bool DefaultIntegrator<Scalar>::advanceStepperToTime( const Scalar& advance_to_t )


  using std::endl;
  typedef std::numeric_limits<Scalar> NL;
  using Teuchos::incrVerbLevel; 
#ifndef _MSC_VER
  using Teuchos::Describable;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;

  RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = this->getOStream();
  Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = this->getVerbLevel();

  if (!is_null(integrationControlStrategy_)) {

  if (!is_null(integrationObserver_)) {

  if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
    *out << "\nEntering " << this->Describable::description()
         << "::advanceStepperToTime("<<advance_to_t<<") ...\n";

  // Remember what timestep index we are on so we can report it later
  const int initCurrTimeStepIndex = currTimeStepIndex_;

  // Take steps until we the requested time is reached (or passed)

  TimeRange<Scalar> currStepperTimeRange = stepper_->getTimeRange();

  // Start by assume we can reach the time advance_to_t
  bool return_val = true;
  while ( !currStepperTimeRange.isInRange(advance_to_t) ) {

    // Halt immediatly if exceeded max iterations
    if (currTimeStepIndex_ >= maxNumTimeSteps_) {
      if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
          << "\n***"
          << "\n*** NOTICE: currTimeStepIndex = "<<currTimeStepIndex_
          << " >= maxNumTimeSteps = "<<maxNumTimeSteps_<< ", halting time integration!"
          << "\n***\n";
      return_val = false;
      break; // Exit the loop immediately!

    if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
      *out << "\nTake step:  current_stepper_t = " << currStepperTimeRange.upper()
           << ", currTimeStepIndex = " << currTimeStepIndex_ << endl;

    // A) Reinitialize if a hard breakpoint was reached on the last time step

    if (stepCtrlInfoLast_.limitedByBreakPoint) {
      if ( stepCtrlInfoLast_.breakPointType == BREAK_POINT_TYPE_HARD ) {
        if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
          *out << "\nAt a hard-breakpoint, restarting time integrator ...\n";
      else  {
        if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
          *out << "\nAt a soft-breakpoint, NOT restarting time integrator ...\n";

    // B) Get the trial step control info

    StepControlInfo<Scalar> trialStepCtrlInfo;
      TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR("Rythmos:DefaultIntegrator::advanceStepperToTime: getStepCtrl");
      if (!is_null(integrationControlStrategy_)) {
        // Let an external strategy object determine the step size and type.
        // Note that any breakpoint info is also related through this call.
        trialStepCtrlInfo = integrationControlStrategy_->getNextStepControlInfo(
          *stepper_, stepCtrlInfoLast_, currTimeStepIndex_
      else {
        // Take a variable step if we have no control strategy
        trialStepCtrlInfo.stepType = STEP_TYPE_VARIABLE;
        trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize = NL::max();

    // Print the initial trial step
    if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) ) {
      *out << "\nTrial step:\n";
      OSTab tab(out);
      *out << trialStepCtrlInfo;

    // Halt immediately if we where told to do so
    if (trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize < ST::zero()) {
      if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) )
          << "\n***"
          << "\n*** NOTICE: The IntegrationControlStrategy object return stepSize < 0.0, halting time integration!"
          << "\n***\n";
      return_val = false;
      break; // Exit the loop immediately!

    // Make sure we don't step past the final time if asked not to
    bool updatedTrialStepCtrlInfo = false;
      const Scalar finalTime = integrationTimeDomain_.upper();
      if (landOnFinalTime_ && trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize + currStepperTimeRange.upper() > finalTime) {
        if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
          *out << "\nCutting trial step to avoid stepping past final time ...\n";
        trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize = finalTime - currStepperTimeRange.upper();
        updatedTrialStepCtrlInfo = true;
    // Print the modified trial step
    if ( updatedTrialStepCtrlInfo
      && includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) )
      *out << "\nUpdated trial step:\n";
      OSTab tab(out);
      *out << trialStepCtrlInfo;

    // C) Take the step

    // Print step type and size
    if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) ) {
      if (trialStepCtrlInfo.stepType == STEP_TYPE_VARIABLE)
        *out << "\nTaking a variable time step with max step size = "
             << trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize << " ....\n";
        *out << "\nTaking a fixed time step of size = "
             << trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize << " ....\n";

