Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Clique Percolation method communities
void TCliqueOverlap::GetCPMCommunities(const PUNGraph& G, int MinMaxCliqueSize, TVec<TIntV>& NIdCmtyVV) {
  printf("Clique Percolation Method\n");
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  TVec<TIntV> MaxCliques;
  TCliqueOverlap::GetMaxCliques(G, MinMaxCliqueSize, MaxCliques);
  // op RS 2012/05/15, commented out next line, a parameter is missing,
  //   creating a warning on OS X
  // printf("...%d cliques found\n");
  // get clique overlap matrix (graph)
  PUNGraph OverlapGraph = TCliqueOverlap::CalculateOverlapMtx(MaxCliques, MinMaxCliqueSize-1);
  printf("...overlap matrix (%d, %d)\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges());
  // connected components are communities
  TCnComV CnComV;
  TSnap::GetWccs(OverlapGraph, CnComV);
  TIntSet CmtySet;
  for (int c = 0; c < CnComV.Len(); c++) {
    for (int i = 0; i <CnComV[c].Len(); i++) {
      const TIntV& CliqueNIdV = MaxCliques[CnComV[c][i]];
  printf("done [%s].\n", ExeTm.GetStr());
Ejemplo n.º 2
double TAGMUtil::GetConductance(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntSet& CmtyS, const int Edges) {
    const int Edges2 = Edges >= 0 ? 2*Edges : Graph->GetEdges();
    int Vol = 0,  Cut = 0;
    double Phi = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < CmtyS.Len(); i++) {
        if (! Graph->IsNode(CmtyS[i])) {
        TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(CmtyS[i]);
        for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
            if (! CmtyS.IsKey(NI.GetOutNId(e))) {
                Cut += 1;
        Vol += NI.GetOutDeg();
    // get conductance
    if (Vol != Edges2) {
        if (2 * Vol > Edges2) {
            Phi = Cut / double (Edges2 - Vol);
        else if (Vol == 0) {
            Phi = 0.0;
        else {
            Phi = Cut / double(Vol);
    } else {
        if (Vol == Edges2) {
            Phi = 1.0;
    return Phi;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Compute the empirical edge probability between a pair of nodes who share no community (epsilon), based on current community affiliations.
double TAGMFit::CalcPNoComByCmtyVV(const int& SamplePairs) {
  TIntV NIdV;
  uint64 PairNoCom = 0, EdgesNoCom = 0;
  for (int u = 0; u < NIdV.Len(); u++) {
    for (int v = u + 1; v < NIdV.Len(); v++) {
      int SrcNID = NIdV[u], DstNID = NIdV[v];
      TIntSet JointCom;
      if(JointCom.Len() == 0) {
        if (G->IsEdge(SrcNID, DstNID)) { EdgesNoCom++; }
        if (SamplePairs > 0 && PairNoCom >= (uint64) SamplePairs) { break; }
    if (SamplePairs > 0 && PairNoCom >= (uint64) SamplePairs) { break; }
  double DefaultVal = 1.0 / (double)G->GetNodes() / (double)G->GetNodes();
  if (EdgesNoCom > 0) {
    PNoCom = (double) EdgesNoCom / (double) PairNoCom;
  } else {
    PNoCom = DefaultVal;
  printf("%s / %s edges without joint com detected (PNoCom = %f)\n", TUInt64::GetStr(EdgesNoCom).CStr(), TUInt64::GetStr(PairNoCom).CStr(), PNoCom.Val);
  return PNoCom;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	void end( const TWallVertexVector& vb, TIntVector& polygon, TIntVector& ib )
		assert( polygonCount );
		if( polygonCount == 1 ) {
			// trivial case, just output input polygon
			polygon.resize( 0 );
			polygon.reserve( vertices.size() );
			int idx0 = *vertices.begin();
			int idx = idx0;
			do {
				polygon.push_back( idx );
				const TIntVector& vnext = vertexNexts[idx];
				assert( vnext.size() == 1 );
				idx = vnext[0];
			} while( idx != idx0 );

			triangulator::process( vb, polygon, ib );

		} else {
			// mark vertex types

			// trace and triangulate the polygon(s)
			traceBorder( vb, polygon, ib );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void LSH::ElCheapoHashing(TQuoteBase *QuoteBase, TInt ShingleLen,
    THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet>& ShingleToQuoteIds) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Hashing shingles the el cheapo way...\n");
  TIntV QuoteIds;
  for (int qt = 0; qt < QuoteIds.Len(); qt++) {
    if (qt % 1000 == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%d out of %d completed\n", qt, QuoteIds.Len());
    TQuote Q;
    QuoteBase->GetQuote(QuoteIds[qt], Q);

    // Put x-character (or x-word) shingles into hash table; x is specified by ShingleLen parameter
    TStr QContentStr;
    TChA QContentChA = TChA(QContentStr);

    for (int i = 0; i < QContentChA.Len() - ShingleLen + 1; i++) {
      TChA ShingleChA = TChA();
      for (int j = 0; j < ShingleLen; j++) {
        ShingleChA.AddCh(QContentChA.GetCh(i + j));
      TStr Shingle = TStr(ShingleChA);
      const TMd5Sig ShingleMd5(Shingle);
      TIntSet ShingleQuoteIds;
      if (ShingleToQuoteIds.IsKey(ShingleMd5)) {
        ShingleQuoteIds = ShingleToQuoteIds.GetDat(ShingleMd5);

