Ejemplo n.º 1
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::remove_duplicates_of_track( const TRACK *aTrack )
    bool modified = false;

    TRACK *nextsegment;
    for( TRACK *other = aTrack->Next(); other; other = nextsegment )
        nextsegment = other->Next();

        // New netcode, break out (can't be there any other)
        if( aTrack->GetNetCode() != other->GetNetCode() )

        // Must be of the same type, on the same layer and the endpoints
        // must be the same (maybe swapped)
        if( (aTrack->Type() != other->Type()) &&
            (aTrack->GetLayer() != other->GetLayer()) )
            if( ((aTrack->GetStart() == other->GetStart()) &&
                 (aTrack->GetEnd() == other->GetEnd())) ||
                ((aTrack->GetStart() == other->GetEnd()) &&
                 (aTrack->GetEnd() == other->GetStart())))
                m_Brd->GetRatsnest()->Remove( other );
                modified = true;
    return modified;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::merge_collinear_of_track( TRACK *aSegment )
    bool merged_this = false;

    // *WHY* doesn't C++ have prec and succ (or ++ --) like PASCAL?
    for( ENDPOINT_T endpoint = ENDPOINT_START; endpoint <= ENDPOINT_END;
            endpoint = ENDPOINT_T( endpoint + 1 ) )
        // search for a possible segment connected to the current endpoint of the current one
        TRACK *other = aSegment->Next();
        if( other )
            other = aSegment->GetTrack( other, NULL, endpoint, true, false );

            if( other )
                // the two segments must have the same width and the other
                // cannot be a via
                if( (aSegment->GetWidth() == other->GetWidth()) &&
                        (other->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T) )
                    // There can be only one segment connected
                    other->SetState( BUSY, true );
                    TRACK *yet_another = aSegment->GetTrack( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL,
                            endpoint, true, false );
                    other->SetState( BUSY, false );

                    if( !yet_another )
                        // Try to merge them
                        TRACK *segDelete = mergeCollinearSegmentIfPossible( aSegment,
                                other, endpoint );

                        // Merge succesful, the other one has to go away
                        if( segDelete )
                            m_Brd->GetRatsnest()->Remove( segDelete );
                            merged_this = true;

    return merged_this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *  Delete dangling tracks
 *  Vias:
 *  If a via is only connected to a dangling track, it also will be removed
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::deleteUnconnectedTracks()
    if( m_Brd->m_Track == NULL )
        return false;

    bool modified = false;
    bool item_erased;
    do // Iterate when at least one track is deleted
        item_erased = false;
        TRACK* next_track;
        for( TRACK *track = m_Brd->m_Track; track != NULL; track = next_track )
            next_track = track->Next();

            bool flag_erase = false; // Start without a good reason to erase it

            /* if a track endpoint is not connected to a pad, test if
             * the endpoint is connected to another track or to a zone.
             * For via test, an enhancement could be to test if
             * connected to 2 items on different layers. Currently
             * a via must be connected to 2 items, that can be on the
             * same layer */

            // Check if there is nothing attached on the start
            if( !(track->GetState( START_ON_PAD )) )
                flag_erase |= testTrackEndpointDangling( track, ENDPOINT_START );

            // Check if there is nothing attached on the end
            if( !(track->GetState( END_ON_PAD )) )
                flag_erase |= testTrackEndpointDangling( track, ENDPOINT_END );

            if( flag_erase )
                // remove segment from board
                m_Brd->GetRatsnest()->Remove( track );

                /* keep iterating, because a track connected to the deleted track
                 * now perhaps is not connected and should be deleted */
                item_erased = true;
                modified = true;
    } while( item_erased );

    return modified;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Delete null length track segments
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::delete_null_segments()
    TRACK *nextsegment;
    bool modified = false;

    // Delete null segments
    for( TRACK *segment = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = nextsegment )
        nextsegment = segment->Next();

        if( segment->IsNull() )     // Length segment = 0; delete it
            m_Brd->GetRatsnest()->Remove( segment );
            modified = true;
    return modified;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Delete null length segments, and intermediate points ..
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::clean_segments()
    bool modified = false;
    TRACK*          segment, * nextsegment;
    TRACK*          other;
    int             flag, no_inc;

    // Delete null segments
    for( segment = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = nextsegment )
        nextsegment = segment->Next();

        if( segment->IsNull() )     // Length segment = 0; delete it

    // Delete redundant segments, i.e. segments having the same end points
    // and layers
    for( segment  = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = segment->Next() )
        for( other = segment->Next(); other; other = nextsegment )
            nextsegment = other->Next();
            bool erase = false;

            if( segment->Type() != other->Type() )

            if( segment->GetLayer() != other->GetLayer() )

            if( segment->GetNetCode() != other->GetNetCode() )

            if( ( segment->GetStart() == other->GetStart() ) &&
                ( segment->GetEnd() == other->GetEnd() ) )
                erase = true;

            if( ( segment->GetStart() == other->GetEnd() ) &&
                ( segment->GetEnd() == other->GetStart() ) )
                erase = true;

