Ejemplo n.º 1
TAO_Profile *
TAO_DIOP_Connector::create_profile (TAO_InputCDR& cdr)
    TAO_Profile *pfile = 0;
    ACE_NEW_RETURN (pfile,
                    TAO_DIOP_Profile (this->orb_core ()),

    if (pfile->decode (cdr) == -1)
        pfile->_decr_refcnt ();
        pfile = 0;

    return pfile;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  Profile_Transport_Resolver::profile (TAO_Profile *p)
    // Dont do anything if the incoming profile is null
    if (p)
        // @note This is just a workaround for a more serious problem
        // with profile management. This would cover some potential
        // issues that Ossama is working on.  Ossama, please remove
        // them when you are done.
        TAO_Profile *tmp = this->profile_;

        (void) p->_incr_refcnt ();
        this->profile_ = p;

        if (tmp)
            (void) tmp->_decr_refcnt ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
TAO_Connector::make_mprofile (const char *string, TAO_MProfile &mprofile)
  // This method utilizes the "Template Method" design pattern to
  // parse the given URL style IOR for the protocol being used
  // and create an mprofile from it.
  // The methods that must be defined by all Connector sub-classes are:
  //      make_profile
  //      check_prefix

  // Check for a valid string
  if (!string || !*string)
      throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF (
        CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code (

  // Check for the proper prefix in the IOR.  If the proper prefix isn't
  // in the IOR then it is not an IOR we can use.
  if (this->check_prefix (string) != 0)
      return 1;
      // Failure: not the correct IOR for this protocol.
      // DO NOT throw an exception here since the Connector_Registry
      // should be allowed the opportunity to continue looking for
      // an appropriate connector.

  if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
                  ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) - TAO_Connector::make_mprofile ")
                  ACE_TEXT ("<%C>\n"),

  ACE_CString ior;

  ior.set (string, ACE_OS::strlen (string), 1);

  // Find out where the protocol ends
  ACE_CString::size_type ior_index = ior.find ("://");

  if (ior_index == ACE_CString::npos)
      throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF ();
      // No colon ':' in the IOR!
      ior_index += 3;
      // Add the length of the colon and the two forward slashes `://'
      // to the IOR string index (i.e. 3)

  // Find the object key
  const ACE_CString::size_type objkey_index =
    ior.find (this->object_key_delimiter (), ior_index);

  if (objkey_index == 0 || objkey_index == ACE_CString::npos)
      throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF ();
      // Failure: No endpoints specified or no object key specified.

  const char endpoint_delimiter = ',';
  // The delimiter used to separate individual addresses.

  // Count the number of endpoints in the IOR.  This will be the number
  // of entries in the MProfile.

  CORBA::ULong profile_count = 1;
  // Number of endpoints in the IOR  (initialized to 1).

  // Only check for endpoints after the protocol specification and
  // before the object key.
  for (ACE_CString::size_type i = ior_index; i < objkey_index; ++i)
      if (ior[i] == endpoint_delimiter)

  // Tell the MProfile object how many Profiles it should hold.
  // MProfile::set(size) returns the number profiles it can hold.
  if (mprofile.set (profile_count) != static_cast<int> (profile_count))
      throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF (
        CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code (
      // Error while setting the MProfile size!

  // The idea behind the following loop is to split the IOR into several
  // strings that can be parsed by each profile.
  // For example,
  //    `1.3@moo,shu,1.1@chicken/arf'
  // will be parsed into:
  //    `1.3@moo/arf'
  //    `shu/arf'
  //    `1.1@chicken/arf'

  ACE_CString::size_type begin = 0;
  ACE_CString::size_type end = ior_index - 1;
  // Initialize the end of the endpoint index

  for (CORBA::ULong j = 0; j < profile_count; ++j)
      begin = end + 1;

      if (j < profile_count - 1)
          end = ior.find (endpoint_delimiter, begin);
          end = objkey_index;  // Handle last endpoint differently

      if (end < ior.length () && end != ior.npos)
          ACE_CString endpoint = ior.substring (begin, end - begin);

          // Add the object key to the string.
          endpoint += ior.substring (objkey_index);

          // The endpoint should now be of the form:
          //    `N.n@endpoint/object_key'
          // or
          //    `endpoint/object_key'

          TAO_Profile *profile =
            this->make_profile ();
          // Failure:  Problem during profile creation

          // Initialize a Profile using the individual endpoint
          // string.
          // @@ Not exception safe!  We need a TAO_Profile_var!
          profile->parse_string (endpoint.c_str ()

          // Give up ownership of the profile.
          if (mprofile.give_profile (profile) == -1)
              profile->_decr_refcnt ();

              throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF (
                CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code (
              // Failure presumably only occurs when MProfile is full!
              // This should never happen.
          throw ::CORBA::INV_OBJREF ();
          // Unable to separate endpoints

  return 0;  // Success