bool CellsMover::canMoveCells(const TPoint &pos) { TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); if (pos.x < 0) return false; if (pos.x != m_startPos.x) { int count = 0; // controlla il tipo int i = 0; while (i < m_rowCount * m_colCount) { TXshColumn::ColumnType srcType = getColumnTypeFromCell(i); int dstIndex = pos.x + i; TXshColumn *dstColumn = xsh->getColumn(dstIndex); if (srcType == TXshColumn::eZeraryFxType) return false; if (dstColumn && !dstColumn->isEmpty() && dstColumn->getColumnType() != srcType) return false; if (!dstColumn || dstColumn->isLocked() == false) count++; i += m_rowCount; } if (count == 0) return false; } if ((m_qualifiers & CellsMover::eInsertCells) || (m_qualifiers & CellsMover::eOverwriteCells)) return true; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m_rowCount; j++) { if (!xsh->getCell(pos.y + j, pos.x + i).isEmpty()) return false; count++; } } if (count == 0) return false; return true; }
void TColumnDataElement::storeColumn(TXsheet *xsh, int index, int fxFlags) { if (index < 0) return; bool doClone = (fxFlags & eDoClone); bool resetFxDagPositions = (fxFlags & eResetFxDagPositions); // Fetch the specified column (if none, return) TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(index)); assert(obj); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); if (!column) return; TFx *fx = column->getFx(); TPointD dagPos; if (fx) dagPos = fx->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos(); if (doClone) column = column->clone(); // Zerary fxs clone the associated fx (drawn levels do not) if (fx && !resetFxDagPositions) column->getFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(dagPos); m_column = column; storeObject(obj->getId(), xsh); }
int addShowHideStageObjectCmds(const std::vector<int> &columnIndexes, QMenu *menu, bool isShow) { int ii, columnIndex = -1; bool flag = true; for (ii = columnIndexes.size() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { TStageObjectId id = TStageObjectId::ColumnId(columnIndexes[ii]); TXshColumn *col = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet()->getColumn( columnIndexes[ii]); if (!col) continue; if (!isShow && col->isCamstandVisible()) { if (columnIndex == -1) columnIndex = columnIndexes[ii]; if (flag) { menu->addSeparator(); flag = false; } addShowHideStageObjectCmd(menu, id, false); } else if (isShow && !col->isCamstandVisible()) { if (flag) { menu->addSeparator(); flag = false; } addShowHideStageObjectCmd(menu, id, true); } } return columnIndex; }
void ColumnCmd::resequence(int index) { if (!canResequence(index)) return; TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); assert(column); TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); assert(lcolumn); int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); TXshChildLevel *xl = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); assert(xl); TXsheet *childXsh = xl->getXsheet(); int frameCount = childXsh->getFrameCount(); if (frameCount < 1) frameCount = 1; TUndoManager::manager()->add(new ResequenceUndo(index, frameCount)); lcolumn->clearCells(r0, r1 - r0 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { cell.m_frameId = TFrameId(i + 1); lcolumn->setCell(r0 + i, cell); } xsh->updateFrameCount(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
void RowArea::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { m_viewer->setQtModifiers(event->modifiers()); if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { bool playRangeModifierisClicked = false; TApp *app = TApp::instance(); TXsheet *xsh = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene()->getXsheet(); TPoint pos(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); int row = m_viewer->yToRow(pos.y); QRect visibleRect = visibleRegion().boundingRect(); int playR0, playR1, step; XsheetGUI::getPlayRange(playR0, playR1, step); bool playRangeEnabled = playR0 <= playR1; if (!playRangeEnabled) { TXsheet *xsh = m_viewer->getXsheet(); playR1 = xsh->getFrameCount() - 1; playR0 = 0; } if (playR1 == -1) { //getFrameCount = 0 i.e. xsheet is empty setDragTool(XsheetGUI::DragTool::makeCurrentFrameModifierTool(m_viewer)); } else if (m_xa <= pos.x && pos.x <= m_xa + 10 && (row == playR0 || row == playR1)) { if (!playRangeEnabled) XsheetGUI::setPlayRange(playR0, playR1, step); setDragTool(XsheetGUI::DragTool::makePlayRangeModifierTool(m_viewer)); playRangeModifierisClicked = true; } else setDragTool(XsheetGUI::DragTool::makeCurrentFrameModifierTool(m_viewer)); //when shift+click the row area, select a single row region in the cell area if (!playRangeModifierisClicked && 0 != (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) { int filledCol; for (filledCol = xsh->getColumnCount() - 1; filledCol >= 0; filledCol--) { TXshColumn *currentColumn = xsh->getColumn(filledCol); if (!currentColumn) continue; if (!currentColumn->isEmpty()) break; } m_viewer->getCellSelection()->selectNone(); m_viewer->getCellSelection()->selectCells(row, 0, row, tmax(0, filledCol)); m_viewer->updateCellRowAree(); } m_viewer->dragToolClick(event); event->accept(); } // left-click // pan by middle-drag else if (event->button() == Qt::MidButton) { m_pos = event->pos(); m_isPanning = true; } }
