TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_TimeRange, copyAndScaleInvalid ) {
  TimeRange<double> tr;
  TimeRange<double> newTr = tr.copyAndScale(5.0);
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( newTr.isValid(), false );
  TEST_EQUALITY( newTr.lower(), tr.lower() );
  TEST_EQUALITY( newTr.upper(), tr.upper() );
  TEST_EQUALITY( newTr.length(), tr.length() );
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_TimeRange, copyAndScale ) {
  TimeRange<double> tr(1.0,2.0);
  TimeRange<double> newTr = tr.copyAndScale(5.0);
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( newTr.isValid(), true );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( newTr.lower(), 5.0 );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( newTr.upper(), 10.0 );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( newTr.length(), 5.0 );
void ImplicitBDFStepperRampingStepControl<Scalar>::initialize(
  const StepperBase<Scalar>& stepper)
  // Initialize can be called from the stepper when setInitialCondition
  // is called.
  using Teuchos::as;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  using Thyra::createMember;

  // Set initial time:
  TimeRange<Scalar> stepperRange = stepper.getTimeRange();
      "Error, Stepper does not have valid time range for initialization "
      "of ImplicitBDFStepperRampingStepControl!\n");

  if (is_null(parameterList_)) {
    RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> emptyParameterList =
      Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);

  if (is_null(errWtVecCalc_)) {
    RCP<ImplicitBDFStepperErrWtVecCalc<Scalar> > IBDFErrWtVecCalc =
      rcp(new ImplicitBDFStepperErrWtVecCalc<Scalar>());
    errWtVecCalc_ = IBDFErrWtVecCalc;

  stepControlState_ = UNINITIALIZED;

  requestedStepSize_ = Scalar(-1.0);
  currentStepSize_ = initialStepSize_;
  currentOrder_ = 1;
  nextStepSize_ = initialStepSize_;
  nextOrder_ = 1;
  numberOfSteps_ = 0;
  totalNumberOfFailedSteps_ = 0;
  countOfConstantStepsAfterFailure_ = 0;

  if (is_null(delta_)) {
    delta_ = createMember(stepper.get_x_space());
  if (is_null(errWtVec_)) {
    errWtVec_ = createMember(stepper.get_x_space());

  if ( doOutput_(Teuchos::VERB_HIGH) ) {
    RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = this->getOStream();
    Teuchos::OSTab ostab(out,1,"initialize");
    *out << "currentOrder_ = " << currentOrder_ << std::endl;
    *out << "numberOfSteps_ = " << numberOfSteps_ << std::endl;


TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_TimeRange, newTimeRange ) {
  TimeRange<double> tr;
  // it should be initialized as [0,-1]
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isValid(), false );
  TEST_COMPARE( tr.lower(), >, tr.upper() );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isInRange(0.5), false );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isInRange(0.0), false );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isInRange(-1.0), false );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.length(), -1.0 );
Ejemplo n.º 5
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_ExplicitRKStepper, getTimeRange ) {
    RCP<SinCosModel> model = sinCosModel(false);
    RCP<ExplicitRKStepper<double> > stepper = explicitRKStepper<double>(model);
    Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase::InArgs<double> ic = model->getNominalValues();
    TimeRange<double> tr = stepper->getTimeRange();
    TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isValid(), true );
    TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.lower(), 0.0 );
    TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.upper(), 0.0 );
    TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.length(), 0.0 );
    RCP<SinCosModel> model = sinCosModel(false);
    RCP<ExplicitRKStepper<double> > stepper = explicitRKStepper<double>();
    TimeRange<double> tr;
    TEST_NOTHROW( tr = stepper->getTimeRange() );
    TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isValid(), false );
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_TimeRange, invalidTimeRange ) {
  TimeRange<double> tr = invalidTimeRange<double>();
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isValid(), false );
  TEST_COMPARE( tr.lower(), >, tr.upper() );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isInRange(0.5), false );
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_TimeRange, nonMemberConstructor ) {
  TimeRange<double> tr = timeRange(1.25,3.45);
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.isValid(), true );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.lower(), 1.25 );
  TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( tr.upper(), 3.45 );