Ejemplo n.º 1
void MergeFlowd() 
	TGrid *alien = TGrid::Connect("alien");
	if (alien->IsZombie())
		delete alien;
		cout << "Fatal: Alien is a zombie!" << endl;

  Int_t runlist[] = {                                                               // Counter
    /*170309, 170308, 170306, 170270, 170269, 170268, 170230, 170228,*/ 170204, 170203, // 10
    170193, 170163, 170159, 170155, 170081, 170027, 169859, 169858, 169855, 169846, // 20
    169838, 169837, 169835, 169417, 169415, 169411, 169238, 169167, 169160, 169156, // 30
    169148, 169145, 169144, 169138, 169094, 169091, 169035, 168992, 168988, 168826, // 40
    168777, 168514, 168512, 168511, 168467, 168464, 168460, 168458, 168362, 168361, // 50
    168342, 168341, 168325, 168322, 168311, 168310, 167988, 167987                  // 58

  TFileMerger merger;
  TString dataBaseDir = "/alice/cern.ch/user/m/mpuccio/Flowd_PbPb2011/output/000";
  for (int iRun = 0; iRun < 1; ++iRun)
  	TString runDir = Form("%s%i",dataBaseDir.Data(),runlist[iRun]);
  	TGridResult *res = alien->Command(Form("find %s */mpuccio_Flowd.root",runDir.Data()));
  	TIter iter(res);
  	TMap *map;
  	while ((map = (TMap*)iter())) 
  		TObjString *obj = dynamic_cast<TObjString*>(map->GetValue("turl"));
  		if (!obj || !obj->String().Length())
  			delete res;

  		TFile *f = TFile::Open(obj->String().Data());
  		if (!f->IsOpen())
  			cout << "File " << obj->String().Data() << " has some problems..." << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void mergeSelective(Int_t nfiles=5)
// This macro demonstrates how to merge only a part of the content of a set
// of input files, specified via the interface:
//      TFileMerger::AddObjectNames(const char *names)
// The method can be called several times to add object names, or using a single
// strings with names separated by a blank. Directory names contained in the files
// to be merged are accepted.
// Two modes are supported:
// == kOnlyListed: via TFileMerger::PartialMerge(kOnlyListed)
//    This will merge only the objects in the files having the names in the
//    specified list. If a folder is specified, it whole content will be merged
// == kSkipListed: via TFileMerger::PartialMerge(kSkipListed)
//    This will skip merging of specified objects. If a folder is specified, its
//    whole content will be skipped.
// Important note: the kOnlyListed and kSkipListed flags have to be bitwise OR-ed
// on top of the merging defaults: kAll | kIncremental (as in the example)
// The files to be merged have the following structure:
// - hpx          (TH1F)
// - hpxpy        (TH2F)
// - hprof        (TProfile)
// - ntuple       (TNtuple)
// = folder       (TDirectory)
//      - hpx1    (TH1F)
// The example first merges exclusively hprof and the content of "folder",
// producing the file exclusive.root, then merges all content but skipping
// hprof and the content of "folder". The result can be inspected in the
// browser.

   // Create the files to be merged
   TStopwatch timer;
   if (gROOT->LoadMacro("$ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C")) return;
   Int_t i;
   for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) CreateFile(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));

   // Merge only the listed objects
   TFileMerger *fm;
   fm = new TFileMerger(kFALSE);
   fm->AddObjectNames("hprof folder");
   for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) fm->AddFile(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));
   // Must add new merging flag on top of the the default ones
   Int_t default_mode = TFileMerger::kAll | TFileMerger::kIncremental;
   Int_t mode = default_mode | TFileMerger::kOnlyListed;

   // Skip merging of the listed objects
   fm->AddObjectNames("hprof folder");
   for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) fm->AddFile(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));
   // Must add new merging flag on top of the the default ones
   mode = default_mode | TFileMerger::kSkipListed;
   delete fm;

   // Cleanup initial files
   for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) gSystem->Unlink(Form("tomerge%03d.root",i));
   // Open files to inspect in the browser
   new TBrowser();