Ejemplo n.º 1
void be_exception::Generate (be_ClientImplementation& source)
   ostream & os = source.Stream();
   be_Tab tab (source);
   UTL_String * repID = get_decl_pragmas().get_repositoryID();
   const DDS_StdString corbaException = "DDS::Exception";

   // convenience constructor

   if (nmembers())

   // copy constructor

   GenerateCopyConstructor (source);

   // assignment operator

   GenerateAssignmentOperator (source);

   be_CodeGenerator::Generate (source);

   // name and id

   assert (repID);
   os << "const char * " << ScopedName () << "::m_name = \"" 
      << LocalName () << "\";" << nl << nl;
   os << "const char * " << ScopedName () << "::m_id = \"" 
      << repID->get_string () << "\";" << nl << nl;

   // downcast

   os << tab << ScopedName () << " * ";
   os << ScopedName () << "::";
   os << "_downcast (DDS::Exception * e)" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "if (e && (e->_rep_id () == m_id))" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return static_cast < " << LocalName () << "*> (e);" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl;
   os << tab << "return 0;" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // const downcast

   os << tab << "const " << ScopedName() << " * ";
   os << ScopedName () << "::";
   os << "_downcast (const DDS::Exception * e)" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "if (e && (e->_rep_id () == m_id))" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return static_cast < " << LocalName () 
      << "*> ((" << LocalName () << "*) e);" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl;
   os << tab << "return 0;" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // _clone

   os << tab << corbaException << " * " << ScopedName ();
   os << "::_clone () const" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return (" << corbaException << "*) new ";
   os << ScopedName () << " (*this);" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // raise

   os << tab << "void " << ScopedName () << "::_raise ("
      << XBE_Ev::arg (XBE_ENV_ARG1) << ") const" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab;
   XBE_Ev::throwex (os, "*this");
   os << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // factory

   os << tab << "DDS::Exception * " << ScopedName() << "::factory ()" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   os << tab << "return new " << ScopedName () << ";" << nl;
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   // initilaizer

   os << "DDS::ExceptionInitializer " << ScopedName() << "::m_initializer (";
   os << "\"" << repID->get_string () << "\"";
   os << ", " << ScopedName () << "::factory);" << nl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Dump this AST_Operation node (an operation) to the ostream o.
AST_Operation::dump (ACE_OSTREAM_TYPE &o)
  AST_Decl *d = 0;
  AST_Type *e = 0;
  UTL_String *s = 0;

  if (this->pd_flags == OP_oneway)
      this->dump_i (o, "oneway ");
  else if (this->pd_flags == OP_idempotent)
      this->dump_i (o, "idempotent ");

  this->pd_return_type->name ()->dump (o);
  this->dump_i (o, " ");
  this->local_name ()->dump (o);
  this->dump_i (o, "(");

  // Must advance the iterator explicity inside the loop.
  for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator i (this, IK_decls); !i.is_done ();)
      d = i.item ();
      d->dump (o);
      i.next ();

      if (!i.is_done())
          this->dump_i (o, ", ");

  this->dump_i (o, ")");

  if (this->pd_exceptions != 0)
      this->dump_i (o, " raises(");

      // Must advance the iterator explicity inside the loop.
      for (UTL_ExceptlistActiveIterator ei (this->pd_exceptions);
           !ei.is_done ();)
          e = ei.item ();
          ei.next ();
          e->local_name ()->dump (o);

          if (!ei.is_done())
             this->dump_i (o, ", ");

      this->dump_i (o, ")");

  if (this->pd_context != 0)
      this->dump_i (o, " context(");

      // Must advance the iterator explicity inside the loop.
      for (UTL_StrlistActiveIterator si (this->pd_context); !si.is_done();)
          s = si.item ();
          si.next ();
          this->dump_i (o, s->get_string ());

          if (!si.is_done())
              this->dump_i (o, ", ");

      this->dump_i (o, ")");
Ejemplo n.º 3
ifr_adding_visitor_operation::visit_operation (AST_Operation *node)
      // If this operation is already in the repository (for example, if
      // we are processing the IDL file a second time inadvertently), we
      // just return 0. The IDL file must be legal, otherwise the IDL
      // compiler front end would have told us.

      CORBA::Contained_var prev_def =
        be_global->repository ()->lookup_id (node->repoID ());

      if (!CORBA::is_nil (prev_def.in ()))
          return 0;

      // Build the parameter list. Our overridden version of visit_argument
      // will look up each parameter and add its repository entry to
      // our params_ member.

      CORBA::ULong length = static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (node->argument_count ());

      this->params_.length (length);

      if (this->visit_scope (node) == -1)
              ACE_TEXT ("(%N:%l) ifr_adding_visitor_operation::")
              ACE_TEXT ("visit_operation -")
              ACE_TEXT (" visit_scope failed\n")

      this->index_ = 0;

      // Build the exception list.

      UTL_ExceptList *excepts = node->exceptions ();

      if (excepts != 0)
          length = static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (excepts->length ());
          length = 0;

      CORBA::ExceptionDefSeq exceptions (length);
      exceptions.length (length);

      AST_Type *ex = 0;
      CORBA::ULong i = 0;

      for (UTL_ExceptlistActiveIterator ex_iter (excepts);
           !ex_iter.is_done ();
           ex_iter.next (), ++i)
          ex = ex_iter.item ();

          prev_def =
            be_global->repository ()->lookup_id (ex->repoID ());

          exceptions[i] =
            CORBA::ExceptionDef::_narrow (prev_def.in ());

      // Build the context list.

      UTL_StrList *ctx_list = node->context ();

      if (ctx_list != 0)
          length = static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (ctx_list->length ());
          length = 0;

      CORBA::ContextIdSeq contexts (length);
      contexts.length (length);

      UTL_StrlistActiveIterator ctx_iter (ctx_list);
      UTL_String *str = 0;
      i = 0;

      while (!ctx_iter.is_done ())
          str = ctx_iter.item ();

          contexts[i++] = str->get_string ();

          ctx_iter.next ();

      // Get the return type.

      AST_Type *return_type = node->return_type ();

      // Updates ir_current_.
      this->get_referenced_type (return_type);

      // Is the operation oneway?
      CORBA::OperationMode mode = node->flags () == AST_Operation::OP_oneway
                                 ? CORBA::OP_ONEWAY
                                 : CORBA::OP_NORMAL;

      // Create the repository entry.

      CORBA::Container_ptr current_scope =
        CORBA::Container::_nil ();

      if (be_global->ifr_scopes ().top (current_scope) == 0)
          AST_Decl *op_scope = ScopeAsDecl (node->defined_in ());
          AST_Decl::NodeType nt = op_scope->node_type ();

          if (nt == AST_Decl::NT_interface)
              CORBA::InterfaceDef_var iface =
                CORBA::InterfaceDef::_narrow (current_scope);

              CORBA::OperationDef_var new_def =
                iface->create_operation (node->repoID (),
                                         node->local_name ()->get_string (),
                                         node->version (),
                                         this->ir_current_.in (),
              CORBA::ValueDef_var vtype =
                CORBA::ValueDef::_narrow (current_scope);

              CORBA::OperationDef_var new_def =
                vtype->create_operation (node->repoID (),
                                         node->local_name ()->get_string (),
                                         node->version (),
                                         this->ir_current_.in (),
              ACE_TEXT ("(%N:%l) ifr_adding_visitor_operation::")
              ACE_TEXT ("visit_operation -")
              ACE_TEXT (" scope stack is empty\n")
  catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
      ex._tao_print_exception (
        ACE_TEXT (

      return -1;

  return 0;