void renameFolders(TString inputFile, TString outputFile, TString originalDirectory, TString newDirectory) 
  TFile f1(inputFile);
  TFile *f2 = new TFile(outputFile,"update");
  TDirectory *old = gDirectory;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int looperCR2lep( analysis* myAnalysis, sample* mySample, int nEvents = -1, bool fast = true) {

	// Benchmark
	TBenchmark *bmark = new TBenchmark();

	// Setup
	TChain *chain = mySample->GetChain();
	TString sampleName = mySample->GetLabel();
	const int nSigRegs = myAnalysis->GetSigRegionsAll().size();
	const int nVariations = mySample->IsData() ? 0 : myAnalysis->GetSystematics(false).size();
	bool isFastsim = mySample->IsSignal();
	cout << "\nSample: " << sampleName.Data() << " (CR2L";
	if(      myContext.GetJesDir() == contextVars::kUp )   cout << ", JES up";
	else if( myContext.GetJesDir() == contextVars::kDown ) cout << ", JES down";
	cout << ")" << endl;

	myContext.SetUseRl( true );

	// Histograms
	TDirectory *rootdir = gDirectory->GetDirectory("Rint:");  // Use TDirectories to assist in memory management
	TDirectory *histdir = new TDirectory( "histdir", "histdir", "", rootdir );
	TDirectory *systdir = new TDirectory( "systdir", "systdir", "", rootdir );
	TDirectory *zerodir = new TDirectory( "zerodir", "zerodir", "", rootdir );


	TH1D* h_bkgtype_sum[nSigRegs][nVariations+1];
	TH1D* h_evttype_sum[nSigRegs][nVariations+1];
	TH2D* h_sigyields[nSigRegs][nVariations+1];

	TH1D* h_bkgtype[nSigRegs][nVariations+1]; // per-file versions for zeroing
	TH1D* h_evttype[nSigRegs][nVariations+1];

	TH1D *h_mt[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_met[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_mt2w[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_chi2[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_htratio[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_mindphi[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_ptb1[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_drlb1[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_ptlep[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_metht[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_dphilw[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_njets[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_nbtags[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_ptj1[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_j1btag[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_modtop[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_dphilmet[nSigRegs];
	TH1D *h_mlb[nSigRegs];

	vector<TString> regNames = myAnalysis->GetSigRegionLabelsAll();
	vector<sigRegion*> sigRegions = myAnalysis->GetSigRegionsAll();
	vector<systematic*> variations = myAnalysis->GetSystematics(false);

	for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) {

		TString plotLabel = sampleName + "_" + regNames.at(i);

		for( int j=1; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {
			TString varName = variations.at(j-1)->GetNameLong();
			h_bkgtype_sum[i][j] = new TH1D( "bkgtype_" + plotLabel + "_" + varName, "Yield by background type",  5, 0.5, 5.5);
			h_evttype_sum[i][j] = new TH1D( "evttype_" + regNames.at(i) + "_" + varName, "Yield by event type",  6, 0.5, 6.5);
			h_sigyields[i][j] = new TH2D( "sigyields_" + regNames.at(i) + "_" + varName, "Signal yields by mass point", 37,99,1024, 19,-1,474 );


		h_bkgtype_sum[i][0] = new TH1D( "bkgtype_" + plotLabel, "Yield by background type",  5, 0.5, 5.5);
		h_evttype_sum[i][0] = new TH1D( "evttype_" + regNames.at(i), "Yield by event type",  6, 0.5, 6.5);
		h_sigyields[i][0] = new TH2D( "sigyields_" + regNames.at(i), "Signal yields by mass point", 37,99,1024, 19,-1,474 );