void CellsMover::getCells(std::vector<TXshCell> &cells, int r, int c) const { for (int i = 0; i < (int)cells.size(); i++) cells[i] = TXshCell(); TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(c + i); if (column && column->isLocked()) continue; xsh->getCells(r, c + i, m_rowCount, &cells[m_rowCount * i]); } }
bool TXsheet::setCell(int row, int col, const TXshCell &cell) { if (row < 0 || col < 0) return false; bool wasColumnEmpty = isColumnEmpty(col); TXshCellColumn *cellColumn; if (!cell.isEmpty()) { TXshLevel *level = cell.m_level.getPointer(); assert(level); int levelType = level->getType(); TXshColumn::ColumnType type = TXshColumn::eLevelType; if (levelType == SND_XSHLEVEL) type = TXshColumn::eSoundType; else if (levelType == SND_TXT_XSHLEVEL) type = TXshColumn::eSoundTextType; else if (levelType == PLT_XSHLEVEL) type = TXshColumn::ePaletteType; else if (levelType == ZERARYFX_XSHLEVEL) type = TXshColumn::eZeraryFxType; else if (levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL) type = TXshColumn::eMeshType; cellColumn = touchColumn(col, type)->getCellColumn(); } else { TXshColumn *column = getColumn(col); cellColumn = column ? column->getCellColumn() : 0; } if (!cellColumn || cellColumn->isLocked()) return false; cellColumn->setXsheet(this); if (!cellColumn->setCell(row, cell)) { if (wasColumnEmpty) { removeColumn(col); insertColumn(col); } return false; } TFx *fx = cellColumn->getFx(); if (wasColumnEmpty && fx && fx->getOutputConnectionCount() == 0 && cellColumn->getPaletteColumn() == 0) getFxDag()->addToXsheet(fx); if (cell.isEmpty()) updateFrameCount(); else if (row >= m_imp->m_frameCount) m_imp->m_frameCount = row + 1; TNotifier::instance()->notify(TXsheetChange()); return true; }
void SceneViewerContextMenu::onShowHide() { int columnIndex = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender())->data().toInt(); TXsheetHandle *xsheetHandle = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsheetHandle->getXsheet()->getColumn(columnIndex); if (column) { column->setCamstandVisible(!column->isCamstandVisible()); xsheetHandle->notifyXsheetChanged(); } }
// isTotallyEmptyColumn == column empty, no fx bool LevelMoverTool::isTotallyEmptyColumn(int col) const { if (col < 0) return false; TXsheet *xsh = getViewer()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(col); if (!column) return true; if (!column->isEmpty()) return false; if (column->getFx()->getOutputConnectionCount() != 0) return false; // bisogna controllare lo stage object return true; }
// // xsheet <- cells // void CellsMover::setCells(const std::vector<TXshCell> &cells, int r, int c) const { TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(c + i); if (column) // skip if columns is locked or doesn't support cells operation if (column->getCellColumn() == 0 || column->isLocked()) continue; xsh->setCells(r, c + i, m_rowCount, &cells[m_rowCount * i]); } }
TStageObject *ViewerKeyframeNavigator::getStageObject() const { if (!m_xsheetHandle || !m_objectHandle) return 0; TStageObjectId objectId = m_objectHandle->getObjectId(); TXsheet *xsh = m_xsheetHandle->getXsheet(); // Se e' una colonna sound non posso settare chiavi if (objectId.isColumn()) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(objectId.getIndex()); if (column && column->getSoundColumn()) return 0; } return xsh->getStageObject(objectId); }
bool SkeletonTool::doesApply() const { TTool::Application *app = TTool::getApplication(); TXsheet *xsh = app->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); assert(xsh); TStageObjectId objId = app->getCurrentObject()->getObjectId(); if (objId.isColumn()) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(objId.getIndex()); if (column && column->getSoundColumn()) return false; } return true; }
void LayerHeaderPanel::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { TApp *app = TApp::instance(); TXsheet *xsh = m_viewer->getXsheet(); int col, totcols = xsh->getColumnCount(); bool sound_changed = false; if (m_doOnRelease != 0 && totcols > 0) { for (col = 0; col < totcols; col++) { if (!xsh->isColumnEmpty(col)) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(col); if (m_doOnRelease == ToggleAllPreviewVisible) { column->setPreviewVisible(!column->isPreviewVisible()); } else if (m_doOnRelease == ToggleAllTransparency) { column->setCamstandVisible(!column->isCamstandVisible()); if (column->getSoundColumn()) sound_changed = true; } else if (m_doOnRelease == ToggleAllLock) { column->lock(!column->isLocked()); } } } if (sound_changed) { app->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetSoundChanged(); } app->getCurrentScene()->notifySceneChanged(); app->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); } m_viewer->updateColumnArea(); update(); m_doOnRelease = 0; }