      ShingleToQuoteIds.AddDat(ShingleMd5, ShingleQuoteIds);
  Err("Done with el cheapo hashing!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
///Generate graph using the AGM model. CProbV = vector of Pc
PUNGraph TAGM::GenAGM(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV, const TFltV& CProbV, TRnd& Rnd, const double PNoCom) {
    PUNGraph G = TUNGraph::New(100 * CmtyVV.Len(), -1);
    printf("AGM begins\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < CmtyVV.Len(); i++) {
        TIntV& CmtyV = CmtyVV[i];
        for (int u = 0; u < CmtyV.Len(); u++) {
            if ( G->IsNode(CmtyV[u])) {
        double Prob = CProbV[i];
        RndConnectInsideCommunity(G, CmtyV, Prob, Rnd);
    if (PNoCom > 0.0) { //if we want to connect nodes that do not share any community
        TIntSet NIDS;
        for (int c = 0; c < CmtyVV.Len(); c++) {
            for (int u = 0; u < CmtyVV[c].Len(); u++) {
        TIntV NIDV;
    printf("AGM completed (%d nodes %d edges)\n",G->GetNodes(),G->GetEdges());
    return G;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool TBagOfWords::Update(const TStrV& TokenStrV) {    
    // Generate Ngrams if necessary
	TStrV NgramStrV;
    GenerateNgrams(TokenStrV, NgramStrV);

    // process tokens to update DF counts
    bool UpdateP = false;
    if (IsHashing()) {  
        // consolidate tokens and get their hashed IDs
        TIntSet TokenIdH;
        for (int TokenStrN = 0; TokenStrN < NgramStrV.Len(); TokenStrN++) {
            const TStr& TokenStr = NgramStrV[TokenStrN];
            TInt TokenId = TokenStr.GetHashTrick() % HashDim;
            if (IsStoreHashWords()) { HashWordV[TokenId].AddKey(TokenStr); }
        // update document counts
        int KeyId = TokenIdH.FFirstKeyId();
        while (TokenIdH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
            const int TokenId = TokenIdH.GetKey(KeyId);
            // update DF
    } else {
        // consolidate tokens
        TStrH TokenStrH;
        for (int TokenStrN = 0; TokenStrN < NgramStrV.Len(); TokenStrN++) {
            const TStr& TokenStr = NgramStrV[TokenStrN];
        // update document counts and update vocabulary with new tokens
        int KeyId = TokenStrH.FFirstKeyId();
        while (TokenStrH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
            // get token
            const TStr& TokenStr = TokenStrH.GetKey(KeyId);
            // different processing for hashing
            int TokenId = TokenSet.GetKeyId(TokenStr);
            if (TokenId == -1) {
                // new token, remember the dimensionality change
                UpdateP = true;
                // remember the new token
                TokenId = TokenSet.AddKey(TokenStr);
                // increase document count table
                const int TokenDfId = DocFqV.Add(0);
                // increase also the old count table
                // make sure we DF vector and TokenSet still in sync
                IAssert(TokenId == TokenDfId);
                IAssert(DocFqV.Len() == OldDocFqV.Len());
            // document count update
    // update document count
    // tell if dimension changed
    return UpdateP;
Ejemplo n.º 8
double TAGMFit::SelectLambdaSum(const TFltV& NewLambdaV, const TIntSet& ComK) {
  double Result = 0.0;
  for (TIntSet::TIter SI = ComK.BegI(); SI < ComK.EndI(); SI++) {
    IAssert(NewLambdaV[SI.GetKey()] >= 0);
    Result += NewLambdaV[SI.GetKey()];
  return Result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void TAGMUtil::GetNbhCom(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int NID, TIntSet& NBCmtyS) {
    TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NID);
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
// YES I COPIED AND PASTED CODE my section leader would be so ashamed :D
void LSH::MinHash(THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet>& ShingleToQuoteIds,
    TVec<THash<TIntV, TIntSet> >& SignatureBandBuckets) {
  TRnd RandomGenerator; // TODO: make this "more random" by incorporating time
  for (int i = 0; i < NumBands; ++i) {
    THash < TInt, TIntV > Inverted; // (QuoteID, QuoteSignatureForBand)
    THash < TIntV, TIntSet > BandBuckets; // (BandSignature, QuoteIDs)
    for (int j = 0; j < BandSize; ++j) {
      // Create new signature
      TVec < TMd5Sig > Signature;

      // Place in bucket - not very efficient
      int SigLen = Signature.Len();
      for (int k = 0; k < SigLen; ++k) {
        TIntSet CurSet = ShingleToQuoteIds.GetDat(Signature[k]);
        for (TIntSet::TIter l = CurSet.BegI(); l < CurSet.EndI(); l++) {
          TInt Key = l.GetKey();
          if (Inverted.IsKey(Key)) {
            TIntV CurSignature = Inverted.GetDat(Key);
            if (CurSignature.Len() <= j) {
              Inverted.AddDat(Key, CurSignature);
          } else {
            TIntV NewSignature;
            Inverted.AddDat(Key, NewSignature);

    TIntV InvertedKeys;
    TInt InvertedLen = InvertedKeys.Len();
    for (int k = 0; k < InvertedLen; ++k) {
      TIntSet Bucket;
      TIntV Signature = Inverted.GetDat(InvertedKeys[k]);
      if (BandBuckets.IsKey(Signature)) {
        Bucket = BandBuckets.GetDat(Signature);
      BandBuckets.AddDat(Signature, Bucket);

