Ejemplo n.º 1
bool graphics_mode_init(const ScreenSetup &setup, const ColorDepthOption &color_depths)
    // Log out display information
    Size device_size;
    if (get_desktop_resolution(&device_size.Width, &device_size.Height) == 0)
        Out::FPrint("Device display resolution: %d x %d", device_size.Width, device_size.Height);
        Out::FPrint("Unable to obtain device resolution");

    const char *screen_sz_def_options[kNumScreenDef] = { "explicit", "scaling", "max" };
    const bool ignore_device_ratio = setup.Windowed || setup.SizeDef == kScreenDef_Explicit;
    const String scale_option = make_scaling_option(setup.GameFrame.ScaleDef, convert_fp_to_scaling(setup.GameFrame.ScaleFactor));
    Out::FPrint("Game settings: windowed = %s, screen def: %s, screen size: %d x %d, match device ratio: %s, game scale: %s",
        setup.Windowed ? "yes" : "no", screen_sz_def_options[setup.SizeDef], setup.Size.Width, setup.Size.Height,
        ignore_device_ratio ? "ignore" : (setup.MatchDeviceRatio ? "yes" : "no"), scale_option.GetCStr());

    // Game size is used when defining resolution base and proper scaling;
    // Box size specifies minimal wanted screen size for the game (unscaled),
    // it is supposed to be be equal or greater than game_size
    GameSizeDef game_size;
    game_size.Game = game.size;
    game_size.Box = game.size;

    // Prepare the list of available gfx factories, having the one requested by user at first place
    StringV ids;
    StringV::iterator it = std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), setup.DriverID);
    if (it != ids.end())
        std::rotate(ids.begin(), it, ids.end());
        Out::FPrint("Requested graphics driver '%s' not found, will try existing drivers instead", setup.DriverID.GetCStr());

    // Try to create renderer and init gfx mode, choosing one factory at a time
    bool result = false;
    for (StringV::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it)
        result = create_gfx_driver_and_init_mode(*it, game_size, setup, color_depths, setup.Windowed);
        if (result)
    // If all possibilities failed, display error message and quit
    if (!result)
        display_gfx_mode_error(game_size.Box, setup.Filter, color_depths.Prime);
        return false;

    // On success: log out new mode params and continue initialization
    DisplayMode dm   = gfxDriver->GetDisplayMode();
    ScreenResolution = dm;

    Rect dst_rect    = gfxDriver->GetRenderDestination();
    Rect filter_rect = filter->GetDestination();
    Out::FPrint("Succeeded. Using gfx mode %d x %d (%d-bit) %s\n\t"
                "filter dest (%d, %d, %d, %d : %d x %d), render dest (%d, %d, %d, %d : %d x %d)",
        dm.Width, dm.Height, dm.ColorDepth, dm.Windowed ? "windowed" : "fullscreen",
        filter_rect.Left, filter_rect.Top, filter_rect.Right, filter_rect.Bottom, filter_rect.GetWidth(), filter_rect.GetHeight(),
        dst_rect.Left, dst_rect.Top, dst_rect.Right, dst_rect.Bottom, dst_rect.GetWidth(), dst_rect.GetHeight());

    return true;