void candleplotoption() { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Candle Presets",1200,800); c1->Divide(3,2); TRandom *randnum = new TRandom(); TH2I *h1 = new TH2I("h1","Sin",18,0,360,300,-1.5,1.5); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Deg"); float myRand; for (int i = 0; i < 360; i+=10) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { myRand = randnum->Gaus(sin(i*3.14/180),0.2); h1->Fill(i,myRand); } } for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { c1->cd(i); char str[16]; sprintf(str,"candlex%d",i); TH2I * myhist = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy(str); myhist->SetTitle(str); } TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Candle Individual",1200,800); c2->Divide(4,4); char myopt[16][8] = {"0","1","11","21","31","30","111","311","301","1111","2321","12111","112111","212111","312111"}; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { c2->cd(i+1); char str[16]; sprintf(str, "candlex(%s)",myopt[i]); TH2I * myhist = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy(str); myhist->SetTitle(str); } }
void candlehisto() { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Candle Presets",800,600); c1->Divide(3,2); TRandom *rand = new TRandom(); TH2I *h1 = new TH2I("h1","Sin",18,0,360,100,-1.5,1.5); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Deg"); float myRand; for (int i = 0; i < 360; i+=10) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { myRand = rand->Gaus(sin(i*3.14/180),0.2); h1->Fill(i,myRand); } } for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { c1->cd(i); char str[16]; sprintf(str,"CANDLEX%d",i); TH2I * myhist = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy(str); myhist->SetTitle(str); } TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Violin Presets",800,300); c2->Divide(2,1); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { c2->cd(i); char str[16]; sprintf(str,"VIOLINX%d",i); TH2I * myhist = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy(str); myhist->SetFillColor(kGray+2); } TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","Playing with candle and violin-options",800,600); c3->Divide(3,2); char myopt[6][16] = {"1000000","2000000","3000000","1112111","112111","112111"}; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { c3->cd(i+1); char str[16]; sprintf(str, "candlex(%s)",myopt[i]); TH2I * myhist = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy(str); myhist->SetFillColor(kYellow); if (i == 4) { TH2I * myhist2 = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy("candlex(1000000) same"); myhist2->SetFillColor(kRed); } if (i == 5) { myhist->SetBarWidth(0.2); myhist->SetBarOffset(0.25); TH2I * myhist2 = (TH2I*)h1->DrawCopy("candlex(2000000) same"); myhist2->SetFillColor(kRed); myhist2->SetBarWidth(0.6); myhist2->SetBarOffset(-0.5); } myhist->SetTitle(str); } }
void TPTiming () { TAxis * ax = TPMatchEmul2D->GetZaxis() ; ax->SetRangeUser(-1,6) ; TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas("canv", "canv") ; canv->SetLogz(0) ; gStyle->SetOptStat(10) ; int color[10]= {1,10,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2} ; gStyle->SetPalette(7, color) ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi index"); TPMatchEmul2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eta index"); TPMatchEmul2D->Draw("colz") ; TH2I * label = new TH2I("label", "",72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; label->SetMarkerSize(0.6); label->SetBit(kCanDelete); for (int x=3 ; x<73 ; x+=4) { for (int y=21; y<=37; y++) { int towernb = 4*(y-21)+1 ; label->SetBinContent(x-1, y, towernb) ; //EB+ label->SetBinContent(x, 40-y, towernb) ; //EB- } } label->Draw("same text") ; TLatex txt; txt.SetTextSize(0.02); TLine line; line.SetLineColor(1) ; line.SetLineStyle(1) ; line.SetLineWidth(1) ; TAxis* xAxis = TPMatchEmul2D->GetXaxis(); TAxis* yAxis = TPMatchEmul2D->GetYaxis(); // draw SM borders and numbers float sm ; for (int i=0; i<36 ; i++ ) { if (i<18) { sm = 4*i+3 ; line.DrawLine(sm, 1, sm, 18) ; txt.SetTextAlign(32); txt.DrawText(sm-1+0.3, -17.7, Form("-%d",i+1)); } else { sm = 4*(i-18)+3 ; line.DrawLine(sm, 0, sm, -17) ; txt.SetTextAlign(12); txt.DrawText(sm-2+0.3, 18.5, Form("+%d",i-17)); } } line.DrawLine(1, 0, 73, 0) ; line.DrawLine(1, -17, 73, -17) ; line.DrawLine(1, 1, 73, 1) ; line.DrawLine(1, 18, 73, 18) ; }
void ExtractTrackBasedTiming(TString fileName = "hd_root.root", int runNumber = 10390, TString variation = "default", bool verbose = false,TString prefix = ""){ // set "prefix" in case you want to ship the txt files elsewhere... cout << "Performing Track Matched timing fits for File: " << fileName.Data() << " Run: " << runNumber << " Variation: " << variation.Data() << endl; ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::thisFile = TFile::Open( fileName , "UPDATE"); if (ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::thisFile == 0) { cout << "Unable to open file " << fileName.Data() << "...Exiting" << endl; return; } //We need the existing constants, The best we can do here is just read them from the file. vector<double> sc_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> sc_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tof_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> tof_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagm_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagm_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagh_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagh_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagh_counter_quality; double sc_t_base_fadc, sc_t_base_tdc; double tof_t_base_fadc, tof_t_base_tdc; double bcal_t_base_fadc, bcal_t_base_tdc; double tagm_t_base_fadc, tagm_t_base_tdc; double tagh_t_base_fadc, tagh_t_base_tdc; double fdc_t_base_fadc, fdc_t_base_tdc; double fcal_t_base; double cdc_t_base; double RF_Period; cout << "Grabbing CCDB constants..." << endl; // Base times GetCCDBConstants1("/CDC/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, cdc_t_base); GetCCDBConstants1("/FCAL/base_time_offset",runNumber, variation, fcal_t_base); GetCCDBConstants1("/PHOTON_BEAM/RF/beam_period",runNumber, variation, RF_Period); GetCCDBConstants2("/FDC/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, fdc_t_base_fadc, fdc_t_base_tdc); GetCCDBConstants2("/BCAL/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, bcal_t_base_fadc, bcal_t_base_tdc); GetCCDBConstants2("/PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, tagm_t_base_fadc, tagm_t_base_tdc); GetCCDBConstants2("/PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, tagh_t_base_fadc, tagh_t_base_tdc); GetCCDBConstants2("/START_COUNTER/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, sc_t_base_fadc, sc_t_base_tdc); GetCCDBConstants2("/TOF/base_time_offset" ,runNumber, variation, tof_t_base_fadc, tof_t_base_tdc); // Per channel //GetCCDBConstants("/BCAL/TDC_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, bcal_tdc_offsets); //GetCCDBConstants("/FCAL/timing_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, fcal_adc_offsets); GetCCDBConstants("/START_COUNTER/adc_timing_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, sc_fadc_time_offsets); GetCCDBConstants("/START_COUNTER/tdc_timing_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, sc_tdc_time_offsets); GetCCDBConstants("/PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/fadc_time_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, tagm_fadc_time_offsets,3);// Interested in 3rd column GetCCDBConstants("/PHOTON_BEAM/microscope/tdc_time_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, tagm_tdc_time_offsets,3); GetCCDBConstants("/PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/fadc_time_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, tagh_fadc_time_offsets,2);// Interested in 2nd column GetCCDBConstants("/PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/tdc_time_offsets" ,runNumber, variation, tagh_tdc_time_offsets,2); GetCCDBConstants("/PHOTON_BEAM/hodoscope/counter_quality" ,runNumber, variation, tagh_counter_quality,2); GetCCDBConstants("/TOF/adc_timing_offsets",runNumber, variation, tof_fadc_time_offsets); GetCCDBConstants("/TOF/timing_offsets",runNumber, variation, tof_tdc_time_offsets); cout << "CDC base times = " << cdc_t_base << endl; cout << "FCAL base times = " << fcal_t_base << endl; cout << "FDC base times = " << fdc_t_base_fadc << ", " << fdc_t_base_tdc << endl; cout << "BCAL base times = " << bcal_t_base_fadc << ", " << bcal_t_base_tdc << endl; cout << "SC base times = " << sc_t_base_fadc << ", " << sc_t_base_tdc << endl; cout << "TOF base times = " << tof_t_base_fadc << ", " << tof_t_base_tdc << endl; cout << "TAGH base times = " << tagh_t_base_fadc << ", " << tagh_t_base_tdc << endl; cout << "TAGM base times = " << tagm_t_base_fadc << ", " << tagm_t_base_tdc << endl; cout << endl; cout << "RF_Period = " << RF_Period << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Done grabbing CCDB constants...Entering fits..." << endl; // Do our final step in the timing alignment with tracking //When the RF is present we can try to simply pick out the correct beam bucket for each of the runs //First just a simple check to see if we have the appropriate data bool useRF = false; TH1I *testHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TAGH_TDC_RF_Compare","Counter ID 001"); if (testHist != NULL){ // Not great since we rely on channel 1 working, but can be craftier later. cout << "Using RF Times for Calibration" << endl; useRF = true; } ofstream outFile; TH2I *thisHist; thisHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGM - SC Target Time"); if (useRF) thisHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGM - RFBunch Time"); if (thisHist != NULL){ //Statistics on these histograms are really quite low we will have to rebin and do some interpolation outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file int nBinsX = thisHist->GetNbinsX(); int nBinsY = thisHist->GetNbinsY(); TH1D * selectedTAGMOffset = new TH1D("selectedTAGMOffset", "Selected TAGM Offset; Column; Offset [ns]", nBinsX, 0.5, nBinsX + 0.5); TH1I * TAGMOffsetDistribution = new TH1I("TAGMOffsetDistribution", "TAGM Offset; TAGM Offset [ns]; Entries", 500, -250, 250); for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ TH1D *projY = thisHist->ProjectionY("temp", i, i); // Scan over the histogram //chose the correct number of bins based on the histogram float nsPerBin = (projY->GetBinCenter(projY->GetNbinsX()) - projY->GetBinCenter(1)) / projY->GetNbinsX(); float timeWindow = 3; //ns (Full Width) int binWindow = int(timeWindow / nsPerBin); double maxEntries = 0; double maxMean = 0; for (int j = 1 ; j <= projY->GetNbinsX();j++){ int minBin = j; int maxBin = (j + binWindow) <= projY->GetNbinsX() ? (j + binWindow) : projY->GetNbinsX(); double sum = 0, nEntries = 0; for (int bin = minBin; bin <= maxBin; bin++){ sum += projY->GetBinContent(bin) * projY->GetBinCenter(bin); nEntries += projY->GetBinContent(bin); if (bin == maxBin){ if (nEntries > maxEntries) { maxMean = sum / nEntries; maxEntries = nEntries; } } } } //In the case there is RF, our job is to pick just the number of the correct beam bunch, so that's really all we need. if(useRF) { int beamBucket = int((maxMean / RF_Period) + 0.5); // +0.5 to handle rounding correctly selectedTAGMOffset->SetBinContent(i, beamBucket); TAGMOffsetDistribution->Fill(beamBucket); } else{ selectedTAGMOffset->SetBinContent(i, maxMean); TAGMOffsetDistribution->Fill(maxMean); } } double meanOffset = TAGMOffsetDistribution->GetMean(); // This might be in units of beam bunches, so we need to convert if (useRF) meanOffset *= RF_Period; if (verbose) { cout << "Dumping TAGM results...\n=======================================" << endl; cout << "TAGM mean Offset = " << meanOffset << endl; cout << "fADC Offsets" << endl; } outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out); //for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ // Loop over rows if (verbose) cout << "Column\tRow\tvalueToUse\toldValue\tmeanOffset\tTotal" << endl; for (unsigned int column = 1; column <= 102; column++){ int index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, 0); double valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; //if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << "0 " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset<< endl; if (verbose) printf("0\t%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n", column, valueToUse, tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1], meanOffset, valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset); if (column == 9 || column == 27 || column == 81 || column == 99){ for (unsigned int row = 1; row <= 5; row++){ index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, row); valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; //if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << row << " " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset<< endl; if (verbose) printf("%i\t%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n", row, column, valueToUse, tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1], meanOffset, valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset); } } } outFile.close(); if (verbose) { cout << "TDC Offsets" << endl; cout << "Column\tRow\tvalueToUse\toldValue\tmeanOffset\tTotal" << endl; } outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out); //for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ // Loop over rows for (unsigned int column = 1; column <= 102; column++){ int index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, 0); double valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; //if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << "0 " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset << endl; if (verbose) printf("0\t%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n", column, valueToUse, tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1], meanOffset, valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset); if (column == 9 || column == 27 || column == 81 || column == 99){ for (unsigned int row = 1; row <= 5; row++){ index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, row); valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; //if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << row << " " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset << endl; if (verbose) printf("%i\t%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n", row, column, valueToUse, tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1], meanOffset, valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset); } } } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_base_time.txt", ios::out); if (verbose) { printf("TAGM ADC Base = %f - (%f) = %f\n", tagm_t_base_fadc, meanOffset, tagm_t_base_fadc - meanOffset); printf("TAGM TDC Base = %f - (%f) = %f\n", tagm_t_base_tdc, meanOffset, tagm_t_base_tdc - meanOffset); } outFile << tagm_t_base_fadc - meanOffset << " " << tagm_t_base_tdc - meanOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } thisHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGH - SC Target Time"); if (useRF) thisHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGH - RFBunch Time"); if (thisHist != NULL) { outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file // Setup histogram for determining the most probable change in offset for each F1TDC slot // This is needed to account for the occasional uniform shift in offsets of the 32 counters in a slot const int NtdcSlots = 8; TH1I * tdcDist[NtdcSlots]; for (int i = 1; i <= NtdcSlots; i++) { stringstream ss; ss << i; TString s = ss.str(); double range = 500.0; double width = 0.1; int Nbins = range/width; double low = -0.5*range - 0.5*width; double high = 0.5*range - 0.5*width; tdcDist[i-1] = new TH1I("TAGHOffsetDistribution_"+s, "TAGH Offset (slot "+s+"); TAGH Offset [ns]; Entries", Nbins, low, high); } int nBinsX = thisHist->GetNbinsX(); TH1D * selectedTAGHOffset = new TH1D("selectedTAGHOffset", "Selected TAGH Offset; ID; Offset [ns]", nBinsX, 0.5, nBinsX + 0.5); for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++) { TH1D *projY = thisHist->ProjectionY("temp", i, i); // Scan over histogram to find mean offset in timeWindow with largest integral // Choose the correct number of bins based on the histogram double nsPerBin = (projY->GetBinCenter(projY->GetNbinsX()) - projY->GetBinCenter(1)) / projY->GetNbinsX(); double timeWindow = 2.0; // ns (Full Width) int binWindow = int(timeWindow / nsPerBin); double maxEntries = 0; double maxMean = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= projY->GetNbinsX(); j++) { int minBin = j; int maxBin = (j + binWindow) <= projY->GetNbinsX() ? (j + binWindow) : projY->GetNbinsX(); double sum = 0; double nEntries = 0; for (int bin = minBin; bin <= maxBin; bin++) { sum += projY->GetBinContent(bin) * projY->GetBinCenter(bin); nEntries += projY->GetBinContent(bin); if (bin == maxBin) { if (nEntries > maxEntries) { maxMean = sum / nEntries; maxEntries = nEntries; } } } } if (tagh_counter_quality[i-1] == 0.0) { selectedTAGHOffset->SetBinContent(i, 0); continue; } int tdc_slot = GetF1TDCslotTAGH(i); if (useRF) { int beamBucket; if (maxMean >= 0) beamBucket = int((maxMean / RF_Period) + 0.5); // +0.5 to handle rounding correctly else beamBucket = int((maxMean / RF_Period) - 0.5); selectedTAGHOffset->SetBinContent(i, beamBucket); if (maxEntries != 0.0) tdcDist[tdc_slot - 1]->Fill(beamBucket); } else { selectedTAGHOffset->SetBinContent(i, maxMean); if (maxEntries != 0.0) tdcDist[tdc_slot - 1]->Fill(maxMean); } } // Most probable change in offset or beam bucket per F1TDC slot double mpDelta[NtdcSlots]; for (int i = 1; i <= NtdcSlots; i++) { int mpBin = tdcDist[i-1]->GetMaximumBin(); mpDelta[i-1] = (mpBin > 0) ? tdcDist[i-1]->GetBinCenter(mpBin) : 0.0; if (useRF) mpDelta[i-1] *= RF_Period; if (verbose) { cout << "TAGH most probable Offset = " << i << ", " << mpDelta[i-1] << endl; } } if (verbose) { cout << "Dumping TAGH results...\n=======================================" << endl; cout << "Type\tChannel\tvalueToUse\toldValue\tmpDelta\tTotal" << endl; } double limit = 2.5; // ns double ccdb_sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= nBinsX; i++) ccdb_sum += tagh_tdc_time_offsets[i-1]; double c1_tdcOffset = 0.0; outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); for (int i = 1; i <= nBinsX; i++) { if (tagh_counter_quality[i-1] == 0.0) { outFile << i << " " << 0 << endl; continue; } int tdc_slot = GetF1TDCslotTAGH(i); double delta = selectedTAGHOffset->GetBinContent(i); if (useRF) delta *= RF_Period; if (ccdb_sum > 0.0 && fabs(delta - mpDelta[tdc_slot-1]) > limit) { delta = mpDelta[tdc_slot-1]; } double ccdb = tagh_tdc_time_offsets[i-1]; double offset = ccdb + delta; if (i == 1) c1_tdcOffset = offset; offset -= c1_tdcOffset; outFile << i << " " << offset << endl; if (verbose) printf("TDC\t%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n", i, delta, ccdb, mpDelta[tdc_slot-1], offset); } outFile.close(); ccdb_sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= nBinsX; i++) ccdb_sum += tagh_fadc_time_offsets[i-1]; double c1_adcOffset = 0.0; outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); for (int i = 1; i <= nBinsX; i++) { if (tagh_counter_quality[i-1] == 0.0) { outFile << i << " " << 0 << endl; continue; } int tdc_slot = GetF1TDCslotTAGH(i); double delta = selectedTAGHOffset->GetBinContent(i); if (useRF) delta *= RF_Period; if (ccdb_sum > 0.0 && fabs(delta - mpDelta[tdc_slot-1]) > limit) { delta = mpDelta[tdc_slot-1]; } double ccdb = tagh_fadc_time_offsets[i-1]; double offset = ccdb + delta; if (i == 1) c1_adcOffset = offset; offset -= c1_adcOffset; outFile << i << " " << offset << endl; if (verbose) printf("ADC\t%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n", i, delta, ccdb, mpDelta[tdc_slot-1], offset); } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_base_time.txt"); outFile << tagh_t_base_fadc - c1_adcOffset << " " << tagh_t_base_tdc - c1_tdcOffset << endl; if (verbose) { printf("TAGH ADC Base = %f - (%f) = %f\n", tagh_t_base_fadc, c1_adcOffset, tagh_t_base_fadc - c1_adcOffset); printf("TAGH TDC Base = %f - (%f) = %f\n", tagh_t_base_tdc, c1_tdcOffset, tagh_t_base_tdc - c1_tdcOffset); } outFile.close(); } // We can use the RF time to calibrate the SC time (Experimental for now) double meanSCOffset = 0.0; // In case we change the time of the SC, we need this in this scope if(useRF){ TH1F * selectedSCSectorOffset = new TH1F("selectedSCSectorOffset", "Selected TDC-RF offset;Sector; Time", 30, 0.5, 30.5); TH1F * selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution = new TH1F("selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution", "Selected TDC-RF offset;Time;Entries", 100, -3.0, 3.0); TF1* f = new TF1("f","pol0(0)+gaus(1)", -3.0, 3.0); for (int sector = 1; sector <= 30; sector++){ TH1I *scRFHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "SC_Target_RF_Compare", Form("Sector %.2i", sector)); if (scRFHist == NULL) continue; //Do the fit TFitResultPtr fr = scRFHist->Fit("pol0", "SQ", "", -2, 2); double p0 = fr->Parameter(0); f->FixParameter(0,p0); f->SetParLimits(2, -2, 2); f->SetParLimits(3, 0, 2); f->SetParameter(1, 10); f->SetParameter(2, scRFHist->GetBinCenter(scRFHist->GetMaximumBin())); f->SetParameter(3, 0); fr = scRFHist->Fit(f, "SQ", "", -2, 2); double SCOffset = fr->Parameter(2); selectedSCSectorOffset->SetBinContent(sector, SCOffset); selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution->Fill(SCOffset); } // Now write out the offsets meanSCOffset = selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution->GetMean(); if (verbose){ cout << "Dumping SC results...