		h_mt[i]       = new TH1D(  "mt_"      + plotLabel, "Transverse mass",          80, 0, 800);
		h_met[i]      = new TH1D(  "met_"     + plotLabel, "MET",                      40, 0, 1000);
		h_mt2w[i]     = new TH1D(  "mt2w_"    + plotLabel, "MT2W",                     50, 0, 500);
		h_chi2[i]     = new TH1D(  "chi2_"    + plotLabel, "Hadronic #chi^{2}",        50, 0, 15);
		h_htratio[i]  = new TH1D(  "htratio_" + plotLabel, "H_{T} ratio",              50, 0, 1);
		h_mindphi[i]  = new TH1D(  "mindphi_" + plotLabel, "min #Delta#phi(j12,MET)",  63, 0, 3.15);
		h_ptb1[i]     = new TH1D(  "ptb1_"    + plotLabel, "p_{T} (b1)",               50, 0, 500);
		h_drlb1[i]    = new TH1D(  "drlb1_"   + plotLabel, "#DeltaR (lep, b1)",        50, 0, 5);
		h_ptlep[i]    = new TH1D(  "ptlep_"   + plotLabel, "p_{T} (lep)",              50, 0, 500);
		h_metht[i]    = new TH1D(  "metht_"   + plotLabel, "MET/sqrt(HT)",             50, 0, 100);
		h_dphilw[i]   = new TH1D(  "dphilw_"  + plotLabel, "#Delta#phi (lep,W)",       63, 0, 3.15);
		h_njets[i]    = new TH1D(  "njets_"   + plotLabel, "Number of jets",           16, -0.5, 15.5);
		h_nbtags[i]   = new TH1D(  "nbtags_"  + plotLabel, "Number of b-tags",          7, -0.5, 6.5);
		h_ptj1[i]     = new TH1D(  "ptj1_"    + plotLabel, "Leading jet p_{T}",        40, 0, 1000);
		h_j1btag[i]   = new TH1D(  "j1btag_"  + plotLabel, "Is leading jet b-tagged?",  2, -0.5, 1.5);
		h_modtop[i]   = new TH1D(  "modtop_"  + plotLabel, "Modified topness",         30, -15., 15.);
		h_dphilmet[i] = new TH1D(  "dphilmet_"+ plotLabel, "#Delta#phi (lep1, MET)",   63, 0., 3.15);
		h_mlb[i]      = new TH1D(  "mlb_"     + plotLabel, "M_{lb}",                   50, 0., 500.);

		for( int j=0; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {

			TAxis* axis = h_bkgtype_sum[i][j]->GetXaxis();
			axis->SetBinLabel( 1, "2+lep" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 2, "1lepW" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 3, "1lepTop" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 4, "ZtoNuNu" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 5, "Other" );

			axis = h_evttype_sum[i][j]->GetXaxis();
			axis->SetBinLabel( 1, "Data" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 2, "Signals" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 3, "2+lep" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 4, "1lepW" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 5, "1lepTop" );
			axis->SetBinLabel( 6, "ZtoNuNu" );


	TH1D *h_yields_sum = new TH1D( Form("srYields_%s", sampleName.Data()), "Yield by signal region", nSigRegs, 0.5, float(nSigRegs)+0.5);
	for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) h_yields_sum->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel( i+1, regNames.at(i) );

	// Set up copies of histograms, in order to zero out negative yields
	TH1D* h_yields = (TH1D*)h_yields_sum->Clone( "tmp_" + TString(h_yields_sum->GetName()) );

	for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) {
		for( int j=0; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {
			h_bkgtype[i][j] = (TH1D*)h_bkgtype_sum[i][j]->Clone( "tmp_" + TString(h_bkgtype_sum[i][j]->GetName()) );
			h_evttype[i][j] = (TH1D*)h_evttype_sum[i][j]->Clone( "tmp_" + TString(h_evttype_sum[i][j]->GetName()) );

	// Set up cutflow variables
	double yield_total = 0;
	double yield_unique = 0;
	double yield_filter = 0;
	double yield_vtx = 0;
	double yield_1goodlep = 0;
	double yield_lepSel = 0;
	double yield_2lepveto = 0;
	double yield_trkVeto = 0;
	double yield_2lepCR = 0;
	double yield_tauVeto = 0;
	double yield_njets = 0;
	double yield_1bjet = 0;
	double yield_METcut = 0;
	double yield_MTcut = 0;
	double yield_dPhi = 0;
	double yield_chi2 = 0;

	int yGen_total = 0;
	int yGen_unique = 0;
	int yGen_filter = 0;
	int yGen_vtx = 0;
	int yGen_1goodlep = 0;
	int yGen_lepSel = 0;
	int yGen_2lepveto = 0;
	int yGen_trkVeto = 0;
	int yGen_tauVeto = 0;
	int yGen_2lepCR = 0;
	int yGen_njets = 0;
	int yGen_1bjet = 0;
	int yGen_METcut = 0;
	int yGen_MTcut = 0;
	int yGen_dPhi = 0;
	int yGen_chi2 = 0;

	// Set up data-specific filters

	if( mySample->IsData() ) {
		set_goodrun_file_json( "reference-files/Cert_271036-284044_13TeV_23Sep2016ReReco_Collisions16_JSON.txt" );