static inline bool isMeshDeformed(TXsheet *xsh, TStageObject *obj, const ImagePainter::VisualSettings *vs) { const TStageObjectId &parentId = obj->getParent(); if (parentId.isColumn() && obj->getParentHandle()[0] != 'H') { TStageObject *parentObj = xsh->getStageObject(parentId); if (!parentObj->getPlasticSkeletonDeformation()) return false; TXshColumn *parentCol = xsh->getColumn(parentId.getIndex()); return (parentCol->getColumnType() == TXshColumn::eMeshType) && (parentCol != vs->m_plasticVisualSettings.m_showOriginalColumn); } return false; }
// // xsheet <- m_cells; insert cells if qualifiers contain eInsertCells // void CellsMover::moveCells(const TPoint &pos) const { int r = pos.y; int c = pos.x; TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); if (m_qualifiers & eInsertCells) { for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(c + i); if (column) { if (column->getCellColumn() == 0 || column->isLocked()) continue; xsh->insertCells(r, c + i, m_rowCount); } } } setCells(m_cells, r, c); }
void TXsheet::loadData(TIStream &is) { clearAll(); TStageObjectId cameraId = TStageObjectId::CameraId(0); TStageObject *firstCamera = getStageObject(cameraId); m_imp->m_pegTree->removeStageObject(cameraId); int col = 0; string tagName; while (is.openChild(tagName)) { if (tagName == "columns") { while (!is.eos()) { TPersist *p = 0; is >> p; TXshColumn *column = dynamic_cast<TXshColumn *>(p); if (!column) throw TException("expected xsheet column"); m_imp->m_columnSet.insertColumn(col++, column); column->setXsheet(this); if (TXshZeraryFxColumn *zc = dynamic_cast<TXshZeraryFxColumn *>(column)) { TFx *fx = zc->getZeraryColumnFx()->getZeraryFx(); int fxTypeCount = m_imp->m_fxDag->getFxTypeCount(fx); int maxFxTypeId = std::max(fxTypeCount, fx->getAttributes()->getId()); m_imp->m_fxDag->updateFxTypeTable(fx, maxFxTypeId); m_imp->m_fxDag->updateFxIdTable(fx); for (int j = 0; j < fx->getParams()->getParamCount(); j++) { TParam *param = fx->getParams()->getParam(j); if (TDoubleParam *dp = dynamic_cast<TDoubleParam *>(param)) getStageObjectTree()->setGrammar(dp); else if (dynamic_cast<TPointParam *>(param) || dynamic_cast<TRangeParam *>(param) || dynamic_cast<TPixelParam *>(param)) { TParamSet *paramSet = dynamic_cast<TParamSet *>(param); assert(paramSet); int f; for (f = 0; f < paramSet->getParamCount(); f++) { TDoubleParam *dp = dynamic_cast<TDoubleParam *>( paramSet->getParam(f).getPointer()); if (!dp) continue; getStageObjectTree()->setGrammar(dp); } } } } } } else if (tagName == "pegbars") { TPersist *p = m_imp->m_pegTree; is >> *p; } else if (tagName == "fxnodes") {
void SchematicViewer::updateScenes() { TStageObjectId id = m_stageScene->getCurrentObject(); if (id.isColumn()) { m_stageScene->update(); TXsheet *xsh = m_stageScene->getXsheetHandle()->getXsheet(); if (!xsh) return; TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(id.getIndex()); if (!column) { m_fxScene->getFxHandle()->setFx(0, false); return; } TFx *fx = column->getFx(); m_fxScene->getFxHandle()->setFx(fx, false); m_fxScene->update(); } }
void FxsData::getFxs(QList<TFxP> &fxs, QMap<TFx *, int> &zeraryFxColumnSize, QList<TXshColumnP> &columns) const { QMap<TFx *, TFx *> clonedFxs; for (int i = 0; i < m_fxs.size(); i++) { TFx *clonedFx = m_fxs[i]->clone(false); TPointD pos = m_fxs[i]->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos(); clonedFx->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(pos); clonedFx->getAttributes()->removeFromAllGroup(); fxs.append(clonedFx); if (m_fxs[i]->isZerary()) zeraryFxColumnSize[clonedFx] = m_zeraryFxColumnSize[m_fxs[i].getPointer()]; clonedFxs[m_fxs[i].getPointer()] = clonedFx; TFx *linkedFx = m_fxs[i]->getLinkedFx(); if (linkedFx && clonedFxs.contains(linkedFx)) clonedFx->linkParams(clonedFxs[linkedFx]); } QList<TXshColumnP>::const_iterator it; for (it = m_columns.begin(); it != m_columns.end(); it++) { TXshColumn *col = it->getPointer(); TXshColumn *newCol = col->clone(); newCol->getFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos( col->getFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos()); columns.append(newCol); clonedFxs[col->getFx()] = newCol->getFx(); } linkFxs(clonedFxs); }
bool LevelMoverTool::canMoveColumns(const TPoint &pos) { TXsheet *xsh = getViewer()->getXsheet(); if (pos.x < 0) return false; if (pos.x != m_lastPos.x) { int count = 0; // controlla il tipo for (int i = 0; i < m_range.lx; i++) { int srcIndex = m_lastPos.x + i; int dstIndex = pos.x + i; TXshColumn *srcColumn = xsh->getColumn(srcIndex); if (srcColumn && srcColumn->isLocked()) continue; TXshColumn *dstColumn = xsh->getColumn(dstIndex); TXshColumn::ColumnType srcType = TXshColumn::eLevelType; if (srcColumn) srcType = srcColumn->getColumnType(); if (srcType == TXshColumn::eZeraryFxType) return false; /* qDebug() << "check: " << srcIndex << ":" << (srcColumn ? QString::number(srcType) : "empty") << " => " << dstIndex << ":" << (dstColumn ? QString::number(dstColumn->getColumnType()) : "empty"); */ if (dstColumn && !dstColumn->isEmpty() && dstColumn->getColumnType() != srcType) { return false; } if (!dstColumn || dstColumn->isLocked() == false) { count++; } } if (count == 0) return false; } return true; }
