Ejemplo n.º 1
TBool CStateDownload::MalformedPath(const TDesC& aPath)
	_LIT(KErr1,".\\");      //this is usually a typo, e.g "E.\" instead of "E:\"
	_LIT(KErr2,"\\*\\");    //this is simply a stupid request, as in "\*\"
	if((aPath.FindF(KErr1) != KErrNotFound) || (aPath.FindF(KErr2) != KErrNotFound))
		return ETrue;
		return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWidgetUiObserver::IsFileScheme
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWidgetUiObserver::IsFileScheme( const TDesC& aFileName )
    if ( aFileName.Length()> 0 && aFileName.Ptr() )
        if ( aFileName.FindF(KFileScheme) == 0 )
            return ETrue;
            {//Check for paths are that not URI, but of the form..
             // c:/dir/foo.txt. This is to accomodate browser engine inconsistencies. 
            TUriParser16 parser;
            if( parser.Parse( aFileName ) == KErrNone )
                TPtrC16 scheme = parser.Extract( EUriScheme );
                // As per the URI RFC, the part before : is the Scheme
                if ( scheme.Length() == (KMaxDriveName-1) ) 
                    return ETrue;

    return EFalse;
TBool CBrCtlApiTestObserver::IsFileScheme(const TDesC& aFileName)
    _LIT(KFileScheme, "file://");
    if (aFileName.Length() > 0 && aFileName.Ptr() != NULL)
        if (aFileName.FindF(KFileScheme) == 0)
            return ETrue;
    return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::IsFileScheme
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CBrCtlSampleAppLinkResolver::IsFileScheme(const TDesC& aFileName)
    _LIT(KFileScheme, "file://");
    if (aFileName.Length() > 0 && aFileName.Ptr() != NULL)
        if (aFileName.FindF(KFileScheme) == 0)
            return ETrue;
    return EFalse;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void PrintDiskUsage(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aPath, TInt aOffset = 0)
	_LIT(KSpace, " ");
	TheTest.Printf(_L("%*.*S%S\r\n"), aOffset, aOffset, &KSpace, &aPath);
	TFindFile findFile(aFs);
	CDir* fileNameCol = NULL;
	TBuf<8> fileNameMask;
	TInt err = findFile.FindWildByDir(fileNameMask, aPath, fileNameCol);
	if(err == KErrNone)
			const TDesC& file = findFile.File();//"file" variable contains the drive and the path. the file name in "file" is invalid in this case.
			(void)TheParse.Set(file, NULL, NULL);
			TPtrC driveName = TheParse.Drive();
			if(aPath.FindF(driveName) >= 0)
                TInt cnt = fileNameCol->Count();
                for(TInt i=0;i<cnt;++i)
                    const ::TEntry& entry = (*fileNameCol)[i];
                        TheTest.Printf(_L("%*.*S    %S, size=%d\r\n"), aOffset, aOffset, &KSpace, &entry.iName, entry.iSize);
                        TBuf<100> path;
                        PrintDiskUsage(aFs, path, aOffset + 4);
				} // if(aPath.FindF(driveName) >= 0)
			delete fileNameCol;
			fileNameCol = NULL;
			} while((err = findFile.FindWild(fileNameCol)) == KErrNone);//Get the next set of files
		TheTest.Printf(_L("  FindWildByDir() failed with err=%d\r\n"), err);
Ejemplo n.º 6
@return ETrue if the aDbFileName argument contains aPrivatePath as a first directory in the file path, EFalse otherwise.

static TBool IsPrivatePathInFileName(const TDesC& aDbFileName, const TDesC& aPrivatePath)
	TInt pos = aDbFileName.FindF(aPrivatePath);
	return (TUint)pos <= (TUint)KMaxDriveName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL( const TDesC& aType )
    _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL(): begin");
    TInt iDataProvElementCount = iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1]->iDataProvElement.Count()-1;
	// Leave if aType cannot be assigned
    if( ( aType.Length() > 0 ) &&
        ( iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1]->iDataProvElement[iDataProvElementCount]->iRemoteDBUri ) )
        TBool dataProvIdFoundInZ = FALSE;
        TSmlDataProviderId firstDataProvIdFound = 0;
        TSmlDataProviderId uidFound = 0;

        TBool doSearch = ETrue;
        if ( aType.FindF( KXVcardMimeType ) != KErrNotFound )
            if ( IsOperatorProfile( *iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1] ) )
                const CNSmlDsProfileElement& profile = *iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1];
                StoreOperatorUrlL( *profile.iHostAddress );
                // Do not make a search through adapter implementations
                doSearch = EFalse;
                uidFound = OperatorAdapterUid();
                if ( !uidFound )
                    // If OperatorAdapterUid returns 0, do a search
                    doSearch = ETrue;
		// look through every implementation adapter until one found
		// which supports MIME type in question
		// The first one located in ROM is chosen. If none found in ROM then
		// the first adapter found is chosen.

		HBufC8 *type = HBufC8::NewLC(aType.Size());
		TPtr8 typePtr = type->Des();
		CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( typePtr, aType);

		// get list of dataproviderIds
		RImplInfoPtrArray implArray;
		CleanupStack::PushL( PtrArrCleanupItemRArr( CImplementationInformation, &implArray ) );
		TUid ifUid = { KNSmlDSInterfaceUid };
		REComSession::ListImplementationsL( ifUid, implArray );
        if ( doSearch )
            TInt countProviders = implArray.Count();
            for( TInt i = 0; i < countProviders; i++ )
                CImplementationInformation* implInfo = implArray[i];

                RSyncMLDataProvider dataProvider;
                dataProvider.OpenL( iSession, implInfo->ImplementationUid().iUid );
                CleanupClosePushL( dataProvider );

                TInt mimeTypeCount = dataProvider.MimeTypeCount();
                for( TInt j = 0; j < mimeTypeCount; j++ )
                    HBufC* mimeType = dataProvider.MimeType( j ).AllocLC();
                    TPtrC8 convMimeType = ConvertTo8LC( *mimeType );
                    if( typePtr.Find( convMimeType ) == 0)
                        // MIME type in question was found
                        uidFound = implInfo->ImplementationUid().iUid;

                        if( firstDataProvIdFound == 0 )
                            // save the first in case of none found from ROM
                            firstDataProvIdFound = uidFound;
                        // check whether the provider is located in ROM (drive Z)
                        if( implInfo->Drive() == EDriveZ )
                            dataProvIdFoundInZ = TRUE;
                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // mimetype, ConvertTo8LC

                    if( uidFound )
                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dataProvider
                if ( dataProvIdFoundInZ )
                    uidFound = firstDataProvIdFound;
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // type, implArray

		if( uidFound )
			iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1]->iDataProvElement[iDataProvElementCount]->iUid = uidFound;
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL(): end");