\n=======================================" << endl; cout << "SC mean Offset = " << meanSCOffset << endl; cout << "TDC Offsets" << endl; cout << "Sector\toldValue\tValueToUse\tmeanOffset\tTotal" << endl; } outFile.open(prefix + "sc_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); for (int sector = 1; sector <= 30; sector++){ outFile << sc_tdc_time_offsets[sector-1] + selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector) - meanSCOffset << endl; if (verbose) printf("%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n",sector, sc_tdc_time_offsets[sector-1], selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector), meanSCOffset, sc_tdc_time_offsets[sector-1] + selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector) - meanSCOffset); } outFile.close(); if (verbose){ cout << "ADC Offsets" << endl; cout << "Sector\tvalueToUse\toldValue\tmeanOffset\tTotal" << endl; } outFile.open(prefix + "sc_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); for (int sector = 1; sector <= 30; sector++){ outFile << sc_fadc_time_offsets[sector-1] + selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector) - meanSCOffset << endl; if (verbose) printf("%i\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n",sector,sc_fadc_time_offsets[sector-1], selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector), meanSCOffset, sc_fadc_time_offsets[sector-1] + selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector) - meanSCOffset); } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "sc_base_time.txt"); outFile << sc_t_base_fadc - meanSCOffset << " " << sc_t_base_tdc - meanSCOffset << endl; if (verbose) { printf("SC ADC Base = %f - (%f) = %f\n", sc_t_base_fadc, meanSCOffset, sc_t_base_fadc - meanSCOffset); printf("SC TDC Base = %f - (%f) = %f\n", sc_t_base_tdc, meanSCOffset, sc_t_base_tdc - meanSCOffset); } outFile.close(); } TH1I *this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TOF - RF Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 1.5, maximum + 1.5); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "tof_base_time.txt"); if (verbose) { printf("TOF ADC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n", tof_t_base_fadc, mean, meanSCOffset, tof_t_base_fadc - mean - meanSCOffset); printf("TOF TDC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n", tof_t_base_tdc, mean, meanSCOffset, tof_t_base_tdc - mean - meanSCOffset); } outFile << tof_t_base_fadc - mean - meanSCOffset<< " " << tof_t_base_tdc - mean - meanSCOffset<< endl; outFile.close(); } this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "BCAL - RF Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 5, maximum + 5); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "bcal_base_time.txt"); if (verbose) { printf("BCAL ADC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n", bcal_t_base_fadc, mean, meanSCOffset, bcal_t_base_fadc - mean - meanSCOffset); printf("BCAL TDC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n", bcal_t_base_tdc, mean, meanSCOffset, bcal_t_base_tdc - mean - meanSCOffset); } outFile << bcal_t_base_fadc - mean - meanSCOffset << " " << bcal_t_base_tdc - mean - meanSCOffset << endl; // TDC info not used outFile.close(); } this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "FCAL - RF Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 5, maximum + 5); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "fcal_base_time.txt"); if (verbose) { printf("FCAL ADC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n",fcal_t_base, mean, meanSCOffset, fcal_t_base - mean - meanSCOffset); } outFile << fcal_t_base - mean - meanSCOffset<< endl; outFile.close(); } this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "Earliest CDC Time Minus Matched SC Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 15, maximum + 10); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "cdc_base_time.txt"); if (verbose) { printf("CDC ADC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n",cdc_t_base, mean, meanSCOffset, cdc_t_base - mean - meanSCOffset); } outFile << cdc_t_base - mean - meanSCOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } // We want to account for any residual difference between the cathode and anode times. double FDC_ADC_Offset = 0.0, FDC_TDC_Offset = 0.0; this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "FDC", "FDCHit Cathode time;1"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ Int_t firstBin = this1DHist->FindFirstBinAbove( 1 , 1); // Find first bin with content above 1 in the histogram for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++){ if ((firstBin + i) > 0) this1DHist->SetBinContent((firstBin + i), 0); } //Fit a gaussian to the left of the main peak Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TF1 *f = new TF1("f", "gaus"); f->SetParameters(100, maximum, 20); //this1DHist->Rebin(2); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit(f, "S", "", maximum - 10, maximum + 7); // Cant fix value at end of range double mean = fr->Parameter(1); float sigma = fr->Parameter(2); FDC_ADC_Offset = mean; delete f; } this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "FDC", "FDCHit Wire time;1"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ Int_t firstBin = this1DHist->FindLastBinAbove( 1 , 1); // Find first bin with content above 1 in the histogram for (int i = 0; i <= 25; i++){ if ((firstBin + i) > 0) this1DHist->SetBinContent((firstBin + i), 0); } //Fit a gaussian to the left of the main peak Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TF1 *f = new TF1("f", "gaus"); f->SetParameters(100, maximum, 20); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit(f, "S", "", maximum - 10, maximum + 5); // Cant fix value at end of range double mean = fr->Parameter(1); float sigma = fr->Parameter(2); FDC_TDC_Offset = mean; delete f; } double FDC_ADC_TDC_Offset = FDC_ADC_Offset - FDC_TDC_Offset; this1DHist = ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "Earliest Flight-time Corrected FDC Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Landau Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("landau", "S", "", maximum - 2.5, maximum + 4); float MPV = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "fdc_base_time.txt"); if (verbose) { printf("FDC ADC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n",fdc_t_base_fadc, MPV, meanSCOffset, FDC_ADC_TDC_Offset, fdc_t_base_fadc - MPV - meanSCOffset - FDC_ADC_TDC_Offset); printf("FDC TDC Base = %f - (%f) - (%f) = %f\n",fdc_t_base_tdc, MPV, meanSCOffset, fdc_t_base_tdc - MPV - meanSCOffset); } outFile << fdc_t_base_fadc - MPV - meanSCOffset - FDC_ADC_TDC_Offset << " " << fdc_t_base_tdc - MPV - meanSCOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS::thisFile->Write(); return; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { printHelp() ; exit (1) ; } std::string inputfiles, inputdir ; std::string outputRootName = "histoTPG.root" ; int verbose = 0 ; int occupancyCut = 0 ; std::string l1algo ; bool ok(false) ; for (int i=0 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i] == std::string("-h") ) { printHelp() ; exit(1); } if (argv[i] == std::string("-i") && argc>i+1) { ok = true ; inputfiles = argv[i+1] ; } if (argv[i] == std::string("-d") && argc>i+1) inputdir = argv[i+1] ; if (argv[i] == std::string("-o") && argc>i+1) outputRootName = argv[i+1] ; if (argv[i] == std::string("-v") && argc>i+1) verbose = atoi(argv[i+1]) ; if (argv[i] == std::string("-l1") && argc>i+1) l1algo = std::string(argv[i+1]) ; if (argv[i] == std::string("--cutTPOccup") && argc>i+1) occupancyCut = atoi(argv[i+1]) ; } if (!ok) { std::cout<<"No input files have been given: nothing to do!"<<std::endl ; printHelp() ; exit(1); } std::vector<int> algobits ; std::vector<std::string> algos = split(l1algo,",") ; for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<algos.size() ; i++) algobits.push_back(atoi(algos[i].c_str())) ; unsigned int ref = 2 ; /////////////////////// // book the histograms /////////////////////// TH2F * occupancyTP = new TH2F("occupancyTP", "Occupancy TP data", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; occupancyTP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; occupancyTP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH2F * occupancyTPEmul = new TH2F("occupancyTPEmul", "Occupancy TP emulator", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; occupancyTPEmul->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; occupancyTPEmul->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH1F * TP = new TH1F("TP", "TP", 256, 0., 256.) ; TP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TP (ADC)") ; TH1F * TPEmul = new TH1F("TPEmul", "TP Emulator", 256, 0., 256.) ; TPEmul->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TP (ADC)") ; TH1F * TPEmulMax = new TH1F("TPEmulMax", "TP Emulator max", 256, 0., 256.) ; TPEmulMax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TP (ADC)") ; TH3F * TPspectrumMap3D = new TH3F("TPspectrumMap3D", "TP data spectrum map", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19, 256, 0., 256.) ; TPspectrumMap3D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPspectrumMap3D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH1F * TPMatchEmul = new TH1F("TPMatchEmul", "TP data matching Emulator", 7, -1., 6.) ; TH1F * TPEmulMaxIndex = new TH1F("TPEmulMaxIndex", "Index of the max TP from Emulator", 7, -1., 6.) ; TH3I * TPMatchEmul3D = new TH3I("TPMatchEmul3D", "TP data matching Emulator", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19, 7, -1, 6) ; TPMatchEmul3D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPMatchEmul3D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TH2I * ttfMismatch = new TH2I("ttfMismatch", "TTF mismatch map", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; ttfMismatch->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; ttfMismatch->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; /////////////////////// // Chain the trees: /////////////////////// TChain * chain = new TChain ("EcalTPGAnalysis") ; std::vector<std::string> files ; if (inputfiles.find(std::string(",")) != std::string::npos) files = split(inputfiles,",") ; if (inputfiles.find(std::string(":")) != std::string::npos) { std::vector<std::string> filesbase = split(inputfiles,":") ; if (filesbase.size() == 4) { int first = atoi(filesbase[1].c_str()) ; int last = atoi(filesbase[2].c_str()) ; for (int i=first ; i<=last ; i++) { std::stringstream name ; name<<filesbase[0]<<i<<filesbase[3] ; files.push_back(name.str()) ; } } } for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<files.size() ; i++) { files[i] = inputdir+"/"+files[i] ; std::cout<<"Input file: "<<files[i]<<std::endl ; chain->Add (files[i].c_str()) ; } EcalTPGVariables treeVars ; setBranchAddresses (chain, treeVars) ; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries () ; std::cout << "Number of entries: " << nEntries <<std::endl ; /////////////////////// // Main loop over entries /////////////////////// for (int entry = 0 ; entry < nEntries ; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry (entry) ; if (entry%1000==0) std::cout <<"------> "<< entry+1 <<" entries processed" << " <------\n" ; if (verbose>0) std::cout<<"Run="<<treeVars.runNb<<" Evt="<<treeVars.runNb<<std::endl ; // trigger selection if any bool keep(false) ; if (!algobits.size()) keep = true ; // keep all events when no trigger selection for (unsigned int algo = 0 ; algo<algobits.size() ; algo++) for (unsigned int ntrig = 0 ; ntrig < treeVars.nbOfActiveTriggers ; ntrig++) if (algobits[algo] == treeVars.activeTriggers[ntrig]) keep = true ; if (!keep) continue ; // loop on towers for (unsigned int tower = 0 ; tower < treeVars.nbOfTowers ; tower++) { int tp = getEt(treeVars.rawTPData[tower]) ; int emul[5] = {getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul1[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul2[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul3[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul4[tower]), getEt(treeVars.rawTPEmul5[tower])} ; int maxOfTPEmul = 0 ; int indexOfTPEmulMax = -1 ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) if (emul[i]>maxOfTPEmul) { maxOfTPEmul = emul[i] ; indexOfTPEmulMax = i ; } int ieta = treeVars.ieta[tower] ; int iphi = treeVars.iphi[tower] ; int nbXtals = treeVars.nbOfXtals[tower] ; int ttf = getTtf(treeVars.rawTPData[tower]) ; if (verbose>9 && (tp>0 || maxOfTPEmul>0)) { std::cout<<"(phi,eta, Nbxtals)="<<std::dec<<iphi<<" "<<ieta<<" "<<nbXtals<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Data Et, TTF: "<<tp<<" "<<ttf<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Emulator: " ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) std::cout<<emul[i]<<" " ; std::cout<<std::endl ; } // Fill TP spctrum TP->Fill(tp) ; TPEmul->Fill(emul[ref]) ; TPEmulMax->Fill(maxOfTPEmul) ; TPspectrumMap3D->Fill(iphi, ieta, tp) ; // Fill TP occupancy if (tp>occupancyCut) occupancyTP->Fill(iphi, ieta) ; if (emul[ref]>occupancyCut) occupancyTPEmul->Fill(iphi, ieta) ; // Fill TP-Emulator matching // comparison is meaningful when: if (tp>0 && nbXtals == 25) { bool match(false) ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { if (tp == emul[i]) { TPMatchEmul->Fill(i+1) ; TPMatchEmul3D->Fill(iphi, ieta, i+1) ; match = true ; } } if (!match) { TPMatchEmul->Fill(-1) ; TPMatchEmul3D->Fill(iphi, ieta, -1) ; if (verbose>5) { std::cout<<"MISMATCH"<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"(phi,eta, Nbxtals)="<<std::dec<<iphi<<" "<<ieta<<" "<<nbXtals<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Data Et, TTF: "<<tp<<" "<<ttf<<std::endl ; std::cout<<"Emulator: " ; for (int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) std::cout<<emul[i]<<" " ; std::cout<<std::endl ; } } } if (maxOfTPEmul>0) TPEmulMaxIndex->Fill(indexOfTPEmulMax+1) ; // Fill TTF mismatch if ((ttf==1 || ttf==3) && nbXtals != 25) ttfMismatch->Fill(iphi, ieta) ; } // end loop towers } // endloop entries /////////////////////// // Format & write histos /////////////////////// // 1. TP Spectrum TProfile2D * TPspectrumMap = TPspectrumMap3D->Project3DProfile("yx") ; TPspectrumMap->SetName("TPspectrumMap") ; // 2. TP Timing TH2F * TPMatchEmul2D = new TH2F("TPMatchEmul2D", "TP data matching Emulator", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; TH2F * TPMatchFraction2D = new TH2F("TPMatchFraction2D", "TP data: fraction of non-single timing", 72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; TPMatchEmul2D->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,6) ; TPMatchFraction2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ; TPMatchFraction2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ; for (int binx=1 ; binx<=72 ; binx++) for (int biny=1 ; biny<=38 ; biny++) { int maxBinz = 5 ; double maxCell = TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, maxBinz) ; double totalCell(0) ; for (int binz=1; binz<=7 ; binz++) { double content = TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz) ; if (content>maxCell) { maxCell = content ; maxBinz = binz ; } totalCell += content ; } if (maxCell <=0) maxBinz = 2 ; // empty cell TPMatchEmul2D->SetBinContent(binx, biny, float(maxBinz)-2.) ; //z must be in [-1,5] double fraction = 0 ; if (totalCell>0) fraction = 1.- maxCell/totalCell ; TPMatchFraction2D->SetBinContent(binx, biny, fraction) ; if (totalCell > maxCell && verbose>9) { std::cout<<"--->"<<std::endl ; for (int binz=1; binz<=7 ; binz++) { std::cout<< "(phi,eta, z): (" << TPMatchEmul3D->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binx) << ", " << TPMatchEmul3D->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(biny) << ", " << TPMatchEmul3D->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binz) << ") Content="<<TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz) << ", erro="<<TPMatchEmul3D->GetBinContent(binx, biny, binz) << std::endl ; } } } TFile saving (outputRootName.c_str (),"recreate") ; saving.cd () ; occupancyTP->Write() ; occupancyTPEmul->Write() ; TP->Write() ; TPEmul->Write() ; TPEmulMax->Write() ; TPspectrumMap->Write() ; TPMatchEmul->Write() ; TPMatchEmul3D->Write() ; TPEmulMaxIndex->Write() ; TPMatchEmul2D->Write() ; TPMatchFraction2D->Write() ; ttfMismatch->Write() ; saving.Close () ; delete chain ; return 0 ; }
void ReadTree_normDet(){ bool testrun = 0; const int norder_ = 4; const int QnBinOrder_ = 2; const double vtxCut = 15.; static const int ptBinMin = 0; static const int ptBinMax = nptbinsDefault-1; static const int etaBinMin = 0; //0; static const int etaBinMax = netabinsDefault-1; TFile * fAna; TTree * tree; double centval; double vtx; TH2D * sumw; TH2D * sumwqx; TH2D * sumwqy; TH2I * hMult; double qnHFx_EP[NumEPNames]; double qnHFy_EP[NumEPNames]; double sumET_EP[NumEPNames]; TFile * fQNDet; TH1D * hqnHFDet_x[NumEPNames]; TH1D * hqnHFDet_y[NumEPNames]; TFile * fQN; TH1D * hqbins[NCENT][NEPSymm]; TFile * fVNDet; TH2D * hVNDetX_0[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetY_0[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetX_1[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetY_1[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetX_full[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetY_full[NQN]; TFile * fHists; TDirectory * qwebye; TH2D * hVn2Dfull[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH2D * hVn2Dsub0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH2D * hVn2Dsub1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH2D * hVn2D0v1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH1D * hVnFull[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH1D * hVnSub0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH1D * hVnSub1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH1I * Mult[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH2D * h2Vn2D0v1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; TH1D * h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VnRaw_x_0; double VnRaw_y_0; double VnRaw_x_1; double VnRaw_y_1; double VnRaw_x_full; double VnRaw_y_full; double sumw_0; double sumw_1; double sumw_full; double VnCorrected_x_0; double VnCorrected_y_0; double VnCorrected_x_1; double VnCorrected_y_1; double VnCorrected_x_full; double VnCorrected_y_full; int evtMult_0; int evtMult_1; int evtMult_full; // // MAIN // setTDRStyle(); TH1D::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH2D::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH1I::SetDefaultSumw2(); //-- Set up analyzer objects fAna = new TFile("/rfs/jcastle/PbPb2015/PixelTracking_MB2/EbyETree_pixel_noTeff.root"); tree = (TTree *) fAna->Get("ebyeana/tree"); sumwqx = new TH2D(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumwqy = new TH2D(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumw = new TH2D("sumw", "sumw", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); hMult = new TH2I("hMult", "hMult", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); tree->SetBranchAddress("Cent", ¢val); tree->SetBranchAddress("Vtx", &vtx); tree->SetBranchAddress("mult", &hMult); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), &sumwqx); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), &sumwqy); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumw", &sumw); tree->SetBranchAddress("qnHFx_EP", &qnHFx_EP); tree->SetBranchAddress("qnHFy_EP", &qnHFy_EP); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumET_EP", &sumET_EP); //-- Get the QN Detector histograms fQNDet = new TFile( Form("../../../../../v%i/eta2.4/AnalyzerResults/Q%iDet.root", QnBinOrder_, QnBinOrder_) ); for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NumEPNames; iEP++){ int EPbin = EPSymmPartnerBin[iEP]; if( EPbin != EPSymmBin ) continue; hqnHFDet_x[iEP] = (TH1D*) fQNDet->Get( Form("hqnHFDet_x_%s", EPNames[iEP].data()) ); hqnHFDet_y[iEP] = (TH1D*) fQNDet->Get( Form("hqnHFDet_y_%s", EPNames[iEP].data()) ); } //-- Setup the QN binning objects fQN = new TFile( Form( "../../../../../v%i/eta2.4/AnalyzerResults/q%iCuts.root", QnBinOrder_, QnBinOrder_) ); for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEPSymm; iEP++){ if( iEP != EPSymmBin ) continue; hqbins[icent][iEP] = (TH1D*) fQN->Get( Form("hqbins_%s_c%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent) ); } } //-- Set up VN detector objects fVNDet = new TFile( Form("V%iDet.root", norder_ ) ); for(int iqn = 0; iqn < NQN; iqn++){ hVNDetX_0[iqn] = (TH2D*) fVNDet->Get( Form("SubEvt_0/hVNDetX_0_qbin%i", iqn) ); hVNDetY_0[iqn] = (TH2D*) fVNDet->Get( Form("SubEvt_0/hVNDetY_0_qbin%i", iqn) ); hVNDetX_1[iqn] = (TH2D*) fVNDet->Get( Form("SubEvt_1/hVNDetX_1_qbin%i", iqn) ); hVNDetY_1[iqn] = (TH2D*) fVNDet->Get( Form("SubEvt_1/hVNDetY_1_qbin%i", iqn) ); hVNDetX_full[iqn] = (TH2D*) fVNDet->Get( Form("FullEvt/hVNDetX_full_qbin%i", iqn) ); hVNDetY_full[iqn] = (TH2D*) fVNDet->Get( Form("FullEvt/hVNDetY_full_qbin%i", iqn) ); } //-- Setup the output objects fHists = new