Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL PrintComponent::ExportImagesetting(BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
	BOOL ok = TRUE;

#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)

	TypesetInfo *TInfo = GetPrintControl()->GetTypesetInfo();
	if (TInfo == NULL)
		return(TRUE);		// If we can't find imagesetting info, don't sweat it

	if (ok)  ok = Rec.Init();

	if (ok)  ok = Rec.WriteINT32(TInfo->GetPrintResolution());
	if (ok)  ok = Rec.WriteDOUBLE(TInfo->GetDefaultScreenFrequency());

	if (ok)
		UINT16 Func = 0;
			case SCRTYPE_SPOT1:			Func = 1;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_SPOT2:			Func = 2;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_TRIPLESPOT1:	Func = 3;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_TRIPLESPOT2:	Func = 4;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_ELLIPTICAL:	Func = 5;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_LINE:			Func = 6;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_CROSSHATCH:	Func = 7;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_MEZZOTINT:		Func = 8;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_SQUARE:		Func = 9;	break;
			case SCRTYPE_DITHER:		Func = 10;	break;
		ok = Rec.WriteUINT16(Func);

	if (ok)
	  	BYTE Flags = 0x00;
		if (TInfo->AreSeparating())			Flags |= 0x01;
		if (TInfo->AreScreening())			Flags |= 0x02;
		if (TInfo->PrintEmulsionDown())		Flags |= 0x04;
		if (TInfo->PrintPhotoNegative())	Flags |= 0x08;
		if (TInfo->AlwaysOverprintBlack())	Flags |= 0x10;

		ok = Rec.WriteBYTE(Flags);

	if (ok)

Ejemplo n.º 2
BOOL PrintPSRenderRegion::WriteSepFunctions(KernelDC *pDC)
	PrintControl *pPrintCtl=NULL;
	View *pView = GetRenderView();
	if (pView) pPrintCtl = pView->GetPrintControl();
	if (!pPrintCtl)
		return TRUE;

	// Get a pointer to the typeset info structure
	TypesetInfo *pInfo = pPrintCtl->GetTypesetInfo();
	// Is screening off?
	if (!pInfo->AreScreening())
		return TRUE;

	// Get hold of our PostScript prolog resource...
	CCResTextFile ScreenFile;

	// Open the file
	if (!ScreenFile.open(_R(IDM_PS_SPOTFUNCS), _R(IDT_PS_RES)))
		// Failed to open the file...
		ERROR2(FALSE, "Could not get at PostScript resource!");

	// Read each line from the file and output it to the DC.
	String_256 LineBuf;
	TCHAR *pBuf = (TCHAR *) LineBuf;
	while (!ScreenFile.eof())
		// Copy this line to output.
		pDC->OutputTCHARAsChar(pBuf, LineBuf.Length());
	// All done

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOL PrintPSRenderRegion::WritePlateScreen(KernelDC *pDC)
	PrintControl *pPrintCtl=NULL;
	View *pView = GetRenderView();
	if (pView) pPrintCtl = pView->GetPrintControl();
	if (!pPrintCtl)
		return TRUE;

	// Get a pointer to the typeset info structure
	TypesetInfo *pInfo = pPrintCtl->GetTypesetInfo();
	double ang,freq;
	String_256 ScreenName;
	ScreenType scrtype;

	// If separating then interogate the current plate
	if (pInfo->AreSeparating())
		ColourPlate* pSeparation;
		GetOutputColourPlate(COLOURMODEL_CMYK, NULL, &pSeparation);
		// do nothing if we are not separating
		if (pSeparation==NULL)
			return TRUE;

		// Make sure screening is on in this plate
		if (!pSeparation->ActiveScreening())
			return TRUE;

		// Get the screen type if enabled.
		scrtype = pSeparation->GetScreenFunction();
		if (scrtype==SCRTYPE_NONE)
			return TRUE;

		// ok we can get the angle and frequency
		ang = pSeparation->GetScreenAngle();
		freq = pSeparation->GetScreenFrequency();
		// Is screening off?
		if (!pInfo->AreScreening())
			return TRUE;

		scrtype = pInfo->GetScreenFunction();
		if (scrtype==SCRTYPE_NONE)
			return TRUE;

		ang = 45.0;
		freq = pInfo->GetDefaultScreenFrequency();

	// read the name of this screen
	pInfo->GetScreenName(scrtype, &ScreenName);
	String_256 fred;
	fred += String_8(_T("{"));
	fred += ScreenName;
	fred += String_8(_T("}"));

	// ok output 'freq ang screenfunc setscreen'
	BOOL ok = pDC->OutputFloat(freq, 4);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputFloat(ang, 4);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputToken(fred);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputToken(_T("setscreen"));
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputNewLine();

	return ok;