int CmdFullscreen::execute() { TCODConsole* console = Engine::instance().getConsole(); if ( console ) console->setFullscreen( !console->isFullscreen() ); return 0; }
void Actor::render() const { TCODConsole *offscrn = new TCODConsole(1,1); offscrn->setChar(0, 0, ch); offscrn->setCharForeground(0,0,col); //offscrn->setKeyColor(TCODColor::black); TCODConsole::blit(offscrn,0,0,0,0,engine.mapcon,x,y,1.0,0.0); delete offscrn; }
void ALabel::render(TCODConsole &console) { console.setDefaultForeground(_color); console.setDefaultBackground(_bgcolor); console.printEx(getX(), getY(), TCOD_BKGND_SET, TCOD_LEFT, "%s", _value.c_str()); if ( _autosize ) setWidth(_value.size()); }
void g_debugmsg(const char *mes, ...) { int x = 0; int y = 3; va_list ap; va_start(ap, mes); char buff[2048]; vsprintf(buff, mes, ap); va_end(ap); x = strlen(buff)+8; // +7 because of added DEBUG: tag if (x < 29) x = 29; TCODConsole *bugger = new TCODConsole(x, y); // should this stay preserved in GAME object? bugger->setAlignment(TCOD_LEFT); TCODConsole::setColorControl(TCOD_COLCTRL_1,TCODColor::red,TCODColor::black); TCODConsole::setColorControl(TCOD_COLCTRL_2,TCODColor::yellow,TCODColor::black); std::cout << "DEBUG: " << buff << std::endl; bugger->print(0,0, "%cDEBUG: %c%c%s%c", TCOD_COLCTRL_1,TCOD_COLCTRL_STOP,TCOD_COLCTRL_2, buff, TCOD_COLCTRL_STOP); bugger->print(0,2, "<Press a key to continue...>"); TCODConsole::blit(bugger,0,0,x,3,TCODConsole::root, 5, 5); TCODConsole::flush(); TCODConsole::waitForKeypress(true); delete bugger; }
void PlayerAi::PrintAttributeOnCharacterSheet(TCODConsole &con, Attribute *currAttr, int32_t baseRow, int32_t baseColumn) { con.setDefaultForeground(TCODColor::white); con.print(baseColumn, baseRow, "%s:", currAttr->GetName()); if (currAttr->GetCurrValue() > currAttr->GetBaseValue()) { con.setDefaultForeground(TCODColor::green); } else if (currAttr->GetCurrValue() < currAttr->GetBaseValue()) { con.setDefaultForeground(TCODColor::red); } con.print(baseColumn + 15, baseRow, "%3d", currAttr->GetCurrValue()); con.setDefaultForeground(TCODColor::white); }
int main() { srand((int)time(NULL)); cPlayer *mainPlayer = new cPlayer; TCODConsole::initRoot(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT+5, "LEVIATHAN", false, TCOD_RENDERER_SDL); mapData *mpShort = mainPlayer->mapDataHandle; if (mpShort->loaded != true) { if(mpShort->fileHandler->readMapData(mpShort) == 1) { cout<<"Failed to load map data."<<endl; mpShort->genNewMap(); mpShort->fileHandler->writeMapData(mpShort); cout<<"Map generated and written."<<endl; } else { cout<<"Map loaded."<<endl; } } mpShort->genNewMap(); TCODConsole *messages = new TCODConsole(SCREEN_WIDTH, 5); messages->setForegroundColor(TCODColor::red); messages->clear(); int i,j; for (i=0;i<5;i++) { for (j=0;j<SCREEN_WIDTH;j++) { if (i==0) { messages->setFore(j, i, TCODColor::white); messages->setChar(j, i, '-'); } if (i==4) { messages->setFore(j, i, TCODColor::white); messages->setChar(j, i, '-'); } if (j==0) { messages->setFore(j, i, TCODColor::white); messages->setChar(j, i, '|'); } if (j==SCREEN_WIDTH-1) { messages->setFore(j, i, TCODColor::white); messages->setChar(j, i, '|'); } if (i==0 && (j==0 || j==SCREEN_WIDTH-1)) { messages->setFore(j, i, TCODColor::white); messages->setChar(j, i, '0'); } if (i==4 && (j==0 || j==SCREEN_WIDTH-1)) { messages->setFore(j, i, TCODColor::white); messages->setChar(j, i, '0'); } } } // Render once before everything, because we handle // keypresses first render(mainPlayer, messages); // Main loop while(1) { // See if we should be closed if (TCODConsole::isWindowClosed()) break; if (mainPlayer->health <= 0) { // Losing condition: TCODConsole::root->setForegroundColor(TCODColor::white); TCODConsole::root->clear(); /*for (int fade=255;fade >= 0;fade--) { TCODConsole::setFade(fade,TCODColor::black); TCODConsole::flush(); Sleep(200); }*/ string end = "You are dead."; TCODConsole::root->printEx(SCREEN_WIDTH/2-(sizeof("You are dead.")/2), SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, TCOD_BKGND_NONE, TCOD_LEFT, end.c_str()); TCODConsole::flush(); TCODConsole::waitForKeypress(true); break; } else if (keyHandler(mainPlayer) == -1) { break; } // Render everything render(mainPlayer, messages); } delete mainPlayer; delete messages; return 0; }