    Err("%d out of %d band signatures computed\n", i + 1, NumBands);
  Err("Minhash step complete!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Helper: Return GroupSet based on NodeID
void GetGroupSet(int NId, TIntSet& GroupSet) {
  switch (NId) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
      // Empty Set
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
      ASSERT_FALSE(true); // NId Outside Graph Construction FAIL
Ejemplo n.º 12
void TNetInfBs::SavePajek(const TStr& OutFNm) {
    TIntSet NIdSet;
    FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
    fprintf(F, "*Vertices %d\r\n", NIdSet.Len());
    for (THash<TInt, TNodeInfo>::TIter NI = NodeNmH.BegI(); NI < NodeNmH.EndI(); NI++) {
      const TNodeInfo& I = NI.GetDat();
      fprintf(F, "%d \"%s\" ic Blue x_fact %f y_fact %f\r\n", NI.GetKey().Val,
        I.Name.CStr(), TMath::Mx<double>(log((double)I.Vol)-5,1), TMath::Mx<double>(log((double)I.Vol)-5,1));
    fprintf(F, "*Arcs\r\n");
    for (TNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
      fprintf(F, "%d %d 1\r\n", EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId());
Ejemplo n.º 13
	void	begin( int totalVerts )
		polygonCount = 0;


		vertexUseCount.resize( 0 );
		vertexUseCount.resize( totalVerts, 0 );

		vertexTraceID.resize( totalVerts, -1 );

		vertexTypes.resize( 0 );
		vertexTypes.resize( totalVerts, VTYPE_NONE );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void TGraphKey::TakeGraph(const PNGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& NodeMap) {
  TIntSet NodeIdH;
  int n = 0;
  NodeMap.Gen(Graph->GetNodes(), 0);
  for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, n++) {
    NodeMap.Add(TIntPr(NI.GetId(), n));
  Nodes = Graph->GetNodes();
  EdgeV.Gen(Nodes, 0);
  for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NewNId = NodeIdH.GetKeyId(NI.GetId());
    for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) {
      EdgeV.Add(TIntPr(NewNId, NodeIdH.GetKeyId(NI.GetOutNId(i))));
Ejemplo n.º 15
// For each (u, v) in edges, precompute C_uv (the set of communities u and v share).
void TAGMFit::GetEdgeJointCom() {
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI SrcNI = G->BegNI(); SrcNI < G->EndNI(); SrcNI++) {
    int SrcNID = SrcNI.GetId();
    for (int v = 0; v < SrcNI.GetDeg(); v++) {
      int DstNID = SrcNI.GetNbrNId(v);
      if (SrcNID >= DstNID) { continue; }
      TIntSet JointCom;
      TAGMUtil::GetIntersection(NIDComVH.GetDat(SrcNID), NIDComVH.GetDat(DstNID), JointCom);
      for (int k = 0; k < JointCom.Len(); k++) {
  IAssert(EdgeComVH.Len() == G->GetEdges());
Ejemplo n.º 16
void QuoteGraph::CompareUsingShingles(THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet>& Shingles) {
  int Count = 0;
  int RealCount = 0;
  TVec<TMd5Sig> ShingleKeys;
  THashSet<TIntPr> EdgeCache;

  for (int i = 0; i < ShingleKeys.Len(); i++) {
    if (i % 100 == 0) {
      Err("Processed %d out of %d shingles, count = %d\n", i, ShingleKeys.Len(), Count);
    TIntSet Bucket;
    Shingles.IsKeyGetDat(ShingleKeys[i], Bucket);

    for (TIntSet::TIter Quote1 = Bucket.BegI(); Quote1 < Bucket.EndI(); Quote1++) {
      TIntSet::TIter Quote1Copy = Quote1;
      for (TIntSet::TIter Quote2 = Quote1Copy; Quote2 < Bucket.EndI(); Quote2++) {
        if (!EdgeCache.IsKey(TIntPr(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey())) && !EdgeCache.IsKey(TIntPr(Quote2.GetKey(), Quote1.GetKey()))) {
          EdgeCache.AddKey(TIntPr(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey()));
          EdgeCache.AddKey(TIntPr(Quote2.GetKey(), Quote1.GetKey()));
          AddEdgeIfSimilar(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey());
    int Len = Bucket.Len() * (Bucket.Len() - 1) / 2;
    Count += Len;
  fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER OF COMPARES: %d\n", Count);
  fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER OF REAL COMPARES: %d\n", RealCount);
Ejemplo n.º 17
// I embarassingly don't know how templating works.
void QuoteGraph::CompareUsingMinHash(TVec<THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet> >& BucketsVector) {
  THashSet<TIntPr> EdgeCache;
  int Count = 0;
  int RealCount = 0;