            // Delete redundant point
            if( erase )
                modified = true;

    // merge collinear segments:
    for( segment = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = nextsegment )
        TRACK*  segStart;
        TRACK*  segEnd;
        TRACK*  segDelete;

        nextsegment = segment->Next();

        if( segment->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )

        flag = no_inc = 0;

        // search for a possible point connected to the START point of the current segment
        for( segStart = segment->Next(); ; )
            segStart = segment->GetTrace( segStart, NULL, FLG_START );

            if( segStart )
                // the two segments must have the same width
                if( segment->GetWidth() != segStart->GetWidth() )

                // it cannot be a via
                if( segStart->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )

                // We must have only one segment connected
                segStart->SetState( BUSY, true );
                other = segment->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );
                segStart->SetState( BUSY, false );

                if( other == NULL )
                    flag = 1;           // OK


        if( flag )   // We have the starting point of the segment is connected to an other segment
            segDelete = mergeCollinearSegmentIfPossible( segment, segStart, FLG_START );

            if( segDelete )
                no_inc = 1;
                modified = true;

        // search for a possible point connected to the END point of the current segment:
        for( segEnd = segment->Next(); ; )
            segEnd = segment->GetTrace( segEnd, NULL, FLG_END );

            if( segEnd )
                if( segment->GetWidth() != segEnd->GetWidth() )

                if( segEnd->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )

                // We must have only one segment connected
                segEnd->SetState( BUSY, true );
                other = segment->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );
                segEnd->SetState( BUSY, false );

                if( other == NULL )
                    flag |= 2;          // Ok


        if( flag & 2 )  // We have the ending point of the segment is connected to an other segment
            segDelete = mergeCollinearSegmentIfPossible( segment, segEnd, FLG_END );

            if( segDelete )
                no_inc = 1;
                modified = true;

        if( no_inc ) // The current segment was modified, retry to merge it
            nextsegment = segment->Next();

    return modified;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 *  Delete dangling tracks
 *  Vias:
 *  If a via is only connected to a dangling track, it also will be removed
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::deleteUnconnectedTracks()
    if( m_Brd->m_Track == NULL )
        return false;

    bool modified = false;
    bool item_erased = true;
    while( item_erased )    // Iterate when at least one track is deleted
        item_erased = false;
        TRACK* next_track;
        for( TRACK * track = m_Brd->m_Track; track ; track = next_track )
            next_track = track->Next();

            int flag_erase = 0; //Not connected indicator
            int type_end = 0;

            if( track->GetState( START_ON_PAD ) )
                type_end |= START_ON_PAD;

            if( track->GetState( END_ON_PAD ) )
                type_end |= END_ON_PAD;

            // if the track start point is not connected to a pad,
            // test if this track start point is connected to another track
            // For via test, an enhancement could be to test if connected
            // to 2 items on different layers.
            // Currently a via must be connected to 2 items, that can be on the same layer
            LAYER_NUM top_layer, bottom_layer;
            ZONE_CONTAINER* zone;

            if( (type_end & START_ON_PAD ) == 0 )
                TRACK* other = track->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

                if( other == NULL )     // Test a connection to zones
                    if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetStart(),
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );
                        ((SEGVIA*)track)->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetStart(),
                                                               top_layer, bottom_layer,
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );

                if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                    flag_erase |= 1;
                else    // segment, via or zone connected to this end
                    track->start = other;
                    // If a via is connected to this end,
                    // test if this via has a second item connected.
                    // If no, remove it with the current segment

                    if( other && other->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        // search for another segment following the via
                        track->SetState( BUSY, true );

                        SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) other;
                        other = via->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

                        if( other == NULL )
                            via->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                            zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( via->GetStart(),
                                                                   via->GetNetCode() );

                        if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                            flag_erase |= 2;

                        track->SetState( BUSY, false );

            // if track end point is not connected to a pad,
            // test if this track end point is connected to an other track
            if( (type_end & END_ON_PAD ) == 0 )
                TRACK* other = track->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

                if( other == NULL )     // Test a connection to zones
                    if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetEnd(),
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );
                        ((SEGVIA*)track)->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetEnd(),
                                                               top_layer, bottom_layer,
                                                               track->GetNetCode() );

                if ( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                    flag_erase |= 0x10;
                else     // segment, via or zone connected to this end
                    track->end = other;

                    // If a via is connected to this end, test if this via has a second item connected
                    // if no, remove it with the current segment

                    if( other && other->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        // search for another segment following the via

                        track->SetState( BUSY, true );

                        SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) other;
                        other = via->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

                        if( other == NULL )
                            via->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                            zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( via->GetEnd(),
                                                                   bottom_layer, top_layer,
                                                                   via->GetNetCode() );

                        if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                            flag_erase |= 0x20;

                        track->SetState( BUSY, false );

            if( flag_erase )
                // remove segment from board
                // iterate, because a track connected to the deleted track
                // is now perhaps now not connected and should be deleted
                item_erased = true;
                modified = true;

    return modified;