Ejemplo n.º 1
void char_clip_word(                            //
                    WERD *word,                 //word to be processed
                    IMAGE &bin_image,           //whole image
                    PIXROW_LIST *&pixrow_list,  //pixrows built
                    IMAGELINE *&imlines,        //lines cut from image
                    TBOX &pix_box                //box defining imlines
                   ) {
  TBOX word_box = word->bounding_box ();
  PBLOB_LIST *blob_list;
  PBLOB_IT blob_it;
  PIXROW_IT pixrow_it;
  inT16 pix_offset;              //Y pos of pixrow[0]
  inT16 row_height;              //No of pix rows
  inT16 imlines_x_offset;
  PIXROW *prev;
  PIXROW *next;
  PIXROW *current;
  BOOL8 changed;                 //still improving
  BOOL8 just_changed;            //still improving
  inT16 iteration_count = 0;
  inT16 foreground_colour;

  if (word->flag (W_INVERSE))
    foreground_colour = 1;
    foreground_colour = 0;

  /* Define region for max pixrow expansion */
  pix_box = word_box;
  pix_box.move_bottom_edge (-pix_word_margin);
  pix_box.move_top_edge (pix_word_margin);
  pix_box.move_left_edge (-pix_word_margin);
  pix_box.move_right_edge (pix_word_margin);
  pix_box -= TBOX (ICOORD (0, 0 + BUG_OFFSET),
    ICOORD (bin_image.get_xsize (),
    bin_image.get_ysize () - BUG_OFFSET));

  /* Generate pixrows list */

  pix_offset = pix_box.bottom ();
  row_height = pix_box.height ();
  blob_list = word->blob_list ();
  blob_it.set_to_list (blob_list);

  pixrow_list = new PIXROW_LIST;
  pixrow_it.set_to_list (pixrow_list);

  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list (); blob_it.forward ()) {
    PIXROW *row = new PIXROW (pix_offset, row_height, blob_it.data ());
    ASSERT_HOST (!row->
      bad_box (bin_image.get_xsize (), bin_image.get_ysize ()));
    pixrow_it.add_after_then_move (row);

  imlines = generate_imlines (bin_image, pix_box);

  /* Contract pixrows - shrink min and max back to black pixels */

  imlines_x_offset = pix_box.left ();

  pixrow_it.move_to_first ();
  for (pixrow_it.mark_cycle_pt ();
  !pixrow_it.cycled_list (); pixrow_it.forward ()) {
    ASSERT_HOST (!pixrow_it.data ()->
      bad_box (bin_image.get_xsize (), bin_image.get_ysize ()));
    pixrow_it.data ()->contract (imlines, imlines_x_offset,
    ASSERT_HOST (!pixrow_it.data ()->
      bad_box (bin_image.get_xsize (), bin_image.get_ysize ()));

  /* Expand pixrows iteratively 1 pixel at a time */
  do {
    changed = FALSE;
    pixrow_it.move_to_first ();
    prev = NULL;
    current = NULL;
    next = pixrow_it.data ();
    for (pixrow_it.mark_cycle_pt ();
    !pixrow_it.cycled_list (); pixrow_it.forward ()) {
      prev = current;
      current = next;
      if (pixrow_it.at_last ())
        next = NULL;
        next = pixrow_it.data_relative (1);
      just_changed = current->extend (imlines, pix_box, prev, next,
      ASSERT_HOST (!current->
        bad_box (bin_image.get_xsize (),
        bin_image.get_ysize ()));
      changed = changed || just_changed;
  while (changed);