TFile("CastleEbyE.root","recreate"); qwebye = (TDirectory*) fHists->mkdir("qwebye"); for(int iqn = 0; iqn < NQN; iqn++){ for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEPSymm; iEP++){ if( iEP != EPSymmBin ) continue; qwebye->cd(); hVn2Dfull[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH2D(Form("hVn2Dfull_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVn2Dfull_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2Dfull[icent][iEP][iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2Dfull[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs}", norder_) ); hVn2Dfull[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub0[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVn2Dsub0_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVn2Dsub0_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2Dsub0[icent][iEP][iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2Dsub0[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs,a}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub0[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs,a}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub1[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVn2Dsub1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVn2Dsub1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2Dsub1[icent][iEP][iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2Dsub1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs,b}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs,b}", norder_) ); hVn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVn2D0v1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVn2D0v1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,x}^{obs,b}", norder_, norder_) ); hVn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,y}^{obs,b}", norder_, norder_) ); hVnFull[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH1D( Form("hVnFull_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVnFull_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); hVnFull[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i}", norder_) ); hVnFull[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Events" ); hVnSub0[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH1D( Form("hVnSub0_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVnSub0_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); hVnSub0[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i}^{obs,a}", norder_) ); hVnSub1[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH1D( Form("hVnSub1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("hVnSub1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); hVnSub1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i}^{obs,b}", norder_) ); Mult[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH1I( Form("Mult_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("Mult_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), 300, 1, 1500 ); Mult[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Multiplicity"); h2Vn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH2D( Form("h2Vn2D0v1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("h2Vn2D0v1_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); h2Vn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("(v_{%i,x}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,x}^{obs,b})/2", norder_, norder_) ); h2Vn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("(v_{%i,y}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,y}^{obs,b})/2", norder_, norder_) ); h2Vn2D0v1[icent][iEP][iqn]->SetOption("colz"); h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[icent][iEP][iqn] = new TH1D( Form("h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), Form("h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude_%s_c%i_qbin%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent, iqn), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[icent][iEP][iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("|(v_{%i,x}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,x}^{obs,b})/2|", norder_, norder_) ); } } } // // Tree Loop // cout<<"Begin FINAL loop, contains "<<tree->GetEntries()<<" Events"<<endl; int N; if( testrun ) N = 10000; else N = tree->GetEntries(); for(int ievent = 0; ievent < N; ievent++) { if((ievent+1)% 500000 == 0) cout<<"Processing Event "<<ievent+1<<"\t"<<100.*(ievent+1)/(double)N<<"% Completed"<<endl; tree->GetEntry(ievent); //-- Vertex Cut if(TMath::Abs(vtx) > vtxCut) continue; //-- Calculate centbin if( centval > cent_max[NCENT-1]) continue; int icent = hCentBins.FindBin(centval)-1; //-- begin EP loop for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEP; iEP++){ int EPbin = EPSymmPartnerBin[iEP]; if( EPbin != EPSymmBin ) continue; //-- Calculate qbin double qx = qnHFx_EP[iEP]; double qy = qnHFy_EP[iEP]; double qxDet = hqnHFDet_x[iEP]->GetBinContent(icent+1); double qyDet = hqnHFDet_y[iEP]->GetBinContent(icent+1); double sumET = sumET_EP[iEP]; if(sumET == 0) continue; qx -= qxDet; qy -= qyDet; qx /= sumET; qy /= sumET; double qn = TMath::Sqrt( qx*qx + qy*qy ); int iqn = hqbins[icent][EPbin]->FindBin( qn ) - 1; if(iqn >= NQN) continue; //-- Reset raw and sumw values VnRaw_x_0 = 0; VnRaw_y_0 = 0; VnRaw_x_1 = 0; VnRaw_y_1 = 0; VnRaw_x_full = 0; VnRaw_y_full = 0; sumw_0 = 0; sumw_1 = 0; sumw_full = 0; evtMult_0 = 0; evtMult_1 = 0; evtMult_full = 0; //-- Begin analyzer histogram loops for(int ipt = ptBinMin; ipt <= ptBinMax; ipt++){ for(int ieta = etaBinMin; ieta <= etaBinMax; ieta++){ if(sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1) !=0){ //-- Subevent 0 (eta >= 0) if(etabinsDefault[ieta] >= 0){ VnRaw_x_0 += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VnRaw_y_0 += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_0 += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_0 += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Subevent 1 (eta < 0) else{ VnRaw_x_1 += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VnRaw_y_1 += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_1 += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_1 += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Full Event VnRaw_x_full += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VnRaw_y_full += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_full += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_full += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } } //-- End eta loop } //-- End pt loop //-- Fill Histograms, only use events that have at least two tracks in each SE if(sumw_0 == 0 || sumw_1 == 0 || evtMult_1 < 2 || evtMult_full < 2) continue; VnRaw_x_full /= sumw_full; VnRaw_y_full /= sumw_full; VnRaw_x_0 /= sumw_0; VnRaw_y_0 /= sumw_0; VnRaw_x_1 /= sumw_1; VnRaw_y_1 /= sumw_1; //-- Full Tracker VnCorrected_x_full = VnRaw_x_full - hVNDetX_full[iqn]->GetBinContent(icent+1, EPbin+1); VnCorrected_y_full = VnRaw_y_full - hVNDetY_full[iqn]->GetBinContent(icent+1, EPbin+1); double vn_full = TMath::Sqrt( VnCorrected_x_full * VnCorrected_x_full + VnCorrected_y_full * VnCorrected_y_full); hVnFull[icent][EPbin][iqn] -> Fill( vn_full ); hVn2Dfull[icent][EPbin][iqn] -> Fill(VnCorrected_x_full, VnCorrected_y_full); Mult[icent][EPbin][iqn]->Fill(evtMult_full); //-- SubEvt 0 (Eta > 0) VnCorrected_x_0 = VnRaw_x_0 - hVNDetX_0[iqn]->GetBinContent(icent+1, EPbin+1); VnCorrected_y_0 = VnRaw_y_0 - hVNDetY_0[iqn]->GetBinContent(icent+1, EPbin+1); double vn_0 = TMath::Sqrt( VnCorrected_x_0 * VnCorrected_x_0 + VnCorrected_y_0 * VnCorrected_y_0 ); hVnSub0[icent][EPbin][iqn] -> Fill( vn_0 ); hVn2Dsub0[icent][EPbin][iqn] -> Fill(VnCorrected_x_0, VnCorrected_y_0); //-- SubEvt 1 (Eta < 0) VnCorrected_x_1 = VnRaw_x_1 - hVNDetX_1[iqn]->GetBinContent(icent+1, EPbin+1); VnCorrected_y_1 = VnRaw_y_1 - hVNDetY_1[iqn]->GetBinContent(icent+1, EPbin+1); double vn_1 = TMath::Sqrt( VnCorrected_x_1 * VnCorrected_x_1 + VnCorrected_y_1 *VnCorrected_y_1 ); hVnSub1[icent][EPbin][iqn] -> Fill( vn_1 ); hVn2Dsub1[icent][EPbin][iqn] -> Fill(VnCorrected_x_1, VnCorrected_y_1); //-- SubEvt Difference double vn0m1_x = VnCorrected_x_0 - VnCorrected_x_1; double vn0m1_y = VnCorrected_y_0 - VnCorrected_y_1; hVn2D0v1[icent][EPbin][iqn]->Fill(vn0m1_x, vn0m1_y); //-- SubEvt Difference for DD response double vn0m1_x2 = (VnCorrected_x_0 - VnCorrected_x_1) / 2.; double vn0m1_y2 = (VnCorrected_y_0 - VnCorrected_y_1) / 2.; h2Vn2D0v1[icent][EPbin][iqn]->Fill(vn0m1_x2, vn0m1_y2); double vn0m12 = TMath::Sqrt( pow(vn0m1_x2, 2) + pow(vn0m1_y2, 2) ); h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[icent][EPbin][iqn]->Fill(vn0m12); } //-- End EP loop } //-- End Event loop cout<<"End FINAL loop!"<<endl; fHists->Write(); cout<<"File written, process completed"<<endl; }
// Do the extraction of the actual constants void ExtractCDCDeformation(TString filename = "hd_root.root"){ // Open our input and output file thisFile = TFile::Open(filename); TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open("CDCDeformation_Results.root", "RECREATE"); // Check to make sure it is open if (thisFile == 0) { cout << "Unable to open file " << filename.Data() << "...Exiting" << endl; return; } // This stream will be for outputting the results in a format suitable for the CCDB // Will wait to open until needed ofstream textFile; textFile.open("CDC_Deformation.txt"); // We want to display the direction of the shift as well as the magnitude in the "CDC view" // Let's make it happen int straw_offset[29] = {0,0,42,84,138,192,258,324,404,484,577,670,776,882,1005,1128,1263,1398,1544,1690,1848,2006,2176,2346,2528,2710,2907,3104,3313}; int Nstraws[28] = {42, 42, 54, 54, 66, 66, 80, 80, 93, 93, 106, 106, 123, 123, 135, 135, 146, 146, 158, 158, 170, 170, 182, 182, 197, 197, 209, 209}; double radius[28] = {10.72134, 12.08024, 13.7795, 15.14602, 18.71726, 20.2438, 22.01672, 23.50008, 25.15616, 26.61158, 28.33624, 29.77388, 31.3817, 32.75838, 34.43478, 35.81146, 38.28542, 39.7002, 41.31564, 42.73042, 44.34078, 45.75302, 47.36084, 48.77054, 50.37582, 51.76012, 53.36286, 54.74716}; double phi[28] = {0, 0.074707844, 0.038166294, 0.096247609, 0.05966371, 0.012001551, 0.040721951, 0.001334527, 0.014963808, 0.048683644, 0.002092645, 0.031681749, 0.040719354, 0.015197341, 0.006786058, 0.030005892, 0.019704045, -0.001782064, -0.001306618, 0.018592421, 0.003686784, 0.022132975, 0.019600866, 0.002343723, 0.021301449, 0.005348855, 0.005997358, 0.021018761}; TH2D * Amplitude_view[29]; TH2D * Direction_view[29]; TH2D * Vertical_view[29]; TH2D * Horizontal_view[29]; outputFile->mkdir("PerRing"); outputFile->cd("PerRing"); for(unsigned int iring=0; iring<28; iring++){ double r_start = radius[iring] - 0.8; double r_end = radius[iring] + 0.8; double phi_start = phi[iring]; double phi_end = phi_start + TMath::TwoPi(); char hname[256]; sprintf(hname, "Amplitude_view_ring[%d]", iring+1); Amplitude_view[iring+1] = new TH2D(hname, "", Nstraws[iring], phi_start, phi_end, 1, r_start, r_end); sprintf(hname, "Direction_view_ring[%d]", iring+1); Direction_view[iring+1] = new TH2D(hname, "", Nstraws[iring], phi_start, phi_end, 1, r_start, r_end); sprintf(hname, "Vertical_view_ring[%d]", iring+1); Vertical_view[iring+1] = new TH2D(hname, "", Nstraws[iring], phi_start, phi_end, 1, r_start, r_end); sprintf(hname, "Horizontal_view_ring[%d]", iring+1); Horizontal_view[iring+1] = new TH2D(hname, "", Nstraws[iring], phi_start, phi_end, 1, r_start, r_end); } //Fit function for TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "[0] + [1] * TMath::Cos(x + [2])", -3.14, 3.14); f1->SetParLimits(0, 0.5, 1.0); f1->SetParLimits(1, 0.0, 0.35); //f1->SetParLimits(2, -3.14, 3.14); f1->SetParameters(0.78, 0.0, 0.0); outputFile->cd(); outputFile->mkdir("FitParameters"); outputFile->cd("FitParameters"); // Make some histograms to get the distributions of the fit parameters TH1I *h1_c0 = new TH1I("h1_c0", "Distribution of Constant", 100, 0.5, 1.0); TH1I *h1_c1 = new TH1I("h1_c1", "Distribution of Amplitude", 100, 0.0, 0.35); TH1I *h1_c2 = new TH1I("h1_c2", "Direction of Longest Drift Time", 100, -3.14, 3.14); TH1F *h1_c2_weighted = new TH1F("h1_c2_weighted", "Distribution of Direction weighted by amplitude", 100, -3.14, 3.14); TH2I *h2_c0_c1 = new TH2I("h2_c0_c1", "c_{1} Vs. c_{0}; c_{0}; c_{1}", 100, 0.5, 1.0, 100, 0, 0.35); TH2I *h2_c0_c2 = new TH2I("h2_c0_c2", "c_{2} Vs. c_{0}; c_{0}; c_{2}", 100, 0.5, 1.0, 100, -10, 10); TH2I *h2_c1_c2 = new TH2I("h2_c1_c2", "c_{2} Vs. c_{1}; c_{1}; c_{2}", 100, 0.0, 0.35, 100, -10, 10); outputFile->cd(); outputFile->mkdir("Fits"); outputFile->cd("Fits"); // Now we want to loop through all available module/layer/sector and try to make a fit of each one int ring = 1, straw = 1; while (ring <= 28){ cout << "Entering Fit " << endl; char folder[100]; sprintf(folder, "Ring %.2i", ring); char strawname[100]; sprintf(strawname,"Straw %.3i Predicted Drift Distance Vs phi_DOCA", straw); TH2I *thisStrawHistogram = Get2DHistogram("CDC_Cosmic_Per_Straw",folder,strawname); if (thisStrawHistogram != NULL) { // Now to do our fits. This time we know there are 16 bins. double percentile95[16], percentile97[16], percentile99[16]; // Location of 95, 97,and 99th percentile bins double binCenter[16]; char name[100]; sprintf(name,"Ring %.2i Straw %.3i", ring, straw); TH1D *extractedPoints = new TH1D(name, name, 16, -3.14, 3.14); for (int i = 1; i <= thisStrawHistogram->GetNbinsX() ; i++){ TH1D *projY = thisStrawHistogram->ProjectionY(" ", i, i); binCenter[i-1] = thisStrawHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); int nbins = projY->GetNbinsX(); //Get the total nubmer of entries int nEntries = projY->GetEntries(); if (nEntries == 0) continue; double errorFraction = TMath::Sqrt(nEntries) / nEntries; double perc95 = 0.95*nEntries, perc97 = 0.97 * nEntries, perc99 = 0.99 * nEntries; //Accumulate from the beginning to get total, mark 95, 97, 99% location int total = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= nbins; j++){ total += projY->GetBinContent(j); if (total > perc99) percentile99[i-1] = projY->GetBinCenter(j); else if (total > perc97) { percentile97[i-1] = projY->GetBinCenter(j); extractedPoints->SetBinContent(i, projY->GetBinCenter(j)); extractedPoints->SetBinError(i, errorFraction * projY->GetBinCenter(j)); } else if (total > perc95) percentile95[i-1] = projY->GetBinCenter(j); } } f1->SetParameters(0.78, 0.0, 0.0); TFitResultPtr fr = extractedPoints->Fit(f1, "SR"); Int_t fitStatus = fr; if (fitStatus == 0){ double c0 = fr->Parameter(0); double c1 = fr->Parameter(1); double c2 = fr->Parameter(2); // Move c2 to fit on our range while (c2 > TMath::Pi()) c2 -= 2 * TMath::Pi(); while (c2 < -1* TMath::Pi()) c2 += 2 * TMath::Pi(); h1_c0->Fill(c0); h1_c1->Fill(c1); h1_c2->Fill(-1*c2); h1_c2_weighted->Fill(-1*c2,c1); h2_c0_c1->Fill(c0,c1); h2_c0_c2->Fill(c0,c2); h2_c1_c2->Fill(c1,c2); Amplitude_view[ring]->SetBinContent(straw,1,c1); Direction_view[ring]->SetBinContent(straw,1,-1*c2); Vertical_view[ring]->SetBinContent(straw,1,c1*TMath::Sin(-1*c2)); Horizontal_view[ring]->SetBinContent(straw,1,c1*TMath::Cos(-1*c2)); textFile << c1 << " " << c2 << endl; } else { cout << "WARNING: Fit Status "<< fitStatus << " for ring " << ring << " straw " << straw << endl; textFile << "0.0 0.0" << endl; } } else{ textFile << "0.0 0.0" << endl; } // On to the next one straw++; if(straw > Nstraws[ring-1]){ straw = 1; ring++; } } outputFile->cd(); outputFile->mkdir("2D"); outputFile->cd("2D"); TCanvas *c_Amplitude = Plot2DCDC(Amplitude_view,"c_Amplitude", "Amplitude of Sinusoid", 0.0, 0.3); TCanvas *c_Direction = Plot2DCDC(Direction_view,"c_Direction", "Direction of #delta", -3.14, 3.14); TCanvas *c_Vertical = Plot2DCDC(Vertical_view,"c_Vertical", "Vertical Projection of Delta", -0.3, 0.3); TCanvas *c_Horizontal = Plot2DCDC(Horizontal_view,"c_Horizontal", "Horizontal Projection of Delta", -0.3, 0.3); c_Amplitude->Write(); c_Direction->Write(); c_Horizontal->Write(); c_Vertical->Write(); cout << "Closing Files..." << endl; outputFile->Write(); thisFile->Close(); textFile.close(); return; }
void ReadTree_normDet(){ bool testrun = 0; const int norder_ = 2; static const int ptBinMin = 0; static const int ptBinMax = nptbinsDefault-1; static const int etaBinMin = 0; //0; static const int etaBinMax = netabinsDefault-1; TFile * fAna; TTree * tree; double centval; double vtx; TH2D * sumw; TH2D * sumwqx; TH2D * sumwqy; TH2I * hMult; TFile * fVNDet; TH1D * hVNDetX_0; TH1D * hVNDetY_0; TH1D * hVNDetX_1; TH1D * hVNDetY_1; TH1D * hVNDetX_full; TH1D * hVNDetY_full; TFile * fHists; TDirectory * qwebye; TH2D * hVn2Dfull[NCENT]; TH2D * hVn2Dsub0[NCENT]; TH2D * hVn2Dsub1[NCENT]; TH2D * hVn2D0v1[NCENT]; TH1D * hVnFull[NCENT]; TH1D * hVnSub0[NCENT]; TH1D * hVnSub1[NCENT]; TH1I * Mult[NCENT]; TH2D * h2Vn2D0v1[NCENT]; TH1D * h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[NCENT]; double VnRaw_x_0; double VnRaw_y_0; double VnRaw_x_1; double VnRaw_y_1; double VnRaw_x_full; double VnRaw_y_full; double sumw_0; double sumw_1; double sumw_full; double VnCorrected_x_0; double VnCorrected_y_0; double VnCorrected_x_1; double VnCorrected_y_1; double VnCorrected_x_full; double VnCorrected_y_full; int evtMult_0; int evtMult_1; int evtMult_full; // // MAIN // setTDRStyle(); TH1D::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH2D::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH1I::SetDefaultSumw2(); //-- Set up analyzer objects fAna = new TFile(fAnaTreeName); tree = (TTree *) fAna->Get("ebyeana/tree"); sumwqx = new TH2D(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumwqy = new TH2D(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumw = new TH2D("sumw", "sumw", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); hMult = new TH2I("hMult", "hMult", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); tree->SetBranchAddress("Cent", ¢val); tree->SetBranchAddress("Vtx", &vtx); tree->SetBranchAddress("mult", &hMult); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), &sumwqx); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), &sumwqy); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumw", &sumw); //-- Set up VN detector objects fVNDet = new TFile( Form("V%iDet.root", norder_ ) ); hVNDetX_0 = (TH1D*) fVNDet->Get("SubEvt_0/hVNDetX_0"); hVNDetY_0 = (TH1D*) fVNDet->Get("SubEvt_0/hVNDetY_0"); hVNDetX_1 = (TH1D*) fVNDet->Get("SubEvt_1/hVNDetX_1"); hVNDetY_1 = (TH1D*) fVNDet->Get("SubEvt_1/hVNDetY_1"); hVNDetX_full = (TH1D*) fVNDet->Get("FullEvt/hVNDetX_full"); hVNDetY_full = (TH1D*) fVNDet->Get("FullEvt/hVNDetY_full"); //-- Setup the output objects fHists = new TFile("CastleEbyE.root","recreate"); qwebye = (TDirectory*) fHists->mkdir("qwebye"); for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ qwebye->cd(); hVn2Dfull[icent] = new TH2D(Form("hVn2Dfull_c%i", icent), Form("hVn2Dfull_c%i", icent), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2Dfull[icent]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2Dfull[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs}", norder_) ); hVn2Dfull[icent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub0[icent] = new TH2D( Form("hVn2Dsub0_c%i", icent), Form("hVn2Dsub0_c%i", icent), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2Dsub0[icent]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2Dsub0[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs,a}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub0[icent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs,a}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub1[icent] = new TH2D( Form("hVn2Dsub1_c%i", icent), Form("hVn2Dsub1_c%i", icent), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2Dsub1[icent]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2Dsub1[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs,b}", norder_) ); hVn2Dsub1[icent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs,b}", norder_) ); hVn2D0v1[icent] = new TH2D( Form("hVn2D0v1_c%i", icent), Form("hVn2D0v1_c%i", icent), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); hVn2D0v1[icent]->SetOption("colz"); hVn2D0v1[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,x}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,x}^{obs,b}", norder_, norder_) ); hVn2D0v1[icent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i,y}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,y}^{obs,b}", norder_, norder_) ); hVnFull[icent] = new TH1D( Form("hVnFull_c%i", icent), Form("hVnFull_c%i", icent), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); hVnFull[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i}", norder_) ); hVnFull[icent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Events" ); hVnSub0[icent] = new TH1D( Form("hVnSub0_c%i", icent), Form("hVnSub0_c%i", icent), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); hVnSub0[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i}^{obs,a}", norder_) ); hVnSub1[icent] = new TH1D( Form("hVnSub1_c%i", icent), Form("hVnSub1_c%i", icent), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); hVnSub1[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("v_{%i}^{obs,b}", norder_) ); Mult[icent] = new TH1I( Form("Mult_c%i", icent), Form("Mult_c%i", icent), 250, 1, 10000 ); Mult[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Multiplicity"); h2Vn2D0v1[icent] = new TH2D( Form("h2Vn2D0v1_c%i", icent), Form("h2Vn2D0v1_c%i", icent), 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_], 2*NBins, -vnMax[norder_], vnMax[norder_] ); h2Vn2D0v1[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("(v_{%i,x}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,x}^{obs,b})/2", norder_, norder_) ); h2Vn2D0v1[icent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( Form("(v_{%i,y}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,y}^{obs,b})/2", norder_, norder_) ); h2Vn2D0v1[icent]->SetOption("colz"); h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[icent] = new TH1D( Form("h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude_c%i", icent), Form("h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude_c%i", icent), NBins, 0., vnMax[norder_] ); h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[icent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( Form("|(v_{%i,x}^{obs,a} - v_{%i,x}^{obs,b})/2|", norder_, norder_) ); } // // Tree Loop // cout<<"Begin FINAL loop, contains "<<tree->GetEntries()<<" Events"<<endl; int N; if( testrun ) N = 10000; else N = tree->GetEntries(); for(int ievent = 0; ievent < N; ievent++) { if((ievent+1)% 500000 == 0) cout<<"Processing Event "<<ievent+1<<"\t"<<100.