Ejemplo n.º 1
dumpToPDF(string inName, string fitName){
  TFile *fin = TFile::Open(inName.c_str(), "read"); assert(fin);

  string outName = inName;
  outName.replace(outName.find(".root"), 5, ".pdf");

  //fitName = "HLT_10LS_delivered_vs_rate_Run190949-191090.root";
  TFile *fFit = TFile::Open(fitName.c_str(), "read"); assert(fFit);

  TCanvas c1;
  c1.Print(Form("%s[", outName.c_str()), "pdf"); //Open .pdf

  //get list of keys
  int nplots = fin->GetNkeys(); 
  int nfits = fFit->GetNkeys(); 
  printf("nplots: %i, nfits: %i\n", nplots, nfits);
  if(nplots != nfits){
    cout<<" PDF output will be wrong since different number of triggers in fit and current run"<<endl;
  TList* plots = fin->GetListOfKeys();  
  TList* fits  = fFit->GetListOfKeys();
  for(int i=0; i<nplots; ++i){
    TKey* plot = (TKey*) plots->At(i);
    TKey* fit = (TKey*) fits->At(i);//assume they're in the same order for now

      cout<<"Didn't find "<<plot<<". Removing."<<endl;
      cout<<"Didn't find "<<fit<<". Removing."<<endl;
    TCanvas* c = new TCanvas();

    TCanvas* cPlot = (TCanvas*) fin->Get(plot->GetName());

    TCanvas* cFit  = (TCanvas*) fFit->Get(fit->GetName());

    string bookmarkName = "Title: ";
    bookmarkName += plot->GetName();

    c->Print(outName.c_str(), bookmarkName.c_str());

  c1.Print(Form("%s]", outName.c_str()), "pdf"); //Close .pdf

Ejemplo n.º 2
void readCurrentCamera(const char* fname)
  TGLCamera& c = gEve->GetDefaultGLViewer()->CurrentCamera();
  TFile* f = TFile::Open(fname, "READ");
  if (!f) 

  if (f->GetKey(c.ClassName())) {
int gammaJetHistogram(const TString configFile, const TString inputFile, const TString outputFile, const int nJobs, const int jobNum) {

    std::cout << "running gammaJetHistogram()" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "configFile  = " << configFile.Data() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "inputFile   = " << inputFile.Data() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "outputFile  = " << outputFile.Data() << std::endl;

    InputConfiguration configInput = InputConfigurationParser::Parse(configFile.Data());
    CutConfiguration configCuts = CutConfigurationParser::Parse(configFile.Data());

    // input configuration
    if (!configInput.isValid) {
        std::cout << "Invalid input configuration" << std::endl;
        return 1;
    } else if (!configCuts.isValid) {
        std::cout << "Invalid cut configuration" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // input configuration
    // verbose about input configuration
    std::cout << "Input Configuration :" << std::endl;

    const int collision = configInput.proc[INPUT::kHISTOGRAM].i[INPUT::k_collisionType];
    const char* collisionName = getCollisionTypeName((COLL::TYPE)collision).c_str();
    std::cout << "collision = " << collisionName << std::endl;

    const bool isMC = collisionIsMC((COLL::TYPE)collision);
    const bool isHI = collisionIsHI((COLL::TYPE)collision);

    // observable bins
    std::vector<float> bins_pt[2];          // array of vectors for eta bins, each array element is a vector.
    std::vector<int>   bins_hiBin[2];       // array of vectors for hiBin bins, each array element is a vector.

    bins_pt[0] = ConfigurationParser::ParseListFloat(configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].s[CUTS::PHO::k_bins_pt_gt]);
    bins_pt[1] = ConfigurationParser::ParseListFloat(configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].s[CUTS::PHO::k_bins_pt_lt]);
    bins_hiBin[0] = ConfigurationParser::ParseListInteger(configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kEVENT].s[CUTS::EVT::k_bins_hiBin_gt]);
    bins_hiBin[1] = ConfigurationParser::ParseListInteger(configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kEVENT].s[CUTS::EVT::k_bins_hiBin_lt]);

    const int nSmearBins = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kSKIM].obj[CUTS::kJET].i[CUTS::JET::k_nSmearBins];

