Ejemplo n.º 1
 * querySet()
 * Read in and parse through the given file. The 'Query' file contains a list of
 * student ID numbers. Each entry in the Query file is a student ID given on a
 * line by itself. You are to compute and report the GPA for each of the students
 * listed in the Query file. The following is an example Query file:
 * 	5291738860
 * 	9251733870
 * For each student ID given in the Query file, use the student information stored in
 * your set to compute the GPA for the student and create an output string which
 * contains the student ID, GPA, and name. If the given student ID does not match any
 * student, do not give any output for that student ID. Each line of the output string
 * contains student ID, GPA, and name as shown:
 * 	5291738860 2.85 Dick B. Smith
 *	9251733870 3.00 Harry C. Anderson
 * Return a string representation of the given query. If an invalid file name is given,
 * then return an empty string. The precision of the GPA will be rounded to two decimal places.
 * There will be a trailing new line.
string GPA::querySet(string fileName)
    ifstream file;
    if (file.fail() || file.bad())
        return "";
    unsigned long long int ID = 0;
    stringstream ss;
    StudentInterface* student = NULL;
    typedef set<StudentInterface*, Comparator>::iterator it;
    while (file >> ID)
        it itr;
        for (itr = mySet.begin(); itr != mySet.end(); itr++)
            if ((*itr)->getID() == ID)
                student = *itr;
                ss << ID << " " << student->getGPA() << " " << student->getName() << "\n";


    return ss.str();
string GPA::queryMap(string fileName)
			string empty = "";
			return empty;
	stringstream sout;
	ifstream queryfile;
	string idin;
	cout << fileName << endl;
	while(getline(queryfile, idin))
		//cout << "made it here " << idin << endl;
		stringstream ss;
		unsigned long long int id;
		ss << idin;
		ss >> id;
		if (mapFindStudent(id) != NULL)
			StudentInterface* student = new Student();
			delete student;
			student = mapFindStudent(id);
			sout << student->getID() << " " << student->getGPA() << " " << student->getName() << "\n";
	return sout.str();