Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Skip a type suffix that can be dropped.
static Optional<StringRef> skipTypeSuffix(StringRef typeName) {
  if (typeName.empty()) return None;

  auto lastWord = camel_case::getLastWord(typeName);

  // "Type" suffix.
  if (lastWord == "Type" && typeName.size() > 4) {
    return typeName.drop_back(4);

  // "Ref" suffix.
  if (lastWord == "Ref" && typeName.size() > 3) {
    return typeName.drop_back(3);

  // \d+D for dimensionality.
  if (typeName.back() == 'D' && typeName.size() > 1) {
    unsigned firstDigit = typeName.size() - 1;
    while (firstDigit > 0) {
      if (!isdigit(typeName[firstDigit-1])) break;

    if (firstDigit < typeName.size()-1) {
      return typeName.substr(0, firstDigit);

  // _t.
  if (typeName.size() > 2 && typeName.endswith("_t")) {
    return typeName.drop_back(2);
  return None;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Returns true if S matches /Filename.?\.o$/.
static bool isCrtBeginEnd(StringRef S, StringRef Filename) {
  if (!S.endswith(".o"))
    return false;
  S = S.drop_back(2);
  if (S.endswith(Filename))
    return true;
  return !S.empty() && S.drop_back().endswith(Filename);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static bool matchCrtObjName(StringRef objName, StringRef objPath) {
  if (!objPath.endswith(".o"))
    return false;

  // check *<objName> case
  objPath = objPath.drop_back(2);
  if (objPath.endswith(objName))
    return true;

  // check *<objName>? case
  return !objPath.empty() && objPath.drop_back(1).endswith(objName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// \brief Tries to find the node under this \c FileMatchTrieNode that best
 /// matches 'FileName'.
 /// If multiple paths fit 'FileName' equally well, \c IsAmbiguous is set to
 /// \c true and an empty string is returned. If no path fits 'FileName', an
 /// empty string is returned. \c ConsumedLength denotes the number of
 /// \c Filename's trailing characters already consumed during recursion.
 /// To find the best matching node for a given path 'p', the
 /// \c findEquivalent() function is called recursively for each path segment
 /// (back to fron) of 'p' until a node 'n' is reached that does not ..
 /// - .. have children. In this case it is checked
 ///   whether the stored path is equivalent to 'p'. If yes, the best match is
 ///   found. Otherwise continue with the parent node as if this node did not
 ///   exist.
 /// - .. a child matching the next path segment. In this case, all children of
 ///   'n' are an equally good match for 'p'. All children are of 'n' are found
 ///   recursively and their equivalence to 'p' is determined. If none are
 ///   equivalent, continue with the parent node as if 'n' didn't exist. If one
 ///   is equivalent, the best match is found. Otherwise, report and ambigiuity
 ///   error.
 StringRef findEquivalent(const PathComparator& Comparator,
                          StringRef FileName,
                          bool &IsAmbiguous,
                          unsigned ConsumedLength = 0) const {
   if (Children.empty()) {
     if (Comparator.equivalent(StringRef(Path), FileName))
       return StringRef(Path);
     return StringRef();
   StringRef Element(llvm::sys::path::filename(FileName.drop_back(
   llvm::StringMap<FileMatchTrieNode>::const_iterator MatchingChild =
   if (MatchingChild != Children.end()) {
     StringRef Result = MatchingChild->getValue().findEquivalent(
         Comparator, FileName, IsAmbiguous,
         ConsumedLength + Element.size() + 1);
     if (!Result.empty() || IsAmbiguous)
       return Result;
   std::vector<StringRef> AllChildren;
   getAll(AllChildren, MatchingChild);
   StringRef Result;
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < AllChildren.size(); i++) {
     if (Comparator.equivalent(AllChildren[i], FileName)) {
       if (Result.empty()) {
         Result = AllChildren[i];
       } else {
         IsAmbiguous = true;
         return StringRef();
   return Result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
StringRef getStringArg(Value *v) {
  const Value *g = cast<Constant>(v)->stripPointerCasts();
  const Constant *ptr = cast<GlobalVariable>(g)->getInitializer();
  StringRef str = cast<ConstantDataSequential>(ptr)->getAsString();
  // Drop the '\0' at the end
  return str.drop_back();
static bool matchesStyle(StringRef Name,
                         IdentifierNamingCheck::NamingStyle Style) {
  static llvm::Regex Matchers[] = {

  bool Matches = true;
  if (Name.startswith(Style.Prefix))
    Name = Name.drop_front(Style.Prefix.size());
    Matches = false;

  if (Name.endswith(Style.Suffix))
    Name = Name.drop_back(Style.Suffix.size());
    Matches = false;

