Ejemplo n.º 1
bool TestOptimizations::doTest()
	typedef std::deque<unsigned int> TestSet;
	StringVector testVector = enumerateTests(getPTXFiles(path),
	status << " Enumerated " << testVector.size() << " tests\n";
	TestSet tests;
	for(auto test = testVector.begin(); test != testVector.end(); ++test)
		tests.push_back(std::distance(testVector.begin(), test));
	hydrazine::Timer timer;
	unsigned int count = 0;
	for(unsigned int i = 0, e = tests.size(); i != e; ++i)
		if(timer.seconds() > timeLimit) break;
		unsigned int index = random() % tests.size();
		TestSet::iterator testPosition = tests.begin() + index;
		std::string test = testVector[*testPosition];
		status << " Running test '" << test << "'\n";
		if(!runTest(test)) return false;
	status << "Finished running " << count << " tests...\n";
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	double genStart = 0;
	double genEnd = 0;
	double verStart = 0;
	double verEnd = 0;
	// Sample crypto parameters
	ZZ publicKey;
	ZZ secretKey;
	Paillier::keyGen(publicKey, secretKey, KEY_SIZE);
	ZZ modulus = publicKey * publicKey;
	ZZ helpRecovery = InvMod(publicKey % secretKey, secretKey);
	srand ( unsigned ( time(0) ) );

	int numTestSets = 25; // Should be 2500, but that will take forever
	vector<int> permutation;
	for (int i = 0; i < numTestSets; i++) {
	random_shuffle(permutation.begin(), permutation.end());

	// Generate test sets

	int t = NumBits(PRICE_LIMIT) + 1;
	vector<TestSet*> testSets;
	vector<OpenedTestSet*> openedTestSets;
	genStart += clock();
	for (int i = 0; i < numTestSets; i++) {
		OpenedTestSet* nextOpenedTestSet = new OpenedTestSet();
		// Add t encryptions of 0
		for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
			ZZ ciphertext, randomness, randomnessPow;
			Paillier::encAux(publicKey, ZZ(0), ciphertext, randomness, randomnessPow);
			OpenedTest nextOpenedTest(ciphertext, ZZ(0), randomness, randomnessPow);
		// Add encryptions of 2^0, ..., 2^{t-1}
		for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
			ZZ plaintext = power2_ZZ(i);
			ZZ ciphertext, randomness, randomnessPow;
			Paillier::encAux(publicKey, plaintext, ciphertext, randomness, randomnessPow);
			OpenedTest nextOpenedTest(ciphertext, plaintext, randomness, randomnessPow);
		random_shuffle(nextOpenedTestSet->begin(), nextOpenedTestSet->end());
		TestSet* nextTestSet = new TestSet();
		for (OpenedTestSet::iterator it = nextOpenedTestSet->begin() ; it != nextOpenedTestSet->end(); ++it) {
	genEnd += clock();

	// Reveal and verify test sets
	verStart += clock();

	int revealed = 5; // Should be 500
	int testSetIndex = 0;
	for (; testSetIndex < revealed; testSetIndex++) {
		int nextIndex = permutation[testSetIndex];
		if (!verifyTestSet(testSets[nextIndex], openedTestSets[nextIndex])) {
			cerr << "TEST SET " << testSetIndex << " FAILED TO VERIFY!!!" << endl;
	verEnd += clock();

	// Sample and publish bids
	vector<int> bids;
	int winner = 0;
	int winningBid = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < N_BUYERS; i++) {
		int nextBid = RandomBnd(PRICE_LIMIT);
		if (nextBid > winningBid) {
			winner = i;
			winningBid = nextBid;
	vector<ZZ> commitments;
	vector<ZZ> openings;
	for(int i = 0; i < N_BUYERS; i++) {
		ZZ ciphertext;
		ZZ randomness;
		Paillier::enc(publicKey, ZZ(bids[i]), ciphertext, randomness);
	// Check encryptions
	for(int i = 0; i < N_BUYERS; i++) {
		if (Paillier::com(publicKey, ZZ(bids[i]), openings[i]) != commitments[i]) {
			cerr << "BID " << i << " FAILED TO VERIFY!!!" << endl;
	cout << "WINNER IS BIDDER #" << winner << " WITH BID " << winningBid << endl;
	for(int i = 0; i < N_BUYERS; i++) {
		// Generate and check proof that bids[i] < 2^t
		genStart += clock();
		RangeProof nextProof = 
			prove(publicKey, ZZ(bids[i]), commitments[i], openings[i], openedTestSets[permutation[testSetIndex]]);
		genEnd += clock();
		verStart += clock();
		if (!verifyProof(publicKey, nextProof, commitments[i], testSets[permutation[testSetIndex]])) {
			cerr << "PROOF THAT BID " << i << " IN RANGE FAILED TO VERIFY!!!" << endl;
		} else {
			cout << "VERIFIED BID " << i << " IN RANGE" << endl;
		verEnd += clock();
		if (i != winner) {
		// Generate and check proof that bids[i] <= winningBid
			ZZ ciphertext = MulMod(commitments[winner], InvMod(commitments[i], modulus), modulus);
			ZZ help = PowerMod(ciphertext % publicKey, helpRecovery, publicKey);
			genStart += clock();
			RangeProof nextProof = 
				prove(	publicKey,
						ZZ(winningBid - bids[i]),
			genEnd += clock();
			verStart += clock();
			if (!verifyProof(publicKey, nextProof, ciphertext, testSets[permutation[testSetIndex]])) {
				cerr << "PROOF THAT BID " << i << " LOSES FAILED TO VERIFY!!!" << endl;
			} else {
				cout << "VERIFIED BID " << i << " LOSES" << endl;
			verEnd+= clock();
	cout << "Proof preparation time: " << 1.0 * (genEnd-genStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
	cout << "Proof verification time: " << 1.0 * (verEnd-verStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

