Ejemplo n.º 1
abs_uri *Connection::absolute_uri() {
    abs_uri *ret = new abs_uri;
    std::string r = req->uri();
    std::string h = req->host();
    // make sure that r doesn't begin with it's hostname, which can happen if
    // the server is proxying but accessing a frostbite-served file
    size_t pos;
    if ((pos = r.find(h)) != std::string::npos)
        r = r.substr(pos + h.length());
    if (r.front() == '/')

    URI *uri = new URI(location + r);
    if (uri->is_valid()) {
        if(uri->is_directory()) {
            // if there's no trailing slash then the browser is going to get
            // really confused. we need to responde with a 301 Moved Permanently
            // to tell the browser that the real location has a trailing slash
            if (uri->src().back() != '/') {
                ret->status = HTTP_301_MOVED;
                // here we'll add the slash so that Response will know what to
                // tell the browser to redirect to
                ret->contents = new URI(req->uri() + '/');
                delete uri;
                return ret;
            // otherwise lets iterate through our defaultFiles and see if we can
            // find an index file that exits
            for (int i = 0; i < defaultFiles.size(); i++) {
                if (Utils::exists(uri->src()+defaultFiles[i])) {
        else if(uri->is_file()) {
            // it's a file, uri is already the absolute uri
    else {
        ret->status = HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND;
        ret->contents = nullptr;
        delete uri;
        return ret;
    ret->status = HTTP_200_OK;
    ret->contents = uri;
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // override
    Status initialize( const osgDB::Options* dbOptions )
        // add the security token to the URL if necessary:
        URI url = _options.url().value();

		OE_DEBUG << LC << "Initial URL: " << url.full() << std::endl;

		// append token to url in query string is set
        if (_options.token().isSet())
            std::string token = _options.token().value();
            if (!token.empty())
                std::string sep = url.full().find( "?" ) == std::string::npos ? "?" : "&";
                url = url.append( sep + std::string("token=") + token );
			OE_DEBUG << LC << "Token not set" << std::endl;

		// append layers to url in query string is set .. format is show:1,2,3
		if (_options.layers().isSet())
			std::string layers = _options.layers().value();
			OE_DEBUG << LC << "_Layers: " << layers << std::endl;
			if (!layers.empty())
				std::string sep = url.full().find( "?" ) == std::string::npos ? "?" : "&";
				url = url.append( sep + std::string("layers=show:") + layers );
			OE_DEBUG << LC << "Layer options not set" << std::endl;

		OE_DEBUG << LC << "_map_service URL: " << url.full() << std::endl;

        // read map service metadata from the server
        if ( !_map_service.init(url, dbOptions) )
			OE_INFO << LC << "_map_service.init failed: " << _map_service.getError() << std::endl;

            return Status::Error( Stringify()
                << "[osgearth] [ArcGIS] map service initialization failed: "
                << _map_service.getError() );

        _dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions( dbOptions );        

        // establish a profile if we don't already have one:
        if ( !getProfile() )
            const Profile* profile = NULL;

            if ( _profileConf.isSet() )
                profile = Profile::create( _profileConf.get() );
            else if ( _map_service.getProfile() )
                profile = _map_service.getProfile();
                // finally, fall back on lat/long
                profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();
            setProfile( profile );

        return STATUS_OK;