*(ievent+1)/(double)N<<"% Completed"<<endl; tree->GetEntry(ievent); //-- Vertex Cut if(TMath::Abs(vtx) < 3.0 || TMath::Abs(vtx) > 15.0) continue; //-- Calculate centbin if( centval > cent_max[NCENT-1]) continue; int icent = hCentBins.FindBin(centval)-1; //-- Reset raw and sumw values VnRaw_x_0 = 0; VnRaw_y_0 = 0; VnRaw_x_1 = 0; VnRaw_y_1 = 0; VnRaw_x_full = 0; VnRaw_y_full = 0; sumw_0 = 0; sumw_1 = 0; sumw_full = 0; evtMult_0 = 0; evtMult_1 = 0; evtMult_full = 0; //-- Begin analyzer histogram loops for(int ipt = ptBinMin; ipt <= ptBinMax; ipt++){ for(int ieta = etaBinMin; ieta <= etaBinMax; ieta++){ if(sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1) !=0){ //-- Subevent 0 (eta >= 0) if(etabinsDefault[ieta] >= 0){ VnRaw_x_0 += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VnRaw_y_0 += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_0 += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_0 += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Subevent 1 (eta < 0) else{ VnRaw_x_1 += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VnRaw_y_1 += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_1 += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_1 += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Full Event VnRaw_x_full += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VnRaw_y_full += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_full += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_full += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } } //-- End eta loop } //-- End pt loop //-- Fill Histograms, only use events that have at least two tracks in each SE if(sumw_0 == 0 || sumw_1 == 0 || evtMult_1 < 2 || evtMult_full < 2) continue; VnRaw_x_full /= sumw_full; VnRaw_y_full /= sumw_full; VnRaw_x_0 /= sumw_0; VnRaw_y_0 /= sumw_0; VnRaw_x_1 /= sumw_1; VnRaw_y_1 /= sumw_1; //-- Full Tracker VnCorrected_x_full = VnRaw_x_full - hVNDetX_full->GetBinContent(icent+1); VnCorrected_y_full = VnRaw_y_full - hVNDetY_full->GetBinContent(icent+1); double vn_full = TMath::Sqrt( VnCorrected_x_full * VnCorrected_x_full + VnCorrected_y_full * VnCorrected_y_full); hVnFull[icent] -> Fill( vn_full ); hVn2Dfull[icent] -> Fill(VnCorrected_x_full, VnCorrected_y_full); Mult[icent]->Fill(evtMult_full); //-- SubEvt 0 (Eta > 0) VnCorrected_x_0 = VnRaw_x_0 - hVNDetX_0->GetBinContent(icent+1); VnCorrected_y_0 = VnRaw_y_0 - hVNDetY_0->GetBinContent(icent+1); double vn_0 = TMath::Sqrt( VnCorrected_x_0 * VnCorrected_x_0 + VnCorrected_y_0 * VnCorrected_y_0 ); hVnSub0[icent] -> Fill( vn_0 ); hVn2Dsub0[icent] -> Fill(VnCorrected_x_0, VnCorrected_y_0); //-- SubEvt 1 (Eta < 0) VnCorrected_x_1 = VnRaw_x_1 - hVNDetX_1->GetBinContent(icent+1); VnCorrected_y_1 = VnRaw_y_1 - hVNDetY_1->GetBinContent(icent+1); double vn_1 = TMath::Sqrt( VnCorrected_x_1 * VnCorrected_x_1 + VnCorrected_y_1 *VnCorrected_y_1 ); hVnSub1[icent] -> Fill( vn_1 ); hVn2Dsub1[icent] -> Fill(VnCorrected_x_1, VnCorrected_y_1); //-- SubEvt Difference double vn0m1_x = VnCorrected_x_0 - VnCorrected_x_1; double vn0m1_y = VnCorrected_y_0 - VnCorrected_y_1; hVn2D0v1[icent]->Fill(vn0m1_x, vn0m1_y); //-- SubEvt Difference for DD response double vn0m1_x2 = (VnCorrected_x_0 - VnCorrected_x_1) / 2.; double vn0m1_y2 = (VnCorrected_y_0 - VnCorrected_y_1) / 2.; h2Vn2D0v1[icent]->Fill(vn0m1_x2, vn0m1_y2); double vn0m12 = TMath::Sqrt( pow(vn0m1_x2, 2) + pow(vn0m1_y2, 2) ); h2Vn2D0v1Magnitude[icent]->Fill(vn0m12); } //-- End Event loop cout<<"End FINAL loop!"<<endl; fHists->Write(); cout<<"File written, process completed"<<endl; }
void ExtractTrackBasedTiming(int runNumber){ TString fileName = Form ("Run%i/TrackBasedTiming.root", runNumber); TString prefix = Form ("Run%i/constants/TrackBasedTiming/",runNumber); TString inputPrefix = Form ("Run%i/constants/TDCADCTiming/",runNumber); thisFile = TFile::Open( fileName , "UPDATE"); if (thisFile == 0) { cout << "Unable to open file " << fileName.Data() << "...Exiting" << endl; return; } //We need the existing constants, The best we can do here is just read them from the file. vector<double> sc_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> sc_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tof_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> tof_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagm_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagm_fadc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagh_tdc_time_offsets; vector<double> tagh_fadc_time_offsets; double sc_t_base_fadc; double sc_t_base_tdc; double tof_t_base_fadc; double tof_t_base_tdc; double bcal_t_base_fadc; double bcal_t_base_tdc; double tagm_t_base_fadc; double tagm_t_base_tdc; double tagh_t_base_fadc; double tagh_t_base_tdc; double fcal_t_base; double cdc_t_base; ifstream inFile; inFile.open(inputPrefix + "sc_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); string line; if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ sc_tdc_time_offsets.push_back(atof(line.data())); } } inFile.close(); ifstream inFile; inFile.open(inputPrefix + "sc_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); string line; if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ sc_fadc_time_offsets.push_back(atof(line.data())); } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tof_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ tof_tdc_time_offsets.push_back(atof(line.data())); } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tof_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ tof_fadc_time_offsets.push_back(atof(line.data())); } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tagm_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double r, c, offset; while (iss>>r>>c>>offset){ //if (row != 0) continue; tagm_tdc_time_offsets.push_back(offset); } } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tagm_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double r, c, offset; while (iss>>r>>c>>offset){ //if (row != 0) continue; tagm_fadc_time_offsets.push_back(offset); } } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tagh_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double counter, offset; while (iss>>counter>>offset){ tagh_tdc_time_offsets.push_back(offset); } } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tagh_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double counter, offset; while (iss>>counter>>offset){ tagh_fadc_time_offsets.push_back(offset); } } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tof_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); iss>>tof_t_base_fadc>>tof_t_base_tdc; } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "sc_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); iss>>sc_t_base_fadc>>sc_t_base_tdc; } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "bcal_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double adc_offset, tdc_offset; iss>>adc_offset>>tdc_offset; // TDC not used currently bcal_t_base_fadc = adc_offset; bcal_t_base_tdc = tdc_offset; } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tagm_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double adc_offset, tdc_offset; iss>>adc_offset>>tdc_offset; // TDC not used currently tagm_t_base_fadc = adc_offset; tagm_t_base_tdc = tdc_offset; } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "tagh_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); double adc_offset, tdc_offset; iss>>adc_offset>>tdc_offset; // TDC not used currently tagh_t_base_fadc = adc_offset; tagh_t_base_tdc = tdc_offset; } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "fcal_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); iss>>fcal_t_base; } } inFile.close(); inFile.open(inputPrefix + "cdc_base_time.txt"); if (inFile.is_open()){ while (getline (inFile, line)){ istringstream iss(line); iss>>cdc_t_base; } } inFile.close(); // Do our final step in the timing alignment with tracking //When the RF is present we can try to simply pick out the correct beam bucket for each of the runs //First just a simple check to see if we have the appropriate data bool useRF = false; double RF_Period = 4.0080161; TH1I *testHist = Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TAGH_TDC_RF_Compare","Counter ID 001"); if (testHist != NULL){ // Not great since we rely on channel 1 working, but can be craftier later. useRF = true; } ofstream outFile; TH2I *thisHist; thisHist = Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGM - SC Target Time"); if (useRF) thisHist = Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGM - RFBunch Time"); if (thisHist != NULL){ //Statistics on these histograms are really quite low we will have to rebin and do some interpolation outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file int nBinsX = thisHist->GetNbinsX(); int nBinsY = thisHist->GetNbinsY(); TH1D * selectedTAGMOffset = new TH1D("selectedTAGMOffset", "Selected TAGM Offset; Column; Offset [ns]", nBinsX, 0.5, nBinsX + 0.5); TH1I * TAGMOffsetDistribution = new TH1I("TAGMOffsetDistribution", "TAGM Offset; TAGM Offset [ns]; Entries", 500, -250, 250); for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ TH1D *projY = thisHist->ProjectionY("temp", i, i); // Scan over the histogram //chose the correct number of bins based on the histogram float nsPerBin = (projY->GetBinCenter(projY->GetNbinsX()) - projY->GetBinCenter(1)) / projY->GetNbinsX(); float timeWindow = 3; //ns (Full Width) int binWindow = int(timeWindow / nsPerBin); double maxEntries = 0; double maxMean = 0; for (int j = 1 ; j <= projY->GetNbinsX();j++){ int minBin = j; int maxBin = (j + binWindow) <= projY->GetNbinsX() ? (j + binWindow) : projY->GetNbinsX(); double sum = 0, nEntries = 0; for (int bin = minBin; bin <= maxBin; bin++){ sum += projY->GetBinContent(bin) * projY->GetBinCenter(bin); nEntries += projY->GetBinContent(bin); if (bin == maxBin){ if (nEntries > maxEntries) { maxMean = sum / nEntries; maxEntries = nEntries; } } } } //In the case there is RF, our job is to pick just the number of the correct beam bunch, so that's really all we need. if(useRF) { int beamBucket = int((maxMean / RF_Period) + 0.5); // +0.5 to handle rounding correctly selectedTAGMOffset->SetBinContent(i, beamBucket); TAGMOffsetDistribution->Fill(beamBucket); } else{ selectedTAGMOffset->SetBinContent(i, maxMean); TAGMOffsetDistribution->Fill(maxMean); } } /* if (!useRF){ //TFitResultPtr fr1 = selectedTAGMOffset->Fit("pol1", "SQ", "", 0.5, nBinsX + 0.5); TFitResultPtr fr1 = selectedTAGMOffset->Fit("pol1", "SQ", "", 5, 50); for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ double x0 = fr1->Parameter(0); double x1 = fr1->Parameter(1); //double x2 = fr1->Parameter(2); //double fitResult = x0 + i*x1 + i*i*x2; double fitResult = x0 + i*x1; double outlierCut = 20; double valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(i); if (fabs(selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(i) - fitResult) > outlierCut && valueToUse != 0.0){ valueToUse = fitResult; } selectedTAGMOffset->SetBinContent(i, valueToUse); if (valueToUse != 0 ) TAGMOffsetDistribution->Fill(valueToUse); } } */ double meanOffset = TAGMOffsetDistribution->GetMean(); // This might be in units of beam bunches, so we need to convert if (useRF) meanOffset *= RF_Period; /* for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ double valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(i); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::app); outFile << "0 " << i << " " << valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[i-1] - meanOffset<< endl; if (i == 7 || i == 25 || i == 79 || i == 97){ for(int j = 1; j <= 5; j++){ outFile << j << " " << i << " " << valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[i-1] - meanOffset<< endl; } } outFile.close(); // Apply the same shift to the adc offsets outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::app); outFile << "0 " << i << " " << valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[i-1] - meanOffset<< endl; if (i == 7 || i == 25 || i == 79 || i == 97){ for(int j = 1; j <= 5; j++){ outFile << j << " " << i << " " << valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[i-1] - meanOffset<< endl; } } outFile.close(); } */ outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out); //for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ // Loop over rows for (unsigned int column = 1; column <= 102; column++){ int index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, 0); double valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << "0 " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset<< endl; if (column == 9 || column == 27 || column == 81 || column == 99){ for (unsigned int row = 1; row <= 5; row++){ index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, row); valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << row << " " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_fadc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset<< endl; } } } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out); //for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ // Loop over rows for (unsigned int column = 1; column <= 102; column++){ int index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, 0); double valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << "0 " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset << endl; if (column == 9 || column == 27 || column == 81 || column == 99){ for (unsigned int row = 1; row <= 5; row++){ index = GetCCDBIndexTAGM(column, row); valueToUse = selectedTAGMOffset->GetBinContent(index); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile << row << " " << column << " " << valueToUse + tagm_tdc_time_offsets[index-1] - meanOffset << endl; } } } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "tagm_base_time.txt", ios::out); outFile << tagm_t_base_fadc - meanOffset << " " << tagm_t_base_tdc - meanOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } thisHist = Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGH - SC Target Time"); if (useRF) thisHist = Get2DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TAGH - RFBunch Time"); if(thisHist != NULL){ outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); outFile.close(); // clear file int nBinsX = thisHist->GetNbinsX(); int nBinsY = thisHist->GetNbinsY(); TH1D * selectedTAGHOffset = new TH1D("selectedTAGHOffset", "Selected TAGH Offset; ID; Offset [ns]", nBinsX, 0.5, nBinsX + 0.5); TH1I * TAGHOffsetDistribution = new TH1I("TAGHOffsetDistribution", "TAGH Offset; TAGH Offset [ns]; Entries", 500, -250, 250); for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ TH1D *projY = thisHist->ProjectionY("temp", i, i); // Scan over the histogram //chose the correct number of bins based on the histogram float nsPerBin = (projY->GetBinCenter(projY->GetNbinsX()) - projY->GetBinCenter(1)) / projY->GetNbinsX(); float timeWindow = 2; //ns (Full Width) int binWindow = int(timeWindow / nsPerBin); double maxEntries = 0; double maxMean = 0; for (int j = 1 ; j <= projY->GetNbinsX();j++){ int minBin = j; int maxBin = (j + binWindow) <= projY->GetNbinsX() ? (j + binWindow) : projY->GetNbinsX(); double sum = 0; double nEntries = 0; for (int bin = minBin; bin <= maxBin; bin++){ sum += projY->GetBinContent(bin) * projY->GetBinCenter(bin); nEntries += projY->GetBinContent(bin); if (bin == maxBin){ if (nEntries > maxEntries){ maxMean = sum / nEntries; maxEntries = nEntries; } } } } if(useRF) { int beamBucket = int((maxMean / RF_Period) + 0.5); // +0.5 to handle rounding correctly selectedTAGHOffset->SetBinContent(i, beamBucket); TAGHOffsetDistribution->Fill(beamBucket); } else{ selectedTAGHOffset->SetBinContent(i, maxMean); } /* outFile.open("tagh_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::app); outFile << i << " " << maxMean + tagh_tdc_time_offsets[i] << endl; outFile.close(); outFile.open("tagh_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::app); outFile << i << " " << maxMean + tagh_fadc_time_offsets[i] << endl; outFile.close(); */ } // Fit 1D histogram. If value is far from the fit use the fitted value // Two behaviors above and below microscope // This isn't working well, so removing... /* TFitResultPtr fr1 = selectedTAGHOffset->Fit("pol2", "SQ", "", 0.5, 131.5); TFitResultPtr fr2 = selectedTAGHOffset->Fit("pol2", "SQ", "", 182.5, 274.5); for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ double fitResult = 0.0; if (i < 150){ double x0 = fr1->Parameter(0); double x1 = fr1->Parameter(1); double x2 = fr1->Parameter(2); fitResult = x0 + i*x1 + i*i*x2; } else{ double x0 = fr2->Parameter(0); double x1 = fr2->Parameter(1); double x2 = fr2->Parameter(2); fitResult = x0 + i*x1 + i*i*x2; } double outlierCut = 7; double valueToUse = selectedTAGHOffset->GetBinContent(i); if (fabs(selectedTAGHOffset->GetBinContent(i) - fitResult) > outlierCut && valueToUse != 0.0){ valueToUse = fitResult; } selectedTAGHOffset->SetBinContent(i, valueToUse); if(valueToUse != 0) TAGHOffsetDistribution->Fill(valueToUse); } */ double meanOffset = TAGHOffsetDistribution->GetMean(); if (useRF) meanOffset *= RF_Period; for (int i = 1 ; i <= nBinsX; i++){ valueToUse = selectedTAGHOffset->GetBinContent(i); if (useRF) valueToUse *= RF_Period; if (valueToUse == 0) valueToUse = meanOffset; outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_tdc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::app); outFile << i << " " << valueToUse + tagh_tdc_time_offsets[i-1] - meanOffset << endl; outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_adc_timing_offsets.txt", ios::out | ios::app); outFile << i << " " << valueToUse + tagh_fadc_time_offsets[i-1] - meanOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } outFile.open(prefix + "tagh_base_time.txt", ios::out); outFile << tagh_t_base_fadc - meanOffset << " " << tagh_t_base_tdc - meanOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } // We can use the RF time to calibrate the SC time (Experimental for now) double meanSCOffset = 0.0; // In case we change the time of the SC, we need this in this scope if(useRF){ TH1F * selectedSCSectorOffset = new TH1F("selectedSCSectorOffset", "Selected TDC-RF offset;Sector; Time", 30, 0.5, 30.5); TH1F * selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution = new TH1F("selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution", "Selected TDC-RF offset;Time;Entries", 100, -3.0, 3.0); TF1* f = new TF1("f","pol0(0)+gaus(1)", -3.0, 3.0); for (int sector = 1; sector <= 30; sector++){ TH1I *scRFHist = Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "SC_Target_RF_Compare", Form("Sector %.2i", sector)); if (scRFHist == NULL) continue; //Do the fit TFitResultPtr fr = scRFHist->Fit("pol0", "SQ", "", -2, 2); double p0 = fr->Parameter(0); f->FixParameter(0,p0); f->SetParLimits(2, -2, 2); f->SetParLimits(3, 0, 2); f->SetParameter(1, 10); f->SetParameter(2, scRFHist->GetBinCenter(scRFHist->GetMaximumBin())); f->SetParameter(3, 0); fr = scRFHist->Fit(f, "SQ", "", -2, 2); double SCOffset = fr->Parameter(2); selectedSCSectorOffset->SetBinContent(sector, SCOffset); selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution->Fill(SCOffset); } // Now write out the offsets meanSCOffset = selectedSCSectorOffsetDistribution->GetMean(); outFile.open(prefix + "sc_tdc_timing_offsets.txt"); for (int sector = 1; sector <= 30; sector++){ outFile << sc_tdc_time_offsets[sector-1] + selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector) - meanSCOffset << endl; } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "sc_adc_timing_offsets.txt"); for (int sector = 1; sector <= 30; sector++){ outFile << sc_fadc_time_offsets[sector-1] + selectedSCSectorOffset->GetBinContent(sector) - meanSCOffset << endl; } outFile.close(); outFile.open(prefix + "sc_base_time.txt"); outFile << sc_t_base_fadc - meanSCOffset << " " << sc_t_base_tdc - meanSCOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } TH1I *this1DHist = Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "TOF - SC Target Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 1.5, maximum + 1.5); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "tof_base_time.txt"); outFile << tof_t_base_fadc - mean - meanSCOffset<< " " << tof_t_base_tdc - mean - meanSCOffset<< endl; outFile.close(); } this1DHist = Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "BCAL - SC Target Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 5, maximum + 5); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "bcal_base_time.txt"); outFile << bcal_t_base_fadc - mean - meanSCOffset << " " << bcal_t_base_tdc - mean - meanSCOffset << endl; // TDC info not used outFile.close(); } this1DHist = Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "FCAL - SC Target Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 5, maximum + 5); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "fcal_base_time.txt"); outFile << fcal_t_base - mean - meanSCOffset<< endl; outFile.close(); } this1DHist = Get1DHistogram("HLDetectorTiming", "TRACKING", "Earliest CDC Time Minus Matched SC Time"); if(this1DHist != NULL){ //Gaussian Double_t maximum = this1DHist->GetBinCenter(this1DHist->GetMaximumBin()); TFitResultPtr fr = this1DHist->Fit("gaus", "S", "", maximum - 15, maximum + 10); float mean = fr->Parameter(1); outFile.open(prefix + "cdc_base_time.txt"); outFile << cdc_t_base - mean - meanSCOffset << endl; outFile.close(); } thisFile->Write(); return; }