	// Loop over events to Analyze
	unsigned int nEventsTotal = 0;
	unsigned int nEventsChain = chain->GetEntries();
	if( nEvents >= 0 ) nEventsChain = nEvents;
	TObjArray *listOfFiles = chain->GetListOfFiles();
	TIter fileIter(listOfFiles);
	TFile *currentFile = 0;

	// File Loop
	while ( (currentFile = (TFile*)fileIter.Next()) ) {

		// Get File Content
		TFile file( currentFile->GetTitle() );
		TString filename = file.GetName();
		TTree *tree = (TTree*)file.Get("t");
		if(fast) TTreeCache::SetLearnEntries(10);
		if(fast) tree->SetCacheSize(128*1024*1024);

		// Load event weight histograms
		TH2F* hNEvts = (TH2F*)file.Get("histNEvts");
		TH3D* hCounterSMS = (TH3D*)file.Get("h_counterSMS");
		TH1D* hCounter = (TH1D*)file.Get("h_counter");
		myHelper.Setup( isFastsim, hCounter, hNEvts, hCounterSMS );

		// Reset zeroing histograms
		for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) {
			for( int j=0; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {

		// Loop over Events in current file
		if( nEventsTotal >= nEventsChain ) continue;
		unsigned int nEventsTree = tree->GetEntriesFast();
		for( unsigned int event = 0; event < nEventsTree; ++event) {

			// Get Event Content
			if( nEventsTotal >= nEventsChain ) continue;
			if(fast) tree->LoadTree(event);

			// Progress
			CMS3::progress( nEventsTotal, nEventsChain );

			// Analysis Code
			// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

			// Special filters to more finely categorize background events
			if(      sampleName == "tt2l"  && gen_nfromtleps_() != 2 ) continue;  //Require 2 leps from top in "tt2l" events
			else if( sampleName == "tt1l"  && gen_nfromtleps_() != 1 ) continue;  //Require 1 lep from top in "tt1l" events

			// Stitch W+NJets samples together by removing the MET<200 events from the non-nupT samples
			if( sampleName.Contains("wjets") && filename.Contains("JetsToLNu_madgraph") && nupt()>=200. ) continue;

			//FastSim anomalous event filter
			if( isFastsim && !context::filt_fastsimjets() ) continue;

			if( !mySample->PassSelections() ) continue;

			// Set event weight

			double evtWeight = 1.;

			// Data should have a weight of 1.0
			if( is_data() || mySample->IsData() ) evtWeight = 1.;
			else {

				// Weight background MC using scale1fb
				evtWeight = myAnalysis->GetLumi() * scale1fb();

				// Weight signal MC using xsec and nEvents
				if( mySample->IsSignal() ) {
					double nEvtsSample = hNEvts->GetBinContent( hNEvts->FindBin( mass_stop(), mass_lsp() ) );
					evtWeight = myAnalysis->GetLumi() * 1000. * xsec() / nEvtsSample;

				// Apply scale factors to correct the shape of the MC
				evtWeight *= myHelper.TrigEff2l();
				evtWeight *= myHelper.LepSF();
				evtWeight *= myHelper.BtagSF();
				if(  isFastsim ) evtWeight *= myHelper.LepSFfastsim();
				if( !isFastsim ) evtWeight *= myHelper.PileupSF();
				if( mySample->GetLabel() == "tt2l" || filename.Contains("W_5f_powheg_pythia8") ) {
					evtWeight *= myHelper.MetResSF();
					// evtWeight *= myHelper.TopSystPtSF();
				else if( mySample->GetLabel() == "tt1l" || mySample->GetLabel() == "wjets" ) evtWeight *= myHelper.MetResSF();
				if( mySample->GetLabel() == "tt2l" || mySample->GetLabel() == "tt1l" || mySample->IsSignal() ) evtWeight *= myHelper.ISRnJetsSF();

				// Correct event weight when samples are merged together
				if(      filename.Contains("ttbar_diLept_madgraph_pythia8_ext1_25ns") ) evtWeight *= 23198554./(23198554.+5689986.);
				else if( filename.Contains("ttbar_diLept_madgraph_pythia8_25ns") ) evtWeight *= 5689986./(23198554.+5689986.);
				else if( filename.Contains("t_tW_5f_powheg_pythia8_noHadDecays_25ns") ) evtWeight *= 4473156./(4473156.+3145334.);
				else if( filename.Contains("t_tW_5f_powheg_pythia8_noHadDecays_ext1_25ns") ) evtWeight *= 3145334./(4473156.+3145334.);
				else if( filename.Contains("t_tbarW_5f_powheg_pythia8_noHadDecays_25ns") ) evtWeight *= 5029568./(5029568.+3146940.);
				else if( filename.Contains("t_tbarW_5f_powheg_pythia8_noHadDecays_ext1_25ns") ) evtWeight *= 3146940./(5029568.+3146940.);