TStageObjectId TColumnDataElement::restoreColumn(TXsheet *xsh, int index, int fxFlags, bool copyPosition) const { bool doClone = (fxFlags & eDoClone); bool resetFxDagPositions = (fxFlags & eResetFxDagPositions); TXshColumn *column = m_column.getPointer(); // The xsheet 'changes' if a new column is inserted. If it was already there, no. bool xsheetChange = false; if (column && column->getXsheet() && column->getXsheet() != xsh) xsheetChange = true; // Insert a column at the specified index. If a column was stored, insert that one. TPointD dagPos = TConst::nowhere; if (column) { if (column->getFx()) dagPos = column->getFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos(); if (doClone) column = column->clone(); xsh->insertColumn(index, column); } else xsh->insertColumn(index); // Create a new one otherwise if (!resetFxDagPositions && dagPos != TConst::nowhere) { // Don't accept the default position (fx object) TXshColumn *restoredColumn = xsh->getColumn(index); restoredColumn->getFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(dagPos); } // Retrieve the newly inserted column stage object TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(index)); assert(obj); obj->assignParams(m_params, doClone); // Assign the stored params if (copyPosition) obj->setDagNodePos(m_dagPos); // Clone the associated curve if any if (xsheetChange && obj->getSpline()) { TStageObjectSpline *srcSpl = obj->getSpline(); TStageObjectSpline *dstSpl = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->createSpline(); dstSpl->addRef(); dstSpl->setStroke(new TStroke(*srcSpl->getStroke())); obj->setSpline(dstSpl); } int gridType = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->getDagGridDimension(); obj->setIsOpened(gridType == 0); // gridType is 0 if the node is opened, 1 if closed // see StageSchematicScene::GridDimension // TODO: Should be made PUBLIC!! xsh->updateFrameCount(); return obj->getId(); }
void CellsMover::restoreColumns(int c) const { std::set<int> ii; for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) ii.insert(c + i); TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) xsh->removeColumn(c); std::list<int> restoredSplineIds; m_columnsData->restoreObjects( ii, restoredSplineIds, xsh, StageObjectsData::eDoClone | StageObjectsData::eResetFxDagPositions); for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(c + i); if (!column) continue; TXshCellColumn *cellColumn = column->getCellColumn(); if (!cellColumn) continue; int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; cellColumn->getRange(r0, r1); if (r0 <= r1) cellColumn->clearCells(r0, r1 - r0 + 1); } }
void ComboViewerPanel::onDrawFrame( int frame, const ImagePainter::VisualSettings &settings) { TApp *app = TApp::instance(); m_sceneViewer->setVisual(settings); TFrameHandle *frameHandle = app->getCurrentFrame(); if (m_sceneViewer->isPreviewEnabled()) { class Previewer *pr = Previewer::instance(m_sceneViewer->getPreviewMode() == SceneViewer::SUBCAMERA_PREVIEW); pr->getRaster(frame - 1); // the 'getRaster' starts the render of the frame // is not already started int curFrame = frame; if (frameHandle->isPlaying() && !pr->isFrameReady( frame - 1)) // stops on last rendered frame until current is ready! { while (frame > 0 && !pr->isFrameReady(frame - 1)) frame--; if (frame == 0) frame = curFrame; // if no frame is ready, I stay on use // to rewind m_flipConsole->setCurrentFrame(frame); } } assert(frame >= 0); if (frame != frameHandle->getFrameIndex() + 1) { if (frameHandle->isEditingScene()) { TXshColumn *column = app->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet()->getColumn( app->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex()); if (column) { TXshSoundColumn *soundColumn = column->getSoundColumn(); if (soundColumn && !soundColumn->isPlaying()) app->getCurrentFrame()->scrubColumn(frame, frame, soundColumn); } } frameHandle->setCurrentFrame(frame); } else if (settings.m_blankColor != TPixel::Transparent) m_sceneViewer->update(); }
bool ColumnCmd::canResequence(int index) { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); if (!column) return false; TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); if (!lcolumn) return false; int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; if (lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1) == 0) return false; assert(r0 <= r1); TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); TXshLevel *xl = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); if (!xl) return false; for (int r = r0 + 1; r <= r1; r++) { cell = lcolumn->getCell(r); if (cell.isEmpty()) continue; if (cell.m_level.getPointer() != xl) return false; } return true; }
