Ejemplo n.º 1
TTErr TTProtocol::getApplicationParameters(TTSymbol parameterName, TTValue& value)
    TTValue     v;
    TTHashPtr   parameters;
    if (!mApplicationParameters.lookup(mSelectedApplication, v)) {
        parameters = TTHashPtr((TTPtr)v[0]);
        return parameters->lookup(parameterName, value);
    return kTTErrGeneric;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void cue_get(TTPtr self, t_symbol *msg, long argc, t_atom *argv)
    WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTHashPtr   allCues;
	TTValue     v;
	TTSymbol    name, attribute;
    TTObject	cue;
    long        ac = 0;
	t_atom      *av = NULL;
    if (argc == 2) {
        if (atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM && atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_SYM) {
            attribute = TTSymbol((char*)atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
            name = TTSymbol((char*)atom_getsym(argv+1)->s_name);
            // get cue object table
            x->wrappedObject.get("cues", v);
            allCues = TTHashPtr((TTPtr)v[0]);
            if (allCues) {
                // get cue
                if (!allCues->lookup(name, v)) {
                    cue = v[0];
                    if (!cue.get(attribute, v)) {
                        jamoma_ttvalue_to_Atom(v, &ac, &av);
                        object_obex_dumpout(self, atom_getsym(argv), ac, av);
                        object_error((t_object*)x, "%s attribute doesn't exist", atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
                    object_error((t_object*)x, "%s cue doesn't exist", atom_getsym(argv+1)->s_name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void cue_set(TTPtr self, t_symbol *msg, long argc, t_atom *argv)
    WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTHashPtr   allCues;
	TTValue     v;
	TTSymbol    name, attribute;
    TTObject	cue;
    if (argc >= 2) {
        if (atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM && atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_SYM) {
            attribute = TTSymbol((char*)atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
            name = TTSymbol((char*)atom_getsym(argv+1)->s_name);
            // get cue object table
            x->wrappedObject.get("cues", v);
            allCues = TTHashPtr((TTPtr)v[0]);
            if (allCues) {
                // get cue
                if (!allCues->lookup(name, v)) {
                    cue = v[0];
                    // prepare value to set
                    jamoma_ttvalue_from_Atom(v, _sym_nothing, argc-2, argv+2);
                    if (cue.set(attribute, v))
                        object_error((t_object*)x, "%s attribute doesn't exist", atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
                    object_error((t_object*)x, "%s cue doesn't exist", atom_getsym(argv+1)->s_name);
Ejemplo n.º 4
TTErr TTProtocol::ApplicationRegister(const TTValue& inputValue, TTValue& outputValue)
    TTObject    application;
	TTSymbol	parameterName;
	TTHashPtr	applicationParameters;
	TTValue		v, parameterNames, out, none;
	TTErr		err;
    // update local application name
    mApplicationManager.get("applicationLocalName", v);
    mLocalApplicationName = v[0];
    if (inputValue.size() == 1) {
        if (inputValue[0].type() == kTypeSymbol) {
            mSelectedApplication = inputValue[0];
            // Check the application is not already registered
            err = mApplicationParameters.lookup(mSelectedApplication, v);
            if (err) {
                applicationParameters = new TTHash();
                // prepare parameters table
                for (TTUInt32 i = 0; i < parameterNames.size(); i++) {
                    parameterName = parameterNames[i];
                    applicationParameters->append(parameterName, none);
                // add the parameters table into mApplicationParameters
                v = TTValue((TTPtr)applicationParameters);
                mApplicationParameters.append(mSelectedApplication, v);
                // optionnaly format the application type depending on the protocol features
                // (if the application is already registered into the application manager)
                err = mApplicationManager.send("ApplicationFind", mSelectedApplication, out);
                if (!err) {
                    application = out[0];
                    // for none local application
                    if (mSelectedApplication != mLocalApplicationName) {
                        // setup the application type depending of the discovering feature of the protocol
                        if (mDiscover || mDiscoverAll)
                            application.set("type", kTTSym_mirror);
                            application.set("type", kTTSym_proxy);
                return kTTErrNone;
	return kTTErrGeneric;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void cue_edit(TTPtr self, t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	TTString			*buffer;
	char				title[MAX_FILENAME_CHARS];
	TTObject            aTextHandler;
	TTHashPtr			allCues;
	TTValue				v, o;
	TTSymbol			name = kTTSymEmpty;
    t_atom				a;
	TTErr				tterr;
	// choose object to edit : default the cuelist
	*EXTRA->toEdit = x->wrappedObject;
	EXTRA->cueName = kTTSymEmpty;
	if (argc && argv)
		if (atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
            TTUInt32 index = atom_getlong(argv);
			// get cues names
			x->wrappedObject.get("names", v);
			if (index > 0 && index <= v.size())
				name = v[index-1];
				object_error((t_object*)x, "%d doesn't exist", atom_getlong(argv));
		else if (atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM)
			name = TTSymbol(atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
		if (name != kTTSymEmpty)
			// get cue object table
			x->wrappedObject.get("cues", v);
			allCues = TTHashPtr((TTPtr)v[0]);
			if (allCues)
				// get cue to edit
				if (!allCues->lookup(name, v))
					// edit a cue
					*EXTRA->toEdit = v[0];
					EXTRA->cueName = name;
					object_error((t_object*)x, "%s doesn't exist", atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
	// only one editor can be open in the same time
	if (!EXTRA->textEditor) {
		EXTRA->textEditor = (t_object*)object_new(_sym_nobox, _sym_jed, x, 0);
		buffer = new TTString();
		// get the buffer handler
		tterr = x->internals->lookup(kTTSym_TextHandler, o);
		if (!tterr) {
			aTextHandler = o[0];
			aTextHandler.set(kTTSym_object, *EXTRA->toEdit);
			tterr = aTextHandler.send(kTTSym_Write, (TTPtr)buffer);
		// pass the buffer to the editor
		object_method(EXTRA->textEditor, _sym_settext, buffer->c_str(), _sym_utf_8);
		object_attr_setchar(EXTRA->textEditor, gensym("scratch"), 1);
		snprintf(title, MAX_FILENAME_CHARS, "cuelist editor");
		object_attr_setsym(EXTRA->textEditor, _sym_title, gensym(title));
        // output a flag
        atom_setsym(&a, gensym("opened"));
        object_obex_dumpout(self, gensym("editor"), 1, &a);
		delete buffer;
		buffer = NULL;
        object_attr_setchar(EXTRA->textEditor, gensym("visible"), 1);