  Err("Beginning edge creation step...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < BucketsVector.Len(); i++) {
    Err("Processing band signature %d of %d - %d signatures\n", i+1, BucketsVector.Len(), BucketsVector[i].Len());
    TVec<TMd5Sig> Buckets;
    TVec<TMd5Sig>::TIter BucketEnd = Buckets.EndI();
    for (TVec<TMd5Sig>::TIter BucketSig = Buckets.BegI(); BucketSig < BucketEnd; BucketSig++) {
      TIntSet Bucket  = BucketsVector[i].GetDat(*BucketSig);
      Count += Bucket.Len() * (Bucket.Len() - 1) / 2;
      for (TIntSet::TIter Quote1 = Bucket.BegI(); Quote1 < Bucket.EndI(); Quote1++) {
        TIntSet::TIter Quote1Copy = Quote1;
        for (TIntSet::TIter Quote2 = Quote1Copy; Quote2 < Bucket.EndI(); Quote2++) {
          if (!EdgeCache.IsKey(TIntPr(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey())) && !EdgeCache.IsKey(TIntPr(Quote2.GetKey(), Quote1.GetKey()))) {
            EdgeCache.AddKey(TIntPr(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey()));
            EdgeCache.AddKey(TIntPr(Quote2.GetKey(), Quote1.GetKey()));
            AddEdgeIfSimilar(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey());
  fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER OF COMPARES: %d\n", Count);
  fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER OF REAL COMPARES: %d\n", RealCount);
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: gstat.cpp Proyecto: Accio/snap
void TGStatVec::SaveTxt(const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc) const {
  FILE *F = fopen(TStr::Fmt("growth.%s.tab", FNmPref.CStr()).CStr(), "wt");
  fprintf(F, "# %s\n", Desc.CStr());
  fprintf(F, "# %s", TTmInfo::GetTmUnitStr(TmUnit).CStr());
  TIntSet StatValSet;
  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    for (int v = gsvNone; v < gsvMx; v++) {
      if (At(i)->HasVal(TGStatVal(v))) { StatValSet.AddKey(v); }
  TIntV StatValV;  StatValSet.GetKeyV(StatValV);  StatValV.Sort();
  for (int sv = 0; sv < StatValV.Len(); sv++) {
    fprintf(F, "\t%s", TGStat::GetValStr(TGStatVal(StatValV[sv].Val)).CStr()); }
  fprintf(F, "Time\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    const TGStat& G = *At(i);
    for (int sv = 0; sv < StatValV.Len(); sv++) {
      fprintf(F, "%g\t", G.GetVal(TGStatVal(StatValV[sv].Val))); }
    fprintf(F, "%s\n", G.GetTmStr().CStr());
Ejemplo n.º 19
	void	markVertexTypes()
		TIntSet::const_iterator vit, vitEnd = vertices.end();

		// first pass: mark all interior and single-border vertices
		for( vit = vertices.begin(); vit != vitEnd; ++vit ) {
			int idx = *vit;
			if( vertexUseCount[idx] == 1 ) {
				vertexTypes[idx] = VTYPE_SINGLE;
				borderVertices.insert( idx );
			} else if( isVertexInterior(idx) )
				vertexTypes[idx] = VTYPE_INTERIOR;

		// now, the unmarked vertices are all shared and on border
		for( vit = vertices.begin(); vit != vitEnd; ++vit ) {
			int idx = *vit;
			if( vertexTypes[idx] == VTYPE_NONE ) {
				vertexTypes[idx] = VTYPE_MULTI;
				borderVertices.insert( idx );
Ejemplo n.º 20
	void	addPolygon( const TIntVector& ib )

		TIntVector::const_iterator vit, vitEnd = ib.end();
		for( vit = ib.begin(); vit != vitEnd; ++vit ) {
			int idx = *vit;
			assert( idx >= 0 && idx < vertexUseCount.size() );
			vertices.insert( idx );
			int idxNext = (vit==vitEnd-1) ? ib.front() : *(vit+1);
			int idxPrev = (vit==ib.begin()) ? ib.back() : *(vit-1);
			vertexNexts[idx].push_back( idxNext );
			vertexPrevs[idx].push_back( idxPrev );
Ejemplo n.º 21
void LSH::WordHashing(TQuoteBase *QuoteBase,
    THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet>& ShingleToQuoteIds) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Hashing shingles using words...\n");
  TIntV QuoteIds;

  THash<TStr, TIntSet> Temp;

  for (int qt = 0; qt < QuoteIds.Len(); qt++) {
    if (qt % 1000 == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%d out of %d completed\n", qt, QuoteIds.Len());
    TQuote Q;
    QuoteBase->GetQuote(QuoteIds[qt], Q);

    TStrV Content;

    int ContentLen = Content.Len();
    for (int i = 0; i < ContentLen; i++) {
      const TMd5Sig ShingleMd5(Content[i]);
      TIntSet ShingleQuoteIds;
      ShingleToQuoteIds.IsKeyGetDat(ShingleMd5, ShingleQuoteIds);
      ShingleToQuoteIds.AddDat(ShingleMd5, ShingleQuoteIds);

      TIntSet TempSet;
      Temp.IsKeyGetDat(Content[i], TempSet);
      Temp.AddDat(Content[i], TempSet);

  TVec<TStr> ShingleKeys;
  ShingleKeys.SortCmp(TCmpSetByLen(false, &Temp));
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    TIntSet TempSet = Temp.GetDat(ShingleKeys[i]);
    Err("%d: %s - %d \n", i, ShingleKeys[i].CStr(), TempSet.Len());

  Err("Done with word hashing!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 22
/// Barabasi-Albert model of scale-free graphs.
/// The graph has power-law degree distribution.
/// See: Emergence of scaling in random networks by Barabasi and Albert.
/// URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/9910332
PUNGraph GenPrefAttach(const int& Nodes, const int& NodeOutDeg, TRnd& Rnd) {
  PUNGraph GraphPt = PUNGraph::New();
  TUNGraph& Graph = *GraphPt;
  Graph.Reserve(Nodes, NodeOutDeg*Nodes);
  TIntV NIdV(NodeOutDeg*Nodes, 0);
  // first edge
  Graph.AddNode(0);  Graph.AddNode(1);
  NIdV.Add(0);  NIdV.Add(1);
  Graph.AddEdge(0, 1);
  TIntSet NodeSet;
  for (int node = 2; node < Nodes; node++) {
    while (NodeSet.Len() < NodeOutDeg && NodeSet.Len() < node) {
    const int N = Graph.AddNode();
    for (int i = 0; i < NodeSet.Len(); i++) {
      Graph.AddEdge(N, NodeSet[i]);
  return GraphPt;
Ejemplo n.º 23
// Simple test for Defrag()
TEST(THashSet, Defrag) {
  TIntSet* TestSet = new TIntSet();