// data -> xsh bool TKeyframeData::getKeyframes(std::set<Position> &positions, TXsheet *xsh) const { std::set<TKeyframeSelection::Position>::iterator it2 = positions.begin(); int r0 = it2->first; int c0 = it2->second; for (++it2; it2 != positions.end(); ++it2) { r0 = std::min(r0, it2->first); c0 = std::min(c0, it2->second); } positions.clear(); TStageObjectId cameraId = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->getCurrentCameraId(); Iterator it; bool keyFrameChanged = false; for (it = m_keyData.begin(); it != m_keyData.end(); ++it) { Position pos = it->first; int row = r0 + pos.first; int col = c0 + pos.second; positions.insert(std::make_pair(row, col)); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(col); if (column && column->getSoundColumn()) continue; TStageObject *pegbar = xsh->getStageObject(col >= 0 ? TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col) : cameraId); if (pegbar->getId().isColumn() && xsh->getColumn(col) && xsh->getColumn(col)->isLocked()) continue; keyFrameChanged = true; assert(pegbar); pegbar->setKeyframeWithoutUndo(row, it->second); } if (!keyFrameChanged) return false; for (auto const pegbar : m_isPegbarsCycleEnabled) { int const col = pegbar.first; TStageObjectId objectId = (col >= 0) ? TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col) : cameraId; xsh->getStageObject(objectId)->enableCycle(pegbar.second); } return true; }
void FxsData::setFxs(const QList<TFxP> &selectedFxs, const QList<Link> &selectedLinks, const QList<int> &columnIndexes, TXsheet *xsh) { // fx->clonedFx QMap<TFx *, TFx *> clonedFxs; for (int i = 0; i < selectedFxs.size(); i++) { TFx *fx = selectedFxs[i].getPointer(); if (!canCopyFx(fx)) continue; TZeraryColumnFx *zerayFx = dynamic_cast<TZeraryColumnFx *>(fx); if (zerayFx) fx = zerayFx->getZeraryFx(); TFx *clonedFx = fx->clone(false); TPointD pos; if (zerayFx) pos = zerayFx->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos(); else pos = fx->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos(); clonedFx->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(pos); m_fxs.append(clonedFx); if (zerayFx) m_zeraryFxColumnSize[clonedFx] = zerayFx->getColumn()->getRowCount(); m_visitedFxs[clonedFx] = false; clonedFxs[fx] = clonedFx; TFx *linkedFx = fx->getLinkedFx(); if (linkedFx && clonedFxs.contains(linkedFx)) clonedFx->linkParams(clonedFxs[linkedFx]); } QList<int>::const_iterator it; for (it = columnIndexes.begin(); it != columnIndexes.end(); it++) { TXshColumn *col = xsh->getColumn(*it); TXshColumn *newCol = col->clone(); newCol->getFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos( col->getFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos()); m_columns.append(newCol); clonedFxs[col->getFx()] = newCol->getFx(); } linkFxs(clonedFxs, selectedLinks); checkConnectivity(); }
void LevelMoverTool::onCellChange(int row, int col) { TXsheet *xsh = getViewer()->getXsheet(); TPoint pos = TPoint(col, row) + m_grabOffset; if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; if (pos.x < 0) return; if (pos == m_aimedPos) return; m_aimedPos = pos; TPoint delta = m_aimedPos - m_lastPos; m_validPos = canMoveColumns(pos); if (!m_validPos) return; CellsMover *cellsMover = m_undo->getCellsMover(); if (m_moved) cellsMover->undoMoveCells(); m_validPos = canMove(pos); if (m_validPos) { //---------------------- if (delta.x != 0 && (m_qualifiers & CellsMover::eMoveColumns)) { // spostamento di colonne int colCount = m_range.lx; bool emptySrc = true; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(m_lastPos.x + i); if (column && !column->isEmpty()) { emptySrc = false; break; } } bool lockedDst = false; bool emptyDst = true; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { if (!isTotallyEmptyColumn(pos.x + i)) emptyDst = false; TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(pos.x + i); if (column && column->isLocked()) lockedDst = true; } if (emptySrc) { if (m_lastPos.x == m_startPos.x) m_undo->getCellsMover()->m_uffa |= 1; // first column(s) has/have been cleared cellsMover->emptyColumns(m_lastPos.x); } if (emptyDst && !lockedDst) { if (pos.x == m_startPos.x) m_undo->getCellsMover()->m_uffa &= ~1; // first column(s) has/have been restored else m_undo->getCellsMover()->m_uffa |= 2; // columns data have been copied on the current position cellsMover->restoreColumns(pos.x); } else { m_undo->getCellsMover()->m_uffa &= ~2; // no columns data have been copied on the current position } } //---------------------- m_lastPos = pos; cellsMover->setPos(pos.y, pos.x); cellsMover->saveCells(); cellsMover->moveCells(); m_moved = true; } else { cellsMover->moveCells(); } xsh->updateFrameCount(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); if (cellsMover->getColumnTypeFromCell(0) == TXshColumn::eSoundType) TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetSoundChanged(); TRect selection(m_aimedPos, m_range); getViewer()->getCellSelection()->selectCells(selection.y0, selection.x0, selection.y1, selection.x1); }
