Ejemplo n.º 1
Texture2DSP Texture2DManager::createTexture(const string& key, GLint internalFormat, int32_t width, int32_t height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const uint8_t* pixels, uint32_t sizeOfData, bool mipMap, GLint minFilter, GLint magFilter, GLint wrapS, GLint wrapT, float anisotropic)
	TextureFactory textureFactory;

	if (!allTextures.contains(key))
		allTextures[key] = textureFactory.createTexture2D(key, internalFormat, width, height, format, type, pixels, sizeOfData, mipMap, minFilter, magFilter, wrapS, wrapT, anisotropic);

		return allTextures[key];

	return allTextures[key];
Ejemplo n.º 2
Texture2DSP Texture2DManager::createTexture(const string& filename, bool mipMap, GLint minFilter, GLint magFilter, GLint wrapS, GLint wrapT, float anisotropic)
	TextureFactory textureFactory;

	if (!allTextures.contains(filename))
		allTextures[filename] = textureFactory.loadTexture2D(filename, mipMap, minFilter, magFilter, wrapS, wrapT, anisotropic);

		return allTextures[filename];

	return allTextures[filename];
Ejemplo n.º 3
vector<KeyFrame> ModelLoaderMD3::buildKeyFrame(Surface * surfaces,
  const FileName &fileName,
  const FileName &skinName,
  const Header &header,
  TextureFactory &textureFactory) {
	vector<KeyFrame> keyFrames;
	const FileName directory = fileName.getPath();
	Only the first frame loads texture files.
	The other frames use a copy of the handles and that copy is stored in here.
	Material md3Material;
	// Take the all the surfaces and push each frame into the mesh manager
	for (int i=0; i<surfaces[0].header.numFrames; ++i) {
		string name = fileName.str() + "#" + itos(i);
		// Create a mesh from the surface
		Mesh *mesh = surfaces[0].getObject(i);
		// Load a material for the first mesh in the first model.
		// First model only! Ignored for subsequent models
		if (i==0) {
			if (header.numSurfaces > 0) {
#if 0
				if (surfaces[0].header.numShaders > 0) {
					const char *shaderName=(char*)surfaces[0].shaders[0].name;
					FileName skin = directory.append(FileName(shaderName));
				} else {
				// Keep a copy of the material to propagate to the subsequent frames
				md3Material = mesh->material;
		} else {
			mesh->material = md3Material; // shallow copy
	return keyFrames;
Ejemplo n.º 4
SkyBox::SkyBox(TextureFactory &textureFactory,
               FileName _top,
               FileName _bottom,
               FileName _east,
               FileName _west,
               FileName _north,
               FileName _south) {
	// Texture clamp on these ones
	top.setTexture(textureFactory.load(_top, false));
	bottom.setTexture(textureFactory.load(_bottom, false));
	east.setTexture(textureFactory.load(_east, false));
	west.setTexture(textureFactory.load(_west, false));
	north.setTexture(textureFactory.load(_north, false));
	south.setTexture(textureFactory.load(_south, false));
Texture1DArraySP Texture1DArrayManager::createTexture(const string& key, GLint internalFormat, int32_t width, GLenum format, GLenum type, bool mipMap, GLint minFilter, GLint magFilter, GLint wrapS, GLint wrapT)
	auto walker = allTextures.find(key);

	TextureFactory textureFactory;

	if (walker == allTextures.end())
		allTextures[key] = textureFactory.createTexture1DArray(internalFormat, width, format, type, mipMap, minFilter, magFilter, wrapS, wrapT);

		return allTextures[key];

	return allTextures[key];
Ejemplo n.º 6
Texture* TextureFactory::Load(const char* url)
	for (LinkedList<TextureFactory*>::Iterator iter = m_factories.Begin(); iter != m_factories.End(); iter++)
		TextureFactory* factory = *iter;
		Texture* result = factory->Try_Load(url);
		if (result != NULL)
			DBG_LOG("Loaded texture: %s", url);
			return result;

	DBG_LOG("Failed to load texture: %s", url);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
ModelLoaderMD2::loadKeyFrames(const FileName &fileName,
                              const FileName &skinName,
                              TextureFactory &textureFactory) const {
	FILE *stream=0;
//	fopen_s(&stream, fileName.c_str(), "rb");
	stream = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "rb");
	VERIFY(stream && !ferror(stream), "MD2 failed to open: "+fileName.str());
	Header header = readHeader(stream);
	Skin *skins = readSkins(stream, header);
	TexCoord *texCoords = readTexCoords(stream, header);
	Triangle *triangles = readTriangles(stream, header);
	Frame *frames = readFrames(stream, header);
	Material skin;
	if (header.numOfSkins>0) {
		skin.setTexture(textureFactory.load(FileName((const char*)skins[0].name)));
	} else {
	vector<KeyFrame> keyFrames = buildKeyFrames(fileName,
	delete [] skins;
	delete [] texCoords;
	delete [] triangles;
	delete [] frames;
	return keyFrames;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ParticleSystem::loadParticleMaterials(const PropertyBag &data,
										   TextureFactory &textureFactory)
	const size_t nMaterials = data.getNumInstances("material");
	ASSERT(nMaterials>0, "particle system does not specify any materials");
	for(size_t i=0; i<nMaterials; ++i)
		PropertyBag MatBag = data.getBag("material", i);
		Material material;
		const string name = MatBag.getString("name");
		const FileName fileName = MatBag.getString("image");
		material.setTexture(textureFactory.load(fileName, false));
		material.glow = MatBag.getBool("glow");
		materials.insert(make_pair(name, material));
		   "after loading, there are no particle materials in system");
Ejemplo n.º 9
			void reloadObject(LoadableObject::Pointer o, ObjectsCache& c)
				{ owner->reloadObject(o, c); }