  // fragment the set (IsKeyIdEqKeyN() will be false)






  // this does not work with a fragmented set

  delete TestSet;
Ejemplo n.º 24
	void	traceBorder( const TWallVertexVector& vb, TIntVector& polygon, TIntVector& ib )
		static int traceID = 0;

		int idx0 = getBorderIndex();
		assert( idx0 >= 0 && idx0 < vertexTypes.size() );
		ib.resize( 0 );
		polygon.resize( 0 );
		polygon.reserve( vertices.size()/2 );

		TIntVector localPolygon;
		localPolygon.reserve( 128 );
		TIntVector localIB;
		localIB.reserve( 128 );

		int idxPrev = idx0;
		int idx = idx0;
		int debugCounter = 0;

		int debugLoopCounter = 0;

		do {

			localIB.resize( 0 );

			bool willFormLoop;

				localPolygon.push_back( idx );
				borderVertices.erase( idx );
				vertexTraceID[idx] = traceID;
				assert( ++debugCounter <= vertices.size()*2 );

				// Next vertex is the neighbor of current, that is not interior
				// and that is not the previous one.
				// When there are many possible ones, trace based on angle.

				int idxNext = -1;

				SVector2 prevToCurr = vb[idx] - vb[idxPrev];
				if( prevToCurr.lengthSq() < 1.0e-6f )
					prevToCurr.set( -0.01f, -0.01f );

				TIntIntsMap::const_iterator it;
				it = vertexNexts.find( idx );
				assert( it != vertexNexts.end() );
				const TIntVector& vnext = it->second;
				int n = vnext.size();
				float bestAngle = 100.0f;
				for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
					int idx1 = vnext[i];
					if( idx1 != idxPrev && vertexTypes[idx1] != VTYPE_INTERIOR ) {
					//if( idx1 != idxPrev ) {
						SVector2 currToNext = vb[idx1] - vb[idx];
						float ang = signedAngle2D( prevToCurr, currToNext );
						if( ang < bestAngle ) {
							bestAngle = ang;
							idxNext = idx1;
				assert( bestAngle > -4.0f && bestAngle < 4.0f );
				assert( idxNext >= 0 );

				willFormLoop = (vertexTraceID[idxNext] == traceID);

				// Optimization: if best angle is zero, then we're walking
				// in a straight line. Optimize out the current vertex.
				if( bestAngle == 0.0f && idx != idx0 && !willFormLoop ) {

				idxPrev = idx;
				idx = idxNext;

			} while( !willFormLoop );

			assert( localPolygon.size() >= 3 );
			//if( localPolygon.size() < 3 ) {
			//	return;

			assert( ++debugLoopCounter < vertices.size() );

			if( idx == idx0 ) {
				// The polygon is simple or we found the last loop.
				// Triangulate local and append to results.
				triangulator::process( vb, localPolygon, localIB );
				polygon.insert( polygon.end(), localPolygon.begin(), localPolygon.end() );
				ib.insert( ib.end(), localIB.begin(), localIB.end() );

				// We can have separated other loops. Try fetching them as well.
				idx0 = getBorderIndex();
				if( idx0 == -1 ) {
				} else {
					localPolygon.resize( 0 );
					idxPrev = idx0;
					idx = idx0;
			} else {

				// The polygon must be complex, and we just found a closed loop.
				// Take only the loop, triangulate it, append to results, continue.
				TIntVector::const_iterator itLoopStart = 
					std::find( localPolygon.begin(), localPolygon.end(), idx );
				assert( itLoopStart != localPolygon.end() );

				// append to results
				TIntVector loopPolygon( itLoopStart, localPolygon.end() );
				triangulator::process( vb, loopPolygon, localIB );
				polygon.insert( polygon.end(), loopPolygon.begin(), loopPolygon.end() );
				ib.insert( ib.end(), localIB.begin(), localIB.end() );

				// continue - remove the looped polygon from local
				localPolygon.resize( itLoopStart - localPolygon.begin() );


		} while( true );
Ejemplo n.º 25
	int		getBorderIndex()
		if( borderVertices.empty() )
			return -1;
		return *borderVertices.begin();
Ejemplo n.º 26
void LSH::MinHash(TQuoteBase *QB, THashSet<TMd5Sig>& Shingles,
    TVec<THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet> >& SignatureBandBuckets) {
  Err("Creating buckets...\n");
  THash < TMd5Sig, TIntV > Signatures;
  ComputeSignatures(Shingles, Signatures, NumBands * BandSize);

  // bucket creation
  for (int i = 0; i < NumBands; ++i) {
    SignatureBandBuckets.Add(THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet>());

  // bucket filling
  int NumShingles = Shingles.Len();
  THash<TInt, TQuote> Quotes;

  THash<TInt, TQuote>::TIter CurI = Quotes.BegI();
  THash<TInt, TQuote>::TIter EndI = Quotes.EndI();
  TQuote Q; // SKYFALL

  for (; CurI < EndI; CurI++) {
    Q = CurI.GetDat();

    TStrV Content;
    TInt Id = Q.GetId();

