Ejemplo n.º 1
TileTopBlockIterator::TileTopBlockIterator(const TilePos& tile, int block_size,
		int tile_width)
		: block_size(block_size), is_end(false) {
	// at first get the chunk, whose row and column is at the top right of the tile
	mc::ChunkPos topright_chunk = mc::ChunkPos::byRowCol(4 * tile_width * tile.getY(),
			2 * tile_width * tile.getX() + 2);

	// now get the first visible block from this chunk in this tile
	top = mc::LocalBlockPos(8, 6, mc::CHUNK_HEIGHT * 16 - 1).toGlobalPos(topright_chunk);
	// and set this as start
	current = top;

	// calculate bounds of the tile
	min_row = top.getRow() + 1;
	max_row = top.getRow() + (64 * tile_width) + 4;
	max_col = top.getCol() + 2;
	min_col = max_col - (32 * tile_width);

	// calculate position of the first block, relative row/col in this tile are needed
	int row = current.getRow() - min_row;
	int col = current.getCol() - min_col;
	// every column is a 1/2 block and every row is a 1/4 block
	draw_x = col * block_size / 2;
	// -1/2 blocksize, because we would see the top side of the blocks in the tile if not
	draw_y = row * block_size / 4 - block_size / 2; // -16
Ejemplo n.º 2
void TopdownTileRenderer::renderTile(const TilePos& tile_pos, RGBAImage& tile) {
	int texture_size = images->getTextureSize();
	tile.setSize(getTileSize(), getTileSize());

	for (int x = 0; x < tile_width; x++) {
		for (int z = 0; z < tile_width; z++) {
			mc::ChunkPos chunkpos(tile_pos.getX() * tile_width + x, tile_pos.getY() * tile_width + z);
			current_chunk = world->getChunk(chunkpos);
			if (current_chunk != nullptr)
				renderChunk(*current_chunk, tile, texture_size*16*x, texture_size*16*z);