Ejemplo n.º 1
FloatArray *
PerfectlyPlasticMaterial :: GiveStressCorrectionBackToYieldSurface(GaussPoint *gp,
                                                                   FloatArray *stressVector3d,
                                                                   FloatArray *plasticVector3d)
// returns the stress correction -> correction is in the direction of
// the normal to the yield surface
// in full stress strain space
    FloatArray *yeldStressGrad, *stressCorrection;
    StructuralCrossSection *crossSection = static_cast< StructuralCrossSection * >
                                           ( gp->giveElement()->giveCrossSection() );
    double f3, help;

    yeldStressGrad = this->GiveYCStressGradient(gp,
    crossSection->imposeStressConstrainsOnGradient(gp, yeldStressGrad);

    f3 = this->computeYCValueAt(gp, stressVector3d, plasticVector3d);

    help = 0.;
    for ( int j = 1; j <= 6; j++ ) {
        help += yeldStressGrad->at(j) * yeldStressGrad->at(j);

    stressCorrection = new FloatArray(*yeldStressGrad);
    stressCorrection->times(-f3 / help);

    delete yeldStressGrad;
    return stressCorrection;
Ejemplo n.º 2
PerfectlyPlasticMaterial :: giveRealStressVector(FloatArray &answer,
                                                 GaussPoint *gp,
                                                 const FloatArray &totalStrain,
                                                 TimeStep *tStep)
// returns  stress vector (in full or reduced form )  of receiver according to
// previous level of stress and current
// strain increment, the only way, how to correctly update gp records
// may be good idea for nonlinear materials overload this function in order to
// capture strain - stress history for proper modelling receiver behaviour
// and in order to capture possible failure of material
// Note: formulated in full stress strain space
    FloatArray elasticStressIncrement;
    FloatArray workStress, *yieldStressGrad, workStress2, stressVector3d;
    FloatArray mStrainIncrement3d, mStressElasticIncrement3d, PlasticStrainVector3d;
    FloatArray dSigmaIncrement3d, *stressCorrection, *loadingStressGrad;
    FloatArray helpArray;
    FloatArray plasticStrainIncrement3d, strainIncrement, reducedStrain, reducedStrainIncrement;
    FloatArray statusFullStressVector, statusFullPlasticVector;
    FloatArray plasticStrainVector;
    PerfectlyPlasticMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< PerfectlyPlasticMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );

    FloatMatrix dp;
    StructuralCrossSection *crossSection = static_cast< StructuralCrossSection * >
                                           ( gp->giveElement()->giveCrossSection() );
    double f0, f1, f2, help, dLambda, r, r1, m;

    // init temp variables (of YC,LC,Material) at the beginning of step
    // subtract stress independent part
    // note: eigenStrains (temperature) is not contained in mechanical strain stored in gp
    // therefore it is necessary to subtract always the total eigen strain value
    this->giveStressDependentPartOfStrainVector(reducedStrain, gp, totalStrain,
                                                tStep, VM_Total);

    reducedStrainIncrement.beDifferenceOf( reducedStrain, status->giveStrainVector() );

    StructuralMaterial :: giveFullSymVectorForm( strainIncrement, reducedStrainIncrement, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
    plasticStrainVector = status->givePlasticStrainVector();
    StructuralMaterial :: giveFullSymVectorForm( statusFullPlasticVector, plasticStrainVector, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
    StructuralMaterial :: giveFullSymVectorForm( statusFullStressVector, status->giveStressVector(), gp->giveMaterialMode() );

    // Note : formulated in full stress strain space
    this->computeTrialStressIncrement(elasticStressIncrement, gp, strainIncrement, tStep);
    // calculate deltaSigmaPlastic
    workStress = statusFullStressVector;

    f0 = this->computeYCValueAt(gp, & statusFullStressVector,
                                & statusFullPlasticVector);

    f1 = this->computeYCValueAt(gp, & workStress,
                                & statusFullPlasticVector);

    PlasticStrainVector3d = statusFullPlasticVector;

    if ( f1 >= 0. ) { // loading surface violated by the elastic trial set
        if ( f0 < 0. ) { // previously in elastic area
            // element not yielding - set the print status
            // compute scaling factor
            r1 = -f0 / ( f1 - f0 ); // linear interpolation in f (Zienkiewicz, 1969)
            yieldStressGrad = this->GiveYCStressGradient(gp, & statusFullStressVector,
                                                         & statusFullPlasticVector);
            crossSection->imposeStressConstrainsOnGradient(gp, yieldStressGrad);

            help = 0.;
            for ( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
                help += yieldStressGrad->at(i) * elasticStressIncrement.at(i);

            delete yieldStressGrad;

            workStress2 = elasticStressIncrement;

            f2 = this->computeYCValueAt(gp, & workStress2,
                                        & statusFullPlasticVector);

            if ( fabs(help) > 1.e-6 ) {
                r = r1 - f2 / help; // improved value of r (Nayak & Zienkiewicz, 1972)
            } else {
                r = r1;
        } else { // f0 should be zero
            r  = 0.;

        stressVector3d =  elasticStressIncrement;

        m = STRAIN_STEPS;
        mStrainIncrement3d = strainIncrement;
        mStrainIncrement3d.times( ( 1.0 - r ) / m );
        mStressElasticIncrement3d = elasticStressIncrement;
        mStressElasticIncrement3d.times( ( 1.0 - r ) / m );

        // test if fracture or failure occurs
        this->updateIfFailure(gp, & stressVector3d, & PlasticStrainVector3d);
        // element yielding - set the print status
        // loop over m-steps
        for ( int i = 1; i <= m; i++ ) {
            //   yieldStressGrad = yieldCriteria->
            //    GiveStressGradient (gp, stressVector3d,
            //            PlasticStrainVector3d,
            //            gp-> giveHardeningParam());