int frameStack2_Mall(char* arg){ //Take the arguments and save them into respective strings std::string infileName, outfileName0, outAllfileName0, outfileName1, outAllfileName1; std::string inF, outF0, outF1, outAll0, outAll1; std::string inPrefix, outPrefix; std::string runs, layers; std::string runCount; std::istringstream stm(arg); inPrefix = "/home/p180f/Do_Jo_Ol_Ma/Analysis/MainProcedure/testMain/rawRoot/"; outPrefix = "/home/p180f/Do_Jo_Ol_Ma/Analysis/MainProcedure/testMain/images/"; outAll0 = "sliceXCuts_allLayers.png"; outAllfileName0 = outPrefix + outAll0; std::cout << outAll0 << " created\n"; outAll1 = "projYCuts_allLayers.png"; outAllfileName1 = outPrefix + outAll1; std::cout << outAll1 << " created\n"; const int width=480; //width of the raw image const int height=640; //height of the raw image TH2I *frameHistoAll = new TH2I("frameHistoAll","Stacked Frames After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width,height/4,0,height); //histogram for the stacked images TH1I *chamber1All = new TH1I("chamber1All","Chamber 1 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 1 (the top one) TH1I *chamber2All = new TH1I("chamber2All","Chamber 2 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 2 TH1I *chamber3All = new TH1I("chamber3All","Chamber 3 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 3 TH1I *chamber4All = new TH1I("chamber4All","Chamber 4 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 4 (the bottom one) TCanvas *projCAll = new TCanvas("projCAll","",0,0,800,600); TCanvas *pc2All = new TCanvas("pc2All", "Stack of 4 Layer Runs", 0, 0, 800, 600); while (true) { if (std::getline(stm, layers, ' ')) { //create the output root file outF0 = "sliceXCuts_" + layers + "layers.png"; outfileName0 = outPrefix + outF0; std::cout << outF0 << " created\n"; outF1 = "projYCuts_" + layers + "layers.png"; outfileName1 = outPrefix + outF1; std::cout << outF1 << " created\n"; //load the input root files TChain *chain = new TChain("fourChamTree"); for (int i=0; ; i++) { runCount = std::to_string(i); inF = "run" + runCount + "_" + layers + "layers.root"; infileName = inPrefix + inF; ifstream fin; fin.open(infileName.c_str()); if (!fin.fail()) { fin.close(); chain->Add(infileName.c_str()); std::cout << "Got " << inF << std::endl; } else break; } int x=-10; //x from file int y=-10; //y from file int intensity=-10; //pixle intensity from file int pNum=0;//the order in which the frame was processed //the 2d array which will store each frame of image data. int frame[480][640]={0}; //variables int UNIXtime=0; float tdc[2]={-10,-10}; //TTree *T = new TTree("T","TTree of muplus data"); //add the 'branches' to the tree we will now read in chain->SetBranchAddress("pNum",&pNum); //branch for the frame number chain->SetBranchAddress("frame",&frame); //branch for frame data TH2I *frameHisto = new TH2I("frameHisto","Stacked Frames After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width,height/4,0,height); //histogram for the stacked images TH1I *chamber1 = new TH1I("chamber1","Chamber 1 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 1 (the top one) TH1I *chamber2 = new TH1I("chamber2","Chamber 2 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 2 TH1I *chamber3 = new TH1I("chamber3","Chamber 3 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 3 TH1I *chamber4 = new TH1I("chamber4","Chamber 4 After Edge Cuts",width/4,0,width);//histogram for chamber 4 (the bottom one) //loop over all data in chain Int_t nevent = chain->GetEntries(); //get the number of entries in the TChain for (Int_t i=0;i<nevent;i++) { chain->GetEntry(i); for(int x=0;x<width;x++){ for(int y=0;y<height;y++){ if(frame[x][y]>0){ frameHisto->Fill(x,y,frame[x][y]); frameHistoAll->Fill(x,y,frame[x][y]); if(y>580 && y<610){ chamber1->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber1All->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>400 && y<440){ chamber2->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber2All->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>240 && y<280){ chamber3->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber3All->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>50 && y<100){ chamber4->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber4All->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); } } } } cout << "Stacking frame number " << pNum << "\r";//this overwrites the line every time } cout << endl; //output the plot of the stacked images TCanvas *pc2 = new TCanvas("pc2","Stacked Frames",0,0,600,800); pc2->cd(); frameHisto->SetStats(false); frameHisto->Draw("colz"); frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); //frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.055); //frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); //frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); frameHisto->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); //frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.055); //frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); //frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); gPad->Update(); // pc2->Print("chamberStack.png");//output to a graphics file //plot the projection onto the Y axis (so we can find our cuts in Y to select each chamber) TCanvas *projC = new TCanvas("projC","",0,0,800,600); projC->cd(); TH1D *ydist = frameHisto->ProjectionY("ydist"); ydist->Draw(); ydist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries"); ydist->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); TCanvas *sliceX = new TCanvas("sliceX","",0,0,800,600); sliceX->Divide(2,2); sliceX->cd(1); chamber1->Draw(); chamber1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); sliceX->cd(2); chamber2->Draw(); chamber2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber2->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber2->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); sliceX->cd(3); chamber3->Draw(); chamber3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber3->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber3->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); sliceX->cd(4); chamber4->Draw(); chamber4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber4->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber4->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); gPad->Update(); projC->Print(outfileName1.c_str()); sliceX->Print(outfileName0.c_str()); frameHisto->Reset(); chamber1->Reset(); chamber2->Reset(); chamber3->Reset(); chamber4->Reset(); } else break; } projCAll->cd(); TH1D *ydistAll = frameHistoAll->ProjectionY("ydist"); ydistAll->Draw(); ydistAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries"); ydistAll->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); TCanvas *sliceXAll = new TCanvas("sliceXAll","",0,0,800,600); sliceXAll->Divide(2,2); sliceXAll->cd(1); chamber1All->Draw(); chamber1All->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber1All->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber1All->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber1All->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); sliceXAll->cd(2); chamber2All->Draw(); chamber2All->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber2All->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber2All->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber2All->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); sliceXAll->cd(3); chamber3All->Draw(); chamber3All->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber3All->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber3All->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber3All->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); sliceXAll->cd(4); chamber4All->Draw(); chamber4All->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber4All->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber4All->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); chamber4All->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetMaxDigits(2); gPad->Update(); projCAll->Print(outAllfileName1.c_str()); sliceXAll->Print(outAllfileName0.c_str()); pc2All->cd(); frameHistoAll->SetStats(false); frameHistoAll->Draw("colz"); frameHistoAll->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); //frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.055); //frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); //frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); frameHistoAll->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); frameHistoAll->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y position (px)"); //frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.055); //frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); //frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); frameHistoAll->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); gPad->Update(); return 0; }
void plot_pad_size_in_layer(TString digiPar="trd.v13/trd_v13g.digi.par", Int_t nlines=1, Int_t nrows_in_sec=0, Int_t alllayers=1) { gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); gStyle->SetOptTitle(kFALSE); Bool_t read = false; TH2I *fLayerDummy = new TH2I("LayerDummy","",1200,-600,600,1000,-500,500); fLayerDummy->SetXTitle("x-coordinate [cm]"); fLayerDummy->SetYTitle("y-coordinate [cm]"); fLayerDummy->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02); fLayerDummy->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02); fLayerDummy->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02); fLayerDummy->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02); fLayerDummy->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); fLayerDummy->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02); fLayerDummy->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2); fLayerDummy->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02); fLayerDummy->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(-2); TString title; TString title1, title2, title3; TString buffer; TString firstModule = ""; Int_t blockCounter(0), startCounter(0); // , stopCounter(0); Double_t msX(0), msY(0), mpX(0), mpY(0), mpZ(0), psX(0), psY(0); Double_t ps1X(0), ps1Y(0), ps2X(0), ps2Y(0), ps3X(0), ps3Y(0); Int_t modId(0), layerId(0); Double_t sec1(0), sec2(0), sec3(0); Double_t row1(0), row2(0), row3(0); std::map<float, TCanvas*> layerView;// map key is z-position of modules std::map<float, TCanvas*>::iterator it; ifstream digipar; digipar.open(digiPar.Data(), ifstream::in); while (digipar.good()) { digipar >> buffer; //cout << "(" << blockCounter << ") " << buffer << endl; if (blockCounter == 19) firstModule = buffer; if (buffer == (firstModule + ":")){ //cout << buffer << " <===========================================" << endl; read = true; } if (read) { startCounter++; if (startCounter == 1) // position of module position in x { modId = buffer.Atoi(); layerId = (modId & (15 << 4)) >> 4; // from CbmTrdAddress.h } if (startCounter == 5) // position of module position in x mpX = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 6) // position of module position in y mpY = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 7) // position of module position in z mpZ = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 8) // position of module size in x msX = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 9) // position of module size in y msY = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 12) // sector 1 size in y sec1 = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 13) // position of pad size in x - do not take the backslash (@14) ps1X = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 15) // position of pad size in y ps1Y = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 17) // sector 2 size in y sec2 = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 18) // position of pad size in x { ps2X = buffer.Atof(); psX = ps2X; // for backwards compatibility - sector 2 is default sector } if (startCounter == 19) // position of pad size in y { ps2Y = buffer.Atof(); psY = ps2Y; // for backwards compatibility - sector 2 is default sector } if (startCounter == 21) // sector 3 size in y sec3 = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 22) // position of pad size in x ps3X = buffer.Atof(); if (startCounter == 23) // position of pad size in y ps3Y = buffer.Atof(); // if (startCounter == 23) // last element // { // printf("moduleId : %d, %d\n", modId, layerId); // printf("pad size sector 1: (%.2f cm, %.2f cm) pad area: %.2f cm2\n", ps1X, ps1Y, ps1X*ps1Y); // printf("pad size sector 2: (%.2f cm, %.2f cm) pad area: %.2f cm2\n", ps2X, ps2Y, ps2X*ps2Y); // printf("pad size sector 3: (%.2f cm, %.2f cm) pad area: %.2f cm2\n", ps3X, ps3Y, ps3X*ps3Y); // printf("rows per sector : %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", sec1/ps1Y, sec2/ps2Y, sec3/ps3Y); // printf("\n"); // } //printf("module position: (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) module size: (%.1f, %.1f) pad size: (%.2f, %.2f) pad area: %.2f\n",mpX,mpY,mpZ,2*msX,2*msY,psX,psY,psX*psY); if (startCounter == 23) { // if last element is reached startCounter = 0; // reset if ( alllayers == 0 ) if ( !((layerId == 0) || (layerId == 4) || (layerId == 8)) ) // plot only 1 layer per station continue; row1 = sec1 / ps1Y; row2 = sec2 / ps2Y; row3 = sec3 / ps3Y; it = layerView.find(mpZ); if (it == layerView.end()){ // title.Form("pad_size_layer_at_z_%.2fm",mpZ); title.Form("%02d_pad_size_layer%02d", layerId, layerId); layerView[mpZ] = new TCanvas(title,title,1200,1000); fLayerDummy->DrawCopy(""); // now print cm2 in the center layerView[mpZ]->cd(); title.Form("cm^{2}"); // print cm2 TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(0 - 28.5, 0 - 28.5, 0 + 28.5, 0 + 28.5 ); text->SetFillStyle(1001); text->SetLineColor(1); text->SetFillColor(kWhite); text->AddText(title); text->Draw("same"); } // print pad size in each module layerView[mpZ]->cd(); // title.Form("%2.0fcm^{2}",psX*psY); // print pad size // title.Form("%.0f",psX*psY); // print pad size - 1 digit TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(mpX - msX, mpY - msY, mpX + msX, mpY + msY ); text->SetFillStyle(1001); text->SetLineColor(1); // text->SetFillColor(kViolet); // vary background color // if ((int)(psX*psY+.5) == 2) // { // text->SetFillColor(kOrange + 9); // } // else if (psX*psY <= 1.1) { text->SetFillColor(kOrange + 10); } else if (psX*psY <= 2.1) { text->SetFillColor(kOrange - 3); } else if (psX*psY <= 3.1) { text->SetFillColor(kOrange - 4); } else if (psX*psY <= 5) { text->SetFillColor(kOrange + 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-1) * 2); // printf("%2.1f: %d\n", psX*psY, 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-1) * 2); } else if (psX*psY <= 10) { text->SetFillColor(kSpring + 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-4) * 2); // printf("%2.1f: %d\n", psX*psY, 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-4) * 2); } else if (psX*psY > 10) { text->SetFillColor(kGreen); // printf("%2.1f: %s\n", psX*psY, "green"); } if (nrows_in_sec == 1) // print number of rows in sector { title1.Form("%3.1f - %2.0f", ps1X*ps1Y, row1); // print pad size and nrows - 2 digits - sector 1 title2.Form("%3.1f - %2.0f", ps2X*ps2Y, row2); // print pad size and nrows - 2 digits - sector 2 title3.Form("%3.1f - %2.0f", ps3X*ps3Y, row3); // print pad size and nrows - 2 digits - sector 3 } else { title1.Form("%3.1f",ps1X*ps1Y); // print pad size - 2 digits - sector 1 title2.Form("%3.1f",ps2X*ps2Y); // print pad size - 2 digits - sector 2 title3.Form("%3.1f",ps3X*ps3Y); // print pad size - 2 digits - sector 3 } if (nlines==1) // plot pad size for central sector only { text->AddText(title2); } else // plot pad size for all 3 sectors { text->AddText(title1); text->AddText(title2); text->AddText(title3); } text->Draw("same"); //layerView[mpZ]->Update(); } } blockCounter++; }
void makeVNDet(){ bool testrun = 0; const int norder_ = 2; const double vtxCut = 15.; static const int ptBinMin = 0; static const int ptBinMax = nptbinsDefault-1; static const int etaBinMin = 0; //0; static const int etaBinMax = netabinsDefault-1; TFile * fAna; TTree * tree; double centval; double vtx; TH2D * sumw; TH2D * sumwqx; TH2D * sumwqy; TH2I * hMult; TFile * fSplit; TTree * treeSplit; int iSplit; TFile * fOut; TH1D * hVNDetX_0[NSPLIT]; TH1D * hVNDetY_0[NSPLIT]; TH1D * hVNDetX_1[NSPLIT]; TH1D * hVNDetY_1[NSPLIT]; TH1D * hVNDetX_full[NSPLIT]; TH1D * hVNDetY_full[NSPLIT]; double VNDetX_0[NCENT][NSPLIT]; double VNDetY_0[NCENT][NSPLIT]; double VNDetX_1[NCENT][NSPLIT]; double VNDetY_1[NCENT][NSPLIT]; double VNDetX_full[NCENT][NSPLIT]; double VNDetY_full[NCENT][NSPLIT]; int Nevents[NCENT][NSPLIT]; int NFails[NCENT][NSPLIT]; // // MAIN // //-- Set up the analyzer objects fAna = new TFile("/rfs/jcastle/PbPb2015/PixelTracking_MB2/EbyETree_pixel_noTeff.root"); tree = (TTree*) fAna->Get("ebyeana/tree"); sumwqx = new TH2D(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumwqy = new TH2D(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumw = new TH2D("sumw", "sumw", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); hMult = new TH2I("hMult", "hMult", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); tree->SetBranchAddress("Cent", ¢val); tree->SetBranchAddress("Vtx", &vtx); tree->SetBranchAddress("mult", &hMult); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), &sumwqx); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), &sumwqy); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumw", &sumw); //-- Set up the file splitter fSplit = new TFile(fileSplit); treeSplit = (TTree*) fSplit->Get("SplitTree"); treeSplit->SetBranchAddress("iSplit", &iSplit); //-- Setup the output objects fOut = new TFile( Form("V%iDet.root", norder_), "recreate" ); for(int iS = 0; iS < NSPLIT; iS++){ fOut->cd(); hVNDetX_0[iS] = new TH1D( Form("hVNDetX_0_Split%i", iS), Form("hVNDetX_0_Split%i", iS), NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetX_0[iS]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_0[iS] = new TH1D( Form("hVNDetY_0_Split%i", iS), Form("hVNDetY_0_Split%i", iS), NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetY_0[iS]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetX_1[iS] = new TH1D( Form("hVNDetX_1_Split%i", iS), Form("hVNDetX_1_Split%i", iS), NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetX_1[iS]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_1[iS] = new TH1D( Form("hVNDetY_1_Split%i", iS), Form("hVNDetY_1_Split%i", iS), NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetY_1[iS]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetX_full[iS] = new TH1D( Form("hVNDetX_full_Split%i", iS), Form("hVNDetX_full_Split%i", iS), NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetX_full[iS]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_full[iS] = new TH1D( Form("hVNDetY_full_Split%i", iS), Form("hVNDetY_full_Split%i", iS), NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetY_full[iS]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); } //-- initialize all variables for(int icent = 0; icent<NCENT; icent++){ for(int iS = 0; iS < NSPLIT; iS++){ VNDetX_0[icent][iS] = 0.; VNDetY_0[icent][iS] = 0.; VNDetX_1[icent][iS] = 0.; VNDetY_1[icent][iS] = 0.; VNDetX_full[icent][iS] = 0.; VNDetY_full[icent][iS] = 0.; Nevents[icent][iS] = 0; NFails[icent][iS] = 0; } } // // Calculate Vn_det // cout<<"Begin DETECTOR loop, contains "<<tree->GetEntries()<<" Events"<<endl; int N; if(testrun) N = 10000; else N = tree->GetEntries(); //-- Begin event loop for(int ievent = 0; ievent < N; ievent++) { if((ievent+1)% 500000 == 0) cout << "Processing Event " << ievent+1 << "\t" << (100.*(ievent+1)/N) << "% Completed" << endl; int itree = tree->GetEntry(ievent); if(itree < 0){ std::cout<<"!!! BAD EVENT !!!"<<std::endl; continue; } treeSplit->GetEntry(ievent); //-- Vertex Cut if(TMath::Abs(vtx) > vtxCut) continue; //-- Calculate centbin if( centval > cent_max[NCENT-1]) continue; int icent = (centval - cent_min[0]) / centBinWidth; //-- Reset Raw and sumw values double VNRawX_0 = 0.; double VNRawY_0 = 0.; double VNRawX_1 = 0.; double VNRawY_1 = 0.; double VNRawX_full = 0.; double VNRawY_full = 0.; double sumw_0 = 0.; double sumw_1 = 0.; double sumw_full = 0.; double evtMult_0 = 0; double evtMult_1 = 0; double evtMult_full = 0; Nevents[icent][iSplit]++; //-- Begin analyzer histogram loops for(int ipt = ptBinMin; ipt <= ptBinMax; ipt++){ for(int ieta = etaBinMin; ieta <= etaBinMax; ieta++){ if(sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1) !=0){ //-- Subevent 0 (eta >= 0) if(etabinsDefault[ieta] >= 0){ VNRawX_0 += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_0 += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_0 += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_0 += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Subevent 1 (eta < 0) else{ VNRawX_1 += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_1 += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_1 += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_1 += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Full Event VNRawX_full += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_full += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_full += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_full += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } } //-- End eta loop } //-- End pt loop //-- Only use events that have tracks in all subevents AND subevents that have at least two tracks to determine VN if( sumw_0 == 0 || sumw_1 == 0 || evtMult_0 < 2 || evtMult_1 < 2 ){ NFails[icent][iSplit]++; } else{ VNDetX_0[icent][iSplit] += VNRawX_0 / sumw_0; VNDetY_0[icent][iSplit] += VNRawY_0 / sumw_0; VNDetX_1[icent][iSplit] += VNRawX_1 / sumw_1; VNDetY_1[icent][iSplit] += VNRawY_1 / sumw_1; VNDetX_full[icent][iSplit] += VNRawX_full / sumw_full; VNDetY_full[icent][iSplit] += VNRawY_full / sumw_full; } } //-- End event loop std::cout<<"End DETECTOR loop"<<std::endl; //-- Average VNDet over all events for each centrality, EP and, qn bin for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ for(int iS = 0; iS < NSPLIT; iS++){ double Neffective = (double) Nevents[icent][iS] - (double) NFails[icent][iS]; if( Neffective == 0 ) continue; VNDetX_0[icent][iS] /= Neffective; VNDetY_0[icent][iS] /= Neffective; VNDetX_1[icent][iS] /= Neffective; VNDetY_1[icent][iS] /= Neffective; VNDetX_full[icent][iS] /= Neffective; VNDetY_full[icent][iS] /= Neffective; //-- Populate histograms that will be used by ReadTree_normDet.C hVNDetX_0[iS] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetX_0[icent][iS]); hVNDetX_1[iS] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetX_1[icent][iS]); hVNDetX_full[iS] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetX_full[icent][iS]); hVNDetY_0[iS] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetY_0[icent][iS]); hVNDetY_1[iS] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetY_1[icent][iS]); hVNDetY_full[iS] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetY_full[icent][iS]); } } fOut->Write(); cout<<"File written, process completed"<<endl; }