			// Count the number of events processed
			yield_total += evtWeight;

			// Remove duplicate events in data
			if( is_data() ) {
				duplicate_removal::DorkyEventIdentifier id( run(), evt(), ls() );
				if( is_duplicate(id) ) continue;
				yield_unique += evtWeight;

			// MET filters, bad event filters, and triggers for data
			if( is_data() ) {
				if( !goodrun( run(), ls() ) ) continue;
				if( !filt_met() ) continue;
				if( !filt_badChargedCandidateFilter() ) continue;
				if( !filt_badMuonFilter() ) continue;
				if( !context::filt_jetWithBadMuon() ) continue;
				if( !filt_pfovercalomet() ) continue;
				if( !HLT_MET() && !HLT_MET110_MHT110() && !HLT_MET120_MHT120() ) {
					if( !(HLT_SingleEl() && (abs(lep1_pdgid())==11 || abs(lep2_pdgid())==11) ) &&
					    !(HLT_SingleMu() && (abs(lep1_pdgid())==13 || abs(lep2_pdgid())==13) ) ) continue;
				yield_filter += evtWeight;

			// First vertex must be good
			if( nvtxs() < 1 ) continue;
			yield_vtx += evtWeight;

			// Must have at least 1 good lepton
			if( ngoodleps() < 1 ) continue;
			yield_1goodlep += evtWeight;

			// Lep 1 must pass lepton selections
			// if( abs(lep1_pdgid())==11 ) {
			// 	if( lep1_p4().pt() < 20. ) continue;
			// 	if( fabs(lep1_p4().eta()) > 1.4442 ) continue;
			// 	if( !lep1_passMediumID() ) continue;
			// }
			// else if( abs(lep1_pdgid())==13 ) {
			// 	if( lep1_p4().pt() < 20. ) continue;
			// 	if( fabs(lep1_p4().eta()) > 2.4 ) continue;
			// 	if( !lep1_passTightID() ) continue;
			// }
			yield_lepSel += evtWeight;

			// Make 2-lepton CR

			int countGoodLeps = 0;

			// Count the number of veto leptons
			if( nvetoleps() >= 2 && lep2_p4().pt() > 10. ) countGoodLeps += nvetoleps();

			if( countGoodLeps > 1 ) {
				yield_2lepveto += evtWeight;

			// If we fail the track veto, count another good lepton
			// if( !PassTrackVeto() ) {
			// 	countGoodLeps++;
			// 	yield_trkVeto += evtWeight;
			// 	yGen_trkVeto++;
			// }

			// If we fail the tau veto, count another good lepton
			// if( !PassTauVeto() ) {
			// 	countGoodLeps++;
			// 	yield_tauVeto += evtWeight;
			// 	yGen_tauVeto++;
			// }

			if( countGoodLeps < 2 ) continue;
			yield_2lepCR += evtWeight;


			// N-jet requirement
			if( context::ngoodjets() < 2 ) continue;
			yield_njets += evtWeight;

			j1pt = context::ak4pfjets_p4().at(0).pt();

			// B-tag requirement
			if( context::ngoodbtags() < 1 ) continue;
			yield_1bjet += evtWeight;

			j1_isBtag = context::ak4pfjets_passMEDbtag().at(0);

			// Baseline MET cut (with 2nd lepton pT added to MET)
			if( context::Met() < 250. ) continue;
			yield_METcut += evtWeight;

			// MT cut (with 2nd lepton pT added to MET)
			if( context::MT_met_lep() < 150. ) continue;
			yield_MTcut += evtWeight;

			// Min delta-phi between MET and j1/j2 (with 2nd lepton pT added to MET)
			if( context::Mindphi_met_j1_j2() < 0.5 ) continue;
			yield_dPhi += evtWeight;

			// Chi^2 cut
			// if( hadronic_top_chi2() >= 10. ) continue;
			yield_chi2 += evtWeight;

