void FPaperExtractSpritesViewportClient::Draw(FViewport* Viewport, FCanvas* Canvas)
	// Super will clear the viewport 
	FPaperEditorViewportClient::Draw(Viewport, Canvas);

	UTexture2D* Texture = TextureBeingExtracted.Get();

	if (Texture != nullptr)
		const bool bUseTranslucentBlend = Texture->HasAlphaChannel();

		// Fully stream in the texture before drawing it.

		FLinearColor TextureDrawColor = Settings->TextureTint;
		//FLinearColor RectOutlineColor = FLinearColor::Yellow;
		const FLinearColor RectOutlineColor = Settings->OutlineColor;

		const float XPos = -ZoomPos.X * ZoomAmount;
		const float YPos = -ZoomPos.Y * ZoomAmount;
		const float Width = Texture->GetSurfaceWidth() * ZoomAmount;
		const float Height = Texture->GetSurfaceHeight() * ZoomAmount;

		Canvas->DrawTile(XPos, YPos, Width, Height, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, TextureDrawColor, Texture->Resource, bUseTranslucentBlend);

		for (FPaperExtractedSprite Sprite : ExtractedSprites)
			DrawRectangle(Canvas, RectOutlineColor, Sprite.Rect);
void USlateBrushThumbnailRenderer::Draw(UObject* Object, int32 X, int32 Y, uint32 Width, uint32 Height, FRenderTarget* RenderTarget, FCanvas* Canvas)
	USlateBrushAsset* SlateBrushAsset = Cast<USlateBrushAsset>(Object);
	if (SlateBrushAsset)
		FSlateBrush Brush = SlateBrushAsset->Brush;
		UTexture2D* Texture = Cast<UTexture2D>( Brush.GetResourceObject() );

		// Draw the background checkboard pattern
		const int32 CheckerDensity = 8;
		auto* Checker = UThumbnailManager::Get().CheckerboardTexture;
			0.0f, 0.0f, Width, Height,							// Dimensions
			0.0f, 0.0f, CheckerDensity, CheckerDensity,			// UVs
			FLinearColor::White, Checker->Resource);			// Tint & Texture

		if (Texture)
			case ESlateBrushDrawType::Image:
					FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X, Y ), Texture->Resource, FVector2D( Width,Height ), Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
					CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
					CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );
			case ESlateBrushDrawType::Border:
					FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X, Y ), Texture->Resource, FVector2D( Width,Height ), Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
					CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
					CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );
			case ESlateBrushDrawType::Box:
					float NaturalWidth = Texture->GetSurfaceWidth();
					float NaturalHeight = Texture->GetSurfaceHeight();

					float TopPx = FMath::Clamp<float>(NaturalHeight * Brush.Margin.Top, 0, Height);
					float BottomPx = FMath::Clamp<float>(NaturalHeight * Brush.Margin.Bottom, 0, Height);
					float VerticalCenterPx = FMath::Clamp<float>(Height - TopPx - BottomPx, 0, Height);
					float LeftPx = FMath::Clamp<float>(NaturalWidth * Brush.Margin.Left, 0, Width);
					float RightPx = FMath::Clamp<float>(NaturalWidth * Brush.Margin.Right, 0, Width);
					float HorizontalCenterPx = FMath::Clamp<float>(Width - LeftPx - RightPx, 0, Width);

					// Top-Left
					FVector2D TopLeftSize( LeftPx, TopPx );
						FVector2D UV0( 0, 0 );
						FVector2D UV1( Brush.Margin.Left, Brush.Margin.Top );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X, Y ), Texture->Resource, TopLeftSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );

					// Bottom-Left
					FVector2D BottomLeftSize( LeftPx, BottomPx );
						FVector2D UV0( 0, 1 - Brush.Margin.Bottom );
						FVector2D UV1( Brush.Margin.Left, 1 );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X, Y + Height - BottomPx ), Texture->Resource, BottomLeftSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );

					// Top-Right
					FVector2D TopRightSize( RightPx, TopPx );
						FVector2D UV0( 1 - Brush.Margin.Right, 0 );
						FVector2D UV1( 1, Brush.Margin.Top );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X + Width - RightPx, Y ), Texture->Resource, TopRightSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );

					// Bottom-Right
					FVector2D BottomRightSize( RightPx, BottomPx );
						FVector2D UV0( 1 - Brush.Margin.Right, 1 - Brush.Margin.Bottom );
						FVector2D UV1( 1, 1 );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X + Width - RightPx, Y + Height - BottomPx ), Texture->Resource, BottomRightSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );


					// Center-Vertical-Left
					FVector2D CenterVerticalLeftSize( LeftPx, VerticalCenterPx );
						FVector2D UV0( 0, Brush.Margin.Top );
						FVector2D UV1( Brush.Margin.Left, 1 - Brush.Margin.Bottom );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X, Y + TopPx), Texture->Resource, CenterVerticalLeftSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );

					// Center-Vertical-Right
					FVector2D CenterVerticalRightSize( RightPx, VerticalCenterPx );
						FVector2D UV0( 1 - Brush.Margin.Right, Brush.Margin.Top );
						FVector2D UV1( 1, 1 - Brush.Margin.Bottom );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X + Width - RightPx, Y + TopPx), Texture->Resource, CenterVerticalRightSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );


					// Center-Horizontal-Top
					FVector2D CenterHorizontalTopSize( HorizontalCenterPx, TopPx );
						FVector2D UV0( Brush.Margin.Left, 0 );
						FVector2D UV1( 1 - Brush.Margin.Right, Brush.Margin.Top );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X + LeftPx, Y), Texture->Resource, CenterHorizontalTopSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );

					// Center-Horizontal-Bottom
					FVector2D CenterHorizontalBottomSize( HorizontalCenterPx, BottomPx );
						FVector2D UV0( Brush.Margin.Left, 1 - Brush.Margin.Bottom );
						FVector2D UV1( 1 - Brush.Margin.Right, 1 );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X + LeftPx, Y + Height - BottomPx ), Texture->Resource, CenterHorizontalBottomSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );


					// Center
					FVector2D CenterSize( HorizontalCenterPx, VerticalCenterPx );
						FVector2D UV0( Brush.Margin.Left, Brush.Margin.Top );
						FVector2D UV1( 1 - Brush.Margin.Right, 1 - Brush.Margin.Bottom );

						FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X + LeftPx, Y + TopPx), Texture->Resource, CenterSize, UV0, UV1, Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
						CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
						CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );
			case ESlateBrushDrawType::NoDrawType:
					FCanvasTileItem CanvasTile( FVector2D( X, Y ), Texture->Resource, FVector2D( Width,Height ), Brush.TintColor.GetSpecifiedColor() );
					CanvasTile.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
					CanvasTile.Draw( Canvas );

void UFontThumbnailRenderer::GetThumbnailSize(UObject* Object, float Zoom,uint32& OutWidth,uint32& OutHeight) const
    UFont* Font = Cast<UFont>(Object);
    if (Font != nullptr &&
            Font->Textures.Num() > 0 &&
            Font->Textures[0] != nullptr)
        // Get the texture interface for the font text
        UTexture2D* Tex = Font->Textures[0];
        OutWidth = FMath::TruncToInt(Zoom * (float)Tex->GetSurfaceWidth());
        OutHeight = FMath::TruncToInt(Zoom * (float)Tex->GetSurfaceHeight());
        OutWidth = OutHeight = 0;