void makePUM0Table() { const TString l1_input = "/mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasHIanalyzer_withregions.root"; TFile *lFile = TFile::Open(l1_input); TTree *l1Tree = (TTree*)lFile->Get("L1UpgradeAnalyzer/L1UpgradeTree"); Int_t l1_event, l1_run; Int_t l1_num; Int_t region_hwPt[NREG], region_hwEta[NREG], region_hwPhi[NREG], region_tauVeto[NREG]; l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("event",&l1_event); l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&l1_run); l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("nRegions",&l1_num); l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("region_hwPt",region_hwPt); l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("region_hwEta",region_hwEta); l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("region_hwPhi",region_hwPhi); l1Tree->SetBranchAddress("region_tauVeto",region_tauVeto); const TString forest_input = "/mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/L1Emulator/minbiasForest_merged_v2/HiForest_PbPb_Data_minbias_fromSkim.root"; TFile *fFile = TFile::Open(forest_input); TTree *fEvtTree = (TTree*)fFile->Get("hiEvtAnalyzer/HiTree"); TTree *fSkimTree = (TTree*)fFile->Get("skimanalysis/HltTree"); Int_t f_evt, f_run, f_lumi; Int_t hiBin; fEvtTree->SetBranchAddress("evt",&f_evt); fEvtTree->SetBranchAddress("run",&f_run); fEvtTree->SetBranchAddress("lumi",&f_lumi); fEvtTree->SetBranchAddress("hiBin",&hiBin); Int_t pcollisionEventSelection, pHBHENoiseFilter; fSkimTree->SetBranchAddress("pcollisionEventSelection",&pcollisionEventSelection); fSkimTree->SetBranchAddress("pHBHENoiseFilter",&pHBHENoiseFilter); TFile *outFile = new TFile("HI_PUM0_evtsel_out.root","RECREATE"); std::map<Long64_t, Long64_t> kmap; // choose loop over l1 tree first (smaller) //std::cout << "Begin making map." << std::endl; Long64_t l_entries = l1Tree->GetEntries(); for(Long64_t j = 0; j < l_entries; ++j) { l1Tree->GetEntry(j); Long64_t key = makeKey(l1_run, l1_event); std::pair<Long64_t,Long64_t> p(key,j); kmap.insert(p); } //std::cout << "Finished making map." << std::endl; outFile->cd(); TH1I *hists[22][18]; // [eta][pu bin], arbitrary value of 18 for # bins in pu for(int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < 18; ++j) { hists[i][j] = new TH1I(Form("hist_%d_%d",i,j),"", 1024,0,1024); } TH2I *centPUM = new TH2I("cenPUM","",200,0,200,396,0,396); int count = 0; Long64_t entries = fEvtTree->GetEntries(); for(Long64_t j = 0; j < entries; ++j) { //if(j % 10000 == 0) // printf("%lld / %lld\n",j,entries); fEvtTree->GetEntry(j); Long64_t key = makeKey(f_run, f_evt); std::map<Long64_t,Long64_t>::const_iterator got = kmap.find(key); if(got == kmap.end() ) { continue; } else { l1Tree->GetEntry(got->second); kmap.erase(key); count++; fSkimTree->GetEntry(j); if((pcollisionEventSelection == 1) && (pHBHENoiseFilter == 1)) { //int pubin = (int) ( (double)hiBin * (18.0/200.0)); int PUM0 = 0; for(int i = 0; i < NREG; ++i) { if(region_hwPt[i] > 0) ++PUM0; } int pubin = PUM0/22; if(pubin == 18) pubin = 17; //special case for every region firing for(int i = 0; i < NREG; ++i) { hists[region_hwEta[i]][pubin]->Fill(region_hwPt[i]); } centPUM->Fill(hiBin,PUM0); } } } std::cout << "cms.vdouble("; TH1D *hists_eta[22]; for(int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) { hists_eta[i] = new TH1D(Form("hists_eta_%d",i),"",18,0,17); for(int j = 0; j < 18; ++j) { double Mean = hists[i][j]->GetMean(); double MeanError = hists[i][j]->GetMeanError(); hists_eta[i]->SetBinContent(j,Mean); hists_eta[i]->SetBinError(j,MeanError); std::cout << Mean*0.5; if(!((i == 21) && (j == 17))) std::cout << ", "; } } std::cout << ")" << std::endl; for(int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) { hists_eta[i]->Write(); for(int j = 0; j < 18; ++j) { hists[i][j]->Write(); } } centPUM->Write(); //std::cout << "Matching entries: " << count << std::endl; lFile->Close(); fFile->Close(); outFile->Close(); }
void* Monitoring::MonitorThread(void* arg){ //std::cout<<"d1"<<std::endl; monitor_thread_args* args= static_cast<monitor_thread_args*>(arg); std::string outpath=args->outputpath; zmq::socket_t Ireceive (*(args->context), ZMQ_PAIR); Ireceive.connect("inproc://MonitorThread"); // std::vector<CardData*> carddata; std::map<int,std::vector<TH1F> > PedTime; std::map<int,std::vector<TH1F> > PedRMSTime; std::vector<TH1F> rates; std::vector<TH1F> averagesize; std::vector<TH1I> tfreqplots; std::map<int,std::vector<std::vector<float > > > pedpars; TCanvas c1("c1","c1",600,400); bool running=true; bool init=true; std::vector<PMT> PMTInfo; /////////////////// Connect to sql /////////////////////// //std::cout<<"d2"<<std::endl; pqxx::connection *C; std::stringstream tmp; tmp<<"dbname=annie"<<" hostaddr="<<" port=5432" ; C=new pqxx::connection(tmp.str().c_str()); if (C->is_open()) { // std::cout << "Opened database successfully: " << C->dbname() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Can't open database" << std::endl; return false; } tmp.str(""); pqxx::nontransaction N(*C); tmp<<"select gx,gy,gz,vmecard,vmechannel from pmtconnections order by channel; "; /* Execute SQL query */ pqxx::result R( N.exec( tmp.str().c_str() )); //pqxx::result::const_iterator c = R.begin(); ///////// Fill PMT Info//////////////// for ( pqxx::result::const_iterator c = R.begin(); c != R.end(); ++c) { PMT tmp; tmp.gx= c[0].as<int>(); tmp.gy= c[1].as<int>(); tmp.gz= c[2].as<int>(); tmp.card= c[3].as<int>(); tmp.channel= c[4].as<int>()-1; PMTInfo.push_back(tmp); } //std::cout<<"d3"<<std::endl; while (running){ //std::cout<<"d4"<<std::endl; zmq::message_t comm; Ireceive.recv(&comm); std::istringstream iss(static_cast<char*>(comm.data())); std::string arg1=""; iss>>arg1; //std::cout<<"d5"<<std::endl; if(arg1=="Data"){ ////////// Setting up plots///////// std::vector<TGraph2D*> mg; TH2I EventDisplay ("Event Display", "Event Display", 10, -1, 8, 10, -1, 8); TH2I RMSDisplay ("RMS Display", "RMS Display", 10, -1, 8, 10, -1, 8); std::vector<TH1F> temporalplots; std::vector<TH1I> freqplots; CardData* carddata; int size=0; iss>>size; //freqplots.clear(); //std::cout<<"d6"<<std::endl; for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ //std::cout<<"d7"<<std::endl; long long unsigned int pointer; iss>>std::hex>>pointer; carddata=(reinterpret_cast<CardData *>(pointer)); if(init){ ////make initial freq plot and ped vector ped time and ped rms//// for(int j=0;j<carddata->channels;j++){ std::stringstream tmp; tmp<<"Channel "<<(i*4)+j<<" frequency"; TH1I tmpfreq(tmp.str().c_str(),tmp.str().c_str(),10,0,9); tfreqplots.push_back(tmpfreq); tmp.str(""); tmp<<"Channel "<<(i*4)+j<<" Pedistal"; TH1F tmppedtime(tmp.str().c_str(),tmp.str().c_str(),100,0,99); PedTime[carddata->CardID].push_back(tmppedtime); tmp.str(""); tmp<<"Channel "<<(i*4)+j<<" Pedistal RMS"; TH1F tmppedrmstime(tmp.str().c_str(),tmp.str().c_str(),100,0,99); PedRMSTime[carddata->CardID].push_back(tmppedrmstime); std::vector<float> tmppedpars; tmppedpars.push_back(0); tmppedpars.push_back(0); pedpars[carddata->CardID].push_back(tmppedpars); } if(i==size-1)init=false; } //std::cout<<"d8"<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"d1"<<std::endl; ///////Make temporal plot ////////// for(int j=0;j<carddata->channels;j++){ std::stringstream tmp; tmp<<"Channel "<<(i*4)+j<<" temporal"; TH1F temporal(tmp.str().c_str(),tmp.str().c_str(),carddata->buffersize,0,carddata->buffersize-1); long sum=0; //////////Make freq plot/////////////// tmp.str(""); tmp<<"Channel "<<(i*4)+j<<" frequency"; TH1I freq(tmp.str().c_str(),tmp.str().c_str(),200,200,399); // std::cout<<"d2"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"d9"<<std::endl; ///// Calculate sum for event dispkay and fill freq plots ///////// for(int k=0;k<carddata->buffersize;k++){ //std::cout<<"d10"<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"i="<<i<<" j="<<j<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"d2.5 "<<(i*4)+j<<" feqplot.size = "<<freqplots.size()<<std::endl; if(carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+k]>pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(0)+(pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(1)*5))sum+=carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+k]; freq.Fill(carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+k]); //temporal.SetBinContent(k,carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+k]); } freqplots.push_back(freq); //////// find pedistall fill ped temporals////////// freq.Fit("gaus"); TF1 *gaus = freq.GetFunction("gaus"); pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(0)=(gaus->GetParameter(1)); pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(1)=(gaus->GetParameter(2)); gaus->SetLineColor(j+1); //std::cout<<"d11"<<std::endl; for(int bin=99;bin>0;bin--){ PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).SetBinContent(bin,PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).GetBinContent(bin-1)); PedRMSTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).SetBinContent(bin,PedRMSTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).GetBinContent(bin-1)); } PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).SetBinContent(0, pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(0)); PedRMSTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).SetBinContent(0, pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(1)); //////// fill temporal plot///////// for(int k=0;k<carddata->buffersize/4;k++){ //std::cout<<"d12"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"j*4 = "<<j*4<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"(i*BufferSize)+(j*4) = "<<(i*BufferSize)+(j*4)<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"i*BufferSize)+(j*4)+(BufferSize/2) = "<<(i*BufferSize)+(j*4)+(BufferSize/2)<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"(i*BufferSize)+(j*4)+(BufferSize/2)+1 = "<<(i*BufferSize)+(j*4)+(BufferSize/2)+1<<std::endl; int offset=pedpars[carddata->CardID].at(j).at(0); double conversion=2.415/pow(2.0, 12.0); temporal.SetBinContent(k*4,(carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+(k*2)]-offset)*conversion); temporal.SetBinContent((k*4)+1,(carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+(k*2)+1]-offset)*conversion); temporal.SetBinContent((k*4)+2,(carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+(k*2)+(carddata->buffersize/2)]-offset)*conversion); temporal.SetBinContent((k*4)+3,(carddata->Data[(j*carddata->buffersize)+(k*2)+(carddata->buffersize/2)+1]-offset)*conversion); } //std::cout<<"d13"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"d3"<<std::endl; temporalplots.push_back(temporal); ////// find x,y,z fill event display ///////// int x=-10; int z=-10; int y=-10; for(int pmt=0;pmt<PMTInfo.size();pmt++){ //std::cout<<"d4"<<std::endl; if(PMTInfo.at(pmt).card==carddata->CardID && PMTInfo.at(pmt).channel==j){ x=PMTInfo.at(pmt).gx; z=PMTInfo.at(pmt).gz; y=PMTInfo.at(pmt).gy; //std::cout<<"d15"<<std::endl; } } /* int x=(((i*4)+j)%8); int y=(floor(((i*4)+j)/8.0)); if(x==0 && y==0){x=-10;y=-10;} if(x==7 && y==0){x=-10;y=-10;} if(x==0 && y==7){x=-10;y=-10;} if(x==7 && y==7){x=-10;y=-10;} if (y>7){x=-10;y=-10;} std::cout<<"i="<<i<<" j="<<j<<" (i*4)+j)="<<((i*4)+j)<<" x="<<x<<" y="<<y<<" sum="<<sum<<std::endl; EventDisplay.SetBinContent(x+1,y+1,sum); //EventDisplay.SetBinContent(((i*4)+j),sum); */ //std::cout<<"d16"<<std::endl; if(x!=-10 && z!=-10){ //std::cout<<"d17"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"gx = "<<x<<" , gz="<<z<<std::endl; EventDisplay.SetBinContent(x+2,z+2,sum); RMSDisplay.SetBinContent(x+2,z+2,gaus->GetParameter(2)*100); //// Attempted 2ne event display /// TGraph2D *dt=new TGraph2D(1); dt->SetPoint(0,x,z,z); dt->SetMarkerStyle(20); //dt->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,8); // dt->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,8); //dt->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,8); mg.push_back(dt); } } //std::cout<<"d18"<<std::endl; ///////Find max freq for scaling////////// int maxplot=0; long maxvalue=0; //std::cout<<"i="<<i<<" (i*4)="<<(i*4)<<" (i*4)+4="<<(i*4)+4<<" size="<<freqplots.size()<<std::endl; for(int j=(i*4);j<(i*4)+4;j++){ if (freqplots.at(j).GetMaximum()>maxvalue){ //std::cout<<"d19"<<std::endl; maxvalue=freqplots.at(j).GetMaximum(); maxplot=j; } } //std::cout<<"d20"<<std::endl; ////////Find current time and plot frewuency plot time_t t = time(0); // get time now struct tm * now = localtime( & t ); std::stringstream title; title<<"Card "<<carddata->CardID<<" frequency: "<<(now->tm_year + 1900) << '-' << (now->tm_mon + 1) << '-' << now->tm_mday<<','<<now->tm_hour<<':'<<now->tm_min<<':'<<now->tm_sec; //std::cout<<"d21"<<std::endl; freqplots.at(maxplot).SetTitle(title.str().c_str()); freqplots.at(maxplot).GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ADC Value"); freqplots.at(maxplot).GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Frequency"); freqplots.at(maxplot).SetLineColor((maxplot%4)+1); freqplots.at(maxplot).Draw(); TLegend leg(0.8,0.4,1.0,0.7); //leg.SetHeader("The Legend Title"); //std::cout<<"d22"<<std::endl; for(int j=(i*4);j<(i*4)+4;j++){ //std::cout<<"d23"<<std::endl; std::stringstream legend; legend<<"Channel "<<j-(i*4); leg.AddEntry(&freqplots.at(j),legend.str().c_str(),"l"); freqplots.at(j).SetLineColor((j%4)+1); if(j==maxplot){;}//freqplots.at(i).Draw(); else freqplots.at(j).Draw("same"); } leg.Draw(); //std::cout<<"d24"<<std::endl; std::stringstream tmp; tmp<<outpath<<carddata->CardID<<"freq.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp.str().c_str()); //std::cout<<"d25"<<std::endl; ///////find max tmporal plot for scaling ///temporal maxplot=0; maxvalue=0; //std::cout<<"i="<<i<<" (i*4)="<<(i*4)<<" (i*4)+4="<<(i*4)+4<<" size="<<freqplots.size()<<std::endl; for(int j=(i*4);j<(i*4)+4;j++){ //std::cout<<"d26"<<std::endl; if (temporalplots.at(j).GetMaximum()>maxvalue){ maxvalue=temporalplots.at(j).GetMaximum(); maxplot=j; } } //std::cout<<"d27"<<std::endl; //////// Find time and plot temporal plot t = time(0); // get time now now = localtime( & t ); std::stringstream title2; title2<<"Card "<<carddata->CardID<<" Temporal: "<<(now->tm_year + 1900) << '-' << (now->tm_mon + 1) << '-' << now->tm_mday<<','<<now->tm_hour<<':'<<now->tm_min<<':'<<now->tm_sec; //std::cout<<"d28"<<std::endl; temporalplots.at(maxplot).SetTitle(title2.str().c_str()); temporalplots.at(maxplot).GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Samples"); temporalplots.at(maxplot).GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Volate (V)"); temporalplots.at(maxplot).SetLineColor((maxplot%4)+1); temporalplots.at(maxplot).Draw(); TLegend leg2(0.8,0.4,1.0,0.7); //std::cout<<"d29"<<std::endl; for(int j=(i*4);j<(i*4)+4;j++){ //std::cout<<"d30"<<std::endl; std::stringstream legend; legend<<"Channel "<<j-(i*4); leg2.AddEntry(&temporalplots.at(j),legend.str().c_str(),"l"); temporalplots.at(j).SetLineColor((j%4)+1); if(j==0){;} else temporalplots.at(j).Draw("same"); } //std::cout<<"d31"<<std::endl; leg2.Draw(); //std::cout<<"d6"<<std::endl; std::stringstream tmp2; tmp2<<outpath<<carddata->CardID<<"temporal.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp2.str().c_str()); //std::cout<<"d32"<<std::endl; ///////plotting PED time and ped rms time ////// maxplot=0; maxvalue=0; for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ //std::cout<<"d26"<<std::endl; if ( PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).GetMaximum()>maxvalue){ maxvalue=PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).GetMaximum(); maxplot=j; } } t = time(0); // get time now now = localtime( & t ); title2.str(""); title2<<"Card "<<carddata->CardID<<" Pedistal Variation: "<<(now->tm_year + 1900) << '-' << (now->tm_mon + 1) << '-' << now->tm_mday<<','<<now->tm_hour<<':'<<now->tm_min<<':'<<now->tm_sec; //std::cout<<"d28"<<std::endl; PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(maxplot).SetTitle(title2.str().c_str()); PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(maxplot).GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Samples"); PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(maxplot).GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ADC Value"); PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(maxplot).SetLineColor((maxplot%4)+1); PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(maxplot).Draw(); TLegend leg3(0.8,0.4,1.0,0.7); //std::cout<<"d29"<<std::endl; for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ //std::cout<<"d30"<<std::endl; std::stringstream legend; legend<<"Channel "<<j; leg3.AddEntry(&PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j),legend.str().c_str(),"l"); PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).SetLineColor((j%4)+1); PedTime[carddata->CardID].at(j).Draw("same"); } //std::cout<<"d31"<<std::endl; leg3.Draw(); //std::cout<<"d6"<<std::endl; tmp2.str(""); tmp2<<outpath<<"plots2/"<<carddata->CardID<<"PedTime.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp2.str().c_str()); PedRMSTime[carddata->CardID].at(0).Draw(); for (int channel=1;channel<4;channel++){ PedRMSTime[carddata->CardID].at(channel).Draw("same"); } tmp2.str(""); tmp2<<outpath<<"plots2/"<<carddata->CardID<<"PedRMSTime.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp2.str().c_str()); delete carddata; } /// size i /* //std::cout<<"d4"<<std::endl; int maxplot=0; long maxvalue=0; for(int i=0;i<freqplots.size();i++){ if (freqplots.at(i).GetMaximum()>maxvalue){ maxvalue=freqplots.at(i).GetMaximum(); maxplot=i; } } freqplots.at(maxplot).SetLineColor(maxplot+1); freqplots.at(maxplot).Draw(); for(int i=0;i<freqplots.size();i++){ // Double_t scale = 1/freqplots.at(i).GetMaximum(); // freqplots.at(i).Scale(scale); freqplots.at(i).SetLineColor(i+1); if(i==maxplot);//freqplots.at(i).Draw(); else freqplots.at(i).Draw("same"); //freqplots.at(i).Scale((1.0/scale)); } std::cout<<"d5"<<std::endl; std::stringstream tmp; tmp<<outpath<<"freq.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp.str().c_str()); for(int i=0;i<temporalplots.size();i++){ temporalplots.at(i).SetLineColor(i+1); if(i==0)temporalplots.at(i).Draw(); else temporalplots.at(i).Draw("same"); } std::cout<<"d6"<<std::endl; std::stringstream tmp2; tmp2<<outpath<<"temporal.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp2.str().c_str()); */ //std::cout<<"d33"<<std::endl; /////////plot event display ///////// EventDisplay.Draw("COLZ"); std::stringstream tmp3; tmp3<<outpath<<"0EventDisplay.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp3.str().c_str()); //std::cout<<"d34 ="<<mg.size()<<std::endl; /////////plot RMS display ///////// RMSDisplay.Draw("COLZ"); tmp3.str(""); tmp3<<outpath<<"0RMSDisplay.jpg"; c1.SaveAs(tmp3.str().c_str()); ///plot atempted 3d event display/////// tmp3.str(""); if(mg.size()>0) mg.at(0)->Draw(); for(int plots=1;plots<mg.size();plots++){ mg.at(plots)->Draw("same"); //std::cout<<"d35"<<std::endl; } tmp3<<outpath<<"0EventDisplay3D.jpg"; //c1.SaveAs(tmp3.str().c_str()); } else if(arg1=="Quit"){