    // signature for quote
    int ContentLen = Content.Len();
    TVec < TIntV > Signature;
    for (int i = 0; i < ContentLen; i++) {
      const TMd5Sig ShingleMd5(Content[i]);

    // place in bucket
    if (ContentLen < WordWindow) {
      for (int i = 0; i < NumBands; ++i) {
        TStr Sig;
        for (int j = 0; j < BandSize; ++j) {
          int CurSig = i * BandSize + j;

          TInt min = NumShingles;
          for (int k = 0; k < ContentLen; k++) {
            if (Signature[k][CurSig] < min) {
              min = Signature[k][CurSig];
          Sig += min.GetStr() + "-";

        const TMd5Sig SigMd5(Sig);
        TIntSet Bucket;
        SignatureBandBuckets[i].IsKeyGetDat(SigMd5, Bucket);
        SignatureBandBuckets[i].AddDat(SigMd5, Bucket);
    } else {


  Err("Minhash step complete!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 27
/// Newton method: DEPRECATED
int TAGMFast::MLENewton(const double& Thres, const int& MaxIter, const TStr PlotNm) {
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  int iter = 0, PrevIter = 0;
  TIntFltPrV IterLV;
  double PrevL = TFlt::Mn, CurL;
  TUNGraph::TNodeI UI;
  TIntV NIdxV;
  int CID, UID, NewtonIter;
  double Fuc, PrevFuc, Grad, H;
  while(iter < MaxIter) {
    for (int ui = 0; ui < F.Len(); ui++, iter++) {
      if (! PlotNm.Empty() && iter % G->GetNodes() == 0) {
        IterLV.Add(TIntFltPr(iter, Likelihood(false)));
      UID = NIdxV[ui];
      //find set of candidate c (we only need to consider c to which a neighbor of u belongs to)
      TIntSet CIDSet;
      UI = G->GetNI(UID);
      if (UI.GetDeg() == 0) { //if the node is isolated, clear its membership and skip
        if (! F[UID].Empty()) { F[UID].Clr(); }
      for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
        if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
        TIntFltH& NbhCIDH = F[UI.GetNbrNId(e)];
        for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = NbhCIDH.BegI(); CI < NbhCIDH.EndI(); CI++) {
      for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = F[UID].BegI(); CI < F[UID].EndI(); CI++) { //remove the community membership which U does not share with its neighbors
        if (! CIDSet.IsKey(CI.GetKey())) {
          DelCom(UID, CI.GetKey());
      if (CIDSet.Empty()) { continue; }
      for (TIntSet::TIter CI = CIDSet.BegI(); CI < CIDSet.EndI(); CI++) {
        CID = CI.GetKey();
        //optimize for UID, CID
        //compute constants
        TFltV AlphaKV(UI.GetDeg());
        for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
          if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
          AlphaKV[e] = (1 - PNoCom) * exp(- DotProduct(UID, UI.GetNbrNId(e)) + GetCom(UI.GetNbrNId(e), CID) * GetCom(UID, CID));
          IAssertR(AlphaKV[e] <= 1.0, TStr::Fmt("AlphaKV=%f, %f, %f", AlphaKV[e].Val, PNoCom.Val, GetCom(UI.GetNbrNId(e), CID)));
        Fuc = GetCom(UID, CID);
        PrevFuc = Fuc;
        Grad = GradientForOneVar(AlphaKV, UID, CID, Fuc), H = 0.0;
        if (Grad <= 1e-3 && Grad >= -0.1) { continue; }
        NewtonIter = 0;
        while (NewtonIter++ < 10) {
          Grad = GradientForOneVar(AlphaKV, UID, CID, Fuc), H = 0.0;
          H = HessianForOneVar(AlphaKV, UID, CID, Fuc);
          if (Fuc == 0.0 && Grad <= 0.0) { Grad = 0.0; }
          if (fabs(Grad) < 1e-3) { break; }
          if (H == 0.0) { Fuc = 0.0; break; }
          double NewtonStep = - Grad / H;
          if (NewtonStep < -0.5) { NewtonStep = - 0.5; }
          Fuc += NewtonStep;
          if (Fuc < 0.0) { Fuc = 0.0; }
        if (Fuc == 0.0) {
          DelCom(UID, CID);
        else {
          AddCom(UID, CID, Fuc);
    if (iter - PrevIter >= 2 * G->GetNodes() && iter > 10000) {
      PrevIter = iter;
      CurL = Likelihood();
      if (PrevL > TFlt::Mn && ! PlotNm.Empty()) {
        printf("\r%d iterations, Likelihood: %f, Diff: %f", iter, CurL,  CurL - PrevL);
      if (CurL - PrevL <= Thres * fabs(PrevL)) { break; }
      else { PrevL = CurL; }
  if (! PlotNm.Empty()) {
    printf("\nMLE for Lambda completed with %d iterations(%s)\n", iter, ExeTm.GetTmStr());
    TGnuPlot::PlotValV(IterLV, PlotNm + ".likelihood_Q");
  return iter;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void TAGMFast::GradientForRow(const int UID, TIntFltH& GradU, const TIntSet& CIDSet) {

