Ejemplo n.º 1
void UUnrealEdEngine::SetActorSelectionFlags (AActor* InActor)
	TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;

	//for every component in the actor
	for(int32 ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex < Components.Num(); ComponentIndex++)
		UActorComponent* Component = Components[ComponentIndex];
		if (Component->IsRegistered())
			// If we have a 'child actor' component, want to update its visible selection state
			UChildActorComponent* ChildActorComponent = Cast<UChildActorComponent>(Component);
			if(ChildActorComponent != NULL && ChildActorComponent->ChildActor != NULL)

			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComponent = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(Component);
			if(PrimComponent != NULL && PrimComponent->IsRegistered())

			UDecalComponent* DecalComponent = Cast<UDecalComponent>(Component);
			if(DecalComponent != NULL)// && DecalComponent->IsRegistered())
Ejemplo n.º 2
void FLayers::RemoveViewFromActorViewVisibility( FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient )
	const int32 ViewIndex = ViewportClient->ViewIndex;

	// get the bit for the view index
	uint64 ViewBit = ((uint64)1 << ViewIndex);
	// get all bits under that that we want to keep
	uint64 KeepBits = ViewBit - 1;

	// Iterate over all actors, looking for actors in the specified layers.
	for( FActorIterator It(ViewportClient->GetWorld()) ; It ; ++It )
		const TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor = *It;

		if( !IsActorValidForLayer( Actor ) )

		// remember original bits
		uint64 OriginalHiddenViews = Actor->HiddenEditorViews;

		uint64 Was = Actor->HiddenEditorViews;

		// slide all bits higher than ViewIndex down one since the view is being removed from Editor
		uint64 LowBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews & KeepBits;

		// now slide the top bits down by ViewIndex + 1 (chopping off ViewBit)
		uint64 HighBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews >> (ViewIndex + 1);
		// then slide back up by ViewIndex, which will now have erased ViewBit, as well as leaving 0 in the low bits
		HighBits = HighBits << ViewIndex;

		// put it all back together
		Actor->HiddenEditorViews = LowBits | HighBits;

		// reregister if we changed the visibility bits, as the rendering thread needs them
		if (OriginalHiddenViews == Actor->HiddenEditorViews)

		// Find all registered primitive components and update the scene proxy with the actors updated visibility map
		TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> Components;

		for( int32 ComponentIdx = 0; ComponentIdx < Components.Num(); ++ComponentIdx )
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Components[ComponentIdx];
			if (PrimitiveComponent->IsRegistered())
				// Push visibility to the render thread
				PrimitiveComponent->PushEditorVisibilityToProxy( Actor->HiddenEditorViews );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FSCSEditorViewportClient::RefreshPreviewBounds()
	AActor* PreviewActor = GetPreviewActor();

		// Compute actor bounds as the sum of its visible parts
		TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> PrimitiveComponents;

		PreviewActorBounds = FBoxSphereBounds(ForceInitToZero);
		for(auto CompIt = PrimitiveComponents.CreateConstIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt)
			// Aggregate primitive components that either have collision enabled or are otherwise visible components in-game
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp = *CompIt;
			if(PrimComp->IsRegistered() && (!PrimComp->bHiddenInGame || PrimComp->IsCollisionEnabled()) && PrimComp->Bounds.SphereRadius < HALF_WORLD_MAX)
				PreviewActorBounds = PreviewActorBounds + PrimComp->Bounds;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void UUnrealEdEngine::UpdateVolumeActorVisibility( UClass* InVolumeActorClass, FLevelEditorViewportClient* InViewport )
	TSubclassOf<AActor> VolumeClassToCheck = InVolumeActorClass ? InVolumeActorClass : AVolume::StaticClass();
	// Build a list of actors that need to be updated.  Only take actors of the passed in volume class.  
	UWorld* World = InViewport ? InViewport->GetWorld() : GWorld;
	TArray< AActor *> ActorsToUpdate;
	for( TActorIterator<AActor> It( World, VolumeClassToCheck ); It; ++It)

	if( ActorsToUpdate.Num() > 0 )
		TArray< AActor* > ActorsThatChanged;
		if( !InViewport )
			// Update the visibility state of each actor for each viewport
			for( int32 ViewportIdx = 0; ViewportIdx < LevelViewportClients.Num(); ++ViewportIdx )
				FLevelEditorViewportClient& ViewClient = *LevelViewportClients[ViewportIdx];
					// Only update the editor frame clients as those are the only viewports right now that show volumes.
					InternalUpdateVolumeActorVisibility( ActorsToUpdate, ViewClient, ActorsThatChanged );
					if( ActorsThatChanged.Num() )
						// If actor visibility changed in the viewport, it needs to be redrawn
			// Only update the editor frame clients as those are the only viewports right now that show volumes.
			InternalUpdateVolumeActorVisibility( ActorsToUpdate, *InViewport, ActorsThatChanged );
			if( ActorsThatChanged.Num() )
				// If actor visibility changed in the viewport, it needs to be redrawn

