Ejemplo n.º 1
FLinearColor UMaterialGraphNode::GetNodeTitleColor() const
	UMaterial* Material = CastChecked<UMaterialGraph>(GetGraph())->Material;

	// Generate title color
	FColor TitleColor = MaterialExpression->BorderColor;
	TitleColor.A = 255;

	if (bIsErrorExpression)
		// Outline expressions that caused errors in red
		TitleColor = FColor( 255, 0, 0 );
	else if (bIsCurrentSearchResult)
		TitleColor = FColor( 64, 64, 255 );
	else if (bIsPreviewExpression)
		// If we are currently previewing a node, its border should be the preview color.
		TitleColor = FColor( 70, 100, 200 );
	else if (UMaterial::IsParameter(MaterialExpression))
		if (Material->HasDuplicateParameters(MaterialExpression))
			TitleColor = FColor( 0, 255, 255 );
			TitleColor = FColor( 0, 128, 128 );
	else if (UMaterial::IsDynamicParameter(MaterialExpression))
		if (Material->HasDuplicateDynamicParameters(MaterialExpression))
			TitleColor = FColor( 0, 255, 255 );
			TitleColor = FColor( 0, 128, 128 );

	return FLinearColor(TitleColor);
FLinearColor UMaterialGraphNode::GetNodeTitleColor() const
	UMaterial* Material = CastChecked<UMaterialGraph>(GetGraph())->Material;

	if (bIsPreviewExpression)
		// If we are currently previewing a node, its border should be the preview color.
		return FColor( 70, 100, 200 );

	const UGraphEditorSettings* Settings = GetDefault<UGraphEditorSettings>();

	if (UsesBoolColour(MaterialExpression))
		return Settings->BooleanPinTypeColor;
	else if (UsesFloatColour(MaterialExpression))
		return Settings->FloatPinTypeColor;
	else if (UsesVectorColour(MaterialExpression))
		return Settings->VectorPinTypeColor;
	else if (UsesObjectColour(MaterialExpression))
		return Settings->ObjectPinTypeColor;
	else if (UsesEventColour(MaterialExpression))
		return Settings->EventNodeTitleColor;
	else if (MaterialExpression->IsA(UMaterialExpressionMaterialFunctionCall::StaticClass()))
		// Previously FColor(0, 116, 255);
		return Settings->FunctionCallNodeTitleColor;
	else if (MaterialExpression->IsA(UMaterialExpressionFunctionOutput::StaticClass()))
		// Previously FColor(255, 155, 0);
		return Settings->ResultNodeTitleColor;
	else if (MaterialExpression->IsA(UMaterialExpressionCustomOutput::StaticClass()))
		// Previously FColor(255, 155, 0);
		return Settings->ResultNodeTitleColor;
	else if (UMaterial::IsParameter(MaterialExpression))
		if (Material->HasDuplicateParameters(MaterialExpression))
			return FColor( 0, 255, 255 );
			return FColor( 0, 128, 128 );
	else if (UMaterial::IsDynamicParameter(MaterialExpression))
		if (Material->HasDuplicateDynamicParameters(MaterialExpression))
			return FColor( 0, 255, 255 );
			return FColor( 0, 128, 128 );

	// Assume that most material expressions act like pure functions and don't affect anything else
	return Settings->PureFunctionCallNodeTitleColor;