Ejemplo n.º 1
void THaVDC::FindBadTracks(TClonesArray& tracks)
  // Flag tracks that don't intercept S2 scintillator as bad

  THaScintillator* s2 = static_cast<THaScintillator*>
    ( GetApparatus()->GetDetector("s2") );

  if(s2 == NULL) {
    //cerr<<"Could not find s2 plane!!"<<endl;

  Int_t n_exist = tracks.GetLast()+1;
  for( Int_t t = 0; t < n_exist; t++ ) {
    THaTrack* track = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks.At(t) );
    Double_t x2, y2;

    // project the current x and y positions into the s2 plane
    if(!s2->CalcInterceptCoords(track, x2, y2)) {
      x2 = 0.0;
      y2 = 0.0;

    // if the tracks go out of the bounds of the s2 plane,
    // toss the track out
    if( (TMath::Abs(x2 - s2->GetOrigin().X()) > s2->GetSize()[0]) ||
	(TMath::Abs(y2 - s2->GetOrigin().Y()) > s2->GetSize()[1]) ) {

      // for now, we just flag the tracks as bad
      track->SetFlag( track->GetFlag() | kBadTrack );

      //cout << "Track " << t << " deleted.\n";

  // get rid of the slots for the deleted tracks
Ejemplo n.º 2
Int_t THaVDC::ConstructTracks( TClonesArray* tracks, Int_t mode )
  // Construct tracks from pairs of upper and lower UV tracks and add 
  // them to 'tracks'

  if( fDebug>1 ) {
    cout << "-----------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "ConstructTracks: ";
    if( mode == 0 )
      cout << "iterating";
    if( mode == 1 )
      cout << "coarse tracking";
    if( mode == 2 )
      cout << "fine tracking";
    cout << endl;
  UInt_t theStage = ( mode == 1 ) ? kCoarse : kFine;


  Int_t nUpperTracks = fUpper->GetNUVTracks();
  Int_t nLowerTracks = fLower->GetNUVTracks();

  if( fDebug>1 )
    cout << "nUpper/nLower = " << nUpperTracks << "  " << nLowerTracks << endl;

  // No tracks at all -> can't have any tracks
  if( nUpperTracks == 0 && nLowerTracks == 0 ) {
    if( fDebug>1 )
      cout << "No tracks.\n";
    return 0;

  Int_t nTracks = 0;  // Number of valid particle tracks through the detector
  Int_t nPairs  = 0;  // Number of UV track pairs to consider

  // One plane has no tracks, the other does 
  // -> maybe recoverable with loss of precision
  // FIXME: Only do this if missing cluster recovery flag set
  if( nUpperTracks == 0 || nLowerTracks == 0 ) {
    //FIXME: Put missing cluster recovery code here
    //For now, do nothing
    if( fDebug>1 ) 
      cout << "missing cluster " << nUpperTracks << " " << nUpperTracks << endl;
    return 0;

  THaVDCUVTrack *track, *partner;
  THaVDCTrackPair *thePair;

  for( int i = 0; i < nLowerTracks; i++ ) {
    track = fLower->GetUVTrack(i);
    if( !track ) 

    for( int j = 0; j < nUpperTracks; j++ ) {
      partner = fUpper->GetUVTrack(j);
      if( !partner ) 

      // Create new UV track pair.
      thePair = new( (*fUVpairs)[nPairs++] ) THaVDCTrackPair( track, partner );

      // Explicitly mark these UV tracks as unpartnered
      track->SetPartner( NULL );
      partner->SetPartner( NULL );

      // Compute goodness of match parameter
      thePair->Analyze( fUSpacing );
  if( fDebug>1 )
    cout << nPairs << " pairs.\n";

  // Initialize some counters
  int n_exist = 0, n_mod = 0;
  int n_oops = 0;
  // How many tracks already exist in the global track array?
  if( tracks )
    n_exist = tracks->GetLast()+1;

  // Sort pairs in order of ascending goodness of match
  if( nPairs > 1 )

