Ejemplo n.º 1
void DBusTabletService::onTabletAdded(const TabletInformation& info)
    Q_D ( DBusTabletService );

    d->tabletInformationList.insert(info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId), info);

    emit tabletAdded(info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void TabletHandler::onTabletAdded( const TabletInformation& info )
    Q_D( TabletHandler );

    // if we already have a device ... skip this step
    QString tabletId = info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId);
    if(d->tabletBackendList.contains(tabletId)) {
        kDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("Ignoring tablet '%1' as another one with same name is already connected.")

    kDebug() << "Taking control of new tablet" << info.get(TabletInfo::TabletName)
             << "(" << info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId) << ") ["
             << (info.hasDevice(DeviceType::Stylus) ? "stylus" : "")
             << (info.hasDevice(DeviceType::Eraser) ? "eraser" : "")
             << (info.hasDevice(DeviceType::Pad)    ? "pad"    : "")
             << (info.hasDevice(DeviceType::Touch)  ? "touch"  : "")
             << (info.hasDevice(DeviceType::Cursor) ? "cursor" : "")
             << "]";

    // create tablet backend
    TabletBackendInterface *tbi = TabletBackendFactory::createBackend(info);

    if (tbi == NULL) {
        kError() << "Could not create tablet backend interface. Ignoring Tablet";
        return; // no valid backend found

    d->tabletBackendList.insert(tabletId, tbi);

    // update tablet information
    d->profileManagerList.insert(tabletId, new ProfileManager(d->profileFile));
    d->tabletInformationList.insert(tabletId, info);

    // if we found something notify about it and set the default profile to it
    emit notify( QLatin1String("tabletAdded"),
                 i18n("Tablet Connected"),
                 i18n("New tablet '%1' connected.",
                      info.get(TabletInfo::TabletName) ));

    // set profile which was last used
    setProfile(tabletId, d->mainConfig.getLastProfile(info.get(TabletInfo::TabletName)));

    // notify everyone else about the new tablet
    emit tabletAdded(info);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void TabletHandler::onTabletRemoved( const TabletInformation& info )
    Q_D( TabletHandler );

    TabletBackendInterface *tbi = d->tabletBackendList.value(info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId));
    TabletInformation       ti  = d->tabletInformationList.value(info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId));

    if ( tbi && ti.getTabletSerial() == info.getTabletSerial() ) {
        emit notify( QLatin1String("tabletRemoved"),
                     i18n("Tablet removed"),
                     i18n("Tablet %1 removed",
                          ti.get(TabletInfo::TabletName) ));

        QString tabletId = info.get(TabletInfo::TabletId);
        delete tbi;
        ProfileManager *pm = d->profileManagerList.take(tabletId);
        delete pm;

        emit tabletRemoved(tabletId);