstractWorld(w) &&
								(impl->SyntaxNode->HasSimpleAttribute("Pinned") || shader->Pipeline->Worlds[w]()->HasSimpleAttribute("Pinned"))));
							CloneContext cloneCtx;
							def->SyntaxNode = impl->SyntaxNode->Clone(cloneCtx);
							def->World = w;
							def->ModuleInstance = createModuleInstance(comp.Value.Closure);
							return def;
						// parameter component will only have one defintion that is shared by all worlds
						if (impl->SyntaxNode->IsParam())
							auto def = createComponentDef("<uniform>");
							defs["<uniform>"] = def.Ptr();
							for (auto & w : impl->Worlds)
								auto def = createComponentDef(w);
								bool existingDefIsPinned = false;
								if (defs.ContainsKey(w))
									existingDefIsPinned = pinnedImpl.Contains(impls[w]());
								if (!existingDefIsPinned)
									defs[w] = def.Ptr();
									impls[w] = impl.Ptr();
					result->DefinitionsByComponent[comp.Key] = defs;
				bool changed = true;
				while (changed)
					changed = false;
					// check circular references
					for (auto & def : result->Definitions)
						if (def->Dependency.Contains(def.Ptr()))
                            cresult.GetErrorWriter()->diagnose(def->SyntaxNode->Position, Diagnostics::componentDefinitionCircularity, def->OriginalName);
							return nullptr;
					// eliminate redundant (downstream) definitions, one at a time
					auto comps = result->GetComponentDependencyOrder();
					for (int i = comps.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
						auto comp = comps[i];
						auto & defs = result->DefinitionsByComponent[comp->UniqueName]();
						EnumerableHashSet<ComponentDefinitionIR*> removedDefs;
						for (auto & def : defs)
							if (!def.Value->IsEntryPoint && !comp->Type->PinnedWorlds.Contains(def.Value->World))
								for (auto & otherDef : defs)
									if (otherDef.Value != def.Value && !removedDefs.Contains(otherDef.Value)
										&& shader->Pipeline->IsWorldReachable(otherDef.Value->World, def.Value->World))
						if (removedDefs.Count())
							result->RemoveDefinitions([&](ComponentDefinitionIR* def) {return removedDefs.Contains(def); });
							changed = true;
				return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
			ShaderSyntaxNode * InstantiateShaderTemplate(DiagnosticSink* sink, SymbolTable* symTable, TemplateShaderSyntaxNode* ts, const List<String>& args)
				if (ts->Parameters.Count() > args.Count())
					sink->diagnose(ts->Position, Diagnostics::insufficientTemplateShaderArguments, ts->Name);
					return nullptr;
				if (ts->Parameters.Count() < args.Count())
					sink->diagnose(ts->Position, Diagnostics::tooManyTemplateShaderArguments, ts->Name);
					return nullptr;
				// check semantics
				bool hasErrors = false;
				for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++)
					auto name = args[i];
					if (auto module = symTable->Shaders.TryGetValue(name))
						if (ts->Parameters[i]->InterfaceName.Content.Length())
							if ((*module)->SyntaxNode->Name.Content != ts->Parameters[i]->InterfaceName.Content &&
								(*module)->SyntaxNode->InterfaceNames.FindFirst([&](const Token & t) { return t.Content == ts->Parameters[i]->InterfaceName.Content; }) == -1)
								hasErrors = true;
								sink->diagnose(ts->Parameters[i]->Position, Diagnostics::templateShaderArgumentDidNotImplementRequiredInterface, name, ts->Parameters[i]->ModuleName, ts->Parameters[i]->InterfaceName);
								sink->diagnose((*module)->SyntaxNode->Position, Diagnostics::seeDefinitionOf, (*module)->SyntaxNode->Name);
						hasErrors = true;
						sink->diagnose(ts->Parameters[i]->Position, Diagnostics::templateShaderArgumentIsNotDefined, args[i], ts->Parameters[i]->ModuleName.Content);
				if (hasErrors)
					return nullptr;
				ShaderSyntaxNode * result = new ShaderSyntaxNode();
				result->Name = ts->Name;
				StringBuilder nameBuilder;
				nameBuilder << ts->Name.Content << "<";
				for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++)
					nameBuilder << args[i];
					if (i < args.Count()-1)
						nameBuilder << ",";
				nameBuilder << ">";
				result->Name.Content = nameBuilder.ProduceString();
				result->ParentPipelineName = ts->ParentPipelineName;
				for (auto & member : ts->Members)
					if (auto import = member.As<ImportSyntaxNode>())
						int index = ts->Parameters.FindFirst([&](RefPtr<TemplateShaderParameterSyntaxNode> p) { return p->ModuleName.Content == import->ShaderName.Content; });
						if (index != -1)
							CloneContext cloneCtx;
							auto newImport = import->Clone(cloneCtx);
							auto attribModifier = new SimpleAttribute();
							attribModifier->Key = "Binding";
							attribModifier->Value.Content = String(index);
							newImport->modifiers.first = attribModifier;
							newImport->Scope->Parent = result->Scope;
							newImport->ShaderName.Content = args[index];
				result->IsModule = false;
				return result;