  // Ensure the name doesn't have any extra underscores beyond those specified
  // in the prefix and suffix.
  if (Name.startswith("_") || Name.endswith("_"))
    Matches = false;

  if (Style.Case && !Matchers[static_cast<size_t>(*Style.Case)].match(Name))
    Matches = false;

  return Matches;
static bool matchesStyle(StringRef Name,
                         IdentifierNamingCheck::NamingStyle Style) {
  static llvm::Regex Matchers[] = {

  bool Matches = true;
  if (Name.startswith(Style.Prefix))
    Name = Name.drop_front(Style.Prefix.size());
    Matches = false;

  if (Name.endswith(Style.Suffix))
    Name = Name.drop_back(Style.Suffix.size());
    Matches = false;

  if (!Matchers[static_cast<size_t>(Style.Case)].match(Name))
    Matches = false;

  return Matches;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void WriteOutputFile(const Module *M) {
  // Infer the output filename if needed.
  if (OutputFilename.empty()) {
    if (InputFilename == "-") {
      OutputFilename = "-";
    } else {
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      OutputFilename = (IFN.endswith(".ll") ? IFN.drop_back(3) : IFN).str();
      OutputFilename += ".bc";

  std::error_code EC;
  std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> Out(
      new ToolOutputFile(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::F_None));
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';

  if (Force || !CheckBitcodeOutputToConsole(Out->os(), true))
    WriteBitcodeToFile(*M, Out->os(), PreserveBitcodeUseListOrder, nullptr,

  // Declare success.
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // Print a stack trace if we signal out.
  PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);

  LLVMContext Context;
  llvm_shutdown_obj Y;  // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.

  Context.setDiagnosticHandler(diagnosticHandler, argv[0]);

  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm .bc -> .ll disassembler\n");

  Expected<std::unique_ptr<Module>> MOrErr = openInputFile(Context);
  if (!MOrErr) {
    handleAllErrors(MOrErr.takeError(), [&](ErrorInfoBase &EIB) {
      errs() << argv[0] << ": ";
      errs() << '\n';
    return 1;
  std::unique_ptr<Module> M = std::move(*MOrErr);

  // Just use stdout.  We won't actually print anything on it.
  if (DontPrint)
    OutputFilename = "-";

  if (OutputFilename.empty()) { // Unspecified output, infer it.
    if (InputFilename == "-") {
      OutputFilename = "-";
    } else {
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      OutputFilename = (IFN.endswith(".bc") ? IFN.drop_back(3) : IFN).str();
      OutputFilename += ".ll";

  std::error_code EC;
  std::unique_ptr<tool_output_file> Out(
      new tool_output_file(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::F_None));
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';
    return 1;

  std::unique_ptr<AssemblyAnnotationWriter> Annotator;
  if (ShowAnnotations)
    Annotator.reset(new CommentWriter());

  // All that llvm-dis does is write the assembly to a file.
  if (!DontPrint)
    M->print(Out->os(), Annotator.get(), PreserveAssemblyUseListOrder);

  // Declare success.

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/// Returns the common word-prefix of two strings, allowing the second string
/// to be a common English plural form of the first.
/// For example, given "NSProperty" and "NSProperties", the full "NSProperty"
/// is returned. Given "NSMagicArmor" and "NSMagicArmory", only
/// "NSMagic" is returned.
/// The "-s", "-es", and "-ies" patterns cover every plural NS_OPTIONS name
/// in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
/// \see getCommonWordPrefix
StringRef importer::getCommonPluralPrefix(StringRef singular,
                                          StringRef plural) {

  if (singular.empty())
    return singular;

  bool ignored;
  StringRef commonPrefix = getCommonWordPrefix(singular, plural, ignored);
  if (commonPrefix.size() == singular.size() || plural.back() != 's')
    return commonPrefix;

  StringRef leftover = singular.substr(commonPrefix.size());
  StringRef firstLeftoverWord = camel_case::getFirstWord(leftover);
  StringRef commonPrefixPlusWord =
      singular.substr(0, commonPrefix.size() + firstLeftoverWord.size());