    // Take step
    Scalar stepSizeTaken;
      TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR("Rythmos:DefaultIntegrator::advanceStepperToTime: takeStep");
      stepSizeTaken = stepper_->takeStep(
        trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize, trialStepCtrlInfo.stepType

    // Validate step taken
    if (trialStepCtrlInfo.stepType == STEP_TYPE_VARIABLE) {
        stepSizeTaken < ST::zero(), std::logic_error,
        "Error, stepper took negative step of dt = " << stepSizeTaken << "!\n"
        stepSizeTaken > trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize, std::logic_error,
        "Error, stepper took step of dt = " << stepSizeTaken
        << " > max step size of = " << trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize << "!\n"
    else { // STEP_TYPE_FIXED
        stepSizeTaken != trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize, std::logic_error,
        "Error, stepper took step of dt = " << stepSizeTaken 
        << " when asked to take step of dt = " << trialStepCtrlInfo.stepSize << "\n"

    // Update info about this step
    currStepperTimeRange = stepper_->getTimeRange();
    const StepControlInfo<Scalar> stepCtrlInfo =

    // Print the step actually taken 
    if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) ) {
      *out << "\nStep actually taken:\n";
      OSTab tab(out);
      *out << stepCtrlInfo;

    // Append the trailing interpolation buffer (if defined)
    if (!is_null(trailingInterpBuffer_)) {
        trailingInterpBuffer_.ptr() );

    // D) Output info about step


      TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR("Rythmos:DefaultIntegrator::advanceStepperToTime: output");
      // Print our own brief output
      if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) ) {
        StepStatus<Scalar> stepStatus = stepper_->getStepStatus();
        *out << "\nTime point reached = " << stepStatus.time << endl;
        *out << "\nstepStatus:\n" << stepStatus;
        if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME) ) {
          RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
            solution = stepStatus.solution,
            solutionDot = stepStatus.solutionDot;
          if (!is_null(solution))
            *out << "\nsolution = \n" << Teuchos::describe(*solution,verbLevel);
          if (!is_null(solutionDot))
            *out << "\nsolutionDot = \n" << Teuchos::describe(*solutionDot,verbLevel);
      // Output to the observer
      if (!is_null(integrationObserver_))
          *stepper_, stepCtrlInfo, currTimeStepIndex_


    // E) Update info for next time step

    stepCtrlInfoLast_ = stepCtrlInfo;

  if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
    *out << "\nNumber of steps taken in this call to advanceStepperToTime(...) = "
         << (currTimeStepIndex_ - initCurrTimeStepIndex) << endl
         << "\nLeaving" << this->Describable::description()
         << "::advanceStepperToTime("<<advance_to_t<<") ...\n";

  return return_val;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Scalar ImplicitRKStepper<Scalar>::takeStep(Scalar dt, StepSizeType stepSizeType)

  using Teuchos::as;
  using Teuchos::incrVerbLevel;
  typedef ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  typedef Thyra::NonlinearSolverBase<Scalar> NSB;
  typedef Teuchos::VerboseObjectTempState<NSB> VOTSNSB;

  RCP<FancyOStream> out = this->getOStream();
  Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = this->getVerbLevel();
  Teuchos::OSTab ostab(out,1,"takeStep");
  VOTSNSB solver_outputTempState(solver_,out,incrVerbLevel(verbLevel,-1));

  if ( !is_null(out) && as<int>(verbLevel) >= as<int>(Teuchos::VERB_LOW) ) {
      << "\nEntering " << Teuchos::TypeNameTraits<ImplicitRKStepper<Scalar> >::name()
      << "::takeStep("<<dt<<","<<toString(stepSizeType)<<") ...\n"; 

  if (!isInitialized_) {

  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( stepSizeType != STEP_TYPE_FIXED ); // ToDo: Handle variable case later

  // A) Set up the IRK ModelEvaluator so that it can represent the time step
  // equation to be solved.