			// Classify event based on number of leptons / neutrinos
			// Order of evaluation matters, because some events fall into multiple categories

			int bkgType = -99;
			if( filename.Contains("ZZTo2L2Nu") && isZtoNuNu() ) bkgType = 1; // Force ZZto2L2Nu to be 2lep
			else if( isZtoNuNu() )     bkgType = 4;   // Z to nu nu
			else if( is2lep() )        bkgType = 1;   // 2 or more leptons
			else if( is1lepFromTop() ) bkgType = 3;   // 1 lepton from top quark
			else if( is1lepFromW() )   bkgType = 2;   // 1 lepton from a W not from top
			else                       bkgType = 5;   // Other

			int evtType = -99;
			if(      mySample->IsData()   ) evtType = 1;
			else if( mySample->IsSignal() ) evtType = 2;
			else                            evtType = 2+bkgType;

			// Quickly calculate some variables
			double metSqHT = context::Met() / sqrt( context::ak4_HT() );

			const TVector3 lepVec( lep1_p4().x(), lep1_p4().y(), lep1_p4().z() );
			const TVector3 metVec( context::Met()*cos(context::MetPhi()), context::Met()*sin(context::MetPhi()), 0 );
			const TVector3 wVec = lepVec + metVec;
			double dPhiLepW = fabs( lepVec.DeltaPhi(wVec) );

			double drLepLeadb = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR( lep1_p4(), context::ak4pfjets_leadMEDbjet_p4() );

			lep1pt = lep1_p4().Pt();

			myMlb = context::Mlb_closestb();

			// Signal region cuts and histo filling

			// If the event passes the SR cuts, store which background type this event is, and fill histograms
			for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) {

				if( !sigRegions.at(i)->PassAllCuts() ) continue;

				// Make some corrections that depend on the signal region
				double fillWeight = evtWeight;
				bool is_corridor = sigRegions.at(i)->GetLabel().Contains("corr");
				myHelper.SetCorridor( is_corridor );
				if(      !is_data() &&  is_corridor ) fillWeight *= sfhelp::MetResCorrectionCorridor();
				else if( !is_data() && !is_corridor ) fillWeight *= sfhelp::BtagCorrectionTight();

				h_bkgtype[i][0]->Fill( bkgType,                            fillWeight );
				h_evttype[i][0]->Fill( evtType,                            fillWeight );
				if( mySample->IsSignal() ) h_sigyields[i][0]->Fill( mass_stop(), mass_lsp(), fillWeight );

				h_mt[i]->Fill(      context::MT_met_lep(),                 fillWeight );
				h_met[i]->Fill(     context::Met(),                        fillWeight );
				h_mt2w[i]->Fill(    context::MT2W(),                       fillWeight );
				h_chi2[i]->Fill(    hadronic_top_chi2(),                   fillWeight );
				h_htratio[i]->Fill( context::ak4_htratiom(),               fillWeight );
				h_mindphi[i]->Fill( context::Mindphi_met_j1_j2(),          fillWeight );
				h_ptb1[i]->Fill( context::ak4pfjets_leadMEDbjet_p4().pt(), fillWeight );
				h_drlb1[i]->Fill(   drLepLeadb,                            fillWeight );
				h_ptlep[i]->Fill(   lep1_p4().pt(),                        fillWeight );
				h_metht[i]->Fill(   metSqHT,                               fillWeight );
				h_dphilw[i]->Fill(  dPhiLepW,                              fillWeight );
				h_njets[i]->Fill(   context::ngoodjets(),                  fillWeight );
				h_nbtags[i]->Fill(  context::ngoodbtags(),                 fillWeight );
				h_ptj1[i]->Fill(    j1pt,                                  fillWeight );
				h_j1btag[i]->Fill(  j1_isBtag,                             fillWeight );
				h_modtop[i]->Fill(  context::TopnessMod(),                 fillWeight );
				h_dphilmet[i]->Fill( context::lep1_dphiMET(),              fillWeight );
				h_mlb[i]->Fill(     myMlb,                                 fillWeight );

				h_yields->Fill(     double(i+1),                           fillWeight );

				// Special systematic variation histograms
				for( int j=1; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {
					h_bkgtype[i][j]->Fill( bkgType,  fillWeight * variations.at(j-1)->GetWeight() );
					h_evttype[i][j]->Fill( evtType,  fillWeight * variations.at(j-1)->GetWeight() );
					if( mySample->IsSignal() ) h_sigyields[i][j]->Fill( mass_stop(), mass_lsp(), fillWeight * variations.at(j-1)->GetWeight() );


			// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
		} //End of loop over events in file

		// Clean Up
		delete tree;

		// Zero negative values in each signal region
		for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) {
			for( int j=0; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {
				bool negsFound = false;

				// First zero any decay modes with negative yields
				for( int k=1; k<= h_bkgtype[i][j]->GetNbinsX(); k++ ) {
					if( h_bkgtype[i][j]->GetBinContent(k) < 0.0 ) {
						h_bkgtype[i][j]->SetBinContent(k, 0.);
						h_bkgtype[i][j]->SetBinError(k, 0.);
						negsFound = true;
					if( h_evttype[i][j]->GetBinContent(k+2) < 0.0 ) {
						h_evttype[i][j]->SetBinContent(k+2, 0.);
						h_evttype[i][j]->SetBinError(k+2, 0.);
				// If any negative yields were found in any decay mode, recalculate the total yield
				if( j==0 && negsFound ) {
					double newYield, newErr;
					newYield = h_bkgtype[i][0]->IntegralAndError( 0, -1, newErr );
					h_yields->SetBinContent(i+1, newYield);
					h_yields->SetBinError(i+1, newErr);
				// Add zeroed histograms to total histograms
				h_bkgtype_sum[i][j]->Add( h_bkgtype[i][j] );
				h_evttype_sum[i][j]->Add( h_evttype[i][j] );
		h_yields_sum->Add( h_yields );

	} // End loop over files in the chain

	cout << "Cutflow yields:                        (yield)  (gen evts)" << endl;

	printf("Total number of events:             %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_total    , yGen_total    );
	if( mySample->IsData() ) {
		printf("Events passing duplicate removal:   %10.2f %9i\n", yield_unique   , yGen_unique   );
		printf("Events passing filters and trigger: %10.2f %9i\n", yield_filter   , yGen_filter   );
	printf("Events with 1st vertex good:        %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_vtx      , yGen_vtx      );
	printf("Events with at least 1 good lepton: %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_1goodlep , yGen_1goodlep );
	printf("Events passing lepton selection:    %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_lepSel   , yGen_lepSel   );

	printf("\nEvents passing 2-lep requirement:   %10.2f %9i\n", yield_2lepCR   , yGen_2lepCR   );
	printf("   Events with veto lepton:         %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_2lepveto , yGen_2lepveto );
	printf("   Events with isolated track:      %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_trkVeto  , yGen_trkVeto  );
	printf("   Events with identified tau:      %10.2f %9i\n\n", yield_tauVeto  , yGen_tauVeto  );

	printf("Events with at least 2 jets:        %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_njets    , yGen_njets    );
	printf("Events with at least 1 b-tag:       %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_1bjet    , yGen_1bjet    );
	printf("Events with MET > 250 GeV:          %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_METcut   , yGen_METcut   );
	printf("Events with MT > 150 GeV:           %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_MTcut    , yGen_MTcut    );
	printf("Events with min dPhi > 0.5:         %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_dPhi     , yGen_dPhi     );
	// printf("Events with chi2 < 10:              %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_chi2     , yGen_chi2     );
	printf("Yield after preselection:           %10.2f %9i\n",   yield_chi2     , yGen_chi2     );

	if ( nEventsChain != nEventsTotal ) {
		cout << Form( "ERROR: number of events from files (%d) is not equal to total number of events (%d)", nEventsChain, nEventsTotal ) << endl;

	// Store histograms and clean them up
	TFile* plotfile = new TFile( myAnalysis->GetPlotFileName(), "READ");
	TFile* systfile = new TFile( myAnalysis->GetSystFileName(), "READ");
	TFile* sourcefile;

	// Certain histograms are cumulative across multiple samples. For those histograms, add what the
	// looper has just collected to the cumulative version stored in our output files
	for( int j=0; j<=nVariations; j++ ) {

		if( j==0 ) sourcefile = plotfile;
		else       sourcefile = systfile;

		for( int i=0; i<nSigRegs; i++ ) {

			// Build up cumulative histo of SUSY scan yields
			TH2D* hTemp2 = (TH2D*)sourcefile->Get( h_sigyields[i][j]->GetName() );
			if( hTemp2 != 0 ) h_sigyields[i][j]->Add( hTemp2 );