  // Is the plural string just "[singular]s"?
  plural = plural.drop_back();
  if (plural.endswith(firstLeftoverWord))
    return commonPrefixPlusWord;

  if (plural.empty() || plural.back() != 'e')
    return commonPrefix;

  // Is the plural string "[singular]es"?
  plural = plural.drop_back();
  if (plural.endswith(firstLeftoverWord))
    return commonPrefixPlusWord;

  if (plural.empty() || !(plural.back() == 'i' && singular.back() == 'y'))
    return commonPrefix;

  // Is the plural string "[prefix]ies" and the singular "[prefix]y"?
  plural = plural.drop_back();
  firstLeftoverWord = firstLeftoverWord.drop_back();
  if (plural.endswith(firstLeftoverWord))
    return commonPrefixPlusWord;

  return commonPrefix;
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool HasNameMatcher::matchesNodeFull(const NamedDecl &Node) const {
  llvm::SmallString<128> NodeName = StringRef("::");
  llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(NodeName);
  const StringRef FullName = OS.str();
  const StringRef Pattern = Name;

  if (Pattern.startswith("::"))
    return FullName == Pattern;

  return FullName.endswith(Pattern) &&
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Makes a given pathname an absolute path first, and then remove
// beginning /. For example, "../foo.o" is converted to "home/john/foo.o",
// assuming that the current directory is "/home/john/bar".
// Returned string is a forward slash separated path even on Windows to avoid
// a mess with backslash-as-escape and backslash-as-path-separator.
std::string lld::relativeToRoot(StringRef Path) {
  SmallString<128> Abs = Path;
  if (fs::make_absolute(Abs))
    return Path;
  path::remove_dots(Abs, /*remove_dot_dot=*/true);

  // This is Windows specific. root_name() returns a drive letter
  // (e.g. "c:") or a UNC name (//net). We want to keep it as part
  // of the result.
  SmallString<128> Res;
  StringRef Root = path::root_name(Abs);
  if (Root.endswith(":"))
    Res = Root.drop_back();
  else if (Root.startswith("//"))
    Res = Root.substr(2);

  path::append(Res, path::relative_path(Abs));
  return path::convert_to_slash(Res);
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void WriteOutputFile(const Module *M, const ModuleSummaryIndex *Index) {
  // Infer the output filename if needed.
  if (OutputFilename.empty()) {
    if (InputFilename == "-") {
      OutputFilename = "-";
    } else {
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      OutputFilename = (IFN.endswith(".ll") ? IFN.drop_back(3) : IFN).str();
      OutputFilename += ".bc";

  std::error_code EC;
  std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> Out(
      new ToolOutputFile(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::F_None));
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';

  if (Force || !CheckBitcodeOutputToConsole(Out->os(), true)) {
    const ModuleSummaryIndex *IndexToWrite = nullptr;
    // Don't attempt to write a summary index unless it contains any entries.
    // Otherwise we get an empty summary section.
    if (Index && Index->begin() != Index->end())
      IndexToWrite = Index;
    if (!IndexToWrite || (M && (!M->empty() || !M->global_empty())))
      // If we have a non-empty Module, then we write the Module plus
      // any non-null Index along with it as a per-module Index.
      // If both are empty, this will give an empty module block, which is
      // the expected behavior.
      WriteBitcodeToFile(*M, Out->os(), PreserveBitcodeUseListOrder,
                         IndexToWrite, EmitModuleHash);
      // Otherwise, with an empty Module but non-empty Index, we write a
      // combined index.
      WriteIndexToFile(*IndexToWrite, Out->os());

  // Declare success.
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool MSP430AsmParser::ParseInstruction(ParseInstructionInfo &Info,
                                       StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
                                       OperandVector &Operands) {
  // Drop .w suffix
  if (Name.endswith_lower(".w"))
    Name = Name.drop_back(2);

  if (!parseJccInstruction(Info, Name, NameLoc, Operands))
    return false;

  // First operand is instruction mnemonic
  Operands.push_back(MSP430Operand::CreateToken(Name, NameLoc));

  // If there are no more operands, then finish
  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
    return false;

  // Parse first operand
  if (ParseOperand(Operands))
    return true;

  // Parse second operand if any
  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
    getLexer().Lex(); // Eat ','
    if (ParseOperand(Operands))
      return true;

