Ejemplo n.º 1
void JSWriter::writeOperations(QString classname, UMLOperationList *opList, QTextStream &js)
    UMLOperation *op;
    UMLAttribute *at;

    for(op = opList->first(); op; op = opList->next())
        UMLAttributeList atl = op->getParmList();
        //write method doc if we have doc || if at least one of the params has doc
        bool writeDoc = forceDoc() || !op->getDoc().isEmpty();
        for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next())
            writeDoc |= !at->getDoc().isEmpty();

        if( writeDoc )  //write method documentation
            js << "/**" << m_endl << formatDoc(op->getDoc()," * ");

            for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next())  //write parameter documentation
                if(forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty())
                    js << " * @param " + cleanName(at->getName())<<m_endl;
                    js << formatDoc(at->getDoc(),"    *      ");
            }//end for : write parameter documentation
            js << " */" << m_endl;
        }//end if : write method documentation

        js << classname << ".prototype." << cleanName(op->getName()) << " = function " << "(";

        int i = atl.count();
        int j=0;
        for (at = atl.first(); at ;at = atl.next(),j++)
            js << cleanName(at->getName())
            << (!(at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) ? (QString(" = ")+at->getInitialValue()) : QString(""))
            << ((j < i-1)?", ":"");
        js << ")" << m_endl << "{" << m_endl <<
        m_indentation << m_endl << "}" << m_endl;
        js << m_endl << m_endl;
    }//end for
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CSharpWriter::writeAttributes(UMLAttributeList &atList, QTextStream &cs) {

    for (UMLAttribute *at = atList.first(); at ; at = atList.next()) {

        bool asProperty = true;
        if (at->getVisibility() == Uml::Visibility::Private) {
            asProperty = false;
        writeAttribute(at->getDoc(), at->getVisibility(), at->getStatic(),
            makeLocalTypeName(at), at->getName(), at->getInitialValue(), asProperty, cs);

        cs << m_endl;
    } // end for
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SQLWriter::printAttributes(QTextStream& sql, UMLAttributeList attributeList, bool first) {
    QString attrDoc = "";
    UMLAttribute* at;

    for (at=attributeList.first();at;at=attributeList.next())
        // print , after attribute
        if (first == false) {
            sql <<",";
        } else {
            first = false;

        // print documentation/comment of last attribute at end of line
        if (attrDoc.isEmpty() == false)
            sql << " -- " << attrDoc << m_endl;
        } else {
            sql << m_endl;

        // write the attribute
        sql << m_indentation << cleanName(at->getName()) << " " << at->getTypeName() << " "
        << (at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()?QString(""):QString(" DEFAULT ")+at->getInitialValue());

        // now get documentation/comment of current attribute
        attrDoc = at->getDoc();

    // print documentation/comment at end of line
    if (attrDoc.isEmpty() == false)
        sql << " -- " << attrDoc << m_endl;
    } else {
        sql << m_endl;

Ejemplo n.º 4
void CSharpWriter::writeOperations(UMLOperationList opList,
                                 QTextStream &cs, bool isInterface /* = false */,
                                 bool isOverride /* = false */,
                                 bool generateErrorStub /* = false */) {

    for (UMLOperation *op=opList.first(); op ; op=opList.next()) {
        UMLAttributeList atl = op->getParmList();
        UMLAttribute *at;

        //write method doc if we have doc || if at least one of the params has doc
        bool writeDoc = forceDoc() || !op->getDoc().isEmpty();

        for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next()) {
            writeDoc |= !at->getDoc().isEmpty();

        //write method documentation
        if (writeDoc && !isOverride)
            cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation << "/// <summary>" << m_endl;
            cs << formatDoc(op->getDoc(), m_container_indent + m_indentation + "/// ");
            cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation << "/// </summary>" << m_endl;

            //write parameter documentation
            for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next())
                if (forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty()) {
                    cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation << "/// <param name=\"" << cleanName(at->getName()) << "\">";
                    //removing newlines from parameter doc
                    cs << formatDoc(at->getDoc(), "").replace("\n", " ").remove('\r').replace(QRegExp(" $"), "");
                    cs << "</param>" << m_endl;

            // FIXME: "returns" should contain documentation, not type.
            cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation << "/// <returns>";
            if (! op->getTypeName().isEmpty()) {
                cs << makeLocalTypeName(op);
            cs << "</returns>" << m_endl;


        // method visibility
        cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation;
        if (!isInterface) {
            if (!isOverride) {
                if (op->getAbstract()) cs << "abstract ";
                cs << op->getVisibility().toString() << " ";
                if (op->getStatic()) cs << "static ";
            else {
                // method overriding an abstract parent
                cs << op->getVisibility().toString() << " override ";
                if (op->getStatic()) cs << "static ";

