Ejemplo n.º 1
void PoldiPeakSummary::storePeakSummary(TableRow tableRow,
                                        const PoldiPeak_sptr &peak) const {
  UncertainValue q = peak->q();
  UncertainValue d = peak->d();

  tableRow << MillerIndicesIO::toString(peak->hkl())
           << UncertainValueIO::toString(q) << UncertainValueIO::toString(d)
           << d.error() / d.value() * 1e3
           << UncertainValueIO::toString(peak->fwhm(PoldiPeak::Relative) * 1e3)
           << UncertainValueIO::toString(peak->intensity());
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PoldiPeakSearch::exec() {
  g_log.information() << "PoldiPeakSearch:" << std::endl;

  Workspace2D_sptr correlationWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  MantidVec correlationQValues = correlationWorkspace->readX(0);
  MantidVec correlatedCounts = correlationWorkspace->readY(0);
  g_log.information() << "   Auto-correlation data read." << std::endl;

  Unit_sptr xUnit = correlationWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit();

  if (xUnit->caption() == "") {
        << "   Workspace does not have unit, defaulting to MomentumTransfer."
        << std::endl;

    xUnit = UnitFactory::Instance().create("MomentumTransfer");
  } else {
    g_log.information() << "   Unit of workspace is " << xUnit->caption() << "."
                        << std::endl;


  if (m_doubleMinimumDistance > static_cast<int>(correlatedCounts.size())) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("MinimumPeakSeparation is smaller than number of "
                             "spectrum points - no peaks possible."));

  g_log.information() << "   Parameters set." << std::endl;

  MantidVec summedNeighborCounts = getNeighborSums(correlatedCounts);
  g_log.information() << "   Neighboring counts summed, contains "
                      << summedNeighborCounts.size() << " data points."
                      << std::endl;

  std::list<MantidVec::const_iterator> peakPositionsSummed =
      findPeaks(summedNeighborCounts.begin(), summedNeighborCounts.end());
  g_log.information() << "   Peaks detected in summed spectrum: "
                      << peakPositionsSummed.size() << std::endl;

  /* This step is required because peaks are actually searched in the
   * "sum-of-neighbors"-spectrum.
   * The mapping removes the offset from the peak position which results from
   * different beginning
   * of this vector compared to the original correlation counts.
  std::list<MantidVec::const_iterator> peakPositionsCorrelation =
  g_log.information() << "   Peak positions transformed to original spectrum."
                      << std::endl;

  /* Since intensities are required for filtering, they are extracted from the
   * original count data,
   * along with the Q-values.
  std::vector<PoldiPeak_sptr> peakCoordinates =
      getPeaks(correlatedCounts.begin(), correlatedCounts.end(),
               peakPositionsCorrelation, correlationQValues, xUnit);
      << "   Extracted peak positions in Q and intensity guesses." << std::endl;

  UncertainValue backgroundWithSigma =
      getBackgroundWithSigma(peakPositionsCorrelation, correlatedCounts);
  g_log.information() << "   Calculated average background and deviation: "
                      << UncertainValueIO::toString(backgroundWithSigma)
                      << std::endl;

  if ((*getProperty("MinimumPeakHeight")).isDefault()) {

  std::vector<PoldiPeak_sptr> intensityFilteredPeaks(peakCoordinates.size());
  auto newEnd = std::remove_copy_if(
      peakCoordinates.begin(), peakCoordinates.end(),
      boost::bind(&PoldiPeakSearch::isLessThanMinimum, this, _1));
      std::distance(intensityFilteredPeaks.begin(), newEnd));

  g_log.information() << "   Peaks above minimum intensity ("
                      << m_minimumPeakHeight
                      << "): " << intensityFilteredPeaks.size() << std::endl;

  std::sort(intensityFilteredPeaks.begin(), intensityFilteredPeaks.end(),
            boost::bind<bool>(&PoldiPeak::greaterThan, _1, _2,

  for (std::vector<PoldiPeak_sptr>::const_iterator peak =
       peak != intensityFilteredPeaks.end(); ++peak) {

  /* The derived background error is set as error in the workspace containing
   * correlation data, so it may be used as weights for peak fitting later on.
  setErrorsOnWorkspace(correlationWorkspace, backgroundWithSigma.error());

  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", m_peaks->asTableWorkspace());
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Returns the minimum height a peak should have.
  * This method is used when no user estimate of minimum required peak height is
  *given. It is set to background
  * plus 3 times Sn.
  * @param backgroundWithSigma :: Background with error estimate.
  * @return Minimum peak height.
double PoldiPeakSearch::minimumPeakHeightFromBackground(
    UncertainValue backgroundWithSigma) const {
  return 3.0 * backgroundWithSigma.error() + backgroundWithSigma.value();