  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
    SMLoc Loc = getLexer().getLoc();
    return Error(Loc, "unexpected token");

  getParser().Lex(); // Consume the EndOfStatement.
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static bool MacroBodyEndsInBackslash(StringRef MacroBody) {
  while (!MacroBody.empty() && isWhitespace(MacroBody.back()))
    MacroBody = MacroBody.drop_back();
  return !MacroBody.empty() && MacroBody.back() == '\\';
Ejemplo n.º 16
IAMResult IAMInference::infer(const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl) {
  if (clangDecl->getName().startswith("_")) {
    return {};

  // Try to infer a member variable
  if (auto varDecl = dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(clangDecl))
    return inferVar(varDecl);

  // Try to infer a member function
  auto funcDecl = dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(clangDecl);
  if (!funcDecl) {
    // TODO: Do we want to collects stats here? Should it be assert?
    return {};

  auto fail = [funcDecl]() -> IAMResult {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "failed to infer function: ");
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
    return {};

  // Can't really import variadics well
  if (funcDecl->isVariadic())
    return fail();

  // FIXME: drop "Mutable"...

  StringRef workingName = funcDecl->getName();
  auto retTy = funcDecl->getReturnType();
  unsigned numParams = funcDecl->getNumParams();

  // 0) Special cases are specially handled
  StringRef getTypeID = "GetTypeID";
  StringRef cfSpecials[] = {"Release", "Retain", "Autorelease"};
  // *GetTypeID
  if (numParams == 0 && workingName.endswith(getTypeID)) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(
            workingName.drop_back(getTypeID.size()), remainingName)) {
      // We shouldn't have anything else left in our name for typeID
      if (remainingName.empty()) {

        return importAsTypeID(retTy, effectiveDC);
    // *Release/*Retain/*Autorelease
  } else if (numParams == 1 &&
             std::any_of(std::begin(cfSpecials), std::end(cfSpecials),
                         [workingName](StringRef suffix) {
                           return workingName.endswith(suffix);
                         })) {
    if (auto type =
            funcDecl->getParamDecl(0)->getType()->getAs<clang::TypedefType>()) {
      if (CFPointeeInfo::classifyTypedef(type->getDecl())) {
        return {};

  // 1) If we find an init specifier and our name matches the return type, we
  //    import as some kind of constructor
  if (!retTy->isVoidType()) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, retTy, remainingName))
      for (auto initSpec : InitSpecifiers)
        if (hasWord(remainingName, initSpec))
          if (auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(retTy))
            return importAsConstructor(
                remainingName, initSpec,
                {funcDecl->param_begin(), funcDecl->param_end()}, effectiveDC);

  // 2) If we find a likely self reference in the parameters, make an instance
  //    member (method or property)
  SmallVector<const clang::ParmVarDecl *, 8> nonSelfParams;
  unsigned selfIdx = 0;
  for (auto paramI = funcDecl->param_begin(), paramE = funcDecl->param_end();
       paramI != paramE; ++paramI, ++selfIdx) {
    auto param = *paramI;
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, param->getType(), remainingName)) {
      auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(param->getType());
      if (!effectiveDC)
      nonSelfParams.append(funcDecl->param_begin(), paramI);
      nonSelfParams.append(++paramI, paramE);
      // See if it's a property
      for (auto propSpec : PropertySpecifiers) {
        NameBuffer propName;
        if (match(remainingName, propSpec, propName)) {
          const clang::FunctionDecl *pairedAccessor;
          if (validToImportAsProperty(funcDecl, propSpec, selfIdx,
            return importAsInstanceProperty(propName, propSpec, selfIdx,
                                            nonSelfParams, pairedAccessor,

      return importAsInstanceMethod(remainingName, selfIdx, nonSelfParams,

  // No self, must be static
  nonSelfParams = {funcDecl->param_begin(), funcDecl->param_end()};

  // 3) Finally, try to find a class to put this on as a static function
  NameBuffer remainingName;
  if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(workingName, remainingName)) {
    ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params = {funcDecl->param_begin(),
    // See if it's a property
    for (auto propSpec : PropertySpecifiers) {
      NameBuffer propName;
      if (match(remainingName, propSpec, propName)) {
        const clang::FunctionDecl *pairedAccessor;
        if (validToImportAsProperty(funcDecl, propSpec, None, pairedAccessor))
          return importAsStaticProperty(propName, propSpec, nonSelfParams,
                                        pairedAccessor, effectiveDC);
    StringRef methodName =
        remainingName == "" ? workingName : StringRef(remainingName);
    return importAsStaticMethod(methodName, nonSelfParams, effectiveDC);