void makeVNDet(){ bool testrun = 0; const int norder_ = 2; const int QnBinOrder_ = 2; const double vtxCut = 15.; static const int ptBinMin = 0; static const int ptBinMax = nptbinsDefault-1; static const int etaBinMin = 0; //0; static const int etaBinMax = netabinsDefault-1; TFile * fAna; TTree * tree; double centval; double vtx; TH2D * sumw; TH2D * sumwqx; TH2D * sumwqy; TH2I * hMult; double qnHFx_EP[NumEPNames]; double qnHFy_EP[NumEPNames]; double sumET_EP[NumEPNames]; TFile * fQNDet; TH1D * hqnHFDet_x[NumEPNames]; TH1D * hqnHFDet_y[NumEPNames]; TFile * fQN; TH1D * hqbins[NCENT][NEPSymm]; TFile * fOut; TDirectory * SubEvt_0; TDirectory * SubEvt_1; TDirectory * FullEvt; TH2D * hVNDetX_0[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetY_0[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetX_1[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetY_1[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetX_full[NQN]; TH2D * hVNDetY_full[NQN]; double VNRawX_0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNRawY_0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNRawX_1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNRawY_1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNRawX_full[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNRawY_full[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double sumw_0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double sumw_1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double sumw_full[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; int evtMult_0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; int evtMult_1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; int evtMult_full[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNDetX_0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNDetY_0[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNDetX_1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNDetY_1[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNDetX_full[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; double VNDetY_full[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; int Nevents[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; int NFails[NCENT][NEPSymm][NQN]; // // MAIN // //-- Set up the analyzer objects fAna = new TFile(fAnaTreeName); tree = (TTree*) fAna->Get("ebyeana/tree"); sumwqx = new TH2D(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumwqy = new TH2D(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumw = new TH2D("sumw", "sumw", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); hMult = new TH2I("hMult", "hMult", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); tree->SetBranchAddress("Cent", ¢val); tree->SetBranchAddress("Vtx", &vtx); tree->SetBranchAddress("mult", &hMult); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), &sumwqx); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), &sumwqy); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumw", &sumw); tree->SetBranchAddress("qnHFx_EP", &qnHFx_EP); tree->SetBranchAddress("qnHFy_EP", &qnHFy_EP); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumET_EP", &sumET_EP); //-- Get the QN Detector histograms fQNDet = new TFile( Form("../../../../../../v%i/eta2.4/systematicStudies/vtxCut/vtx3_15/AnalyzerResults/Q%iDet.root", QnBinOrder_, QnBinOrder_) ); for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NumEPNames; iEP++){ int EPbin = EPSymmPartnerBin[iEP]; if( EPbin != EPSymmBin ) continue; hqnHFDet_x[iEP] = (TH1D*) fQNDet->Get( Form("hqnHFDet_x_%s", EPNames[iEP].data()) ); hqnHFDet_y[iEP] = (TH1D*) fQNDet->Get( Form("hqnHFDet_y_%s", EPNames[iEP].data()) ); } //-- Setup the QN binning objects fQN = new TFile( Form( "../../../../../../v%i/eta2.4/systematicStudies/vtxCut/vtx3_15/AnalyzerResults/q%iCuts.root", QnBinOrder_, QnBinOrder_) ); for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEPSymm; iEP++){ if( iEP != EPSymmBin ) continue; hqbins[icent][iEP] = (TH1D*) fQN->Get( Form("hqbins_%s_c%i", EPSymmNames[iEP].data(), icent) ); } } //-- Setup the output objects fOut = new TFile( Form("V%iDet.root", norder_), "recreate" ); SubEvt_0 = fOut->mkdir("SubEvt_0"); SubEvt_1 = fOut->mkdir("SubEvt_1"); FullEvt = fOut->mkdir("FullEvt"); for(int iqn = 0; iqn < NQN; iqn++){ SubEvt_0->cd(); hVNDetX_0[iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVNDetX_0_qbin%i", iqn), Form("hVNDetX_0_qbin%i", iqn), NCENT, centbinsDefault, NEPSymm, epbinsDefault ); hVNDetX_0[iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetX_0[iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVNDetY_0[iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVNDetY_0_qbin%i", iqn), Form("hVNDetY_0_qbin%i", iqn), NCENT, centbinsDefault, NEPSymm, epbinsDefault ); hVNDetY_0[iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_0[iqn]->SetOption("colz"); SubEvt_1->cd(); hVNDetX_1[iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVNDetX_1_qbin%i", iqn), Form("hVNDetX_1_qbin%i", iqn), NCENT, centbinsDefault, NEPSymm, epbinsDefault ); hVNDetX_1[iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetX_1[iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVNDetY_1[iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVNDetY_1_qbin%i", iqn), Form("hVNDetY_1_qbin%i", iqn), NCENT, centbinsDefault, NEPSymm, epbinsDefault ); hVNDetY_1[iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_1[iqn]->SetOption("colz"); FullEvt->cd(); hVNDetX_full[iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVNDetX_full_qbin%i", iqn), Form("hVNDetX_full_qbin%i", iqn), NCENT, centbinsDefault, NEPSymm, epbinsDefault ); hVNDetX_full[iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetX_full[iqn]->SetOption("colz"); hVNDetY_full[iqn] = new TH2D( Form("hVNDetY_full_qbin%i", iqn), Form("hVNDetY_full_qbin%i", iqn), NCENT, centbinsDefault, NEPSymm, epbinsDefault ); hVNDetY_full[iqn]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_full[iqn]->SetOption("colz"); for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEPSymm; iEP++){ hVNDetX_0[iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(iEP+1, EPSymmNames[iEP].data()); hVNDetY_0[iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(iEP+1, EPSymmNames[iEP].data()); hVNDetX_1[iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(iEP+1, EPSymmNames[iEP].data()); hVNDetY_1[iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(iEP+1, EPSymmNames[iEP].data()); hVNDetX_full[iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(iEP+1, EPSymmNames[iEP].data()); hVNDetY_full[iqn]->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(iEP+1, EPSymmNames[iEP].data()); } } //-- initialize all variables for(int icent = 0; icent<NCENT; icent++){ for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEPSymm; iEP++){ if( iEP != EPSymmBin ) continue; for(int iqn = 0; iqn < NQN; iqn++){ VNDetX_0[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0.; VNDetY_0[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0.; VNDetX_1[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0.; VNDetY_1[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0.; VNDetX_full[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0.; VNDetY_full[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0.; evtMult_0[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0; evtMult_1[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0; evtMult_full[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0; Nevents[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0; NFails[icent][iEP][iqn] = 0; } } } // // Calculate Vn_det // cout<<"Begin DETECTOR loop, contains "<<tree->GetEntries()<<" Events"<<endl; int N; if(testrun) N = 10000; else N = tree->GetEntries(); //-- Begin event loop for(int ievent = 0; ievent < N; ievent++) { if((ievent+1)% 500000 == 0) cout << "Processing Event " << ievent+1 << "\t" << (100.*(ievent+1)/N) << "% Completed" << endl; tree->GetEntry(ievent); //-- Vertex Cut if(TMath::Abs(vtx) < 3. || TMath::Abs(vtx) > 15.) continue; //-- Calculate centbin if( centval > cent_max[NCENT-1]) continue; int icent = hCentBins.FindBin(centval)-1; //-- begin EP loop for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEP; iEP++){ int EPbin = EPSymmPartnerBin[iEP]; if( EPbin != EPSymmBin ) continue; //-- Calculate qbin double qx = qnHFx_EP[iEP]; double qy = qnHFy_EP[iEP]; double qxDet = hqnHFDet_x[iEP]->GetBinContent(icent+1); double qyDet = hqnHFDet_y[iEP]->GetBinContent(icent+1); double sumET = sumET_EP[iEP]; if(sumET == 0) continue; qx -= qxDet; qy -= qyDet; qx /= sumET; qy /= sumET; double qn = TMath::Sqrt( qx*qx + qy*qy ); int iqn = hqbins[icent][EPbin]->FindBin( qn ) - 1; if(iqn >= NQN) continue; //-- Reset Raw and sumw values VNRawX_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; VNRawY_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; VNRawX_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; VNRawY_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; VNRawX_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; VNRawY_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; sumw_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; sumw_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; sumw_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0.; evtMult_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0; evtMult_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0; evtMult_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] = 0; Nevents[icent][EPbin][iqn]++; //-- Begin analyzer histogram loops for(int ipt = ptBinMin; ipt <= ptBinMax; ipt++){ for(int ieta = etaBinMin; ieta <= etaBinMax; ieta++){ if(sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1) !=0){ //-- Subevent 0 (eta >= 0) if(etabinsDefault[ieta] >= 0){ VNRawX_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Subevent 1 (eta < 0) else{ VNRawX_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Full Event VNRawX_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } } //-- End eta loop } //-- End pt loop //-- Only use events that have tracks in all subevents AND subevents that have at least two tracks to determine VN if( sumw_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] == 0 || sumw_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] == 0 || evtMult_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] < 2 || evtMult_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] < 2 ){ NFails[icent][EPbin][iqn]++; } else{ VNDetX_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] += VNRawX_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] / sumw_0[icent][EPbin][iqn]; VNDetY_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] += VNRawY_0[icent][EPbin][iqn] / sumw_0[icent][EPbin][iqn]; VNDetX_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] += VNRawX_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] / sumw_1[icent][EPbin][iqn]; VNDetY_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] += VNRawY_1[icent][EPbin][iqn] / sumw_1[icent][EPbin][iqn]; VNDetX_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] += VNRawX_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] / sumw_full[icent][EPbin][iqn]; VNDetY_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] += VNRawY_full[icent][EPbin][iqn] / sumw_full[icent][EPbin][iqn]; } } //-- End EP loop } //-- End event loop std::cout<<"End DETECTOR loop"<<std::endl; //-- Average VNDet over all events for each centrality, EP and, qn bin for(int iqn = 0; iqn < NQN; iqn++){ for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ for(int iEP = 0; iEP < NEPSymm; iEP++){ if( iEP != EPSymmBin ) continue; double Neffective = (double) Nevents[icent][iEP][iqn] - (double) NFails[icent][iEP][iqn]; if( Neffective == 0) continue; VNDetX_0[icent][iEP][iqn] /= Neffective; VNDetY_0[icent][iEP][iqn] /= Neffective; VNDetX_1[icent][iEP][iqn] /= Neffective; VNDetY_1[icent][iEP][iqn] /= Neffective; VNDetX_full[icent][iEP][iqn] /= Neffective; VNDetY_full[icent][iEP][iqn] /= Neffective; //-- Populate histograms that will be used by ReadTree_normDet.C hVNDetX_0[iqn] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, iEP+1, VNDetX_0[icent][iEP][iqn]); hVNDetX_1[iqn] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, iEP+1, VNDetX_1[icent][iEP][iqn]); hVNDetX_full[iqn] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, iEP+1, VNDetX_full[icent][iEP][iqn]); hVNDetY_0[iqn] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, iEP+1, VNDetY_0[icent][iEP][iqn]); hVNDetY_1[iqn] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, iEP+1, VNDetY_1[icent][iEP][iqn]); hVNDetY_full[iqn] -> SetBinContent(icent+1, iEP+1, VNDetY_full[icent][iEP][iqn]); } } } //-- END TRIPLE LOOP fOut->Write(); cout<<"File written, process completed"<<endl; }
void CsIProj() { TFile *file = new TFile("../root/NZ_55_New.root"); TFile *gates = new TFile("../gates/zlines.root"); TFile *gates2 = new TFile("../gates/zlines_new.root"); ofstream ofile("CsI_55A_New.dat"); TCanvas *mycan = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("mycan"); if(!mycan) { mycan = new TCanvas("mycan","mycan"); mycan->Divide(1,2); } ostringstream outstring; string name; int p1= 30, p2=50; //+- fit limits up to 2 peaks. May be different. int const num_par = 5; //number of peaks times 2(pol1)+3(gaus). for(int ic =0;ic<56;ic++) { outstring.str(""); outstring << "dEE/dEE_" << ic; name = outstring.str(); mycan->cd(1); TH2I *hist = (TH2I*)file->Get(name.c_str()); hist->Draw("col"); hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200.,1800.); hist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(5.,50.); if(ic <16 || ic > 31) TCutG *mycut = (TCutG*)gates->Get(Form("Zline_%i_2_4",ic)); else TCutG *mycut = (TCutG*)gates2->Get(Form("Zline_%i_2_4",ic)); mycut->Draw(); file->cd(); outstring.str(""); outstring << "CsI/CsIGate/ECsI_" << ic << "_Gate"; name = outstring.str(); gPad->SetLogz(); mycan->cd(2); TH1I * proj = (TH1I*)file->Get(name.c_str()); proj->Draw(); proj->Rebin(4); proj->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(700.,1800.); mycan->Modified(); mycan->Update(); TMarker * mark; mark=(TMarker*)mycan->WaitPrimitive("TMarker"); //Get the Background limits int bkg_lo = mark->GetX(); delete mark; mark=(TMarker*)mycan->WaitPrimitive("TMarker"); int bkg_hi = mark->GetX(); delete mark; mark=(TMarker*)mycan->WaitPrimitive("TMarker"); // Get the 1st peak initial guess int peak1 = mark->GetX(); delete mark; double par[num_par] = {0.}; double out[num_par] = {0.}; int peak1_lo = peak1 - p1, peak1_hi = peak1 + p1; // Peak center and limits TF1 *l1 = new TF1("l1", "pol1", bkg_lo, bkg_hi); TF1 *g1 = new TF1("g1", "gaus", peak1_lo,peak1_hi); TF1 *total = new TF1("total", "pol1(0)+gaus(2)", bkg_lo,bkg_hi); proj->Fit(l1,"R"); proj->Fit(g1,"R+"); l1->GetParameters(&par[0]); g1->GetParameters(&par[2]); total->SetParameters(par); proj->Fit(total,"R"); total->GetParameters(out); ofile << ic << " " << out[3] << endl; outstring.str(""); outstring << "55A_" << ic; name = outstring.str(); total->SetName(name.c_str()); total->Draw("same"); mycan->Modified(); mycan->Update(); bool IsGood = 0; cout << "Good fit?" << endl; cin >> IsGood; if(IsGood) { ofile << ic << " " << out[3] << endl; } else ofile << ic << " " << -1 << endl; } return; }
void makeVNDet(){ bool testrun = 0; const int norder_ = 2; const double vtxCut = 15.; const double ptMin = 0.3; const double ptMax = 3.00; const double etaMax = 1.0; static const int ptBinMin = 0; static const int ptBinMax = nptbinsDefault-1; static const int etaBinMin = 0; //0; static const int etaBinMax = netabinsDefault-1; TFile * fAna; TTree * tree; double centval; double vtx; TH2D * sumw; TH2D * sumwqx; TH2D * sumwqy; TH2I * hMult; TFile * fOut; TDirectory * SubEvt_0; TDirectory * SubEvt_1; TDirectory * FullEvt; TH1D * hVNDetX_0; TH1D * hVNDetY_0; TH1D * hVNDetX_1; TH1D * hVNDetY_1; TH1D * hVNDetX_full; TH1D * hVNDetY_full; double VNRawX_0[NCENT]; double VNRawY_0[NCENT]; double VNRawX_1[NCENT]; double VNRawY_1[NCENT]; double VNRawX_full[NCENT]; double VNRawY_full[NCENT]; double sumw_0[NCENT]; double sumw_1[NCENT]; double sumw_full[NCENT]; int evtMult_0[NCENT]; int evtMult_1[NCENT]; int evtMult_full[NCENT]; double VNDetX_0[NCENT]; double VNDetY_0[NCENT]; double VNDetX_1[NCENT]; double VNDetY_1[NCENT]; double VNDetX_full[NCENT]; double VNDetY_full[NCENT]; int Nevents[NCENT]; int NFails[NCENT]; // // MAIN // //-- Set up the analyzer objects fAna = new TFile("/rfs/jcastle/PbPb2015/PixelTracking_MB2/EbyETree_EPOS_LHC_RECO_SMEAR5.root"); tree = (TTree*) fAna->Get("ebyeana/tree"); sumwqx = new TH2D(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumwqy = new TH2D(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); sumw = new TH2D("sumw", "sumw", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); hMult = new TH2I("hMult", "hMult", nptbinsDefault, ptbinsDefault, netabinsDefault, etabinsDefault); tree->SetBranchAddress("Cent", ¢val); tree->SetBranchAddress("Vtx", &vtx); tree->SetBranchAddress("mult", &hMult); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqx%i", norder_), &sumwqx); tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("sumwqy%i", norder_), &sumwqy); tree->SetBranchAddress("sumw", &sumw); //-- Setup the output objects fOut = new TFile( Form("V%iDet.root", norder_), "recreate" ); SubEvt_0 = fOut->mkdir("SubEvt_0"); SubEvt_1 = fOut->mkdir("SubEvt_1"); FullEvt = fOut->mkdir("FullEvt"); SubEvt_0->cd(); hVNDetX_0 = new TH1D( "hVNDetX_0", "hVNDetX_0", NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetX_0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_0 = new TH1D( "hVNDetY_0", "hVNDetY_0", NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetY_0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); SubEvt_1->cd(); hVNDetX_1 = new TH1D( "hVNDetX_1", "hVNDetX_1", NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetX_1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_1 = new TH1D( "hVNDetY_1", "hVNDetY_1", NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetY_1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); FullEvt->cd(); hVNDetX_full = new TH1D( "hVNDetX_full", "hVNDetX_full", NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetX_full->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); hVNDetY_full = new TH1D( "hVNDetY_full", "hVNDetY_full", NCENT, centbinsDefault); hVNDetY_full->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality %"); //-- initialize all variables for(int icent = 0; icent<NCENT; icent++){ VNDetX_0[icent] = 0.; VNDetY_0[icent] = 0.; VNDetX_1[icent] = 0.; VNDetY_1[icent] = 0.; VNDetX_full[icent] = 0.; VNDetY_full[icent] = 0.; evtMult_0[icent] = 0; evtMult_1[icent] = 0; evtMult_full[icent] = 0; Nevents[icent] = 0; NFails[icent] = 0; } // // Calculate Vn_det // cout<<"Begin DETECTOR loop, contains "<<tree->GetEntries()<<" Events"<<endl; int N; if(testrun) N = 10000; else N = tree->GetEntries(); //-- Begin event loop for(int ievent = 0; ievent < N; ievent++) { if((ievent+1)% 500000 == 0) cout << "Processing Event " << ievent+1 << "\t" << (100.*(ievent+1)/N) << "% Completed" << endl; tree->GetEntry(ievent); //-- Vertex Cut if(TMath::Abs(vtx) > vtxCut) continue; //-- Calculate centbin if( centval > cent_max[NCENT-1]) continue; int icent = hCentBins.FindBin(centval)-1; //-- Reset Raw and sumw values VNRawX_0[icent] = 0.; VNRawY_0[icent] = 0.; VNRawX_1[icent] = 0.; VNRawY_1[icent] = 0.; VNRawX_full[icent] = 0.; VNRawY_full[icent] = 0.; sumw_0[icent] = 0.; sumw_1[icent] = 0.; sumw_full[icent] = 0.; evtMult_0[icent] = 0; evtMult_1[icent] = 0; evtMult_full[icent] = 0; Nevents[icent]++; //-- Begin analyzer histogram loops for(int ipt = ptBinMin; ipt <= ptBinMax; ipt++){ for(int ieta = etaBinMin; ieta <= etaBinMax; ieta++){ double pt = sumw->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ipt+1); double eta = sumw->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(ieta+1); if( pt < ptMin || pt > ptMax ) continue; if( fabs( eta ) > etaMax ) continue; if(sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1) !=0){ //-- Subevent 0 (eta >= 0) if(etabinsDefault[ieta] >= 0){ VNRawX_0[icent] += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_0[icent] += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_0[icent] += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_0[icent] += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Subevent 1 (eta < 0) else{ VNRawX_1[icent] += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_1[icent] += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_1[icent] += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_1[icent] += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } //-- Full Event VNRawX_full[icent] += sumwqx->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); VNRawY_full[icent] += sumwqy->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); sumw_full[icent] += sumw->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); evtMult_full[icent] += hMult->GetBinContent(ipt+1,ieta+1); } } //-- End eta loop } //-- End pt loop //-- Only use events that have tracks in all subevents AND subevents that have at least two tracks to determine VN if( sumw_0[icent] == 0 || sumw_1[icent] == 0 || evtMult_0[icent] < 2 || evtMult_1[icent] < 2 ){ NFails[icent]++; } else{ VNDetX_0[icent] += VNRawX_0[icent] / sumw_0[icent]; VNDetY_0[icent] += VNRawY_0[icent] / sumw_0[icent]; VNDetX_1[icent] += VNRawX_1[icent] / sumw_1[icent]; VNDetY_1[icent] += VNRawY_1[icent] / sumw_1[icent]; VNDetX_full[icent] += VNRawX_full[icent] / sumw_full[icent]; VNDetY_full[icent] += VNRawY_full[icent] / sumw_full[icent]; } } //-- End event loop std::cout<<"End DETECTOR loop"<<std::endl; //-- Average VNDet over all events for each centrality, EP and, qn bin for(int icent = 0; icent < NCENT; icent++){ double Neffective = (double) Nevents[icent] - (double) NFails[icent]; if( Neffective == 0 ) continue; VNDetX_0[icent] /= Neffective; VNDetY_0[icent] /= Neffective; VNDetX_1[icent] /= Neffective; VNDetY_1[icent] /= Neffective; VNDetX_full[icent] /= Neffective; VNDetY_full[icent] /= Neffective; //-- Populate histograms that will be used by ReadTree_normDet.C hVNDetX_0 -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetX_0[icent]); hVNDetX_1 -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetX_1[icent]); hVNDetX_full -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetX_full[icent]); hVNDetY_0 -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetY_0[icent]); hVNDetY_1 -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetY_1[icent]); hVNDetY_full -> SetBinContent(icent+1, VNDetY_full[icent]); } fOut->Write(); cout<<"File written, process completed"<<endl; }