    // event cuts/weights
    // photon cuts
    const std::string trigger = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].s[CUTS::PHO::k_trigger_gammaJet].c_str();
    const float cut_phoHoverE = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].f[CUTS::PHO::k_phoHoverE];
    const float cut_phoSigmaIEtaIEta = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].f[CUTS::PHO::k_phoSigmaIEtaIEta];
    const float cut_sumIso = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].f[CUTS::PHO::k_sumIso];

    // jet cuts
    const std::string jetCollection = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kJET].s[CUTS::JET::k_jetCollection];
    const float cut_jetpt = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kJET].f[CUTS::JET::k_pt];
    const float cut_jeteta = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kJET].f[CUTS::JET::k_eta];
    const int   cut_jetID = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kJET].i[CUTS::JET::k_jetID];

    // gammaJet cuts
    const float cut_awayRange = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kGAMMAJET].f[CUTS::GJT::k_awayRange] * TMath::Pi();
    const float cut_dR = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kGAMMAJET].f[CUTS::GJT::k_dR];

    // process cuts
    const bool doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].i[CUTS::PHO::k_doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics];
    const bool doElectronRejection = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].i[CUTS::PHO::k_doElectronRejection];
    const bool doPhotonIsolationSys = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].i[CUTS::PHO::k_doPhotonIsolationSys];
    const bool useCorrectedSumIso = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kPHOTON].i[CUTS::PHO::k_useCorrectedSumIso];

    const float smearingResJet = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kSKIM].obj[CUTS::kJET].f[CUTS::JET::k_smearingRes];
    const bool doSmearingRes = (smearingResJet > 0);
    const int sysUncFactor = 100;
    TRandom3 rand(12345);
    const int dphi_check = configCuts.proc[CUTS::kHISTOGRAM].obj[CUTS::kEVENT].i[CUTS::EVT::k_dphi_check];

    const int nBins_pt = bins_pt[0].size();         // assume <myvector>[0] and <myvector>[1] have the same size.
    const int nBins_hiBin = bins_hiBin[0].size();     // assume <myvector>[0] and <myvector>[1] have the same size.
    // verbose about cut configuration
    std::cout << "Cut Configuration :" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "nBins_pt = " << nBins_pt << std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i)
        std::cout << Form("bins_pt[%d] = [%.1f, %.1f)", i, bins_pt[0][i], bins_pt[1][i]) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "nBins_hiBin = " << nBins_hiBin << std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<nBins_hiBin; ++i)
        std::cout << Form("bins_hiBin[%d] = [%d, %d)", i, bins_hiBin[0][i], bins_hiBin[1][i]) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "trigger    = " << trigger.c_str() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "cut_phoHoverE             = " << cut_phoHoverE << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cut_phoSigmaIEtaIEta      = " << cut_phoSigmaIEtaIEta << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cut_sumIso                = " << cut_sumIso << std::endl;
    std::cout << "useCorrectedSumIso        = " << useCorrectedSumIso << std::endl;

    std::cout << "jetCollection             = " << jetCollection.c_str() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cut_jetpt                 = " << cut_jetpt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cut_jeteta                = " << cut_jeteta << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cut_jetID                 = " << cut_jetID << std::endl;

    std::cout << "cut_awayRange             = " << cut_awayRange << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cut_dR                    = " << cut_dR << std::endl;

    std::cout << "doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics = " << doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics << std::endl;
    std::cout << "doSmearingRes = " << doSmearingRes << std::endl;
    std::cout << "smearingResJet = " << smearingResJet << std::endl;

    /// Input Bookkeeping block ///
    TFile* input = TFile::Open(inputFile);

    TTree* tHlt = (TTree*)input->Get("hltTree");
    tHlt->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
    tHlt->SetBranchStatus("HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v1", 1);
    tHlt->SetBranchStatus("HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v2", 1);
    tHlt->SetBranchStatus("HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v1", 1);
    tHlt->SetBranchStatus("HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v2", 1);
    tHlt->SetBranchStatus("HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5ForPPRef_v1", 1);