void render(cPlayer *mainPlayer, TCODConsole *messages) { int i, j; // Shorten this shit up a bit: mapData *mpShort = mainPlayer->mapDataHandle; TCODConsole *offscreenConsole = new TCODConsole(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT); offscreenConsole->setForegroundColor(TCODColor::blue); offscreenConsole->clear(); // Flush the new changes to the offscreen console // Check if we have loaded the current cell yet: if (mpShort->loaded != true) { //if(mpShort->fileHandler->readMapData(mpShort) == 1) { // cout<<"Failed to load map data."<<endl; mpShort->clearMap(); mpShort->genNewMap(); // mpShort->fileHandler->writeMapData(mpShort); // cout<<"Map generated and written."<<endl; //} else { // cout<<"Map loaded."<<endl; //} } mainPlayer->updateFOV(); // Map renderer: for (i=0;i<SCREEN_WIDTH;i++) { for (j=0;j<SCREEN_HEIGHT;j++) { if (mainPlayer->myFOV->isInFov(i, j)) { // If it is in the Field of View, make sure it has been explored now: mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].isExplored = true; float distance = (float)((i - mainPlayer->pos[0]) * (i - mainPlayer->pos[0]) + (j - mainPlayer->pos[1]) * (j - mainPlayer->pos[1])); float squaredTorchRadius = (float)(mainPlayer->lightRadius * mainPlayer->lightRadius); if(distance < squaredTorchRadius) { float lerpVal = (squaredTorchRadius - distance) / squaredTorchRadius; lerpVal = CLAMP(0.1f, 1.0f, lerpVal); TCODColor foreColor = mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].foreColor * mainPlayer->lightColor * lerpVal; TCODColor backColor = mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].backColor * mainPlayer->lightColor * lerpVal; offscreenConsole->setFore(i, j, foreColor); offscreenConsole->setBack(i, j, backColor); offscreenConsole->setChar(i, j, mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].graphic); } } else if(mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].isExplored) { // If the tile is not in fov, but has been seen before... offscreenConsole->setFore(i, j, mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].foreColor * 0.1f); offscreenConsole->setBack(i, j, mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].backColor * 0.1f); offscreenConsole->setChar(i, j, mpShort->mapHandlerMaster[i][j].graphic); } else { // And if the tile has never been seen, we just black it out. offscreenConsole->putCharEx(i, j, ' ', TCODColor::black, TCODColor::black); } } } // Entity renderer: entity *loop = mainPlayer->mapDataHandle->masterList->head; while (loop != NULL) { // We have entities to render: if (mainPlayer->myFOV->isInFov(loop->pos[0], loop->pos[1])) { float distance = (float)((loop->pos[0] - mainPlayer->pos[0]) * (loop->pos[0] - mainPlayer->pos[0]) + (loop->pos[1] - mainPlayer->pos[1]) * (loop->pos[1] - mainPlayer->pos[1])); float squaredTorchRadius = (float)(mainPlayer->lightRadius * mainPlayer->lightRadius); if(distance < squaredTorchRadius) { float lerpVal = (squaredTorchRadius - distance) / squaredTorchRadius; lerpVal = CLAMP(0.1f, 1.0f, lerpVal); TCODColor foreColor = loop->myColor * mainPlayer->lightColor * lerpVal; offscreenConsole->setFore(loop->pos[0], loop->pos[1], foreColor); offscreenConsole->setChar(loop->pos[0], loop->pos[1], loop->myChar); // Compute the path stuff for the entity: loop->myPath->compute(loop->pos[0], loop->pos[1], mainPlayer->pos[0], mainPlayer->pos[1]); // See if we are one space away from the player, and attack him if we are: int qX=0, qY=0; loop->myPath->walk(&qX, &qY, true); if (qX == mainPlayer->pos[0] && qY == mainPlayer->pos[1]) { loop->attack(mainPlayer); } else { loop->pos[0] = qX; loop->pos[1] = qY; } } } loop = loop->next; } // Some random event stuff: if (mainPlayer->turns == mainPlayer->nextRand) { mainPlayer->mapDataHandle->randChanges(mainPlayer); mainPlayer->nextRand = mainPlayer->turns+=rand() % 300; } // Noise stuff: if (mainPlayer->isSnowing) mpShort->noise(snow, offscreenConsole, mainPlayer); // Render the player last offscreenConsole->setFore(mainPlayer->pos[0], mainPlayer->pos[1], mainPlayer->myColor); offscreenConsole->setChar(mainPlayer->pos[0], mainPlayer->pos[1], '@'); // Blit all that crap on-screen TCODConsole::blit(offscreenConsole,0,0,SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT,TCODConsole::root,0,0, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Messages: // clear and remake the window: for (i=1;i<4;i++) { for (j=1;j<(SCREEN_WIDTH-1);j++) { messages->setChar(j, i, ' '); } } for (i=0;i<3;i++) { std::ostringstream temp; temp <<"%c"<<mainPlayer->messagesHandle[i]<<"%c"; TCODConsole::setColorControl(TCOD_COLCTRL_1,mainPlayer->messageColors[i],TCODColor::black); messages->printEx(1, (i+1), TCOD_BKGND_NONE, TCOD_LEFT, temp.str().c_str(),TCOD_COLCTRL_1,TCOD_COLCTRL_STOP); } TCODConsole::blit(messages, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 5, TCODConsole::root, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT); // Flip it TCODConsole::root->flush(); delete offscreenConsole; }