void StageObjectsData::storeObjects(const std::vector<TStageObjectId> &ids, TXsheet *xsh, int fxFlags) { assert(m_fxTable.empty()); // Should be enforced OUTSIDE. Track implicit uses. m_fxTable.clear(); // TO BE REMOVED int i, objCount = ids.size(); // Discriminate sensible stage object types (ie cameras and columns from the rest). // Store them in a map, ordered by object index. std::map<int, TStageObjectId> cameraIds, columnIds, pegbarIds; for (i = 0; i < objCount; ++i) { TStageObjectId id = ids[i]; if (id.isColumn()) columnIds[id.getIndex()] = id; else if (id.isPegbar()) pegbarIds[id.getIndex()] = id; else if (id.isCamera()) cameraIds[id.getIndex()] = id; } // Store a suitable object for each std::map<int, TStageObjectId>::iterator it; for (it = cameraIds.begin(); it != cameraIds.end(); ++it) { // Cameras TCameraDataElement *cameraElement = new TCameraDataElement(); cameraElement->storeCamera(it->second, xsh); m_elements.append(cameraElement); } for (it = pegbarIds.begin(); it != pegbarIds.end(); ++it) { // Pegbars (includes curves) TStageObjectDataElement *objElement = new TStageObjectDataElement(); objElement->storeObject(it->second, xsh); m_elements.append(objElement); } for (it = columnIds.begin(); it != columnIds.end(); ++it) { // Columns int colIndex = it->second.getIndex(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(colIndex); if (!column) continue; TColumnDataElement *columnElement = new TColumnDataElement(); columnElement->storeColumn(xsh, colIndex, fxFlags); m_elements.append(columnElement); TXshColumn *copiedColumn = columnElement->m_column.getPointer(); if (column->getFx() && copiedColumn->getFx()) { // Store column fx pairings (even if the originals are not cloned) m_fxTable[column->getFx()] = copiedColumn->getFx(); m_originalColumnFxs.insert(column->getFx()); } } // Insert terminal fxs set<TFx *>::iterator jt; for (jt = m_originalColumnFxs.begin(); jt != m_originalColumnFxs.end(); ++jt) { if (isColumnSelectionTerminalFx( *jt, xsh->getFxDag()->getTerminalFxs(), m_originalColumnFxs)) { TFx *fx = m_fxTable[*jt]; fx->addRef(); m_terminalFxs.insert(fx); } } }
void execute() override { TColumnSelection *selection = dynamic_cast<TColumnSelection *>( TApp::instance()->getCurrentSelection()->getSelection()); TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int cc = TApp::instance()->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex(); bool sound_changed = false; TTool *tool = TApp::instance()->getCurrentTool()->getTool(); TTool::Viewer *viewer = tool ? tool->getViewer() : nullptr; bool viewer_changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < xsh->getColumnCount(); i++) { /*- 空のカラムの場合は飛ばす -*/ if (xsh->isColumnEmpty(i)) continue; /*- カラムが取得できなかったら飛ばす -*/ TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(i); if (!column) continue; /*- ターゲットが選択カラムのモードで、選択されていなかった場合は飛ばす -*/ bool isSelected = selection && selection->isColumnSelected(i); if (m_target == TARGET_SELECTED && !isSelected) continue; /*- * ターゲットが「カレントカラムより右側」のモードで、iがカレントカラムより左の場合は飛ばす * -*/ if (m_target == TARGET_UPPER && i < cc) continue; bool negate = m_target == TARGET_CURRENT && cc != i || m_target == TARGET_OTHER && cc == i || m_target == TARGET_UPPER && cc == i; int cmd = m_cmd; if (cmd & (CMD_LOCK | CMD_UNLOCK | CMD_TOGGLE_LOCK)) { if (cmd & CMD_LOCK) column->lock(!negate); else if (cmd & CMD_UNLOCK) column->lock(negate); else column->lock(!column->isLocked()); viewer_changed = true; } if (cmd & (CMD_ENABLE_PREVIEW | CMD_DISABLE_PREVIEW | CMD_TOGGLE_PREVIEW)) { if (cmd & CMD_ENABLE_PREVIEW) column->setPreviewVisible(!negate); else if (cmd & CMD_DISABLE_PREVIEW) column->setPreviewVisible(negate); else column->setPreviewVisible(!column->isPreviewVisible()); } if (cmd & (CMD_ENABLE_CAMSTAND | CMD_DISABLE_CAMSTAND | CMD_TOGGLE_CAMSTAND)) { if (cmd & CMD_ENABLE_CAMSTAND) column->setCamstandVisible(!negate); else if (cmd & CMD_DISABLE_CAMSTAND) column->setCamstandVisible(negate); else column->setCamstandVisible(!column->isCamstandVisible()); if (column->getSoundColumn()) sound_changed = true; viewer_changed = true; } /*TAB if(cmd & (CMD_ENABLE_PREVIEW|CMD_DISABLE_PREVIEW|CMD_TOGGLE_PREVIEW)) { //In Tab preview e cameraStand vanno settati entrambi if(cmd&CMD_ENABLE_PREVIEW) { column->setPreviewVisible(!negate); column->setCamstandVisible(!negate); } else if(cmd&CMD_DISABLE_PREVIEW) { column->setPreviewVisible(negate); column->setCamstandVisible(negate); } else { column->setPreviewVisible(!column->isPreviewVisible()); column->setCamstandVisible(!column->isCamstandVisible()); } } */ } if (sound_changed) TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetSoundChanged(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); if (viewer && viewer_changed) viewer->invalidateToolStatus(); }
void ColumnCmd::cloneChild(int index) { if (!canResequence(index)) return; /*-- カラムを取得 --*/ TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); assert(column); // get the subxsheet to clone (childLevel, childXsh) /*-- SubXsheetレベルを取得 --*/ TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); assert(lcolumn); int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); /*-- SubXsheetの一番頭のセル --*/ TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); /*- cell内に格納されているLevelを取得 -*/ TXshChildLevel *childLevel = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); assert(childLevel); /*- SubXsheetのXsheetを取得 -*/ TXsheet *childXsh = childLevel->getXsheet(); // insert a new empty column /*- 隣に空きColumnをInsertしてCloneに備える -*/ int newColumnIndex = index + 1; xsh->insertColumn(newColumnIndex); // create