    TTree* tPho = (TTree*)input->Get("EventTree");    // photons
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoEt", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoEtCorrected", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoEtCorrected_sys", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoEta", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoPhi", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoSigmaIEtaIEta_2012", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("pho_ecalClusterIsoR4", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("pho_hcalRechitIsoR4", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("pho_trackIsoR4PtCut20", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("pho_sumIsoCorrected", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoHoverE", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoE3x3", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoE5x5", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoE1x5", 1);
    tPho->SetBranchStatus("phoE2x5", 1);
    if (doElectronRejection) {
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("nEle", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("elePt", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("eleEta", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("elePhi", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("eleEoverP", 1);
    if (isMC && doPhotonIsolationSys) {
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("nMC", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("mcPID", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("mcEta", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("mcPhi", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("mcCalIsoDR03", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("mcCalIsoDR04", 1);
        tPho->SetBranchStatus("pho_genMatchedIndex", 1);

    TTree* tJet = (TTree*)input->Get(jetCollection.c_str());
    if (!tJet) {
        std::cout << "following jet collection is not found in the input file : " << jetCollection.c_str() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "exiting" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    tJet->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
    tJet->SetBranchStatus("nref", 1);
    tJet->SetBranchStatus("jtpt", 1);
    tJet->SetBranchStatus("jtpt_smeared", 1);
    // tJet->SetBranchStatus("jteta", 1);

    TTree* tHiEvt = (TTree*)input->Get("HiEvt");       // HiEvt tree will be placed in PP forest as well.

    ggHiNtuplizer pho;

    Jets jet;

    hiEvt evt;

    Int_t HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v1, HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v2;
    Int_t HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v1, HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v2;
    Int_t HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5ForPPRef_v1;
    tHlt->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v1", &HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v1);
    tHlt->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v2", &HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v2);
    tHlt->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v1", &HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v1);
    tHlt->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v2", &HLT_HISinglePhoton50_Eta3p1_v2);
    tHlt->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5ForPPRef_v1", &HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5ForPPRef_v1);

    TTree* gammaJetTree[nSmearBins+1];
    gammaJetTree[0] = (TTree*)input->Get(Form("gamma_%s", jetCollection.c_str()));
    for (int i=0; i<nSmearBins; i++)
        gammaJetTree[i+1] = (TTree*)input->Get(Form("gamma_%s_smearBin%i", jetCollection.c_str(), i));

    GammaJet gammaJet[nSmearBins+1];
    for (int i=0; i<nSmearBins+1; i++)

    TTree* jetTreeMB = 0;
    TTree* gammaJetTreeMB = 0;
    // check the existence of HI specific trees in "gammaJetSkim.root" file
    bool hasJetsMB = false;
    bool hasGammaJetMB = false;
    if (isHI) {
        input->GetObject(Form("%sMB", jetCollection.c_str()), jetTreeMB);
        input->GetObject(Form("gamma_%sMB", jetCollection.c_str()), gammaJetTreeMB);

        if (jetTreeMB)
            hasJetsMB = true;
        if (gammaJetTreeMB)
            hasGammaJetMB = true;

    Jets jetMB;
    GammaJet gammaJetMB;
    if (hasJetsMB && hasGammaJetMB) {
        jetTreeMB->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
        jetTreeMB->SetBranchStatus("jtpt", 1);
        jetTreeMB->SetBranchStatus("nref", 1);
        // jetTreeMB->SetBranchStatus("jteta", 1);


    // smearing set up block
    // ONLY used for JER systematic
    // WARNING make super sure this matches the values in gammaJetSkim.C !!
    // otherwise JER systematic will be off
    jetCorrector resolutionJetSmear[6];