		// Push all changes in the actors to the scene proxy so the render thread correctly updates visibility
		for( int32 ActorIdx = 0; ActorIdx < ActorsThatChanged.Num(); ++ActorIdx )
			AActor* ActorToUpdate = ActorsThatChanged[ ActorIdx ];

			// Find all registered primitive components and update the scene proxy with the actors updated visibility map
			TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> PrimitiveComponents;

			for( int32 ComponentIdx = 0; ComponentIdx < PrimitiveComponents.Num(); ++ComponentIdx )
				UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = PrimitiveComponents[ComponentIdx];
				if (PrimitiveComponent->IsRegistered())
					// Push visibility to the render thread
					PrimitiveComponent->PushEditorVisibilityToProxy( ActorToUpdate->HiddenEditorViews );
bool UGripMotionControllerComponent::CheckComponentWithSweep(UPrimitiveComponent * ComponentToCheck, FVector Move, FRotator newOrientation, bool bSkipSimulatingComponents/*,  bool &bHadBlockingHitOut*/)
	TArray<FHitResult> Hits;
	// WARNING: HitResult is only partially initialized in some paths. All data is valid only if bFilledHitResult is true.
	FHitResult BlockingHit(NoInit);
	BlockingHit.bBlockingHit = false;
	BlockingHit.Time = 1.f;
	bool bFilledHitResult = false;
	bool bMoved = false;
	bool bIncludesOverlapsAtEnd = false;
	bool bRotationOnly = false;

	UPrimitiveComponent *root = ComponentToCheck;

	if (!root || !root->IsQueryCollisionEnabled())
		return false;

	FVector start(root->GetComponentLocation());

	const bool bCollisionEnabled = root->IsQueryCollisionEnabled();

	if (bCollisionEnabled)
		if (!root->IsRegistered())
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MovedComponent %s not initialized in grip motion controller"), *root->GetFullName());

		UWorld* const MyWorld = GetWorld();
		FComponentQueryParams Params(TEXT("sweep_params"), root->GetOwner());

		FCollisionResponseParams ResponseParam;
		root->InitSweepCollisionParams(Params, ResponseParam);

		bool const bHadBlockingHit = MyWorld->ComponentSweepMulti(Hits, root, start, start + Move, newOrientation, Params);

		if (bHadBlockingHit)
			int32 BlockingHitIndex = INDEX_NONE;
			float BlockingHitNormalDotDelta = BIG_NUMBER;
			for (int32 HitIdx = 0; HitIdx < Hits.Num(); HitIdx++)
				const FHitResult& TestHit = Hits[HitIdx];

				// Ignore the owning actor to the motion controller
				if (TestHit.Actor == this->GetOwner() || (bSkipSimulatingComponents && TestHit.Component->IsSimulatingPhysics()))
					if (Hits.Num() == 1)
						//bHadBlockingHitOut = false;
						return false;

				if (TestHit.bBlockingHit && TestHit.IsValidBlockingHit())
					if (TestHit.Time == 0.f)
						// We may have multiple initial hits, and want to choose the one with the normal most opposed to our movement.
						const float NormalDotDelta = (TestHit.ImpactNormal | Move);
						if (NormalDotDelta < BlockingHitNormalDotDelta)
							BlockingHitNormalDotDelta = NormalDotDelta;
							BlockingHitIndex = HitIdx;
					else if (BlockingHitIndex == INDEX_NONE)
						// First non-overlapping blocking hit should be used, if an overlapping hit was not.
						// This should be the only non-overlapping blocking hit, and last in the results.
						BlockingHitIndex = HitIdx;

			// Update blocking hit, if there was a valid one.
			if (BlockingHitIndex >= 0)
				BlockingHit = Hits[BlockingHitIndex];
				bFilledHitResult = true;

	// Handle blocking hit notifications. Avoid if pending kill (which could happen after overlaps).
	if (BlockingHit.bBlockingHit && !root->IsPendingKill())
		if (root->IsDeferringMovementUpdates())
			FScopedMovementUpdate* ScopedUpdate = root->GetCurrentScopedMovement();
				root->DispatchBlockingHit(*root->GetOwner(), BlockingHit);

		return true;

	return false;