void ConnectionsPerformanceTest::runTemporalMemoryTest(UInt numColumns,
                                                         UInt w,
                                                         int numSequences,
                                                         int numElements,
                                                         string label)
    clock_t timer = clock();

    // Initialize

    TemporalMemory tm;
    vector<UInt> columnDim;

    checkpoint(timer, label + ": initialize");

    // Learn

    vector< vector< vector<Cell> > >sequences;
    vector< vector<Cell> >sequence;
    vector<Cell> sdr;

    for (int i = 0; i < numSequences; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < numElements; j++)
        sdr = randomSDR(numColumns, w);


    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      for (auto sequence : sequences)
        for (auto sdr : sequence)
          feedTM(tm, sdr);

    checkpoint(timer, label + ": initialize + learn");

    // Test

    for (auto sequence : sequences)
      for (auto sdr : sequence)
        feedTM(tm, sdr, false);

    checkpoint(timer, label + ": initialize + learn + test");
Ejemplo n.º 2
GLWidget::GLWidget(const QString & inAudioFileName, QWidget *parent)
  : QGLWidget(parent)//, staticBuffer(0), dynamicBuffer(0), indexBuffer(0)
  cout << "Num texture windows: " << NUM_TEXTURE_WINDOWS << endl;
  cout << "Texture window size: " << TEXTURE_WINDOW_SIZE << " ms" << endl;
  cout << "Samples per ms:      " << SAMPLES_PER_MS << endl;
  cout << "Timer delta:         " << TIMER_DELTA << " ms" << endl;
  cout << "Memory size:         " << MEMORY_SIZE << endl;


  for (int i = 0; i < SPECTRUM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
    max_data(i) = -999999.9;

  // Create the MarSystem to play and analyze the data
  MarSystemManager mng;

  // A series to contain everything
  MarSystem* net = mng.create("Series", "net");
  m_marSystem = net;

  // Note that you can only add one Marsystem to an Accumulator
  // any additional Systems added are simply ignored outputwise !!
  // e.g. if you want to use multiple Marsystems in a row and accumulate
  // their combined output, you need to put them in a series which you add
  // to the accumulator
  MarSystem *accum = mng.create("Accumulator", "accum");

  MarSystem *accum_series = mng.create("Series", "accum_series");

  accum_series->addMarSystem(mng.create("Stereo2Mono", "stereo2mono"));
  accum_series->addMarSystem(mng.create("AudioSink", "dest"));

  MarSystem* fanout = mng.create("Fanout", "fanout");

  // Power spectrum
  MarSystem* spectrumMemory = mng.create("Series", "spectrumMemory");
    MarSystem* net = spectrumMemory;

    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Windowing", "ham"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Spectrum", "spk"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("PowerSpectrum", "pspk"));

  // Cochlear based/inspired
  MarSystem* cochlearFeatures = mng.create("Series", "cochlearFeatures");
    MarSystem* net = cochlearFeatures;

    // Stabilised auditory image, from CARFAC
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("CARFAC", "carfac"));

  MarSystem* spatialFeatures = mng.create("Series", "spatialFeatures");
    MarSystem* net = spatialFeatures;

    // Into time-domain
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Windowing", "ham"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Spectrum", "spk"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("PowerSpectrum", "pspk"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("ShiftInput", "si")); // DC offset?

    // Energy measures
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Centroid", "centroid"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Rolloff", "rolloff"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("Flux", "flux"));
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("ZeroCrossings", "zc"));

    // Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
    net->addMarSystem(mng.create("MFCC", "mfcc"));

    // Five MFCC coefficients required
    net->updControl("MFCC/mfcc/mrs_natural/coefficients", 5);

    // A resulting feature vector for describing timbral texture consists of the
    // following features: means and variances of spectral centroid, rolloff, flux,
    // zero crossings over the texture window (8), low energy (1), and means and
    // variances of the first five MFCC coefficients over the texture window
    // (excluding the coefficient corresponding to the DC component) resulting
    // in a 19-dimensional feature vector, __as a starting point__.

  net->addMarSystem(mng.create("AutoCorrelation", "auto"));

  // Setup texture windows, and window memory size
        "Accumulator/accum/mrs_natural/nTimes", NUM_TEXTURE_WINDOWS);
        "Accumulator/accum/Series/accum_series/Fanout/fanout/" \
        "Series/spatialFeatures/ShiftInput/si/mrs_natural/winSize", int(MEMORY_SIZE));

  net->updControl("mrs_real/israte", SAMPLE_RATE);

  //cout << *m_marSystem;

  ofstream oss;
  oss << *m_marSystem;

  // Create a Qt wrapper that provides thread-safe control of the MarSystem:
  m_system = new MarsyasQt::System(m_marSystem);

  // Get controls
  m_fileNameControl = m_system->control(
        "Accumulator/accum/Series/accum_series/" \
  m_initAudioControl = m_system->control(
        "Accumulator/accum/Series/accum_series/" \

  m_spectrumSource = m_system->control("mrs_realvec/processedData");

  m_SAIbinauralSAI = m_system->control(
        "Accumulator/accum/Series/accum_series/Fanout/fanout/" \
  m_SAIthreshold = m_system->control(
        "Accumulator/accum/Series/accum_series/Fanout/fanout/" \
  m_SAIstrobes = m_system->control(
        "Accumulator/accum/Series/accum_series/Fanout/fanout/" \

  // Initialize SP and TM
  vector<UInt> inputDimensions = {DIM_SDR};
  vector<UInt> columnDimension = {NUM_COLUMNS};


  gs_SP.initialize(inputDimensions, columnDimension, DIM_SDR, 0.5, true, -1.0, int(0.02*NUM_COLUMNS));

  gs_TM.initialize(columnDimension, CELLS_PER_COLUMN);

  // Connect the animation timer that periodically redraws the screen.
  // It is activated in the 'play()' function.
  connect( &m_updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate()) );

  // Queue given audio file
  m_audioFileName = inAudioFileName;

  m_fileNameControl->setValue(m_audioFileName, NO_UPDATE);