  // Mark pairs as partners, starting with the best matches,
  // until all tracks are marked.
  for( int i = 0; i < nPairs; i++ ) {
    if( !(thePair = static_cast<THaVDCTrackPair*>( fUVpairs->At(i) )) )

    if( fDebug>1 ) {
      cout << "Pair " << i << ":  " 
	   << thePair->GetUpper()->GetUCluster()->GetPivotWireNum() << " "
	   << thePair->GetUpper()->GetVCluster()->GetPivotWireNum() << " "
	   << thePair->GetLower()->GetUCluster()->GetPivotWireNum() << " "
	   << thePair->GetLower()->GetVCluster()->GetPivotWireNum() << " "
	   << thePair->GetError() << endl;
    // Stop if track matching error too big
    if( thePair->GetError() > fErrorCutoff )

    // Get the tracks of the pair
    track   = thePair->GetLower();
    partner = thePair->GetUpper();
    if( !track || !partner ) 

    //FIXME: debug
    if( fDebug>1 ) {
      cout << "dUpper/dLower = " 
	   << thePair->GetProjectedDistance( track,partner,fUSpacing) << "  "
	   << thePair->GetProjectedDistance( partner,track,-fUSpacing);

    // Skip pairs where any of the tracks already has a partner
    if( track->GetPartner() || partner->GetPartner() ) {
      if( fDebug>1 )
	cout << " ... skipped.\n";
    if( fDebug>1 )
      cout << " ... good.\n";

    // Make the tracks of this pair each other's partners. This prevents
    // tracks from being associated with more than one valid pair.
    track->SetPartner( partner );
    partner->SetPartner( track );


    // Compute global track values and get TRANSPORT coordinates for tracks.
    // Replace local cluster slopes with global ones, 
    // which have higher precision.

      *tu = track->GetUCluster(), 
      *tv = track->GetVCluster(), 
      *pu = partner->GetUCluster(),
      *pv = partner->GetVCluster();

    Double_t du = pu->GetIntercept() - tu->GetIntercept();
    Double_t dv = pv->GetIntercept() - tv->GetIntercept();
    Double_t mu = du / fUSpacing;
    Double_t mv = dv / fVSpacing;


    // Recalculate the UV track's detector coordinates using the global
    // U,V slopes.

    if( fDebug>2 )
      cout << "Global track parameters: " 
	   << mu << " " << mv << " " 
	   << track->GetTheta() << " " << track->GetPhi()
	   << endl;

    // If the 'tracks' array was given, add THaTracks to it 
    // (or modify existing ones).
    if (tracks) {

      // Decide whether this is a new track or an old track 
      // that is being updated
      THaVDCTrackID* thisID = new THaVDCTrackID(track,partner);
      THaTrack* theTrack = NULL;
      bool found = false;
      int t;
      for( t = 0; t < n_exist; t++ ) {
	theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks->At(t) );
	// This test is true if an existing track has exactly the same clusters
	// as the current one (defined by track/partner)
	if( theTrack && theTrack->GetCreator() == this &&
	    *thisID == *theTrack->GetID() ) {
	  found = true;
	// FIXME: for debugging

      UInt_t flag = theStage;
      if( nPairs > 1 )
	flag |= kMultiTrack;

      if( found ) {
        if( fDebug>1 )
          cout << "Track " << t << " modified.\n";
        delete thisID;
      } else {
	if( fDebug>1 )
	  cout << "Track " << tracks->GetLast()+1 << " added.\n";
	theTrack = AddTrack(*tracks, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, thisID );
	//	theTrack->SetID( thisID );
	//	theTrack->SetCreator( this );
	theTrack->AddCluster( track );
	theTrack->AddCluster( partner );
	if( theStage == kFine ) 
	  flag |= kReassigned;

      theTrack->SetD(track->GetX(), track->GetY(), track->GetTheta(), 
      theTrack->SetFlag( flag );
      Double_t chi2=0;
      Int_t nhits=0;
      theTrack->SetChi2(chi2,nhits-4); // Nconstraints - Nparameters

      // calculate the TRANSPORT coordinates
      CalcFocalPlaneCoords(theTrack, kRotatingTransport);

  if( fDebug>1 )
    cout << nTracks << " good tracks.\n";