    // smear 0-10 %
    std::vector<double> CSN_HI_cent0010 = {0.06, 1.23, 8.38};
    std::vector<double> CSN_phi_HI_cent0010 = {-3.18781/10000000, 0.125911, 2.23898};
    // smear 10-30 %
    std::vector<double> CSN_HI_cent1030 = {0.06, 1.23, 5.88};
    std::vector<double> CSN_phi_HI_cent1030 = {1.14344/100000, 0.179847, 1.56128};
    // smear 30-50 %
    std::vector<double> CSN_HI_cent3050 = {0.06, 1.23, 3.24};
    std::vector<double> CSN_phi_HI_cent3050 = {0.0145775, 0.1222, 1.21751};
    // smear 50-100 %
    std::vector<double> CSN_HI_cent50100 = {0.06, 1.23, 0};
    std::vector<double> CSN_phi_HI_cent50100 = {-0.0073078, 0.168879, 0.798885};

    // 0-30 and 30-100 are necessary only for smeared pp JER computation
    // smear 0-30 %
    std::vector<double> CSN_HI_cent0030 = {0.06, 1.23, 7.38};
    std::vector<double> CSN_phi_HI_cent0030 = {-1.303/1000000, 0.1651, 1.864};
    // smear 30-100 %
    std::vector<double> CSN_HI_cent30100 = {0.06, 1.23, 2.1};
    std::vector<double> CSN_phi_HI_cent30100 = {-2.013/100000000, 0.1646, 1.04};

    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) {
        resolutionJetSmear[i].rand = rand;

        switch (i) {
        case 0: //0-10
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_HI = CSN_HI_cent0010;
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_phi_HI = CSN_phi_HI_cent0010;
        case 1: //10-30
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_HI = CSN_HI_cent1030;
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_phi_HI = CSN_phi_HI_cent1030;
        case 2: //30-50
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_HI = CSN_HI_cent3050;
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_phi_HI = CSN_phi_HI_cent3050;
        case 3: //50-100
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_HI = CSN_HI_cent50100;
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_phi_HI = CSN_phi_HI_cent50100;
        case 4: // 0-30, for smeared pp only
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_HI = CSN_HI_cent0030;
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_phi_HI = CSN_phi_HI_cent0030;
        case 5: // 30-100, for smeared pp only
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_HI = CSN_HI_cent30100;
            resolutionJetSmear[i].CSN_phi_HI = CSN_phi_HI_cent30100;

    /// End Input Bookkeeping block //

    TFile* output = TFile::Open(outputFile, "RECREATE");
    // histograms will be put under a directory whose name is the type of the collision
    if (!output->GetKey(collisionName))
        output->mkdir(collisionName, Form("input file is %s", inputFile.Data()));
    std::cout << "histograms will be put under directory : " << collisionName << std::endl;

    TTree *configTree = setupConfigurationTreeForWriting(configCuts);

    int nCorrHist = correlationHistNames.size();
    correlationHist corrHists[nCorrHist][nBins_pt][nBins_hiBin];

    // prepare histogram names for xjg, abs(dphi) and jet pt
    for (int iHist=0; iHist<nCorrHist; ++iHist) {
        for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
            for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
                corrHists[iHist][i][j].name = Form("%s_ptBin%d_hiBin%d", correlationHistNames[iHist].c_str(), i, j);

                for (int iCorr = 0; iCorr < CORR::kN_CORRFNC; ++iCorr) {
                    for (int jCorr = 0; jCorr < CORR::kN_CORRFNC; ++jCorr) {
                        std::string subHistName = Form("%s_ptBin%d_hiBin%d_%s_%s", correlationHistNames[iHist].c_str(), i, j,
                                                       CORR::CORR_PHO_LABELS[iCorr].c_str(), CORR::CORR_JET_LABELS[jCorr].c_str());
                        corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D_name[iCorr][jCorr] = subHistName.c_str();
                        corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D[iCorr][jCorr] = new TH1D(Form("h1D_%s", subHistName.c_str()), "",
                                nBinsx[iHist], xlow[iHist], xup[iHist]);

                        corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D_titleX[iCorr][jCorr] = correlationHistTitleX[iHist].c_str();
                        corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D_titleY_final_norm[iCorr][jCorr] = correlationHistTitleY_final_normalized[iHist].c_str();

