Ejemplo n.º 1
    UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& id, const Locale& locale, UnicodeString& result) const 
        UnicodeString prefix = "";
        UnicodeString suffix = "";
        UnicodeString ls = locale.getName();
        if (LocaleUtility::isFallbackOf(californio, ls)) {
            if (!ls.caseCompare(valley, 0)) {
                prefix = "Like, you know, it's so totally ";
            } else if (!ls.caseCompare(surfer, 0)) {
                prefix = "Dude, it's ";
            } else if (!ls.caseCompare(geek, 0)) {
                prefix = "I'd estimate it is approximately ";
            } else {
                prefix = "Huh?  Maybe ";
        if (LocaleUtility::isFallbackOf(californio, id)) {
            if (!id.caseCompare(valley, 0)) {
                suffix = "like the Valley, you know?  Let's go to the mall!";
            } else if (!id.caseCompare(surfer, 0)) {
                suffix = "time to hit those gnarly waves, Dude!!!";
            } else if (!id.caseCompare(geek, 0)) {
                suffix = "all systems go.  T-Minus 9, 8, 7...";
            } else {
                suffix = "No Habla Englais";
        } else {
            suffix = ICUResourceBundleFactory::getDisplayName(id, locale, result);

        result = prefix + suffix;
        return result;
void t4p::PhpCodeCompletionProviderClass::OnAutoCompletionSelected(wxStyledTextEvent& event) {
    wxStyledTextCtrl* txtCtrl = wxDynamicCast(event.GetEventObject(), wxStyledTextCtrl);
    if (!txtCtrl) {
    t4p::CodeControlClass* ctrl = (t4p::CodeControlClass*)txtCtrl;

    if (!AutoCompletionResourceMatches.empty()) {
        UnicodeString selected = t4p::WxToIcu(event.GetText());

        bool handled = false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < AutoCompletionResourceMatches.size(); ++i) {
            t4p::PhpTagClass res = AutoCompletionResourceMatches[i];
            if (res.Identifier == selected) {
                // user had selected  a function /method name; let's add the
                // parenthesis and show the call tip
                wxString selected = event.GetText();
                int startPos = ctrl->WordStartPosition(ctrl->GetCurrentPos(), true);
                ctrl->SetSelection(startPos, ctrl->GetCurrentPos());
                wxString status;
                if ((t4p::PhpTagClass::FUNCTION == res.Type || t4p::PhpTagClass::METHOD == res.Type) && !res.HasParameters()) {
                    ctrl->ReplaceSelection(selected + wxT("()"));
                    ctrl->HandleCallTip(0, true);
                } else if (t4p::PhpTagClass::FUNCTION == res.Type || t4p::PhpTagClass::METHOD == res.Type) {
                    ctrl->ReplaceSelection(selected + wxT("("));
                    ctrl->HandleCallTip(0, true);
                } else {
                handled = true;
        if (!handled) {
            // complete the PHP alternative syntax for control structures
            // ie endif endwhile endfor endforeach endswitch
            // Scintilla cannot handle semicolons in keywords; we will add the semicolon here
            if (selected.caseCompare(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("endif"), 0) == 0 ||
                    selected.caseCompare(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("endwhile"), 0) == 0 ||
                    selected.caseCompare(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("endfor"), 0) == 0 ||
                    selected.caseCompare(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("endforeach"), 0) == 0 ||
                    selected.caseCompare(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("endswitch"), 0) == 0) {
                wxString selected = event.GetText();
                int startPos = ctrl->WordStartPosition(ctrl->GetCurrentPos(), true);
                ctrl->SetSelection(startPos, ctrl->GetCurrentPos());
                ctrl->ReplaceSelection(selected + wxT(";"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Register two targets as being inverses of one another.  For
 * example, calling registerSpecialInverse("NFC", "NFD", TRUE) causes
 * Transliterator to form the following inverse relationships:
 * <pre>NFC => NFD
 * Any-NFC => Any-NFD
 * NFD => NFC
 * Any-NFD => Any-NFC</pre>
 * (Without the special inverse registration, the inverse of NFC
 * would be NFC-Any.)  Note that NFD is shorthand for Any-NFD, but
 * that the presence or absence of "Any-" is preserved.
 * <p>The relationship is symmetrical; registering (a, b) is
 * equivalent to registering (b, a).
 * <p>The relevant IDs must still be registered separately as
 * factories or classes.
 * <p>Only the targets are specified.  Special inverses always
 * have the form Any-Target1 <=> Any-Target2.  The target should
 * have canonical casing (the casing desired to be produced when
 * an inverse is formed) and should contain no whitespace or other
 * extraneous characters.
 * @param target the target against which to register the inverse
 * @param inverseTarget the inverse of target, that is
 * Any-target.getInverse() => Any-inverseTarget
 * @param bidirectional if TRUE, register the reverse relation
 * as well, that is, Any-inverseTarget.getInverse() => Any-target
void TransliteratorIDParser::registerSpecialInverse(const UnicodeString& target,
                                                    const UnicodeString& inverseTarget,
                                                    UBool bidirectional,
                                                    UErrorCode &status) {
    umtx_initOnce(gSpecialInversesInitOnce, init, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    // If target == inverseTarget then force bidirectional => FALSE
    if (bidirectional && 0==target.caseCompare(inverseTarget, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)) {
        bidirectional = FALSE;