  // Delete tracks that were not updated
  if( tracks && n_exist > n_mod ) {
    bool modified = false;
    for( int i = 0; i < tracks->GetLast()+1; i++ ) {
      THaTrack* theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks->At(i) );
      // Track created by this class and not updated?
      if( (theTrack->GetCreator() == this) &&
	  ((theTrack->GetFlag() & kStageMask) != theStage ) ) {
	if( fDebug>1 )
	  cout << "Track " << i << " deleted.\n";
	modified = true;
    // Get rid of empty slots - they may cause trouble in the Event class and
    // with global variables.
    // Note that the PIDinfo and vertices arrays are not reordered.
    // Therefore, PID and vertex information must always be retrieved from the
    // track objects, not from the PID and vertex TClonesArrays.
    // FIXME: Is this really what we want?
    if( modified )

  return nTracks;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Int_t THaVDC::ConstructTracks( TClonesArray* tracks, Int_t mode )
  // Construct tracks from pairs of upper and lower points and add
  // them to 'tracks'

  // TODO:
  //   Only make combos whose projections are close
  //   do a real 3D fit, not just compute 3D chi2?

  if( fDebug>1 ) {
    cout << "-----------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "ConstructTracks: ";
    if( mode == 0 )
      cout << "iterating";
    if( mode == 1 )
      cout << "coarse tracking";
    if( mode == 2 )
      cout << "fine tracking";
    cout << endl;
  UInt_t theStage = ( mode == 1 ) ? kCoarse : kFine;


  Int_t nUpper = fUpper->GetNPoints();
  Int_t nLower = fLower->GetNPoints();

  if( fDebug>1 )
    cout << "nUpper/nLower = " << nUpper << "  " << nLower << endl;

  // One plane has no tracks, the other does
  // -> maybe recoverable with loss of precision
  // FIXME: Only do this if missing cluster recovery flag set
  if( (nUpper == 0) xor (nLower == 0) ) {
    //FIXME: Put missing cluster recovery code here
    //For now, do nothing
    if( fDebug>1 )
      cout << "missing cluster " << nLower << " " << nUpper << endl;

  Int_t nPairs  = 0;  // Number of point pairs to consider

  for( int i = 0; i < nLower; i++ ) {
    THaVDCPoint* lowerPoint = fLower->GetPoint(i);

    for( int j = 0; j < nUpper; j++ ) {
      THaVDCPoint* upperPoint = fUpper->GetPoint(j);

      // Compute projection error of the selected pair of points
      // i.e., how well the two points point at each other.
      // Don't bother with pairs that are obviously mismatched
      Double_t error =
	THaVDCPointPair::CalcError( lowerPoint, upperPoint, fSpacing );

      if( error >= fErrorCutoff )

      // Create new point pair
      THaVDCPointPair* thePair = new( (*fLUpairs)[nPairs++] )
	THaVDCPointPair( lowerPoint, upperPoint, GetSpacing() );

      // Explicitly mark these points as unpartnered
      lowerPoint->SetPartner( 0 );
      upperPoint->SetPartner( 0 );

      // Further analyze this pair
      //TODO: Several things come to mind, to be tested:
      // - calculate global slope
      // - recompute drift distances using global slope
      // - refit cluster using new distances
      // - calculate global chi2
      // - sort pairs by this global chi2 later?
      // - could do all of this before deciding to keep this pair

  if( fDebug>1 )
    cout << nPairs << " pairs.\n";

  // Initialize counters
  int n_exist = 0, n_mod = 0;
  int n_oops = 0;
  // How many tracks already exist in the global track array?
  if( tracks )
    n_exist = tracks->GetLast()+1;

  // Sort pairs in order of ascending matching error
  if( nPairs > 1 )

  Int_t nTracks = 0;  // Number of reconstructed tracks

  // Mark pairs as partners, starting with the best matches,
  // until all tracks are marked.
  for( int i = 0; i < nPairs; i++ ) {
    THaVDCPointPair* thePair = static_cast<THaVDCPointPair*>( fLUpairs->At(i) );
    assert( thePair );
    assert( thePair->GetError() < fErrorCutoff );

    if( fDebug>1 ) {
      cout << "Pair " << i << ":  ";

    // Skip pairs where any of the points already has at least one used cluster
    if( thePair->HasUsedCluster() ) {
      if( fDebug>1 )
	cout << " ... skipped.\n";
    if( fDebug>1 )
      cout << " ... good.\n";