    // histograms to store the number of photon events, not photon-Jet event
    // those histograms have a single bin whose content is the number of photon events
    // they are just a tool to store number.
    TH1D* h_nPho[nBins_pt][nBins_hiBin][2];
    for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
        for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
            std::string histNamePhoRAW = Form("h_nPho_ptBin%d_hiBin%d_%s", i, j, CORR::CORR_PHO_LABELS[CORR::kRAW].c_str());
            h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kRAW] = new TH1D(histNamePhoRAW.c_str(), "", 1, 0, 1);

            std::string histNamePhoBKG = Form("h_nPho_ptBin%d_hiBin%d_%s", i, j, CORR::CORR_PHO_LABELS[CORR::kBKG].c_str());
            h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kBKG] = new TH1D(histNamePhoBKG.c_str(), "", 1, 0, 1);

    // selection for jet regions
    // jet from bkg region are already separated from raw region.
    // no additional selection for jets. just use different trees.
    std::cout << "####################" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "gammaJetTree->GetEntries() = " << gammaJetTree[0]->GetEntries() << std::endl;
    if (trigger.compare("") != 0 && !isMC)
        std::cout << "gammaJetTree->GetEntries(trigger==1) = " << tHlt->GetEntries(Form("%s == 1", trigger.c_str())) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "gammaJetTree->GetEntries(trigger==1) is skipped because either no trigger is specified or the data is coming from MC." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "####################" << std::endl;

    long long nentries = gammaJetTree[0]->GetEntries();
    long long firstEntry = 0;
    long long lastEntry = nentries;
    std::cout << "Total Entries: " << nentries << std::endl;

    if (nJobs != -1) {
        if (jobNum >= nJobs) {
            std::cout << "jobNum > nJobs, invalid configuration, aborting" << std::endl;
            return 1;

        firstEntry = floor(nentries/nJobs)*jobNum;
        lastEntry = floor(nentries/nJobs)*(jobNum+1);
        if (jobNum == nJobs-1)
            lastEntry = nentries;

        std::cout << "For this job " << jobNum << std::endl;
        std::cout << "First Entry: " << firstEntry << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Final Entry: " << lastEntry << std::endl;

    for (long long jentry = firstEntry; jentry < lastEntry; jentry++) {
        if (jentry % 2000 == 0 && nJobs == -1)
            printf("current entry = %lli out of %lli : %3f%%\n", jentry, nentries, (double)jentry/nentries*100);

        // event selection
        if (!isMC && !HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v1)
        if (isHI && isMC && !HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5_v2)
        if (!isHI && isMC && !HLT_HISinglePhoton40_Eta1p5ForPPRef_v1)


        // eta cut moved to skim step
        // if (TMath::Abs((*pho.phoEta)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]) > 1.44) continue;

        // noise cut
        if (((*pho.phoE3x3)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]/(*pho.phoE5x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] > 2./3.-0.03 &&
             (*pho.phoE3x3)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]/(*pho.phoE5x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] < 2./3.+0.03) &&
            ((*pho.phoE1x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]/(*pho.phoE5x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] > 1./3.-0.03 &&
             (*pho.phoE1x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]/(*pho.phoE5x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] < 1./3.+0.03) &&
            ((*pho.phoE2x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]/(*pho.phoE5x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] > 2./3.-0.03 &&
             (*pho.phoE2x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]/(*pho.phoE5x5)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] < 2./3.+0.03)) continue;

        // isolation cut
        if (useCorrectedSumIso) {
            if ((*pho.pho_sumIsoCorrected)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] > cut_sumIso) {
        } else if (((*pho.pho_ecalClusterIsoR4)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] +
                    (*pho.pho_hcalRechitIsoR4)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] +
                    (*pho.pho_trackIsoR4PtCut20)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]) > cut_sumIso) {

        if ((*pho.phoHoverE)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] > 0.1)

        bool isSignalPho = ((*pho.phoSigmaIEtaIEta_2012)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] < cut_phoSigmaIEtaIEta);
        bool isBkgPho = ((*pho.phoSigmaIEtaIEta_2012)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] > 0.011 &&
                         (*pho.phoSigmaIEtaIEta_2012)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] < 0.017);

        if (!(isSignalPho || isBkgPho))

        int phoType = isSignalPho ? CORR::kRAW : CORR::kBKG;