  return fail();
Ejemplo n.º 17
/// Return the name to import a CF typedef as.
static StringRef getImportedCFTypeName(StringRef name) {
  // If the name ends in the CF typedef suffix ("Ref"), drop that.
  if (name.endswith(SWIFT_CFTYPE_SUFFIX))
    return name.drop_back(strlen(SWIFT_CFTYPE_SUFFIX));
  return name;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static MCSymbol *smallData(AsmPrinter &AP, const MachineInstr &MI,
                           MCStreamer &OutStreamer, const MCOperand &Imm,
                           int AlignSize) {
  MCSymbol *Sym;
  int64_t Value;
  if (Imm.getExpr()->evaluateAsAbsolute(Value)) {
    StringRef sectionPrefix;
    std::string ImmString;
    StringRef Name;
    if (AlignSize == 8) {
       Name = ".CONST_0000000000000000";
       sectionPrefix = ".gnu.linkonce.l8";
       ImmString = utohexstr(Value);
    } else {
       Name = ".CONST_00000000";
       sectionPrefix = ".gnu.linkonce.l4";
       ImmString = utohexstr(static_cast<uint32_t>(Value));

    std::string symbolName =   // Yes, leading zeros are kept.
      Name.drop_back(ImmString.size()).str() + ImmString;
    std::string sectionName = sectionPrefix.str() + symbolName;

    MCSectionELF *Section = OutStreamer.getContext().getELFSection(

    Sym = AP.OutContext.getOrCreateSymbol(Twine(symbolName));
    if (Sym->isUndefined()) {
      OutStreamer.EmitSymbolAttribute(Sym, MCSA_Global);
      OutStreamer.EmitIntValue(Value, AlignSize);
  } else {
    assert(Imm.isExpr() && "Expected expression and found none");
    const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(1);
    assert(MO.isGlobal() || MO.isCPI() || MO.isJTI());
    MCSymbol *MOSymbol = nullptr;
    if (MO.isGlobal())
      MOSymbol = AP.getSymbol(MO.getGlobal());
    else if (MO.isCPI())
      MOSymbol = AP.GetCPISymbol(MO.getIndex());
    else if (MO.isJTI())
      MOSymbol = AP.GetJTISymbol(MO.getIndex());
      llvm_unreachable("Unknown operand type!");

    StringRef SymbolName = MOSymbol->getName();
    std::string LitaName = ".CONST_" + SymbolName.str();

    MCSectionELF *Section = OutStreamer.getContext().getELFSection(

    Sym = AP.OutContext.getOrCreateSymbol(Twine(LitaName));
    if (Sym->isUndefined()) {
      OutStreamer.EmitSymbolAttribute(Sym, MCSA_Local);
      OutStreamer.EmitValue(Imm.getExpr(), AlignSize);
  return Sym;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // Print a stack trace if we signal out.
  PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);

  LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
  llvm_shutdown_obj Y;  // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.

  Context.setDiagnosticHandler(diagnosticHandler, argv[0]);

  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm .bc -> .ll disassembler\n");

  std::string ErrorMessage;
  std::unique_ptr<Module> M;

  // Use the bitcode streaming interface
  DataStreamer *Streamer = getDataFileStreamer(InputFilename, &ErrorMessage);
  if (Streamer) {
    std::string DisplayFilename;
    if (InputFilename == "-")
      DisplayFilename = "<stdin>";
      DisplayFilename = InputFilename;
    ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Module>> MOrErr =
        getStreamedBitcodeModule(DisplayFilename, Streamer, Context);
    M = std::move(*MOrErr);
  } else {
    errs() << argv[0] << ": " << ErrorMessage << '\n';
    return 1;

  // Just use stdout.  We won't actually print anything on it.
  if (DontPrint)
    OutputFilename = "-";

  if (OutputFilename.empty()) { // Unspecified output, infer it.
    if (InputFilename == "-") {
      OutputFilename = "-";
    } else {
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      OutputFilename = (IFN.endswith(".bc") ? IFN.drop_back(3) : IFN).str();
      OutputFilename += ".ll";

  std::error_code EC;
  std::unique_ptr<tool_output_file> Out(
      new tool_output_file(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::F_None));
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';
    return 1;

  std::unique_ptr<AssemblyAnnotationWriter> Annotator;
  if (ShowAnnotations)
    Annotator.reset(new CommentWriter());

  // All that llvm-dis does is write the assembly to a file.
  if (!DontPrint)
    M->print(Out->os(), Annotator.get(), PreserveAssemblyUseListOrder);

  // Declare success.