a subxsheet (newChildLevel, newChildXsh) ToonzScene *scene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene(); ChildStack *childStack = scene->getChildStack(); TXshChildLevel *newChildLevel = childStack->createChild(0, newColumnIndex); TXsheet *newChildXsh = newChildLevel->getXsheet(); // copy columns. std::set<int> indices; for (int i = 0; i < childXsh->getColumnCount(); i++) indices.insert(i); StageObjectsData *data = new StageObjectsData(); data->storeColumns(indices, childXsh, 0); data->storeColumnFxs(indices, childXsh, 0); std::list<int> restoredSplineIds; data->restoreObjects(indices, restoredSplineIds, newChildXsh, StageObjectsData::eDoClone); delete data; cloneNotColumnLinkedFxsAndOutputsFx(childXsh, newChildXsh); cloneXsheetTStageObjectTree(childXsh, newChildXsh); /*--以下は、Clone SubXsheet するときに、SubXsheet内にある子SubXsheetをクローンする関数 クローンされた中にある子SubXsheetは、同じもので良いので、スキップする --*/ // cloneSubXsheets(newChildXsh); /*-- XSheetノードのFxSchematicでのDagNodePosを再現 FxやColumnノードの位置の再現は上のsetColumnで行っている --*/ newChildXsh->getFxDag()->getXsheetFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos( childXsh->getFxDag()->getXsheetFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos()); newChildXsh->updateFrameCount(); /*-- TXshChildLevel作成時にsetCellした1つ目のセルを消去 --*/ xsh->removeCells(0, newColumnIndex); /*-- CloneしたColumnのセル番号順を再現 --*/ for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) { TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r); if (cell.isEmpty()) continue; cell.m_level = newChildLevel; xsh->setCell(r, newColumnIndex, cell); } TStageObjectId currentObjectId = TApp::instance()->getCurrentObject()->getObjectId(); xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(newColumnIndex)) ->setParent(xsh->getStageObjectParent(currentObjectId)); xsh->updateFrameCount(); TUndoManager::manager()->add( new CloneChildUndo(newChildLevel, newColumnIndex)); // notify changes TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
std::vector<TStageObjectId> StageObjectsData::restoreObjects(std::set<int> &columnIndices, std::list<int> &restoredSpline, TXsheet *xsh, int fxFlags, const TPointD &pos) const { bool doClone = (fxFlags & eDoClone); bool resetFxDagPositions = (fxFlags & eResetFxDagPositions); QMap<TStageObjectId, TStageObjectId> idTable; // Trace stored/restored id pairings std::map<TFx *, TFx *> fxTable; // Same for fxs here std::vector<TStageObjectId> restoredIds; std::set<int>::iterator idxt = columnIndices.begin(); int index = -1; // The actual column insertion index int i, elementsCount = m_elements.size(); for (i = 0; i < elementsCount; ++i) { TStageObjectDataElement *element = m_elements[i]; TCameraDataElement *cameraElement = dynamic_cast<TCameraDataElement *>(element); TColumnDataElement *columnElement = dynamic_cast<TColumnDataElement *>(element); // Restore the object depending on its specific type TStageObjectId restoredId = TStageObjectId::NoneId; if (!cameraElement && !columnElement) restoredId = element->restoreObject(xsh, pos != TConst::nowhere); else if (cameraElement) restoredId = cameraElement->restoreCamera(xsh, pos != TConst::nowhere); else if (columnElement) { // Build the column insertion index if (idxt != columnIndices.end()) index = *idxt++; else { ++index; columnIndices.insert(index); } // Restore the column element restoredId = columnElement->restoreColumn(xsh, index, fxFlags, pos != TConst::nowhere); FxDag *fxDag = xsh->getFxDag(); TXshColumn *column = columnElement->m_column.getPointer(); TXshColumn *pastedColumn = xsh->getColumn(index); TFx *fx = column->getFx(); TFx *pastedFx = pastedColumn->getFx(); if (fx && pastedFx) fxTable[fx] = pastedFx; // Enforce the correct terminality. Added columns are terminal by default. bool terminal = (fx && (m_terminalFxs.count(fx) > 0)); if (!terminal) fxDag->getTerminalFxs()->removeFx(pastedFx); // In case we've cloned a zerary fx column, update the actual fx's data if (TXshZeraryFxColumn *zc = dynamic_cast<TXshZeraryFxColumn *>(pastedColumn)) { TZeraryColumnFx *zfx = zc->getZeraryColumnFx(); TFx *zeraryFx = zfx->getZeraryFx(); if (zeraryFx && doClone) { std::wstring app = zeraryFx->getName(); fxDag->assignUniqueId(zeraryFx); zeraryFx->setName(app); } } } // Remember stored/restored stage object pairings idTable[element->m_params->m_id] = restoredId; restoredIds.push_back(restoredId); } // Apply stage object-parental relationships for (i = 0; i < elementsCount; ++i) { TStageObjectDataElement *element = m_elements[i]; TStageObjectId id = element->m_params->m_id; TStageObjectId parentId = element->m_params->m_parentId; TStageObjectId pastedId = idTable[id]; TStageObjectId pastedParentId = parentId; if (parentId.isColumn()) // Why discriminating for columns only ? { //Columns are redirected to table ids. If no redirected parent exists, store //a void value that will be avoided later QMap<TStageObjectId, TStageObjectId>::iterator it = idTable.find(parentId); pastedParentId = (it == idTable.end()) ? TStageObjectId::NoneId : it.value(); } if (pastedParentId != TStageObjectId::NoneId) { xsh->setStageObjectParent(pastedId, pastedParentId); TStageObject *pastedObj = xsh->getStageObject(pastedId); // Shouldn't these be done outside ? pastedObj->setHandle(element->m_params->m_handle); pastedObj->setParentHandle(element->m_params->m_parentHandle); } } // Iterate stored fxs std::set<TFx *>::const_iterator fxt, end = m_fxs.end(); for (fxt = m_fxs.begin(); fxt != end; ++fxt) { TFx *fxOrig = *fxt, *fx = fxOrig; // Only NOT COLUMN fxs - ie internal fxs if (fxTable.find(fxOrig) != fxTable.end()) continue; // Internal fxs if (doClone) { fx = fxOrig->clone(false); fx->setName(fxOrig->getName()); fx->getAttributes()->setId(fxOrig->getAttributes()->getId()); fx->getAttributes()->passiveCacheDataIdx() = -1; if (resetFxDagPositions) fx->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(TConst::nowhere); xsh->getFxDag()->assignUniqueId(fx); } fxTable[fxOrig] = fx; // Insert the passed fx in the xsheet TOutputFx *outFx = dynamic_cast<TOutputFx *>(fx); if (!outFx) xsh->getFxDag()->getInternalFxs()->addFx(fx); else xsh->getFxDag()->addOutputFx(outFx); if (m_terminalFxs.count(fxOrig) > 0) xsh->getFxDag()->getTerminalFxs()->addFx(fx); if (!doClone) { // Err.... don't remember. Inquire further? :| int fxTypeCount = xsh->getFxDag()->getFxTypeCount(fx); int maxFxTypeId = std::max(fxTypeCount, fx->getAttributes()->getId()); xsh->getFxDag()->updateFxTypeTable(fx, maxFxTypeId); xsh->getFxDag()->updateFxIdTable(fx); } bool isLinked = (fxOrig->getLinkedFx() != fxOrig); if (isLinked) { if (m_fxs.find(fxOrig->getLinkedFx()) == m_fxs.end()) fx->linkParams(fxOrig->getLinkedFx()); else { TFx *linkedFx, *oldLinkedFx = fxOrig->getLinkedFx(); if (doClone) { // Clone the linked fx too linkedFx = fx->clone(false); linkedFx->linkParams(fx); linkedFx->setName(oldLinkedFx->getName()); linkedFx->getAttributes()->setId(oldLinkedFx->getAttributes()->getId()); linkedFx->getAttributes()->passiveCacheDataIdx() = -1; if (resetFxDagPositions) linkedFx->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(TConst::nowhere); else linkedFx->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos(oldLinkedFx->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos()); xsh->getFxDag()->assignUniqueId(linkedFx); } else linkedFx = oldLinkedFx; fxTable[oldLinkedFx] = linkedFx; xsh->getFxDag()->getInternalFxs()->addFx(linkedFx); if (m_terminalFxs.count(oldLinkedFx) > 0) xsh->getFxDag()->getTerminalFxs()->addFx(linkedFx); if (!doClone) { int fxTypeCount = xsh->getFxDag()->getFxTypeCount(linkedFx); int maxFxTypeId = std::max(fxTypeCount, linkedFx->getAttributes()->getId()); xsh->getFxDag()->updateFxTypeTable(linkedFx, maxFxTypeId); xsh->getFxDag()->updateFxIdTable(linkedFx); } } } } // Update the link, like in functions above if (!fxTable.empty() && doClone) updateFxLinks(fxTable); // Paste any associated spline (not stored im m_splines) std::map<TStageObjectSpline *, TStageObjectSpline *> splines; for (i = 0; i < (int)restoredIds.size(); ++i) { TStageObjectId id = restoredIds[i]; TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(id); TStageObjectSpline *spline = obj->getSpline(); if (!spline) continue; TStageObjectTree *objTree = xsh->getStageObjectTree(); if (objTree->containsSpline(spline)) // No need to add it if it's already there continue; std::map<TStageObjectSpline *, TStageObjectSpline *>::iterator it = splines.find(spline); if (it != splines.end()) { // Seems that multiple objects can have the same spline... // BTW, shouldn't this case stop at the continue before ? obj->setSpline(it->second); continue; } // The spline was not found. Clone and add it to the xsheet TStageObjectSpline *newSpline = spline->clone(); // Not checking doClone ? objTree->assignUniqueSplineId(newSpline); objTree->insertSpline(newSpline); obj->setSpline(newSpline); splines[spline] = newSpline; } //paste stored path QList<TSplineDataElement *>::const_iterator splinIt; for (splinIt = m_splines.begin(); splinIt != m_splines.end(); ++splinIt) { TStageObjectTree *objTree = xsh->getStageObjectTree(); TSplineDataElement *splineEl = *splinIt; TStageObjectSpline *spline = splineEl->restoreSpline(fxFlags); if (doClone) objTree->assignUniqueSplineId(spline); objTree->insertSpline(spline); restoredSpline.push_back(spline->getId()); } xsh->updateFrameCount(); if (pos != TConst::nowhere) { // Update objects positions depending on the externally supplied pos TPointD middlePos; int count = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)restoredIds.size(); ++i) { TStageObjectId id = restoredIds[i]; TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(id); TPointD oldPos = obj->getDagNodePos(); if (oldPos == TConst::nowhere) continue; middlePos += oldPos; ++count; } middlePos = TPointD(middlePos.x / count, middlePos.y / count); TPointD offset = pos - middlePos; for (i = 0; i < (int)restoredIds.size(); ++i) { TStageObjectId id = restoredIds[i]; TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(id); TPointD oldPos = obj->getDagNodePos(); if (oldPos == TConst::nowhere) continue; obj->setDagNodePos(oldPos + offset); } } return restoredIds; }