        // reco electron rejection part
        bool isEle = false;
        if (doElectronRejection) {
            float eleEpTemp = 100.0;
            for (int ie=0; ie<pho.nEle; ++ie) {
                if ((*pho.elePt)[ie] < 10)
                if (abs((*pho.eleEta)[ie] - (*pho.phoEta)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]) > 0.03) // deta
                if (abs(getDPHI((*pho.elePhi)[ie], (*pho.phoPhi)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx])) > 0.03) // dphi
                if (eleEpTemp < pho.eleEoverP->at(ie))

                isEle = true;
        if (isEle)

        // photon isolation systematic part (gen matching & genIso condition)
        if (isMC && doPhotonIsolationSys) {
            if (!(((*pho.pho_genMatchedIndex)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]!=-1) && (pho.mcCalIsoDR04->at((*pho.pho_genMatchedIndex)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx])<5.0))) {
                // std::cout << "failedGenIso : mcCalIso = " << (pho.mcCalIsoDR04->at((*pho.pho_genMatchedIndex)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx]))<< std::endl;


        float weight = isMC ? evt.weight : 1;
        float phoEt = doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics ? (*pho.phoEtCorrected_sys)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] : (*pho.phoEtCorrected)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx];

        // handle nEntriesPho separate from jet loop
        for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
            if (phoEt <  bins_pt[0][i] || phoEt >= bins_pt[1][i])
            for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
                if (isHI && (evt.hiBin <  bins_hiBin[0][j] || evt.hiBin >= bins_hiBin[1][j]))
                for (int iHist = 0; iHist < nCorrHist; iHist++)
                    corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[phoType][CORR::kRAW] += weight;

            weight /= sysUncFactor;

        for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
            int smearBin = 0;
            if (isHI) {
                if (evt.hiBin <  bins_hiBin[0][j] || evt.hiBin >= bins_hiBin[1][j])
            } else {
                if (j) {
                    // change smearBin to select the smeared jtpt and jtphi corresponding to the centrality bin
                    // 0 is unsmeared jtpt
                    smearBin = j;

                if (smearBin)

            for (int ijet = 0; ijet < jet.nref; ijet++) {
                int multiplyJets = 1;
                    multiplyJets = sysUncFactor;
                for(int iResSmear = 0; iResSmear < multiplyJets; iResSmear++){
                    float jetpt = (*jet.jtpt_smeared)[smearBin][ijet];
                    float smearFactor = 1;
                    if(doSmearingRes) {
                        //smearFactor = rand.Gaus(1,smearingResJet);
                        float SF = 1 + smearingResJet;
                        int resolutionBin = 0;
                        if(isHI) {
                            resolutionBin = getResolutionBin(evt.hiBin);
                        } else {
                            resolutionBin = getResolutionBinPP(smearBin);
                        float initialResolution = resolutionJetSmear[resolutionBin].getResolutionHI(jetpt);
                        smearFactor = rand.Gaus(1, SF * initialResolution * sqrt(SF*SF - 1));
                        jetpt *= smearFactor;
                    // jet cuts
                    // jteta cut moved to skim
                    // if (TMath::Abs(jet.jteta[ijet]) > cut_jeteta) continue;
                    if ((*gammaJet[0].jetID)[ijet] < cut_jetID)
                    if (jetpt < cut_jetpt)
                    if ((*gammaJet[smearBin].dR)[ijet] < cut_dR)

                    for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
                        if (phoEt <  bins_pt[0][i] || phoEt >= bins_pt[1][i])

