Ejemplo n.º 1
void UFlareAIBehavior::Simulate()

	// See how the player is doing
	TArray<UFlareCompany*> SortedCompany = Game->GetGameWorld()->GetCompanies();
	int32 PlayerCompanyIndex = SortedCompany.IndexOfByKey(GetGame()->GetPC()->GetCompany());
	int32 PlayerArmy = GetGame()->GetPC()->GetCompany()->GetCompanyValue().ArmyCurrentCombatPoints;

	// Pirates hate you
	if (PlayerCompanyIndex > 0 && Company == ST->Pirates)

	// Competitors hate you more if you're doing well
	float ReputationLoss = PlayerCompanyIndex / 30.f;
	if (PlayerArmy > 0 && Company != ST->AxisSupplies && Company->GetPlayerReputation() > ReputationLoss)

	// Simulate the day
	if (Company == ST->Pirates)

	void UpdateInstallations(HWND hWnd)
		SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_BUILDLIST, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);

		for(int32 Idx =  0; Idx < SortedIdentifiers.Num(); Idx++)
			const FString &Identifier = SortedIdentifiers[Idx];
			FString Description = GetInstallationDescription(Identifier, Installations[Identifier]);
			SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_BUILDLIST, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)*Description);

		int32 NewIdx = FMath::Max(SortedIdentifiers.IndexOfByKey(Identifier), 0);
		SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_BUILDLIST, CB_SETCURSEL, NewIdx, 0);
bool FDataTableEditorUtils::MoveRow(UDataTable* DataTable, FName RowName, ERowMoveDirection Direction, int32 NumRowsToMoveBy)
	if (!DataTable)
		return false;
	// Our maps are ordered which is why we can get away with this
	// If we ever change our map implementation, we'll need to preserve this order information in a separate array and 
	// make sure that order dependent code (such as exporting and the data table viewer) use that when dealing with rows
	// This may also require making RowMap private and fixing up all the existing code that references it directly
	TArray<FName> OrderedRowNames;

	const int32 CurrentRowIndex = OrderedRowNames.IndexOfByKey(RowName);
	if (CurrentRowIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		return false;
	// Calculate our new row index, clamped to the available rows
	int32 NewRowIndex = INDEX_NONE;
	case ERowMoveDirection::Up:
		NewRowIndex = FMath::Clamp(CurrentRowIndex - NumRowsToMoveBy, 0, OrderedRowNames.Num() - 1);

	case ERowMoveDirection::Down:
		NewRowIndex = FMath::Clamp(CurrentRowIndex + NumRowsToMoveBy, 0, OrderedRowNames.Num() - 1);


	if (NewRowIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		return false;

	if (CurrentRowIndex == NewRowIndex)
		// Nothing to do, but not an error
		return true;

	// Swap the order around as requested
	OrderedRowNames.RemoveAt(CurrentRowIndex, 1, false);
	OrderedRowNames.Insert(RowName, NewRowIndex);

	// Build a name -> index map as the KeySort will hit this a lot
	TMap<FName, int32> NamesToNewIndex;
	for (int32 NameIndex = 0; NameIndex < OrderedRowNames.Num(); ++NameIndex)
		NamesToNewIndex.Add(OrderedRowNames[NameIndex], NameIndex);

	const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("MoveDataTableRow", "Move Data Table Row"));

	BroadcastPreChange(DataTable, EDataTableChangeInfo::RowList);

	// Re-sort the map keys to match the new order
	DataTable->RowMap.KeySort([&NamesToNewIndex](const FName& One, const FName& Two) -> bool
		const int32 OneIndex = NamesToNewIndex.FindRef(One);
		const int32 TwoIndex = NamesToNewIndex.FindRef(Two);
		return OneIndex < TwoIndex;

	BroadcastPostChange(DataTable, EDataTableChangeInfo::RowList);

	return true;