Ejemplo n.º 1
void XMLRPCServer::UDPreceive(void* params)
    struct netconn *conn;
    struct netbuf *buf;
    err_t err;

    // Initialize memory (in stack) for message.
    char message[60]; // TODO: Set its size according to UDPMessage.
    conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_UDP);
    for (;;) {
        // Check if connection was created successfully.
        if (conn != NULL) {
            err = netconn_bind(conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, UDP_RECEIVE_PORT);

            // Check if we were able to bind to port.
            if (err == ERR_OK) {
                portTickType xLastWakeTime;
                // Initialize the xLastWakeTime variable with the current time.
                xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();

                // Start periodic loop.
                while (1) {
                    buf = netconn_recv(conn);
                    if (buf != NULL) {
                        struct ip_addr* ip;
                        uint16_t port;
                        ip = buf->addr;
                        port = buf->port;
                        //if(ip != NULL)
                        //os_printf("Received from %d:%d!\n", ip->addr, port);
                        // Copy received data into message.
                        uint16_t len = netbuf_len(buf);
                        if (len > 15) {
                            netbuf_copy (buf, &message, len);
                            uint32_t connectionID = *((uint32_t*)&message[0]);
                            TopicReader* tr = getTopicReader(connectionID);
                            if (tr != NULL) {
                                //os_printf("ConnectionID: %d, topic:%s\n", connectionID, tr->getTopic());
                        // Deallocate previously created memory.
                    // Use delay until to guarantee periodic execution of each loop iteration.
                    else {
                        os_printf("buf = NULL!\n");
                        vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, 30);
            } else {
                os_printf("cannot bind netconn\n");
        } else {
            os_printf("cannot create new UDP netconn\n");
            conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_UDP);
        // If connection failed, wait for 50 ms before retrying.
Ejemplo n.º 2
void XMLRPCServer::UDPSend(void* params)
    UDPHandler* uh = UDPHandler::instance();
    struct netconn* conn = netconn_new( NETCONN_UDP );
    netconn_bind(conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, UDP_LOCAL_PORT);
    static uint8_t counter = 1;

    pinMode(GPIO_PD11, OUTPUT);
    UDPMessage msg;
    struct ip_addr ip;
    ip.addr = inet_addr(ROS_MASTER_IP);
    for (;;) {
        //digitalWrite(GPIO_PD11, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(GPIO_PD11, pin3);
        //digitalWrite(GPIO_PD11, LOW);

        // inter-node communication
        TopicReader* tr = getTopicReader(msg.topic);
        if (tr != NULL) {

        TopicWriter* tw = getTopicWriter(msg.topic);
        if (tw != NULL) {

            UDPConnection* const* connections = tw->getConnections();
            if (connections != NULL) {
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UDP_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
                    const UDPConnection* connection = connections[i];
                    if (connection && connection->isValid()) {
                        err_t err = netconn_connect(conn, &ip, connection->getPort());
                        //os_printf("1Port: %d LWIP Error:%d\n", endpoint.port, err);

                        os_printf("Connecting %s:%d, err:%d\n", ip, connection->getPort(), err);
                        struct netbuf *buf = netbuf_new();
                        char msgHeader[8];
                        uint32_t connectionID = connection->getID();
                        memcpy(&msgHeader[0], &connectionID, sizeof(uint32_t));
                        msgHeader[4] = 0;
                        msgHeader[5] = counter++;
                        msgHeader[6] = 0x01;
                        msgHeader[7] = 0;
                        uint32_t msgLen = *((uint32_t*) msg.data) + 4;
                        void* data = netbuf_alloc(buf, msgLen + sizeof(msgHeader)); // Also deallocated with netbuf_delete(buf)
                        if (data != NULL) {
                            memcpy (data, msgHeader, sizeof(msgHeader));
                            memcpy (data + sizeof(msgHeader), msg.data, msgLen);
                        } else {
                            os_printf("XMLRPCServer::UDPSend data is NULL!\n");

                        err = netconn_send(conn, buf);
                        //os_printf("2Port: %d LWIP Error:%d\n", endpoint.port, err);

        pin3 = !pin3;