                        // fill histograms
                        // dphi = 1
                        corrHists[1][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kRAW]->Fill(TMath::Abs((*gammaJet[smearBin].dphi)[ijet]), weight);
                        corrHists[1][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kRAW] += weight;
                        //apply dphi cuts now
                        if (TMath::Abs((*gammaJet[smearBin].dphi)[ijet]) <= cut_awayRange)
                        // xjg = 0
                        // jtpt = 2
                        float xjg = doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics ? (*gammaJet[smearBin].xjgCorrected_sys)[ijet] : (*gammaJet[smearBin].xjgCorrected)[ijet];
                            xjg *= smearFactor;
                        corrHists[0][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kRAW]->Fill(xjg, weight);
                        corrHists[0][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kRAW] += weight;
                        corrHists[2][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kRAW]->Fill(jetpt, weight);
                        corrHists[2][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kRAW] += weight;

        if (dphi_check && isHI) {
            for (int ijet = 0; ijet < jet.nref; ijet++) {
                for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
                    if (evt.hiBin <  bins_hiBin[0][j] || evt.hiBin >= bins_hiBin[1][j])
                    if (jet.jtpt[ijet] < cut_jetpt)
                    if ((*gammaJet[0].dR)[ijet] < cut_dR)

                    for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
                        if ((*pho.phoEtCorrected)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] <  bins_pt[0][i] ||
                            (*pho.phoEtCorrected)[gammaJet[0].phoIdx] >= bins_pt[1][i]) continue;

                        float lower_sideband = 1;
                        float upper_sideband = TMath::Pi()/2;
                        float sideband_width = upper_sideband - lower_sideband;

                        // select dphi sideband region
                        if (TMath::Abs((*gammaJet[0].dphi)[ijet]) > upper_sideband || TMath::Abs((*gammaJet[0].dphi)[ijet]) < lower_sideband)

                        corrHists[1][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kBKG]->Fill((TMath::Abs((*gammaJet[0].dphi)[ijet])-lower_sideband)*(TMath::Pi()/sideband_width), weight*40*(TMath::Pi()/sideband_width));
                        corrHists[1][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kBKG] += weight*40*(TMath::Pi()/sideband_width);

                        corrHists[0][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kBKG]->Fill((*gammaJet[0].xjgCorrected)[ijet], weight*40*(TMath::Pi()/8/sideband_width));
                        corrHists[0][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kBKG] += weight*40*(TMath::Pi()/8/sideband_width);
                        corrHists[2][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kBKG]->Fill(jet.jtpt[ijet], weight*40*(TMath::Pi()/8/sideband_width));
                        corrHists[2][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kBKG] += weight*40*(TMath::Pi()/8/sideband_width);
        } else {
            if (hasJetsMB && hasGammaJetMB) {

                for (int ijet = 0; ijet < jetMB.nref; ijet++) {
                    int multiplyJets = 1;
                        multiplyJets = sysUncFactor;
                    for(int iResSmear = 0; iResSmear < multiplyJets; iResSmear++){
                        float jetpt = jetMB.jtpt[ijet];
                        float smearFactor = 1;
                        if(doSmearingRes) {
                            //smearFactor = rand.Gaus(1,smearingResJet);
                            float SF = 1 + smearingResJet;
                            int resolutionBin = 0;
                            resolutionBin = getResolutionBin(evt.hiBin);
                            float initialResolution = resolutionJetSmear[resolutionBin].getResolutionHI(jetpt);
                            smearFactor = rand.Gaus(1, SF * initialResolution * sqrt(SF*SF - 1));
                            jetpt *= smearFactor;

                        // jet cuts
                        if ((*gammaJetMB.dR)[ijet] < cut_dR)
                        // jteta cut moved to skim
                        // if (TMath::Abs(jetMB.jteta[ijet]) > cut_jeteta) continue;
                        if (jetpt < cut_jetpt)
                        if ((*gammaJetMB.jetID)[ijet] < cut_jetID)

                        for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
                            if ((*pho.phoEtCorrected)[gammaJetMB.phoIdx] <  bins_pt[0][i] ||
                                (*pho.phoEtCorrected)[gammaJetMB.phoIdx] >= bins_pt[1][i]) continue;
                            for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
                                if (evt.hiBin <  bins_hiBin[0][j] || evt.hiBin >= bins_hiBin[1][j])