    // Get the points of the pair
    THaVDCPoint* lowerPoint = thePair->GetLower();
    THaVDCPoint* upperPoint = thePair->GetUpper();
    assert( lowerPoint && upperPoint );

    // All partnered pairs must have a used cluster and hence never get here,
    // else there is a bug in the underlying logic
    assert( lowerPoint->GetPartner() == 0 && upperPoint->GetPartner() == 0 );

    // Use the pair. This partners the points, marks its clusters as used
    // and calculates global slopes

    if( fDebug>2 ) {

    // If the 'tracks' array was given, add THaTracks to it
    // (or modify existing ones).
    if (tracks) {

      // Decide whether this is a new track or an old track
      // that is being updated
      THaVDCTrackID* thisID = new THaVDCTrackID(lowerPoint,upperPoint);
      THaTrack* theTrack = 0;
      bool found = false;
      int t;
      for( t = 0; t < n_exist; t++ ) {
	theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks->At(t) );
	// This test is true if an existing track has exactly the same clusters
	// as the current one (defined by lowerPoint/upperPoint)
	if( theTrack && theTrack->GetCreator() == this &&
	    *thisID == *theTrack->GetID() ) {
	  found = true;
	// FIXME: for debugging

      UInt_t flag = theStage;
      if( nPairs > 1 )
	flag |= kMultiTrack;

      if( found ) {
	if( fDebug>1 )
	  cout << "Track " << t << " modified.\n";
	delete thisID;
      } else {
	if( fDebug>1 )
	  cout << "Track " << tracks->GetLast()+1 << " added.\n";
	theTrack = AddTrack(*tracks, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, thisID );
	//	theTrack->SetID( thisID );
	//	theTrack->SetCreator( this );
	theTrack->AddCluster( lowerPoint );
	theTrack->AddCluster( upperPoint );
	assert( tracks->IndexOf(theTrack) >= 0 );
	theTrack->SetTrkNum( tracks->IndexOf(theTrack)+1 );
	thePair->Associate( theTrack );
	if( theStage == kFine )
	  flag |= kReassigned;

      theTrack->SetD(lowerPoint->GetX(), lowerPoint->GetY(),
		     lowerPoint->GetTheta(), lowerPoint->GetPhi());
      theTrack->SetFlag( flag );

      // Calculate the TRANSPORT coordinates

      // Calculate the chi2 of the track from the distances to the wires
      // in the associated clusters
      chi2_t chi2 = thePair->CalcChi2();
      theTrack->SetChi2( chi2.first, chi2.second - 4 );

  if( fDebug>1 )
    cout << nTracks << " good tracks.\n";

  // Delete tracks that were not updated
  if( tracks && n_exist > n_mod ) {
    //    bool modified = false;
    for( int i = 0; i < tracks->GetLast()+1; i++ ) {
      THaTrack* theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks->At(i) );
      // Track created by this class and not updated?
      if( (theTrack->GetCreator() == this) &&
	  ((theTrack->GetFlag() & kStageMask) != theStage ) ) {
	// First, release clusters pointing to this track
	for( int j = 0; j < nPairs; j++ ) {
	  THaVDCPointPair* thePair
	    = static_cast<THaVDCPointPair*>( fLUpairs->At(i) );
	  if( thePair->GetTrack() == theTrack ) {
	// Then, remove the track
	//	modified = true;
	if( fDebug>1 )
	  cout << "Track " << i << " deleted.\n";
    // Get rid of empty slots - they may cause trouble in the Event class and
    // with global variables.
    // Note that the PIDinfo and vertices arrays are not reordered.
    // Therefore, PID and vertex information must always be retrieved from the
    // track objects, not from the PID and vertex TClonesArrays.
    // FIXME: Is this really what we want?
    // FIXME: invalidates some or all the track numbers in the clusters
//     if( modified )
//       tracks->Compress();

  // Assign index to each track (0 = first/"best", 1 = second, etc.)
  for( int i = 0; i < tracks->GetLast()+1; i++ ) {
    THaTrack* theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks->At(i) );
    assert( theTrack );

  return nTracks;