  TFltV HOSumFV; //adjust for Fv of v hold out
  if (HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0) {
    for (int e = 0; e < HOVIDSV[UID].Len(); e++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < SumFV.Len(); c++) {
        HOSumFV[c] += GetCom(HOVIDSV[UID][e], c);
  TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(UID);
  int Deg = NI.GetDeg();
  TFltV PredV(Deg), GradV(CIDSet.Len());
  TIntV CIDV(CIDSet.Len());
  if (DoParallel && Deg + CIDSet.Len() > 10) {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1)
    for (int e = 0; e < Deg; e++) {
      if (NI.GetNbrNId(e) == UID) { continue; }
      if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(NI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
      PredV[e] = Prediction(UID, NI.GetNbrNId(e));
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1)
    for (int c = 0; c < CIDSet.Len(); c++) {
      int CID = CIDSet.GetKey(c);
      double Val = 0.0;
      for (int e = 0; e < Deg; e++) {
        int VID = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
        if (VID == UID) { continue; }
        if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(VID)) { continue; }
        Val += PredV[e] * GetCom(VID, CID) / (1.0 - PredV[e]) + NegWgt * GetCom(VID, CID);
      double HOSum = HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0?  HOSumFV[CID].Val: 0.0;//subtract Hold out pairs only if hold out pairs exist
      Val -= NegWgt * (SumFV[CID] - HOSum - GetCom(UID, CID));
      CIDV[c] = CID;
      GradV[c] = Val;
  else {
    for (int e = 0; e < Deg; e++) {
      if (NI.GetNbrNId(e) == UID) { continue; }
      if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(NI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
      PredV[e] = Prediction(UID, NI.GetNbrNId(e));
    for (int c = 0; c < CIDSet.Len(); c++) {
      int CID = CIDSet.GetKey(c);
      double Val = 0.0;
      for (int e = 0; e < Deg; e++) {
        int VID = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
        if (VID == UID) { continue; }
        if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(VID)) { continue; }
        Val += PredV[e] * GetCom(VID, CID) / (1.0 - PredV[e]) + NegWgt * GetCom(VID, CID);
      double HOSum = HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0?  HOSumFV[CID].Val: 0.0;//subtract Hold out pairs only if hold out pairs exist
      Val -= NegWgt * (SumFV[CID] - HOSum - GetCom(UID, CID));
      CIDV[c] = CID;
      GradV[c] = Val;
  //add regularization
  if (RegCoef > 0.0) { //L1
    for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
      GradV[c] -= RegCoef; 
  if (RegCoef < 0.0) { //L2
    for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
      GradV[c] += 2 * RegCoef * GetCom(UID, CIDV[c]); 

  for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
    if (GetCom(UID, CIDV[c]) == 0.0 && GradV[c] < 0.0) { continue; }
    if (fabs(GradV[c]) < 0.0001) { continue; }
    GradU.AddDat(CIDV[c], GradV[c]);
  for (int c = 0; c < GradU.Len(); c++) {
    if (GradU[c] >= 10) { GradU[c] = 10; }
    if (GradU[c] <= -10) { GradU[c] = -10; }
    IAssert(GradU[c] >= -10);
Ejemplo n.º 29
namespace polygon_merger {

	int				polygonCount;

	typedef std::set<int>	TIntSet;
	TIntSet			vertices;
	TIntSet			borderVertices;
	typedef std::map< int, TIntVector > TIntIntsMap;
	TIntIntsMap		vertexNexts;
	TIntIntsMap		vertexPrevs;

	TIntVector		vertexUseCount;
	TIntVector		vertexTraceID;

	enum eVertexType {
		VTYPE_NONE,		///< Not computed yet
		VTYPE_INTERIOR,	///< Completely interior
		VTYPE_SINGLE,	///< On the border, belongs to single polygon
		VTYPE_MULTI,	///< On the border, belongs to multiple polygons
		VTYPE_DONE,		///< Already fully processed (traced into result polygon)
	TIntVector		vertexTypes;

	bool isVertexInterior( int idx )
		assert( idx >= 0 && idx < vertexUseCount.size() );

		// vertex is interior if it's use count is >1, AND
		// it's all neighbors' use counts are >1, AND it has exactly "usecount"
		// different neighbors.
		int useCount = vertexUseCount[idx];
		assert( useCount >= 1 );
		if( useCount < 2 )
			return false;

		TIntIntsMap::const_iterator it;
		int i, n;

		it = vertexNexts.find( idx );
		assert( it != vertexNexts.end() );
		const TIntVector& vnext = it->second;
		n = vnext.size();
		assert( n == useCount );
		for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
			if( vertexUseCount[vnext[i]] < 2 )
				return false;

		it = vertexPrevs.find( idx );
		assert( it != vertexPrevs.end() );
		const TIntVector& vprev = it->second;
		n = vprev.size();
		assert( n == useCount );
		for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
			int nidx = vprev[i];
			if( vertexUseCount[nidx] < 2 )
				return false;
			if( std::find( vnext.begin(), vnext.end(), nidx ) == vnext.end() )
				return false;

		return true; // fall through: must be interior

	void	markVertexTypes()
		TIntSet::const_iterator vit, vitEnd = vertices.end();

		// first pass: mark all interior and single-border vertices
		for( vit = vertices.begin(); vit != vitEnd; ++vit ) {
			int idx = *vit;
			if( vertexUseCount[idx] == 1 ) {
				vertexTypes[idx] = VTYPE_SINGLE;
				borderVertices.insert( idx );
			} else if( isVertexInterior(idx) )
				vertexTypes[idx] = VTYPE_INTERIOR;

