Ejemplo n.º 1
// I embarassingly don't know how templating works.
void QuoteGraph::CompareUsingMinHash(TVec<THash<TMd5Sig, TIntSet> >& BucketsVector) {
  THashSet<TIntPr> EdgeCache;
  int Count = 0;
  int RealCount = 0;

  Err("Beginning edge creation step...\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < BucketsVector.Len(); i++) {
    Err("Processing band signature %d of %d - %d signatures\n", i+1, BucketsVector.Len(), BucketsVector[i].Len());
    TVec<TMd5Sig> Buckets;
    TVec<TMd5Sig>::TIter BucketEnd = Buckets.EndI();
    for (TVec<TMd5Sig>::TIter BucketSig = Buckets.BegI(); BucketSig < BucketEnd; BucketSig++) {
      TIntSet Bucket  = BucketsVector[i].GetDat(*BucketSig);
      Count += Bucket.Len() * (Bucket.Len() - 1) / 2;
      for (TIntSet::TIter Quote1 = Bucket.BegI(); Quote1 < Bucket.EndI(); Quote1++) {
        TIntSet::TIter Quote1Copy = Quote1;
        for (TIntSet::TIter Quote2 = Quote1Copy; Quote2 < Bucket.EndI(); Quote2++) {
          if (!EdgeCache.IsKey(TIntPr(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey())) && !EdgeCache.IsKey(TIntPr(Quote2.GetKey(), Quote1.GetKey()))) {
            EdgeCache.AddKey(TIntPr(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey()));
            EdgeCache.AddKey(TIntPr(Quote2.GetKey(), Quote1.GetKey()));
            AddEdgeIfSimilar(Quote1.GetKey(), Quote2.GetKey());
  fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER OF COMPARES: %d\n", Count);
  fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER OF REAL COMPARES: %d\n", RealCount);
Ejemplo n.º 2
double ave_path_length (PUNGraph p) {
  TVec<TInt> v;
  double tot_lengths = 0.0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI n = p->BegNI(); n != p->EndNI(); n++) {
    v = v + n.GetId();
  //  cerr << "vlen: " << v.Len() << endl;
  TBreathFS<PUNGraph> b(p);
  double tot_pairs = 0.0;
  while (v.Len () > 0) {
    TInt last = v[v.Len()-1];
    b.DoBfs (last, true, true);
    for (TVec<TInt>::TIter i = v.BegI(); (*i) != last; i++) {
      int length;
      length = b.GetHops (last, (*i));
      if (length == length) {
	tot_lengths += length;
	tot_pairs += 1;
    //    cerr << "tps: " << tot_pairs << ", last: " << last << ", beg: " << v[*(v.BegI())] << endl;
  // cerr << "paths: " << tot_lengths << " " << tot_pairs << " " << (tot_lengths/tot_pairs) << endl;
  return tot_lengths / tot_pairs;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void TMultimodalGraphImplB::AddEdgeBatch(const TPair<TInt,TInt>& SrcNId, const TVec<TPair<TInt,TInt> >& DstNIds) {
  IAssertR(IsNode(SrcNId), TStr::Fmt("%d not a node.", SrcNId.GetVal2()).CStr());
  for (TVec<TPair<TInt,TInt> >::TIter DstNId = DstNIds.BegI(); DstNId < DstNIds.EndI(); DstNId++) {
    AddEdge(SrcNId, *DstNId);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  TEnv Env(argc, argv);
  TStr PrefixPath = Env.GetArgs() > 1 ? Env.GetArg(1) : TStr("");

  double ts1 = Tick();
  TTableContext Context;
  TVec<PTable> NodeTblV = TVec<PTable>();
  TVec<PTable> EdgeTblV = TVec<PTable>();
  Schema NodeSchema = Schema();
  Schema EdgeSchema = Schema();
  LoadFlickrTables(PrefixPath, Context, NodeTblV, NodeSchema, EdgeTblV, EdgeSchema);

  double ts2 = Tick();

  int ExpectedSz = 0;
  for (TVec<PTable>::TIter it = NodeTblV.BegI(); it < NodeTblV.EndI(); it++) {
    PTable Table = *it;
    ExpectedSz += Table->GetNumRows();

  THash<TStr, TInt> Hash(ExpectedSz);
  TStrV OriNIdV(ExpectedSz);

  MergeNodeTables(NodeTblV, NodeSchema, Hash, OriNIdV);
  PTable EdgeTable = MergeEdgeTables(EdgeTblV, EdgeSchema, Hash, Context);

  double ts3 = Tick();
  TStrV V;
  TStrV VE;
  PNEANet Graph = TSnap::ToNetwork<PNEANet>(EdgeTable, EdgeSchema.GetVal(0).GetVal1(), EdgeSchema.GetVal(1).GetVal1(),
						V, V, VE, aaLast);
  double ts4 = Tick();

  //int nExps = 1;
  int nExps = 40;
  TIntFltH PageRankResults;
  for (int i = 0; i < nExps; i++) {
    PageRankResults = TIntFltH(ExpectedSz);
    TSnap::GetWeightedPageRankMP2(Graph, PageRankResults, EdgeSchema.GetVal(2).GetVal1(), 0.849999999999998, 0.0001, 10);
    TSnap::GetWeightedPageRank(Graph, PageRankResults, EdgeSchema.GetVal(2).GetVal1(), 0.849999999999998, 0.0001, 10);
  double ts5 = Tick();

  PSOut ResultOut = TFOut::New(PrefixPath + TStr("page-rank-results.tsv"));
  for (TIntFltH::TIter it = PageRankResults.BegI(); it < PageRankResults.EndI(); it++) {
    ResultOut->PutStrFmtLn("%s\t%f9", OriNIdV[it.GetKey()].CStr(), it.GetDat().Val);
  double ts6 = Tick();

  bool isPar = false;
  isPar = true;

//  PSOut FeaturesOut = TFOut::New(PrefixPath + "features.txt");
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Photo %d", PPhotoTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Users %d", PUserTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Tags %d", PTagTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Comments %d", PCommentTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Locations %d", PLocationTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Photo - Owner %d", PPhotoOwnerTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Photo - Comment %d", PPhotoCommentTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Photo - Location %d", PPhotoLocationTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Comment - User %d", PCommentUserTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Comment - User %d", PCommentUserTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
////  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Photo - Tagger %d", PPhotoTaggerTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Tagger - Tag %d", PTaggerTagTbl->GetNumRows().Val);
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Total number of nodes = %d", Graph->GetNodes());
//  FeaturesOut->PutStrFmtLn("Total number of edges = %d", Graph->GetEdges());

  PSOut TimeOut = TFOut::New(PrefixPath + TStr("time.txt"), true);
  TimeOut->PutStrFmtLn("Experiment Weighted - %s - %s", PrefixPath.CStr(), (isPar ? "Parallel" : "Sequential"));
  TimeOut->PutStrFmtLn("Input Time = %f", GetCPUTimeUsage(ts1, ts2));
  TimeOut->PutStrFmtLn("Preprocessing Time = %f", GetCPUTimeUsage(ts2, ts3));
  TimeOut->PutStrFmtLn("Conversion Time = %f", GetCPUTimeUsage(ts3, ts4));
  TimeOut->PutStrFmtLn("Computing Time = %f", GetCPUTimeUsage(ts4, ts5)/nExps);
  TimeOut->PutStrFmtLn("Output Time = %f", GetCPUTimeUsage(ts5, ts6));

  return 0;