            // compute dLambda and dp
            this->computePlasticStiffnessAt(dp, gp,
                                            & stressVector3d,
                                            & PlasticStrainVector3d,
                                            & mStrainIncrement3d,
            if ( dLambda < 0. ) {
                dLambda = 0.;

            dSigmaIncrement3d.beProductOf(dp, mStrainIncrement3d);
            // compute normal to loading surface
            loadingStressGrad = this->GiveLCStressGradient(gp, & stressVector3d,
                                                           & PlasticStrainVector3d);

            // update the stress state
            // compute stress corrections

            stressCorrection = this->
                               GiveStressCorrectionBackToYieldSurface(gp, & stressVector3d,
                                                                      & PlasticStrainVector3d);
            // apply the stress correction -> correction is in the direction of
            // the normal to the yield surface
            stressVector3d.add(* stressCorrection);
            //   test = yieldCriteria-> computeValueAt(stressVector3d,
            //                 PlasticStrainVector3d,
            //                 gp-> giveHardeningParam());

            // calculate plastic strain increment

            crossSection->imposeStrainConstrainsOnGradient(gp, loadingStressGrad);
            PlasticStrainVector3d.add(* loadingStressGrad);
            // strainVector3d -> add (mStrainIncrement3d);

            // update yieldCriteria and loading criteria records to newly reached state
            // in loadingStressGrad is stored current plastic vector increment
            this->updateTempYC(gp, & stressVector3d, & PlasticStrainVector3d);
            this->updateTempLC(gp, & stressVector3d, & PlasticStrainVector3d);

            // test if fracture or failure occurs
            this->updateIfFailure(gp, & stressVector3d, & PlasticStrainVector3d);

            delete loadingStressGrad;
            delete stressCorrection;

        // compute total stress increment during strainIncrement
        //  totalStressIncrement = statusFullStressVector;
        //  totalStressIncrement.times (-1.0);
        //  totalStressIncrement.add (stressVector3d);
        // update gp
        FloatArray helpArry;
        StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedSymVectorForm( helpArry, stressVector3d, gp->giveMaterialMode() );

    } else {
        // element not yielding - set the print status
        stressVector3d = statusFullStressVector;
        // test if fracture or failure occurs
        this->updateIfFailure(gp, & stressVector3d, & PlasticStrainVector3d);
        // update gp
        StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedSymVectorForm( helpArray, stressVector3d, gp->giveMaterialMode() );

    // update gp plastic strain
    plasticStrainIncrement3d.beDifferenceOf(PlasticStrainVector3d, statusFullPlasticVector);
    StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedSymVectorForm( helpArray, plasticStrainIncrement3d, gp->giveMaterialMode() );

    StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedSymVectorForm( answer, stressVector3d, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
Ejemplo n.º 3
PerfectlyPlasticMaterial :: computePlasticStiffnessAt(FloatMatrix &answer,
                                                      GaussPoint *gp,
                                                      FloatArray *currentStressVector,
                                                      FloatArray *currentPlasticStrainVector,
                                                      FloatArray *strainIncrement3d,
                                                      TimeStep *tStep,
                                                      double &lambda)
// Computes full form of  Plastic stiffness Matrix at given state.
// gp is used only and only for setting proper MaterialMode ()
// returns proportionality factor lambda also if strainIncrement3d != NULL
    StructuralCrossSection *crossSection = static_cast< StructuralCrossSection * >
                                           ( gp->giveElement()->giveCrossSection() );
    FloatMatrix de, *yeldStressGradMat, *loadingStressGradMat;
    FloatMatrix fsde, gsfsde;
    FloatArray *yeldStressGrad, *loadingStressGrad;
    FloatArray help;
    double denominator, nominator;
    // force de to be elastic even if gp in plastic state
    // to do this, a flag in this class exist -> ForceElasticResponce
    // if this flag is set to nonzero, function this::Give3dMaterialStiffnessMatrix
    // will be forced to return only elasticPart of 3dMaterialStiffnessMatrix
    // This function also set the ForceElasticFlagResponce to zero.
    this->giveEffectiveMaterialStiffnessMatrix(de, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep);

    yeldStressGrad = this->GiveYCStressGradient(gp, currentStressVector,
    crossSection->imposeStressConstrainsOnGradient(gp, yeldStressGrad);
    yeldStressGradMat = new FloatMatrix(*yeldStressGrad, 1); // transpose

    loadingStressGrad = this->GiveLCStressGradient(gp, currentStressVector,

    crossSection->imposeStrainConstrainsOnGradient(gp, loadingStressGrad);
    loadingStressGradMat = new FloatMatrix(*yeldStressGrad);

    help.beProductOf(de, * loadingStressGrad);
    delete loadingStressGrad;

    fsde.beProductOf(* yeldStressGradMat, de);
    delete yeldStressGradMat;
    gsfsde.beProductOf(* loadingStressGradMat, fsde);
    delete loadingStressGradMat;

    denominator = 0.;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
        denominator += yeldStressGrad->at(i) * help.at(i);

    answer.beProductOf(de, gsfsde);

    answer.times( -( 1. / denominator ) );

    if ( strainIncrement3d != NULL ) { // compute proportional factor lambda
        nominator = 0.;
        help.beProductOf(de, * strainIncrement3d);
        for ( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
            nominator += yeldStressGrad->at(i) * help.at(i);

        lambda = nominator / denominator;

    delete yeldStressGrad;