        // return type (unless constructor, destructor)
        if (!op->isLifeOperation()) {
            if (op->getTypeName().isEmpty()) {
                cs << "void ";
            else {
                cs << makeLocalTypeName(op) << " ";

        // method name
        cs << cleanName(op->getName()) << "(";

        // method parameters
        int i= atl.count();
        int j=0;
        for (at = atl.first(); at; at = atl.next(), j++) {

            cs << makeLocalTypeName(at) << " " << cleanName(at->getName());

            // no initial values in C#
            //<< (!(at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) ?
            //    (QString(" = ")+at->getInitialValue()) :
            //    QString(""))
            cs << ((j < i-1)?", ":"");
        cs << ")";

        //FIXME: how to control generation of error stub?
        if (!isInterface && (!op->getAbstract() || isOverride)) {
            cs << m_endl << m_container_indent << m_indentation << "{" << m_endl;
            if (generateErrorStub) {
                cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation << m_indentation;
                cs << "throw new Exception(\"The method or operation is not implemented.\");" << m_endl;
            cs << m_container_indent << m_indentation << "}" << m_endl;
        else {
            cs << ';' << m_endl;
        cs << m_endl;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void JSWriter::writeClass(UMLClassifier *c)
        kDebug()<<"Cannot write class of NULL concept!" << endl;

    QString classname = cleanName(c->getName());
    QString fileName = c->getName().lower();

    //find an appropriate name for our file
    fileName = findFileName(c,".js");
    if (fileName.isEmpty())
        emit codeGenerated(c, false);

    QFile filejs;
    if(!openFile(filejs, fileName))
        emit codeGenerated(c, false);
    QTextStream js(&filejs);

    //Start generating the code!!

    //try to find a heading file (license, coments, etc)
    QString str;
    str = getHeadingFile(".js");
        js << str << m_endl;

    //write includes
    UMLPackageList includes;
    for (UMLPackage *conc = includes.first(); conc; conc = includes.next())
        QString headerName = findFileName(conc, ".js");
        if ( !headerName.isEmpty() )
            js << "#include \"" << headerName << "\"" << m_endl;
    js << m_endl;

    //Write class Documentation if there is somthing or if force option
    if(forceDoc() || !c->getDoc().isEmpty())
        js << m_endl << "/**" << m_endl;
        js << "  * class " << classname << m_endl;
        js << formatDoc(c->getDoc(),"  * ");
        js << "  */" << m_endl << m_endl;

    //check if class is abstract and / or has abstract methods
    if(c->getAbstract() && !hasAbstractOps(c))
        js << "/******************************* Abstract Class ****************************" << m_endl << "  "
        << classname << " does not have any pure virtual methods, but its author" << m_endl
        << "  defined it as an abstract class, so you should not use it directly." << m_endl
        << "  Inherit from it instead and create only objects from the derived classes" << m_endl
        << "*****************************************************************************/" << m_endl << m_endl;

    js << classname << " = function ()" << m_endl;
    js << "{" << m_endl;
    js << m_indentation << "this._init ();" << m_endl;
    js << "}" << m_endl;
    js << m_endl;

    UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->getSuperClasses();
    for (UMLClassifier *obj = superclasses.first();
            obj; obj = superclasses.next()) {
        js << classname << ".prototype = new " << cleanName(obj->getName()) << " ();" << m_endl;

    js << m_endl;

    if (! c->isInterface()) {
        UMLAttributeList atl = c->getAttributeList();

        js << "/**" << m_endl;
        QString temp = "_init sets all " + classname + " attributes to their default value."
                       " Make sure to call this method within your class constructor";
        js << formatDoc(temp, " * ");
        js << " */" << m_endl;
        js << classname << ".prototype._init = function ()" << m_endl;
        js << "{" << m_endl;
        for(UMLAttribute *at = atl.first(); at ; at = atl.next())
            if (forceDoc() || !at->getDoc().isEmpty())
                js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl
                << formatDoc(at->getDoc(), m_indentation + " * ")
                << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl;
                js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << cleanName(at->getName()) << " = " << at->getInitialValue() << ";" << m_endl;
                js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << cleanName(at->getName()) << " = \"\";" << m_endl;

    UMLAssociationList aggregations = c->getAggregations();
    if (forceSections() || !aggregations.isEmpty ())
        js << m_endl << m_indentation << "/**Aggregations: */" << m_endl;
        writeAssociation(classname, aggregations , js );

    UMLAssociationList compositions = c->getCompositions();
    if( forceSections() || !compositions.isEmpty())
        js << m_endl << m_indentation << "/**Compositions: */" << m_endl;
        writeAssociation(classname, compositions , js );

    js << m_endl;
    js << "}" << m_endl;
    js << m_endl;

    UMLOperationList ops(c->getOpList());
    writeOperations(classname, &ops, js);

    js << m_endl;

    //finish file

    //close files and notfiy we are done
    emit codeGenerated(c, true);