			// Build up cumulative histo of yields by signal/background type
			TH1D* hTemp = (TH1D*)sourcefile->Get( h_evttype_sum[i][j]->GetName() );
			if( hTemp != 0 ) h_evttype_sum[i][j]->Add( hTemp );
	delete plotfile;
	delete systfile;

	// Take all histograms in histdir and write them to plotfile
	plotfile = new TFile( myAnalysis->GetPlotFileName(), "UPDATE");
	histdir->GetList()->Write( "", TObject::kOverwrite );
	delete plotfile;

	// Take all histograms in systdir and write them to systfile
	systfile = new TFile( myAnalysis->GetSystFileName(), "UPDATE");
	systdir->GetList()->Write( "", TObject::kOverwrite );
	delete systfile;

	// Cleanup

	// return
	cout << endl;
	cout << nEventsTotal << " Events Processed" << endl;
	cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
	cout << "CPU  Time:	" << Form( "%.01f", bmark->GetCpuTime("benchmark")  ) << endl;
	cout << "Real Time:	" << Form( "%.01f", bmark->GetRealTime("benchmark") ) << endl;
	cout << endl;
	delete bmark;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void higgsAna::Loop()
//   In a ROOT session, you can do:
//      Root > .L higgsAna.C
//      Root > higgsAna t
//      Root > t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number 12
//      Root > t.Show();       // Show values of entry 12
//      Root > t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of entry 16
//      Root > t.Loop();       // Loop on all entries

//     This is the loop skeleton where:
//    jentry is the global entry number in the chain
//    ientry is the entry number in the current Tree
//  Note that the argument to GetEntry must be:
//    jentry for TChain::GetEntry
//    ientry for TTree::GetEntry and TBranch::GetEntry
//       To read only selected branches, Insert statements like:
//    fChain->SetBranchStatus("*",0);  // disable all branches
//    fChain->SetBranchStatus("branchname",1);  // activate branchname
// METHOD2: replace line
//    fChain->GetEntry(jentry);       //read all branches
//by  b_branchname->GetEntry(ientry); //read only this branch
	if (fChain == 0) return;
	#include "Include/higgsDeclaration.h"
	Int_t compteur[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	Int_t compteurEE = 0;
	Int_t compteurMuMu = 0;

	TDirectory *dir = gDirectory;
	TFile *file = new TFile(outputFileName, "RECREATE");

	Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();

	Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;

	Bool_t ee;
	Bool_t mumu;	
	Bool_t isl1EB;
	Bool_t isl2EB;
	Bool_t isThereBJet;

	Float_t l1_eta;
	Float_t l2_eta;
	Float_t l1_pt;
	Float_t l2_pt;
	Float_t l1_CRI;
	Float_t l2_CRI;
	Float_t ll_px;
	Float_t ll_py;
	Float_t ll_pt;
	Float_t ll_m;
	Float_t jet_eta;
	Float_t jet_pt;

	Float_t finWeight;

	// event loop

	// nentries = 100;
	for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
		if (jentry % 10000 == 0) cout << jentry << endl;
		Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
		if (ientry < 0) break;
		nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;

		// reweighting for pile up
		finWeight = 1;
		if (!isData) finWeight *= weight;
		// if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;
		//---------- compute the kinematic ----------		