void ITSSDDQAMaker(char *iFile, Int_t MaxEvts=1000000, Int_t FirstEvt=0) { //To have Baseline Histos uncomment parts with " // BL!!! " comment cout << "SDD Quality Assurance Prototype Macro" << endl; const Int_t nSDDmodules= 260; const Int_t imodoffset = 240; const Int_t modtotSDD = nSDDmodules*2; const Int_t anode = 256; Float_t xi = -0.5; Float_t xf = xi + nSDDmodules; TH1F *hModulePattern = new TH1F("hModulePattern","Modules pattern",nSDDmodules,xi,xf); xf = xi + modtotSDD; TH1F *hModuleSidePattern = new TH1F("hModuleSidePattern","Modules/Side pattern",modtotSDD,xi,xf); TH2F *hModuleChargeMap[modtotSDD]; //260 dx e 260 sx with A, T, Q TH2F *hModuleCountsMap[modtotSDD]; //260 dx e 260 sx with A, T, Ncounts TH2I *hModuleCarlos = new TH2I("hModuleCarlos","hModuleCarlos",modtotSDD,xi,xf,101,-0.5,100.5); /* TH1F *hModuleSideBL[modtotSDD][anode]; // BL!!! */ //-------histograms definition Char_t *hisnam = new Char_t[50]; Char_t *histit = new Char_t[50]; Char_t *hisnam2 = new Char_t[50]; Char_t *histit2 = new Char_t[50]; Char_t *hisnam3 = new Char_t[50]; for(Int_t imod=0; imod<nSDDmodules;imod++){ for(Int_t isid=0;isid<2;isid++){ Int_t index=2*imod+isid; //260*2 position sprintf(hisnam,"chargeMap%d",index); sprintf(histit,"Total Charge, module number %d",index); hModuleChargeMap[index]=new TH2F(hisnam,histit,256,-0.5,255.5,256,-0.5,255.5); sprintf(hisnam2,"countsMap%d",index); sprintf(histit2,"Number of Counts, module number %d",index); hModuleCountsMap[index] = new TH2F(hisnam2,histit2,256,-0.5,255.5,256,-0.5,255.5); /* for(Int_t ianode=0; ianode<anode; ianode++){ // BL!!! sprintf(hisnam3,"BL_module_%d_%d",index,ianode); //cout<<hisnam3 <<endl; hModuleSideBL[index][ianode] = new TH1F(hisnam3,hisnam3,256,0.,1024.); } */ } } TString strFile = iFile; strFile += "?EventType=7"; AliRawReader *rd = new AliRawReaderDate(strFile.Data(),FirstEvt); // open run Int_t evCounter = 0; do{ // start loop on events if(++evCounter > MaxEvts) { cout << MaxEvts << " events read, stop" << endl; evCounter--; break; } cout << "Read Event: " << evCounter+FirstEvt-1 << endl; rd->RequireHeader(kFALSE); rd->Reset(); // reset the current position to the beginning of the event Int_t nSkip = 0; // number of skipped signals AliITSRawStreamSDD s(rd); //This class provides access to ITS SDD digits in raw data. Int_t iddl; Int_t isddmod; Int_t moduleSDD; gStyle->SetPalette(1); while(s.Next()){ //read the next raw digit; returns kFALSE if there is no digit left if(s.IsCompletedModule()) continue; if(s.IsCompletedDDL()) continue; iddl=rd->GetDDLID()-2; // -2 is temporary for test raw data isddmod=s.GetModuleNumber(iddl,s.GetCarlosId()); //this is the FEE Carlos //cout<<"DDLID= "<<iddl <<"; Module number= " <<isddmod <<endl; if(isddmod >= imodoffset) { hModulePattern->Fill(isddmod-imodoffset); // 0 to 259 so 240 to 499 moduleSDD=2*(isddmod-imodoffset)+s.GetChannel(); hModuleSidePattern->Fill(moduleSDD); // 0 to 519 hModuleCarlos->Fill(isddmod-imodoffset,s.GetCarlosId()); //cout << "anode " << s.GetCoord1() << ", time bin: " << s.GetCoord2() << ", charge: " << s.GetSignal() << endl; Int_t coord1 = s.GetCoord1(); Int_t coord2 = s.GetCoord2(); Int_t signal = s.GetSignal(); hModuleChargeMap[moduleSDD]->Fill(coord2, coord1,signal); hModuleCountsMap[moduleSDD]->Fill(coord2, coord1 ); //hModuleSideBL[moduleSDD][coord1]->Fill(signal); // BL !!! } else { nSkip++; } } cout << "End of Event " << evCounter+FirstEvt-1 << ", " << nSkip << " wrong module numbers" << endl; } while(rd->NextEvent()); // end loop on events delete rd; cout << "end after " << evCounter << " events" << endl; /* TNtuple *Baseline = new TNtuple("Baseline","Baseline","HalfModule:Anode:Mean:RMS"); // BL!!! Float_t meanBL; Float_t rmsBL; */ for(Int_t i=0; i<modtotSDD; i++){ if(hModuleSidePattern->GetBinContent(i+1)){ //check if they're not empty hModuleChargeMap[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time Bin"); hModuleChargeMap[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Anode"); hModuleCountsMap[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time Bin"); hModuleCountsMap[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Anode"); /* for(Int_t ianode=0; ianode<anode; ianode++ ){ // BL!!! hModuleSideBL[i][ianode]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ADC counts"); hModuleSideBL[i][ianode]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#"); meanBL = hModuleSideBL[i][ianode]->GetMean(); rmsBL = hModuleSideBL[i][ianode]->GetRMS(); gaussfitBL = hModuleSideBL[i][ianode]->Fit("gaus"); Baseline->Fill(i,ianode,meanBL,rmsBL); } */ } } hModuleSidePattern->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("2*(Module Number-1)+Side"); hModuleSidePattern->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts"); hModulePattern->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Number"); hModulePattern->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts"); //-------store Histograms cout << "Store Histograms" << endl; TString oFileName(iFile); oFileName.Append(".root"); TFile *oFile = TFile::Open(oFileName,"recreate"); hModulePattern->Write(); hModuleSidePattern->Write(); hModuleCarlos->Write(); for(Int_t i=0; i<modtotSDD; i++){ if(hModuleSidePattern->GetBinContent(i+1)){ //check if they're not empty hModuleChargeMap[i]->Write(); hModuleCountsMap[i]->Write(); /* for(Int_t ianode=0; ianode<anode; ianode++ ){ // BL!!! hModuleSideBL[i][ianode]->Write(); Baseline->Write(); } */ } } oFile->Close(); cout << "Clear memory" << endl; for(Int_t imod=0; imod<nSDDmodules;imod++){ for(Int_t isid=0;isid<2;isid++){ Int_t index=2*imod+isid; //260*2 position delete hModuleChargeMap[index]; delete hModuleCountsMap[index]; /* for(Int_t ianode=0; ianode<anode; ianode++ ){ // BL!!! delete hModuleSideBL[index][ianode]; delete Baseline; } */ } } delete hModulePattern; delete hModuleSidePattern; delete hModuleCarlos; }
void CCDimage14(int firstrun, int lastrun) { gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); gSystem->Load("libMaxCam"); gSystem->Load("libWaveformTools.so"); std::stringstream sstm; TH2F * sum = 0; TH2I * count = 0; TH2F * p=0; sum = new TH2F("alpha_sum","alpha_sum",256,0,1024,256,0,1024); count = new TH2I("alpha_count","alpha_count",256,0,1024,256,0,1024); const int c = 0; gROOT->cd(); int runnum; int setnum; if (firstrun>=889 && lastrun<=954) {setnum=0;} else if (firstrun>=955 && lastrun<=3868) {setnum=1;} else if (firstrun>=3876 && lastrun<=5789) {setnum=2;} else if (firstrun>=5792) {setnum=3;} else { gApplication->Terminate(); exit;} for (int x = firstrun; x <= lastrun; x++){ runnum=x; string origfile = "/net/nudsk0001/d00/scratch/dctpc_tmp/bigdctpc_data/BigDCTPC_run_"; string skimfile = "/net/nudsk0001/d00/scratch/dctpc_tmp/bigdctpc_skim/BigDCTPC_run_"; // string origfile = "/net/hisrv0001/home/spitzj/myOutput_"; // string skimfile = "/net/hisrv0001/home/spitzj//myOutput_"; string skimend = "skim.root"; string origend = ".root"; string origfilename; string skimfilename; sstm.str(""); if (x<10000){ origfile+="0"; skimfile+="0"; } if (x<1000){ origfile+="0"; skimfile+="0"; } if (x<100){ origfile+="0"; skimfile+="0"; } if (x<10){ origfile+="0"; skimfile+="0"; } sstm << origfile << x << origend; origfilename = sstm.str(); sstm.str(""); sstm << skimfile << x << skimend; skimfilename = sstm.str(); cout << origfilename << endl; ifstream ifile(origfilename.c_str()); ifstream ifile2(skimfilename.c_str()); if(!ifile) continue; if(!ifile2) continue; DmtpcSkimDataset d; d.openRootFile(skimfilename.c_str()); d.loadDmtpcEvent(true,origfilename.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < d.nevents(); i ++){ if(i%100==0){ cout<<"Event: "<<i<<endl; } //cout<<"here"<<endl d.getEvent(i); //cout<<"here2"<<endl; for (int t =0 ; t < d.event()->ntracks(c); t++) { if(d.event()->maxpixel(0,t)>150){continue;} if(d.event()->spark(0)){continue;} p = (TH2F*)d.event()->cluster(c)->getImage(); vector<int> clust = d.event()->cluster(c)->getCluster(t); for (vector<int>::iterator it = clust.begin(); it!=clust.end(); it++) { sum->SetBinContent(*it, sum->GetArray()[*it] + p->GetArray()[*it]); count->SetBinContent(*it, count->GetArray()[*it] + 1); } } } } TH2F * normalized = (TH2F*) sum->Clone("normalized"); normalized->SetName("normalized"); normalized->Divide(count); normalized->SetStats(0); normalized->Draw("COLZ"); c1->Print(Form("CCDimage14_set_%d_runs_%d_%d.pdf",setnum,firstrun,lastrun)); TFile *f=new TFile(Form("CCDimage14_set_%d_runs_%d_%d.root",setnum,firstrun,lastrun),"RECREATE"); normalized->Write(); f->Close(); gApplication->Terminate(); }
void frameViewer(char* arg) { //Take the arguments and save them into respective strings std::string infileName; std::string inF; std::string inPrefix; std::string runs, layers; std::string runCount; std::istringstream stm(arg); inPrefix = "/home/p180f/Do_Jo_Ol_Ma/Analysis/MainProcedure/testMain/rawRoot/"; while (true) { if (std::getline(stm, layers, ' ')) { //load the input root files TChain *chain = new TChain("fourChamTree"); for (int i=0; ; i++) { runCount = std::to_string(i); inF = "run" + runCount + "_" + layers + "layers.root"; infileName = inPrefix + inF; ifstream fin; fin.open(infileName.c_str()); if (!fin.fail()) { fin.close(); chain->Add(infileName.c_str()); std::cout << "Got " << inF << std::endl; } else break; } const int width=480; //width of the raw image const int height=640; //height of the raw image int x=-10; //x from file int y=-10; //y from file int intensity=-10; //pixle intensity from file int pNum=0;//a counter of the order in which the frame was processed //the 2d array which will store each frame of image data. int frame[480][640]={0}; //variables int UNIXtime=0; float tdc[2]={-10,-10}; //TTree *T = new TTree("T","TTree of muplus data"); //add the 'branches' to the tree we will now read in chain->SetBranchAddress("pNum",&pNum); //branch for the frame number chain->SetBranchAddress("frame",&frame); //branch for frame data TH2I *frameHisto = new TH2I("Single 4 Spark Event","",width,0,width,height,0,height); //histogram for the stacked images TH1I *chamber1 = new TH1I("chamber1","Chamber 1",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 1 (the top one) TH1I *chamber2 = new TH1I("chamber2","Chamber 2",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 2 TH1I *chamber3 = new TH1I("chamber3","Chamber 3",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 3 TH1I *chamber4 = new TH1I("chamber4","Chamber 4",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 4 (the bottom one) TH1I *chamber1y = new TH1I("chamber1y","Chamber 1",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 1 (the top one) TH1I *chamber2y = new TH1I("chamber2y","Chamber 2",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 2 TH1I *chamber3y = new TH1I("chamber3y","Chamber 3",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 3 TH1I *chamber4y = new TH1I("chamber4y","Chamber 4",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 4 (the bottom one) //output the plot of the stacked images TCanvas *fH2 = new TCanvas("fH2", "Single 4 Spark Event", 0, 0, 800, 800); fH2->cd(); frameHisto->Draw(); frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); frameHisto->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); TCanvas *pc2 = new TCanvas("pc2","Frame",0,0,800,800); pc2->Divide(2,2); pc2->cd(1); chamber1->Draw(); chamber1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pc2->cd(2); chamber2->Draw(); chamber2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber2->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber2->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pc2->cd(3); chamber3->Draw(); chamber3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber3->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber3->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pc2->cd(4); chamber4->Draw(); chamber4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber4->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber4->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); //TFile myF("trackTree.root","RECREATE"); //loop over all data in chain Int_t nevent = chain->GetEntries(); //get the number of entries in the TChain for (Int_t i=0;i<nevent;i++) { chain->GetEntry(i); //put the frame data into the histogram for this event for(int x=0;x<width;x++){ for(int y=0;y<height;y++){ if(frame[x][y]>0){ frameHisto->Fill(x,y,frame[x][y]); if(y>580 && y<610){ chamber1->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber1y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>400 && y<440){ chamber2->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber2y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>240 && y<280){ chamber3->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber3y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>50 && y<100){ chamber4->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber4y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } } } } double x12[2]; double y12[2]; double x34[2]; double y34[2]; x12[0] = chamber1->GetMean(); y12[0] = chamber1y->GetMean(); //593.3; x12[1] = chamber2->GetMean(); y12[1] = chamber2y->GetMean(); //424.7; x34[0] = chamber3->GetMean(); y34[0] = chamber3y->GetMean(); //262.5; x34[1] = chamber4->GetMean(); y34[1] = chamber4y->GetMean(); //69.33; cout << "Chamber1x: " << chamber1->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber1y: " << chamber1y->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber2x: " << chamber2->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber2y: " << chamber2y->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber3x: " << chamber3->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber3y: " << chamber3y->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber4x: " << chamber4->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber4y: " << chamber4y->GetMean() << endl; pc2->cd(1); chamber1->Draw(); gPad->Update(); pc2->cd(2); chamber2->Draw(); gPad->Update(); pc2->cd(3); chamber3->Draw(); gPad->Update(); pc2->cd(4); chamber4->Draw(); gPad->Update(); fH2->cd(); frameHisto->Draw(); gPad->Update(); //wait for user input to advance to next event cout << "Frame Number=" << pNum<<endl; cout << "Press enter to advance to the next frame" << endl; cin.ignore(); //clear the old frame from the histogram frameHisto->Reset(); chamber1->Reset(); chamber2->Reset(); chamber3->Reset(); chamber4->Reset(); } } else break; } }
void Zlumi::Loop() { // In a ROOT session, you can do: // Root > .L Zlumi.C // Root > Zlumi t // Root > t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number 12 // Root > t.Show(); // Show values of entry 12 // Root > t.Show(16); // Read and show values of entry 16 // Root > t.Loop(); // Loop on all entries // // This is the loop skeleton where: // jentry is the global entry number in the chain // ientry is the entry number in the current Tree // Note that the argument to GetEntry must be: // jentry for TChain::GetEntry // ientry for TTree::GetEntry and TBranch::GetEntry // // To read only selected branches, Insert statements like: // METHOD1: // fChain->SetBranchStatus("*",0); // disable all branches // fChain->SetBranchStatus("branchname",1); // activate branchname // METHOD2: replace line // fChain->GetEntry(jentry); //read all branches //by b_branchname->GetEntry(ientry); //read only this branch gROOT->ForceStyle(); tdrStyle(); if (fChain == 0) return; int minRun=0; int maxRun=0; int maxLS=0; bool forminRun=true; //TH2I * LumiSRun = new TH2I("LumiSRun", "LS vs Run", 3000, 0., 3000., 20000, 160000., 180000.); //TH1I * test2 = new TH1I("test2","test2", 3000,0, 3000); Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if(forminRun && (Run!=0)){minRun=Run; forminRun=false;} if((Run!=0) && (Run>maxRun)){maxRun=Run;} if((LS!=0) && (LS>maxLS)){maxLS=LS;} //printf("run %i ls %i \n",Run,LS); } cout << nentries << " nentries \n"; TH2I *LumiSRun = new TH2I("LumiSRun", "LS vs Run", maxLS, 0, maxLS, maxRun-minRun+2, minRun-1, maxRun+1); TH1I *Runs = new TH1I("Runs","Run", maxRun-minRun+2, minRun-1, maxRun+1); Runs->Sumw2(); nbytes = 0; nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; LumiSRun->Fill(LS,Run); //printf("run %i ls %i \n",Run,LS); Runs->Fill(Run); //test2->Fill(LS); } printf("minRun %i maxRun %i \n",minRun,maxRun); LumiSRun->Draw(); for (int h=0;h<Runs->GetNbinsX();h++){ Runs->SetBinError(h+1,sqrt(Runs->GetBinContent(h+1)) ); } Runs->Draw(); //test->Draw(); //test2->Draw(); TH1F *FileRuns = new TH1F("FileRuns","Run from Lumicalc", maxRun-minRun+2, minRun-1, maxRun+1); TH1D *XsecDistro = new TH1D("XsecDistro","X sec distribution", 60, 0., 0.6); //------------- const Int_t mpt = maxRun-minRun; int fileRun[mpt]; double Lumi[mpt]; int npt = 0; // read data file ifstream file; //file.open("./2011-run-lumi.txt"); file.open("./LumiAeB-dav.txt"); while (1) { file >> fileRun[npt] >> Lumi[npt]; if ( ! file.good() ) break; cout << "x = " << fileRun[npt] << " y = " << Lumi[npt] << endl; FileRuns->SetBinContent((fileRun[npt]-minRun+2),0.2); npt++; } file.close(); printf("found %d Runs in file \n", npt); bool flaggg=1; TH1D *LumiRuns = new TH1D("LumiRuns","Zyield vs Run", maxRun-minRun+2, minRun-1, maxRun+1); LumiRuns->Sumw2(); for(int i=0; i<npt;i++){ for(int j=0;j<maxRun;j++){ if(fileRun[i]==(minRun+j)){ cout << fileRun[i]-minRun+1 <<" "<< ((float)Runs->GetBinContent(j+1))/Lumi[i] <<" "<< Lumi[i] << " matched run \n"; if(Lumi[i]>0.&&Runs->GetBinContent(j+2)>0.){ LumiRuns->SetBinContent(fileRun[i]-minRun+2,(((double)Runs->GetBinContent(j+2))/Lumi[i])*1000); LumiRuns->SetBinError(fileRun[i]-minRun+2,((TMath::Sqrt((double)Runs->GetBinContent(j+2)))/Lumi[i])*1000); XsecDistro->Fill((((double)Runs->GetBinContent(j+2))/Lumi[i])*1000); flaggg=false; } } else if(fileRun[i]==(minRun+j) && (Runs->GetBinContent(j+2+1)>0. || Runs->GetBinContent(j+2-1)>0.)) cout << "Son cazzi " << fileRun[i]<<"\n"; } if(flaggg) { //cout << " ---------------- \n"; cout << fileRun[i] << " Run not matched! \n"; //cout << Runs->GetBinContent(i) <<" " << Runs->GetBinContent(i+1) <<" " << Runs->GetBinContent(i+2) <<" "<< Lumi[i] << " probably not empty \n"; //if(Lumi[i]>1.e+06) cout << "ALERT THIS ONE IS GOOD \n"; } flaggg=true; } TCanvas * Canv = (TCanvas*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject("Canv"); if (Canv) delete Canv; Canv = new TCanvas("Canv","Canv",0,0,800,600); Canv->cd(); LumiRuns->SetXTitle("Run"); LumiRuns->SetYTitle("#sigma (nb)"); LumiRuns->SetLineColor(kBlack); LumiRuns->Draw("E1"); Runs->SetLineColor(kRed); //Runs->Draw("SAMES"); FileRuns->SetLineColor(kBlue); //FileRuns->Draw("SAMES"); //LumiRuns->Draw("E1 SAMES"); Canv->Print("ratio_zlumi.eps"); TCanvas * Another = (TCanvas*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject("Another"); if (Another) delete Another; Another = new TCanvas("Another","Another",0,0,800,600); Another->cd(); XsecDistro->SetXTitle("#sigma (nb)"); XsecDistro->SetLineColor(kBlack); XsecDistro->Draw(); Another->Print("distrib_zsigma.eps"); /* //------------- // per il momento tengo le due sezioni separate... solo per debuggare meglio... //------------- const Int_t rpt = 120000; int lsRun[rpt]; float LuSec[rpt]; npt = 0; // read data file ifstream in; in.open("./2011-LS.txt"); while (1) { in >> lsRun[npt] >> LuSec[npt]; if ( ! in.good() ) break; //cout << "x = " << fileRun[npt] << " y = " << Lumi[npt] << endl; npt++; } in.close(); printf("found %d LS\n", npt); */ }