                                // fill histograms
                                // dphi = 1
                                corrHists[1][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kBKG]->Fill(TMath::Abs((*gammaJetMB.dphi)[ijet]), weight);
                                corrHists[1][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kBKG] += weight;
                                // apply dphi cuts now
                                if (TMath::Abs((*gammaJetMB.dphi)[ijet]) <= cut_awayRange)
                                // xjg = 0
                                // jtpt = 2
                                float xjg = doPhotonEnergyScaleSystematics ? (*gammaJetMB.xjgCorrected_sys)[ijet] : (*gammaJetMB.xjgCorrected)[ijet];
                                    xjg *= smearFactor;
                                corrHists[0][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kBKG]->Fill(xjg, weight);
                                corrHists[0][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kBKG] += weight;
                                corrHists[2][i][j].h1D[phoType][CORR::kBKG]->Fill(jetpt, weight);
                                corrHists[2][i][j].nEntries[phoType][CORR::kBKG] += weight;

    /// Histogram arithmetic (no reading I/O)
    for (int iHist = 0; iHist < nCorrHist; iHist++) {
        for (int i=0; i<nBins_pt; ++i) {
            for (int j=0; j<nBins_hiBin; ++j) {
                corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kBKG] = corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kRAW];
                corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kBKG] = corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kRAW];

                if (h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kRAW]->GetBinContent(1) == 0) {
                    h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kRAW]->SetBinContent(1, corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kRAW]);
                    h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kRAW]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);

                if (h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kBKG]->GetBinContent(1) == 0) {
                    h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kBKG]->SetBinContent(1, corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kRAW]);
                    h_nPho[i][j][CORR::kBKG]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);

                std::cout << "nEntries[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kRAW] = " << corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntries[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kRAW] << std::endl;
                std::cout << "nEntries[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kRAW] = " << corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntries[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kRAW] << std::endl;
                std::cout << "nEntriesPho[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kRAW] = " << corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kRAW][CORR::kRAW] << std::endl;
                std::cout << "nEntriesPho[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kRAW] = " << corrHists[iHist][i][j].nEntriesPho[CORR::kBKG][CORR::kRAW] << std::endl;

                std::string histoTitle;
                if (bins_pt[1][i] == 9999 && bins_hiBin[0][j] <= 0 && bins_hiBin[1][j] >= 200)
                    histoTitle = Form("%s , p^{#gamma}_{T} > %.0f GeV/c", collisionName , bins_pt[0][i]);
                else if (bins_hiBin[0][j] <= 0 && bins_hiBin[1][j] >= 200)
                    histoTitle = Form("%s , %.0f < p^{#gamma}_{T} < %.0f GeV/c", collisionName , bins_pt[0][i], bins_pt[1][i]);
                else if (bins_pt[1][i] == 9999)
                    histoTitle = Form("%s , p^{#gamma}_{T} > %.0f GeV/c, %d-%d %% ", collisionName , bins_pt[0][i], bins_hiBin[0][j]/2, bins_hiBin[1][j]/2);
                    histoTitle = Form("%s , %.0f < p^{#gamma}_{T} < %.0f GeV/c, %d-%d %% ", collisionName , bins_pt[0][i], bins_pt[1][i], bins_hiBin[0][j]/2, bins_hiBin[1][j]/2);

                // histograms for RAW and BKG regions
                for (int iCorr = 0; iCorr < CORR::kN_CORRFNC-1; ++iCorr) {
                    for (int jCorr = 0; jCorr < CORR::kN_CORRFNC-1; ++jCorr) {
                        if (jCorr == CORR::kBKG && !isHI) continue;      // no jet background for non-HI

                        std::string titleX = corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D_titleX[iCorr][jCorr].c_str();
                        corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D[iCorr][jCorr]->SetTitle(Form("%s;%s;%s", histoTitle.c_str(), titleX.c_str(), "Entries"));

                        // histogram name excluding the "h1D" prefix
                        std::string tmpH1D_name = corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D_name[iCorr][jCorr].c_str();
                        std::string tmpHistName = corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D[iCorr][jCorr]->GetName();

                        corrHists[iHist][i][j].h1D[iCorr][jCorr]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);

    configTree->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);

    output->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);

    return 0;