		l1_pt = sqrt(l1_px * l1_px + l1_py * l1_py);
		l2_pt = sqrt(l2_px * l2_px + l2_py * l2_py);
		ll_px = l1_px + l2_px;
		ll_py = l1_py + l2_py;
		ll_pt = sqrt(ll_px * ll_px + ll_py * ll_py);
		l1_eta = 0.5*log((l1_en+l1_pz)/(l1_en-l1_pz));
		l2_eta = 0.5*log((l2_en+l2_pz)/(l2_en-l2_pz));
		isl1EB = 0;
		isl2EB = 0;
		if (fabs(l1_eta) < 1.4442){
			isl1EB = 1;
			//if(abs(l1_id) == 11) l1_iso1 -= 1.;
		if (fabs(l2_eta) < 1.4442){
			isl2EB = 1;
			//if(abs(l2_id) == 11) l2_iso1 -= 1.;
		l1_CRI = (l1_iso1 + l1_iso2 + l1_iso3 - rho * 0.3 * 0.3)/l1_pt;
		l2_CRI = (l2_iso1 + l2_iso2 + l2_iso3 - rho * 0.3 * 0.3)/l2_pt;	
		ll_m = sqrt( (l1_en+l2_en)*(l1_en+l2_en)
				- (l1_px+l2_px)*(l1_px+l2_px)
				- (l1_py+l2_py)*(l1_py+l2_py)
				- (l1_pz+l2_pz)*(l1_pz+l2_pz) );
		//---------- start cuts --------------------
		// check 2 leptons same flavor
		ee = 0;
		mumu = 0;
		if (abs(l1_id) == 11 && abs(l2_id) == 11) ee = 1;
		else if (abs(l1_id) == 13 && abs(l2_id) == 13) mumu = 1;
		// check two leptons opposite charge
		//if (l1_id * l2_id >= 0 || (ee == 0 && mumu == 0)) continue;
		if ((ee == 0 && mumu == 0)) continue;
		// eta fiducial cut
		/*if (mumu && (fabs(l1_eta) > 2.4 || fabs(l2_eta) > 2.4)) continue;
		else if (ee){
			if ((fabs(l1_eta) >= 2.5 || (1.4442 <= fabs(l1_eta) && fabs(l1_eta) <= 1.566)) ||
			   (fabs(l2_eta) >= 2.5 || (1.4442 <= fabs(l2_eta) && fabs(l2_eta) <= 1.566))) continue;
		// check the pt resolution for the muons
		//if (mumu && (l1_ptErr/l1_pt > 0.1 || l2_ptErr/l2_pt > 0.1)) continue;
		// Z mass window
		if (fabs(ll_m - 91.) > 15.) continue;
		// b-tagging
		isThereBJet = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < jn; i++) {
			jet_eta = 0.5*log((jn_en[i]+jn_pz[i])/(jn_en[i]-jn_pz[i]));
			jet_pt = sqrt(jn_px[i]*jn_px[i] + jn_py[i]*jn_py[i]);
			if(fabs(jet_eta) < 2.4 && jet_pt > 30. && jn_btag1[i] >= 2) {
				isThereBJet = 1;
				i = jn;
		if (isThereBJet) continue;
		// check pt of the Z candidate
		if (ll_pt < 25) continue;
		// reject events with more than 2 leptons
		if (ln > 0){
			if (abs(ln_id[0]) == 11 && sqrt(ln_px[0]*ln_px[0]+ln_py[0]*ln_py[0])>10. ) continue;
			if (abs(ln_id[0]) == 13 ) continue;
		// check the isolation of the leptons
		if (mumu && (l1_CRI > 0.15 || l2_CRI > 0.15)) continue;
		else if (ee && (l1_CRI > 0.15 || l2_CRI > 0.15)) continue;
		// pt minimum for each lepton
		if (l1_pt < 20 || l2_pt < 20) continue;

		// Fill histos
		if (ee){
			hee_llMass->Fill(ll_m, finWeight);
			hee_llPt->Fill(ll_pt, finWeight);
			hee_l1Eta->Fill(l1_eta, finWeight);
			hee_l2Eta->Fill(l2_eta, finWeight);
			hee_l1Pt->Fill(l1_pt, finWeight);
			hee_l2Pt->Fill(l2_pt, finWeight);
			hee_MET1Pt->Fill(met1_pt, finWeight);
		else if (mumu){
			hmumu_llMass->Fill(ll_m, finWeight);
			hmumu_llPt->Fill(ll_pt, finWeight);
			hmumu_l1Eta->Fill(l1_eta, finWeight);
			hmumu_l2Eta->Fill(l2_eta, finWeight);
			hmumu_l1Pt->Fill(l1_pt, finWeight);
			hmumu_l2Pt->Fill(l2_pt, finWeight);
			hmumu_MET1Pt->Fill(met1_pt, finWeight);


	// display histogram
	hee_llMass->SetXTitle("M_{ll}  (GeV)");
	hee_l1Pt->SetXTitle("p_{t}  (GeV)");
	hee_l2Pt->SetXTitle("p_{t}  (GeV)");
	hee_MET1Pt->SetXTitle("MET1  (GeV)");
	hmumu_llMass->SetXTitle("M_{ll}  (GeV)");
	hmumu_l1Pt->SetXTitle("p_{t}  (GeV)");
	hmumu_l2Pt->SetXTitle("p_{t}  (GeV)");
	hmumu_MET1Pt->SetXTitle("MET1  (GeV)");

	cout << endl;	
	for (int i = 0; i<8; i++){
		cout <<" compteur  "<<i<< "  " <<  compteur[i] << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "compteurEE = " << compteurEE << "  compteurMuMu = " << compteurMuMu << endl;