		// now, the unmarked vertices are all shared and on border
		for( vit = vertices.begin(); vit != vitEnd; ++vit ) {
			int idx = *vit;
			if( vertexTypes[idx] == VTYPE_NONE ) {
				vertexTypes[idx] = VTYPE_MULTI;
				borderVertices.insert( idx );

	int		getBorderIndex()
		if( borderVertices.empty() )
			return -1;
		return *borderVertices.begin();
	void	traceBorder( const TWallVertexVector& vb, TIntVector& polygon, TIntVector& ib )
		static int traceID = 0;

		int idx0 = getBorderIndex();
		assert( idx0 >= 0 && idx0 < vertexTypes.size() );
		ib.resize( 0 );
		polygon.resize( 0 );
		polygon.reserve( vertices.size()/2 );

		TIntVector localPolygon;
		localPolygon.reserve( 128 );
		TIntVector localIB;
		localIB.reserve( 128 );

		int idxPrev = idx0;
		int idx = idx0;
		int debugCounter = 0;

		int debugLoopCounter = 0;

		do {

			localIB.resize( 0 );

			bool willFormLoop;

				localPolygon.push_back( idx );
				borderVertices.erase( idx );
				vertexTraceID[idx] = traceID;
				assert( ++debugCounter <= vertices.size()*2 );

				// Next vertex is the neighbor of current, that is not interior
				// and that is not the previous one.
				// When there are many possible ones, trace based on angle.

				int idxNext = -1;

				SVector2 prevToCurr = vb[idx] - vb[idxPrev];
				if( prevToCurr.lengthSq() < 1.0e-6f )
					prevToCurr.set( -0.01f, -0.01f );

				TIntIntsMap::const_iterator it;
				it = vertexNexts.find( idx );
				assert( it != vertexNexts.end() );
				const TIntVector& vnext = it->second;
				int n = vnext.size();
				float bestAngle = 100.0f;
				for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
					int idx1 = vnext[i];
					if( idx1 != idxPrev && vertexTypes[idx1] != VTYPE_INTERIOR ) {
					//if( idx1 != idxPrev ) {
						SVector2 currToNext = vb[idx1] - vb[idx];
						float ang = signedAngle2D( prevToCurr, currToNext );
						if( ang < bestAngle ) {
							bestAngle = ang;
							idxNext = idx1;
				assert( bestAngle > -4.0f && bestAngle < 4.0f );
				assert( idxNext >= 0 );

				willFormLoop = (vertexTraceID[idxNext] == traceID);

				// Optimization: if best angle is zero, then we're walking
				// in a straight line. Optimize out the current vertex.
				if( bestAngle == 0.0f && idx != idx0 && !willFormLoop ) {

				idxPrev = idx;
				idx = idxNext;

			} while( !willFormLoop );

			assert( localPolygon.size() >= 3 );
			//if( localPolygon.size() < 3 ) {
			//	return;

			assert( ++debugLoopCounter < vertices.size() );

			if( idx == idx0 ) {
				// The polygon is simple or we found the last loop.
				// Triangulate local and append to results.
				triangulator::process( vb, localPolygon, localIB );
				polygon.insert( polygon.end(), localPolygon.begin(), localPolygon.end() );
				ib.insert( ib.end(), localIB.begin(), localIB.end() );

				// We can have separated other loops. Try fetching them as well.
				idx0 = getBorderIndex();
				if( idx0 == -1 ) {
				} else {
					localPolygon.resize( 0 );
					idxPrev = idx0;
					idx = idx0;
			} else {

				// The polygon must be complex, and we just found a closed loop.
				// Take only the loop, triangulate it, append to results, continue.
				TIntVector::const_iterator itLoopStart = 
					std::find( localPolygon.begin(), localPolygon.end(), idx );
				assert( itLoopStart != localPolygon.end() );

				// append to results
				TIntVector loopPolygon( itLoopStart, localPolygon.end() );
				triangulator::process( vb, loopPolygon, localIB );
				polygon.insert( polygon.end(), loopPolygon.begin(), loopPolygon.end() );
				ib.insert( ib.end(), localIB.begin(), localIB.end() );

				// continue - remove the looped polygon from local
				localPolygon.resize( itLoopStart - localPolygon.begin() );


		} while( true );

	void	begin( int totalVerts )
		polygonCount = 0;


		vertexUseCount.resize( 0 );
		vertexUseCount.resize( totalVerts, 0 );

		vertexTraceID.resize( totalVerts, -1 );

		vertexTypes.resize( 0 );
		vertexTypes.resize( totalVerts, VTYPE_NONE );

	void	addPolygon( const TIntVector& ib )

		TIntVector::const_iterator vit, vitEnd = ib.end();
		for( vit = ib.begin(); vit != vitEnd; ++vit ) {
			int idx = *vit;
			assert( idx >= 0 && idx < vertexUseCount.size() );
			vertices.insert( idx );
			int idxNext = (vit==vitEnd-1) ? ib.front() : *(vit+1);
			int idxPrev = (vit==ib.begin()) ? ib.back() : *(vit-1);
			vertexNexts[idx].push_back( idxNext );
			vertexPrevs[idx].push_back( idxPrev );

	void end( const TWallVertexVector& vb, TIntVector& polygon, TIntVector& ib )
		assert( polygonCount );
		if( polygonCount == 1 ) {
			// trivial case, just output input polygon
			polygon.resize( 0 );
			polygon.reserve( vertices.size() );
			int idx0 = *vertices.begin();
			int idx = idx0;
			do {
				polygon.push_back( idx );
				const TIntVector& vnext = vertexNexts[idx];
				assert( vnext.size() == 1 );
				idx = vnext[0];
			} while( idx != idx0 );

			triangulator::process( vb, polygon, ib );

		} else {
			// mark vertex types

			// trace and triangulate the polygon(s)
			traceBorder( vb, polygon, ib );

}; // namespace polygon_merger