Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    plbInit(&argc, &argv);

    plint n = 80; // Resolution (cylinder diameter).
    T radius = (T) n / 2.; // Cylinder radius.
    Array<T,3> center(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Cylinder center.
    T length = (T) (4 * n); // Cylinder length.
    plint nAxial = n / 2; // Two parameters needed for the creation of the triangularized cylinder surface.
    plint nCirc  = 3 * n / 2;

    // Create a cylinder surface as a set of triangles.
    TriangleSet<T> cylinder;
    cylinder = constructCylinder<T>(center, radius, radius, length, nAxial, nCirc);

    // Define the cut plane by a point and a normal vector.
    Array<T,3> cutPlanePoint(length / 3.3, 0.0, 0.0);
    Array<T,3> cutPlaneNormal(-1.0, -0.1, -0.5);

    Plane<T> cutPlane;
    cutPlane.point = cutPlanePoint;
    cutPlane.normal = cutPlaneNormal;

    // Cut the cylinder in two parts.
    TriangleSet<T> rightCylinderPart;
    int rv = 0;
    rv = cylinder.cutWithPlane(cutPlane, rightCylinderPart);
    if (rv != 1) {
        pcout << "Problem with the surface cutting." << std::endl;

    TriangleSet<T> leftCylinderPart;
    cutPlane.normal = -cutPlane.normal;
    rv = 0;
    rv = cylinder.cutWithPlane(cutPlane, leftCylinderPart);
    if (rv != 1) {
        pcout << "Problem with the surface cutting." << std::endl;

    // Use a cuboid to cut the cylinder (correct usage).
    Array<T,3> lowerLeftCorner = cutPlanePoint - Array<T,3>(length, 5.0 * radius / 4.0, 5.0 * radius / 4.0);
    Array<T,3> upperRightCorner = cutPlanePoint + Array<T,3>(length / 4.0, 5.0 * radius / 4.0, 5.0 * radius / 4.0);

    Cuboid<T> cutCuboid;
    cutCuboid.lowerLeftCorner = lowerLeftCorner;
    cutCuboid.upperRightCorner = upperRightCorner;

    TriangleSet<T> newRightCylinderPart;
    cutPlane.normal = -cutPlane.normal;
    rv = 0;
    rv = cylinder.cutWithPlane(cutPlane, cutCuboid, newRightCylinderPart);
    if (rv != 1) {
        pcout << "Problem with the surface cutting." << std::endl;

    // Use a cuboid to cut the cylinder (wrong usage).
    upperRightCorner = cutPlanePoint + Array<T,3>(0.0, radius, radius);

    cutCuboid.upperRightCorner = upperRightCorner;

    TriangleSet<T> newBrokenRightCylinderPart;
    rv = 0;
    rv = cylinder.cutWithPlane(cutPlane, cutCuboid, newBrokenRightCylinderPart);
    if (rv != 1) {
        pcout << "Problem with the surface cutting." << std::endl;

    return 0;