  // Set irkModel_ with x_old_, t_old_, and dt
  V_V( x_old_.ptr(), *x_ );
  Scalar current_dt = dt;
  Scalar t = timeRange_.upper();

  // B) Solve the timestep equation

  // Set the guess for the stage derivatives to zero (unless we can think of
  // something better)
  V_S( Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >(x_stage_bar_).ptr(), ST::zero() );

  if (!isDirk_) { // General Implicit RK Case:
    RCP<ImplicitRKModelEvaluator<Scalar> > firkModel_ = 
      Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<ImplicitRKModelEvaluator<Scalar> >(irkModel_,true);
    firkModel_->setTimeStepPoint( x_old_, t, current_dt );

    // Solve timestep equation
    solver_->solve( &*x_stage_bar_ );

  } else { // Diagonal Implicit RK Case:

    RCP<DiagonalImplicitRKModelEvaluator<Scalar> > dirkModel_ = 
      Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<DiagonalImplicitRKModelEvaluator<Scalar> >(irkModel_,true);
    dirkModel_->setTimeStepPoint( x_old_, t, current_dt );
    int numStages = irkButcherTableau_->numStages();
    for (int stage=0 ; stage < numStages ; ++stage) {
      solver_->solve( &*(x_stage_bar_->getNonconstVectorBlock(stage)) );
      dirkModel_->setStageSolution( stage, *(x_stage_bar_->getVectorBlock(stage)) );


  // C) Complete the step ...
  // Combine the stage derivatives with the Butcher tableau "b" vector to obtain the solution at the final time.
  // x_{k+1} = x_k + dt*sum_{i}^{p}(b_i*x_stage_bar_[i])

  assembleIRKSolution( irkButcherTableau_->b(), current_dt, *x_old_, *x_stage_bar_,

  // Update time range
  timeRange_ = timeRange(t,t+current_dt);

  return current_dt;

void DefaultIntegrator<Scalar>::getFwdPoints(
  const Array<Scalar>& time_vec,
  Array<RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > >* x_vec,
  Array<RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > >* xdot_vec,
  Array<ScalarMag>* accuracy_vec


  using Teuchos::incrVerbLevel;
#ifndef _MSC_VER
  using Teuchos::Describable;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  typedef InterpolationBufferBase<Scalar> IBB;
  typedef Teuchos::VerboseObjectTempState<IBB> VOTSIBB;


  RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = this->getOStream();
  Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = this->getVerbLevel();
  Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);
  VOTSIBB stepper_outputTempState(stepper_,out,incrVerbLevel(verbLevel,-1));

  if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
    *out << "\nEntering " << this->Describable::description() << "::getFwdPoints(...) ...\n"
         << "\nStepper: " << Teuchos::describe(*stepper_,verbLevel);

  if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM) )
    *out << "\nRequested time points: " << Teuchos::toString(time_vec) << "\n";

  // 0) Initial setup

  const int numTimePoints = time_vec.size();

  // Assert preconditions
  TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(accuracy_vec!=0); // ToDo: Remove accuracy_vec!

  // Resize the storage for the output arrays
  if (x_vec)
  if (xdot_vec)

  // This int records the next time point offset in time_vec[timePointIndex]
  // that needs to be handled.  This gets updated as the time points are
  // filled below.
  int nextTimePointIndex = 0;

  // 1) First, get all time points that fall within the current time range

    TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR("Rythmos:DefaultIntegrator::getFwdPoints: getPoints");
    // 2007/10/05: rabartl: ToDo: Get points from trailingInterpBuffer_ first!

  // 2) Advance the stepper to satisfy time points in time_vec that fall
  // before the current time.

  while ( nextTimePointIndex < numTimePoints ) {
    // Use the time stepping algorithm to step up to or past the next
    // requested time but not so far as to step past the point entirely.
    const Scalar t = time_vec[nextTimePointIndex];
    bool advanceStepperToTimeSucceeded = false;
      TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR("Rythmos:DefaultIntegrator::getFwdPoints: advanceStepperToTime");
      advanceStepperToTimeSucceeded= advanceStepperToTime(t);
    if (!advanceStepperToTimeSucceeded) {
      bool reachedMaxNumTimeSteps = (currTimeStepIndex_ >= maxNumTimeSteps_);
      if (reachedMaxNumTimeSteps) {
        // Break out of the while loop and attempt to exit gracefully.
          !advanceStepperToTimeSucceeded, Exceptions::GetFwdPointsFailed,
          this->description() << "\n\n"
          "Error:  The integration failed to get to time " << t << " and only achieved\n"
          "getting to " << stepper_->getTimeRange().upper() << "!"
    // Extract the next set of points (perhaps just one) from the stepper
      TEUCHOS_FUNC_TIME_MONITOR("Rythmos:DefaultIntegrator::getFwdPoints: getPoints (fwd)");

  if ( includesVerbLevel(verbLevel,Teuchos::VERB_LOW) )
    *out << "\nLeaving " << this->Describable::description() << "::getFwdPoints(...) ...\n";