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static bool hasPrefix(StringRef SectionName, StringRef Prefix) {
  return SectionName.startswith(Prefix) || SectionName == Prefix.drop_back();
Ejemplo n.º 21
IAMResult IAMInference::infer(const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl) {
  if (clangDecl->getName().startswith("_")) {
    return {};

  if (auto varDecl = dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(clangDecl)) {
    auto fail = [varDecl]() -> IAMResult {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "failed to infer variable: ");
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
      return {};

    // Try to find a type to add this as a static property to
    StringRef workingName = varDecl->getName();
    if (workingName.empty())
      return fail();

    // Special pattern: constants of the form "kFooBarBaz", extend "FooBar" with
    // property "Baz"
    if (*camel_case::getWords(workingName).begin() == "k")
      workingName = workingName.drop_front(1);

    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(workingName, remainingName))

      return importAsStaticProperty(remainingName, effectiveDC);

    return fail();

  // Try to infer a member function
  auto funcDecl = dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(clangDecl);
  if (!funcDecl) {
    // TODO: Do we want to collects stats here? Should it be assert?
    return {};

  auto fail = [funcDecl]() -> IAMResult {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "failed to infer function: ");
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
    return {};

  // Can't really import variadics well
  if (funcDecl->isVariadic())
    return fail();

  // FIXME: drop "Mutable"...

  StringRef workingName = funcDecl->getName();
  auto retTy = funcDecl->getReturnType();
  unsigned numParams = funcDecl->getNumParams();

  // 0) Special cases are specially handled: *GetTypeID()
  StringRef getTypeID = "GetTypeID";
  if (numParams == 0 && workingName.endswith(getTypeID)) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(
            workingName.drop_back(getTypeID.size()), remainingName)) {
      // We shouldn't have anything else left in our name for typeID
      if (remainingName.empty()) {

        return importAsTypeID(retTy, effectiveDC);

  // 1) If we find an init specifier and our name matches the return type, we
  //    import as some kind of constructor
  if (!retTy->isVoidType()) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, retTy, remainingName))
      for (auto initSpec : InitSpecifiers)
        if (hasWord(remainingName, initSpec))
          if (auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(retTy))
            return importAsConstructor(
                remainingName, initSpec,
                {funcDecl->param_begin(), funcDecl->param_end()}, effectiveDC);

  // 2) If we find a likely self reference in the parameters, make an instance
  //    member (method or property)
  SmallVector<const clang::ParmVarDecl *, 8> nonSelfParams;
  unsigned selfIdx = 0;
  for (auto paramI = funcDecl->param_begin(), paramE = funcDecl->param_end();
       paramI != paramE; ++paramI, ++selfIdx) {
    auto param = *paramI;
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, param->getType(), remainingName)) {
      auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(param->getType());
      if (!effectiveDC)
      nonSelfParams.append(funcDecl->param_begin(), paramI);
      nonSelfParams.append(++paramI, paramE);
      // See if it's a property
      for (auto propSpec : PropertySpecifiers) {
        NameBuffer propName;
        if (match(remainingName, propSpec, propName)) {
          const clang::FunctionDecl *pairedAccessor;
          if (validToImportAsProperty(funcDecl, propSpec, selfIdx,
            return importAsInstanceProperty(propName, propSpec, selfIdx,
                                            nonSelfParams, pairedAccessor,

      return importAsInstanceMethod(remainingName, selfIdx, nonSelfParams,

  // No self, must be static
  nonSelfParams = {funcDecl->param_begin(), funcDecl->param_end()};

