FString UMulticastDelegateProperty::GetCPPType( FString* ExtendedTypeText/*=NULL*/, uint32 CPPExportFlags/*=0*/ ) const
	// We have this test because sometimes the delegate hasn't been set up by FixupDelegateProperties at the time
	// we need the type for an error message.  We deliberately format it so that it's unambiguously not CPP code, but is still human-readable.
	if (!SignatureFunction)
		return FString(TEXT("{multicast delegate type}"));

	FString UnmangledFunctionName = SignatureFunction->GetName().LeftChop( FString( HEADER_GENERATED_DELEGATE_SIGNATURE_SUFFIX ).Len() );
	const UClass* OwnerClass = SignatureFunction->GetOwnerClass();

	const bool bBlueprintCppBackend = (0 != (CPPExportFlags & EPropertyExportCPPFlags::CPPF_BlueprintCppBackend));
	const bool bNative = SignatureFunction->IsNative();
	if (bBlueprintCppBackend && bNative)
		UStruct* StructOwner = Cast<UStruct>(SignatureFunction->GetOuter());
		if (StructOwner)
			return FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s::F%s"), StructOwner->GetPrefixCPP(), *StructOwner->GetName(), *UnmangledFunctionName);
		if ((0 != (CPPExportFlags & EPropertyExportCPPFlags::CPPF_BlueprintCppBackend)) && OwnerClass && !OwnerClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native))
			// The name must be valid, this removes spaces, ?, etc from the user's function name. It could
			// be slightly shorter because the postfix ("__pf") is not needed here because we further post-
			// pend to the string. Normally the postfix is needed to make sure we don't mangle to a valid
			// identifier and collide:
			UnmangledFunctionName = UnicodeToCPPIdentifier(UnmangledFunctionName, false, TEXT(""));
			// the name must be unique
			const FString OwnerName = UnicodeToCPPIdentifier(OwnerClass->GetName(), false, TEXT(""));
			const FString NewUnmangledFunctionName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s__%s"), *UnmangledFunctionName, *OwnerName);
			UnmangledFunctionName = NewUnmangledFunctionName;
		if (0 != (CPPExportFlags & EPropertyExportCPPFlags::CPPF_CustomTypeName))
			UnmangledFunctionName += TEXT("__MulticastDelegate");
	return FString(TEXT("F")) + UnmangledFunctionName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
FString UK2Node_Variable::GetDocumentationLink() const
	if( UProperty* Property = GetPropertyForVariable() )
		// discover if the variable property is a non blueprint user variable
		UClass* SourceClass = Property->GetOwnerClass();
		if( SourceClass && SourceClass->ClassGeneratedBy == NULL )
			UStruct* OwnerStruct = Property->GetOwnerStruct();

			if( OwnerStruct )
				return FString::Printf( TEXT("Shared/Types/%s%s"), OwnerStruct->GetPrefixCPP(), *OwnerStruct->GetName() );
	return TEXT( "" );