    Mutex lock(&LOCK);

    UnicodeString *tempus = new UnicodeString(inverseTarget);  // Used for null pointer check before usage.
    if (tempus == NULL) {
    SPECIAL_INVERSES->put(target, tempus, status);
    if (bidirectional) {
    	tempus = new UnicodeString(target);
    	if (tempus == NULL) {
        SPECIAL_INVERSES->put(inverseTarget, tempus, status);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Registers standard transliterators with the system.  Called by
 * Transliterator during initialization.  Scan all current targets and
 * register those that are scripts T as Any-T/V.
void AnyTransliterator::registerIDs() {

    UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    Hashtable seen(TRUE, ec);

    int32_t sourceCount = Transliterator::_countAvailableSources();
    for (int32_t s=0; s<sourceCount; ++s) {
        UnicodeString source;
        Transliterator::_getAvailableSource(s, source);

        // Ignore the "Any" source
        if (source.caseCompare(ANY, 3, 0 /*U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT*/) == 0) continue;

        int32_t targetCount = Transliterator::_countAvailableTargets(source);
        for (int32_t t=0; t<targetCount; ++t) {
            UnicodeString target;
            Transliterator::_getAvailableTarget(t, source, target);

            // Only process each target once
            if (seen.geti(target) != 0) continue;
            ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            seen.puti(target, 1, ec);
            // Get the script code for the target.  If not a script, ignore.
            UScriptCode targetScript = scriptNameToCode(target);
            if (targetScript == USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE) continue;

            int32_t variantCount = Transliterator::_countAvailableVariants(source, target);
            // assert(variantCount >= 1);
            for (int32_t v=0; v<variantCount; ++v) {
                UnicodeString variant;
                Transliterator::_getAvailableVariant(v, source, target, variant);
                UnicodeString id;
                TransliteratorIDParser::STVtoID(UnicodeString(TRUE, ANY, 3), target, variant, id);
                ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                AnyTransliterator* t = new AnyTransliterator(id, target, variant,
                                                             targetScript, ec);
                if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
                    delete t;
                } else {
                    Transliterator::_registerSpecialInverse(target, UnicodeString(TRUE, NULL_ID, 4), FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Register two targets as being inverses of one another.  For
 * example, calling registerSpecialInverse("NFC", "NFD", TRUE) causes
 * Transliterator to form the following inverse relationships:
 * <pre>NFC => NFD
 * Any-NFC => Any-NFD
 * NFD => NFC
 * Any-NFD => Any-NFC</pre>
 * (Without the special inverse registration, the inverse of NFC
 * would be NFC-Any.)  Note that NFD is shorthand for Any-NFD, but
 * that the presence or absence of "Any-" is preserved.
 * <p>The relationship is symmetrical; registering (a, b) is
 * equivalent to registering (b, a).
 * <p>The relevant IDs must still be registered separately as
 * factories or classes.
 * <p>Only the targets are specified.  Special inverses always
 * have the form Any-Target1 <=> Any-Target2.  The target should
 * have canonical casing (the casing desired to be produced when
 * an inverse is formed) and should contain no whitespace or other
 * extraneous characters.
 * @param target the target against which to register the inverse
 * @param inverseTarget the inverse of target, that is
 * Any-target.getInverse() => Any-inverseTarget
 * @param bidirectional if TRUE, register the reverse relation
 * as well, that is, Any-inverseTarget.getInverse() => Any-target
void TransliteratorIDParser::registerSpecialInverse(const UnicodeString& target,
                                                    const UnicodeString& inverseTarget,
                                                    UBool bidirectional) {

    // If target == inverseTarget then force bidirectional => FALSE
    if (bidirectional && 0==target.caseCompare(inverseTarget, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)) {
        bidirectional = FALSE;

    Mutex lock(&LOCK);

    UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    SPECIAL_INVERSES->put(target, new UnicodeString(inverseTarget), ec);
    if (bidirectional) {
        SPECIAL_INVERSES->put(inverseTarget, new UnicodeString(target), ec);
Ejemplo n.º 6
TZGNCore::formatGenericNonLocationName(const TimeZone& tz, UTimeZoneGenericNameType type, UDate date, UnicodeString& name) const {
    U_ASSERT(type == UTZGNM_LONG || type == UTZGNM_SHORT);

    const UChar* uID = ZoneMeta::getCanonicalCLDRID(tz);
    if (uID == NULL) {
        return name;

    UnicodeString tzID(uID);

    // Try to get a name from time zone first
    UTimeZoneNameType nameType = (type == UTZGNM_LONG) ? UTZNM_LONG_GENERIC : UTZNM_SHORT_GENERIC;
    fTimeZoneNames->getTimeZoneDisplayName(tzID, nameType, name);

    if (!name.isEmpty()) {
        return name;

    // Try meta zone
    UnicodeString mzID;
    fTimeZoneNames->getMetaZoneID(tzID, date, mzID);
    if (!mzID.isEmpty()) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UBool useStandard = FALSE;
        int32_t raw, sav;

        tz.getOffset(date, FALSE, raw, sav, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return name;

        if (sav == 0) {
            useStandard = TRUE;

            TimeZone *tmptz = tz.clone();
            // Check if the zone actually uses daylight saving time around the time
            BasicTimeZone *btz = NULL;
            if (dynamic_cast<OlsonTimeZone *>(tmptz) != NULL
                || dynamic_cast<SimpleTimeZone *>(tmptz) != NULL
                || dynamic_cast<RuleBasedTimeZone *>(tmptz) != NULL
                || dynamic_cast<VTimeZone *>(tmptz) != NULL) {
                btz = (BasicTimeZone*)tmptz;

            if (btz != NULL) {
                TimeZoneTransition before;
                UBool beforTrs = btz->getPreviousTransition(date, TRUE, before);
                if (beforTrs
                        && (date - before.getTime() < kDstCheckRange)
                        && before.getFrom()->getDSTSavings() != 0) {
                    useStandard = FALSE;
                } else {
                    TimeZoneTransition after;
                    UBool afterTrs = btz->getNextTransition(date, FALSE, after);
                    if (afterTrs
                            && (after.getTime() - date < kDstCheckRange)
                            && after.getTo()->getDSTSavings() != 0) {
                        useStandard = FALSE;
            } else {
                // If not BasicTimeZone... only if the instance is not an ICU's implementation.
                // We may get a wrong answer in edge case, but it should practically work OK.
                tmptz->getOffset(date - kDstCheckRange, FALSE, raw, sav, status);
                if (sav != 0) {
                    useStandard = FALSE;
                } else {
                    tmptz->getOffset(date + kDstCheckRange, FALSE, raw, sav, status);
                    if (sav != 0){
                        useStandard = FALSE;
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    delete tmptz;
                    return name;
            delete tmptz;
        if (useStandard) {
            UTimeZoneNameType stdNameType = (nameType == UTZNM_LONG_GENERIC)
            UnicodeString stdName;
            fTimeZoneNames->getDisplayName(tzID, stdNameType, date, stdName);
            if (!stdName.isEmpty()) {

                // TODO: revisit this issue later
                // In CLDR, a same display name is used for both generic and standard
                // for some meta zones in some locales.  This looks like a data bugs.
                // For now, we check if the standard name is different from its generic
                // name below.
                UnicodeString mzGenericName;
                fTimeZoneNames->getMetaZoneDisplayName(mzID, nameType, mzGenericName);
                if (stdName.caseCompare(mzGenericName, 0) == 0) {
        if (name.isEmpty()) {
            // Get a name from meta zone
            UnicodeString mzName;
            fTimeZoneNames->getMetaZoneDisplayName(mzID, nameType, mzName);
            if (!mzName.isEmpty()) {
                // Check if we need to use a partial location format.
                // This check is done by comparing offset with the meta zone's
                // golden zone at the given date.
                UnicodeString goldenID;
                fTimeZoneNames->getReferenceZoneID(mzID, fTargetRegion, goldenID);
                if (!goldenID.isEmpty() && goldenID != tzID) {
                    TimeZone *goldenZone = TimeZone::createTimeZone(goldenID);
                    int32_t raw1, sav1;

                    // Check offset in the golden zone with wall time.
                    // With getOffset(date, false, offsets1),
                    // you may get incorrect results because of time overlap at DST->STD
                    // transition.
                    goldenZone->getOffset(date + raw + sav, TRUE, raw1, sav1, status);
                    delete goldenZone;
                    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                        if (raw != raw1 || sav != sav1) {
                            // Now we need to use a partial location format
                            getPartialLocationName(tzID, mzID, (nameType == UTZNM_LONG_GENERIC), mzName, name);
                        } else {
                } else {
    return name;