  // 3) Finally, try to find a class to put this on as a static function
  NameBuffer remainingName;
  if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(workingName, remainingName)) {
    ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params = {funcDecl->param_begin(),
    // See if it's a property
    for (auto propSpec : PropertySpecifiers) {
      NameBuffer propName;
      if (match(remainingName, propSpec, propName)) {
        const clang::FunctionDecl *pairedAccessor;
        if (validToImportAsProperty(funcDecl, propSpec, None, pairedAccessor))
          return importAsStaticProperty(propName, propSpec, nonSelfParams,
                                        pairedAccessor, effectiveDC);

    return importAsStaticMethod(remainingName, nonSelfParams, effectiveDC);

  return fail();
Ejemplo n.º 22
static std::unique_ptr<tool_output_file>
GetOutputStream(const char *TargetName, Triple::OSType OS,
                const char *ProgName) {
  // If we don't yet have an output filename, make one.
  if (OutputFilename.empty()) {
    if (InputFilename == "-")
      OutputFilename = "-";
    else {
      // If InputFilename ends in .bc or .ll, remove it.
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      if (IFN.endswith(".bc") || IFN.endswith(".ll"))
        OutputFilename = IFN.drop_back(3);
        OutputFilename = IFN;

      switch (FileType) {
      case TargetMachine::CGFT_AssemblyFile:
        if (TargetName[0] == 'c') {
          if (TargetName[1] == 0)
            OutputFilename += ".cbe.c";
          else if (TargetName[1] == 'p' && TargetName[2] == 'p')
            OutputFilename += ".cpp";
            OutputFilename += ".s";
        } else
          OutputFilename += ".s";
      case TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile:
        if (OS == Triple::Win32)
          OutputFilename += ".obj";
          OutputFilename += ".o";
      case TargetMachine::CGFT_Null:
        OutputFilename += ".null";

  // Decide if we need "binary" output.
  bool Binary = false;
  switch (FileType) {
  case TargetMachine::CGFT_AssemblyFile:
  case TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile:
  case TargetMachine::CGFT_Null:
    Binary = true;

  // Open the file.
  std::error_code EC;
  sys::fs::OpenFlags OpenFlags = sys::fs::F_None;
  if (!Binary)
    OpenFlags |= sys::fs::F_Text;
  auto FDOut = llvm::make_unique<tool_output_file>(OutputFilename, EC,
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';
    return nullptr;

  return FDOut;
Ejemplo n.º 23
LineList MarkupContext::getLineList(swift::RawComment RC) {
  LineListBuilder Builder(*this);

  for (const auto &C : RC.Comments) {
    if (C.isLine()) {
      // Skip comment marker.
      unsigned CommentMarkerBytes = 2 + (C.isOrdinary() ? 0 : 1);
      StringRef Cleaned = C.RawText.drop_front(CommentMarkerBytes);

      // Drop trailing newline.
      Cleaned = Cleaned.rtrim("\n\r");
      auto CleanedStartLoc =
      auto CleanedEndLoc =
      Builder.addLine(Cleaned, { CleanedStartLoc, CleanedEndLoc });
    } else {
      // Skip comment markers at the beginning and at the end.
      unsigned CommentMarkerBytes = 2 + (C.isOrdinary() ? 0 : 1);
      StringRef Cleaned = C.RawText.drop_front(CommentMarkerBytes);

      if (Cleaned.endswith("*/"))
        Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_back(2);
      else if (Cleaned.endswith("/"))
        Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_back(1);

      swift::SourceLoc CleanedStartLoc =

      // Determine if we have leading decorations in this block comment.
      bool HasASCIIArt = false;
      if (swift::startsWithNewline(Cleaned)) {
        Builder.addLine(Cleaned.substr(0, 0), { C.Range.getStart(),
                                                C.Range.getStart() });
        unsigned NewlineBytes = swift::measureNewline(Cleaned);
        Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(NewlineBytes);
        CleanedStartLoc = CleanedStartLoc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(NewlineBytes);
        HasASCIIArt = measureASCIIArt(Cleaned, C.StartColumn - 1) != 0;

      while (!Cleaned.empty()) {
        size_t Pos = Cleaned.find_first_of("\n\r");
        if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
          Pos = Cleaned.size();

        // Skip over ASCII art, if present.
        if (HasASCIIArt)
          if (unsigned ASCIIArtBytes =
              measureASCIIArt(Cleaned, C.StartColumn - 1)) {
            Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(ASCIIArtBytes);
            CleanedStartLoc =
            Pos -= ASCIIArtBytes;

        StringRef Line = Cleaned.substr(0, Pos);
        auto CleanedEndLoc = CleanedStartLoc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(Pos);

        Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(Pos);
        unsigned NewlineBytes = swift::measureNewline(Cleaned);
        Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(NewlineBytes);
        Pos += NewlineBytes;
        CleanedStartLoc = CleanedStartLoc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(Pos);

        Builder.addLine(Line, { CleanedStartLoc, CleanedEndLoc });
  return Builder.takeLineList();