Ejemplo n.º 1
    /*!a Test case to verify insertAt(size_t, UtlContainable*) for a
    *     list that is not empty.
    *     The test data for this test are
    *     a) Insert any UtlContainable to the 0th location,
    *     b) Insert a UtlInt to a 'mid' location,
    *     c) Insert any UtlString object to a 'mid' location
    *     d) Insert any UtlContainable object to the last location
    void testInsertAt_NonEmptyList()
        const int testCount = 4 ;
        const char* prefix = "Test insert(n, Collectable*) for a list that is not empty; "\
              "where Collectable is "  ;
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "a UtlContainableXXX and n = 0", \
               "a UtlString and n > 0 && n < size", \
               "a UtlInt and n > 0 && n < size", \
               "a UtlContainableXXX where n = size-1" \
        const char* suffix1 = " :- Verify return value" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = " :- Verify value is appended"  ; 
        const char* suffix3 = " :- Verify new list size" ;  

        UtlString testFirst("First Entry") ; 
        UtlInt testInt(102) ;
        UtlString testString("Test String") ;
        UtlInt testLast(99999) ; 
        UtlContainable* itemToAdd[] = { &testFirst, &testInt, &testString, &testLast } ;
        UtlContainable* expectedValue[] = { &testFirst, &testInt, &testString, &testLast} ;
        int insertLocation[] = { 0, 2, 3, commonEntriesCount+3} ;
        int tmpCount = commonEntriesCount ; 
        int expectedEntries[] = {++tmpCount, ++tmpCount, ++tmpCount, ++tmpCount} ; 

        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
            UtlContainable* uActual ; 
            string msg ; 
            // comment out for now. Uncomment if implementation returns Collectable
            uActual = commonList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]);
            //verify that the right value is returned.
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix1) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], uActual) ;
            //`commonList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]);

            // verify that the value is inserted
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ; 
            uActual = commonList.at(insertLocation[i]) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], uActual) ;
            //verify that the total number of entries has incremented by one. 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix3) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedEntries[i], \
                (int)commonList.entries()) ; 
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /*a! This test is more of a sanity check to verify that
 *    the basic append(), entries() and at() methods work as expected.
 *    All future tests will depend heavily on the at() method
 *    and the most common way of having something in the list is
 *    by means of the append() method. 
 void checkSanity_Append_Entries_And_At()
     for (int i = 0 ; i < commonEntriesCount; i++)
         UtlContainable* ucExpected = commonContainables[i] ; 
         UtlContainable* ucActual = commonList.at(i) ; 
         string msg ; 
         char strItr[33] ; 
         sprintf(strItr, "%d", i);
         TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, "Verify that the at(n) method, where n = ", \
             strItr, " ;") ; 
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), ucExpected, ucActual) ; 
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Verify that the entries() for an empty list returns 0", \
             (int)emptyList.entries(), 0) ; 
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Verify the entries() method for a list", \
             (int)commonList.entries(), commonEntriesCount) ; 
 }// checkSanity_Append_And_At()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /*!a! Test case to verify insertAt(size_t, UtlContainable*) for an 
    *     empty list. 
    *     The test data for this test are 
    *     a) Insert a UtlString to the 0th location, 
    *     b) Insert a UtlInt to the 0th location, 
    *     c) Insert any UtlContainable object to a 'non-zero' location
    void testInsertAt_EmptyList()
        const int testCount = 3 ; 
        const char* prefix = "Test insert(n, Collectable*) for an empty list; "\
             "where Collectable is "  ; 
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "a UtlString and n = 0", \
               "a UtlInt and n = 0", \
               "a UtlContainableXXX and n > 0" \
        const char* suffix1 = " :- Verify return value" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = " :- Verify value is appended"  ; 

        UtlInt testInt(102) ; 
        UtlString testString("Test String") ; 
        UtlString testNegative("This should not get added") ; 
        UtlContainable* itemToAdd[] = { &testString, &testInt, &testNegative } ; 
        UtlContainable* expectedValue[] = { &testString, &testInt, NULL} ; 
        int insertLocation[] = { 0, 0, 1} ; 
        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
            UtlDList testList ; 
            string msg ; 
            // insertAt now returns void. Retain this block of comment in case 
            // we (I think we should return a Collectable / bool) decide to return
            // a collectable. 

            UtlContainable* result = testList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]); 
            //verify that the right value is returned. 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix1) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], result) ;

            testList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]) ; 
            // verify that the value is inserted 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], testList.at(0)) ; 
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void utlTestAppend_Insert(TestInsertOrAppend type)
        int testCount = 2 ; 
        const char* prefix = ""; 
        UtlInt testInt(1234) ;
        UtlString testString("Test String") ;    
        if (type == TEST_APPEND) 
            commonList.append(&testInt) ; 
            commonList.append(&testString) ; 
            prefix = "Test the append(UtlContainable*) method for a non empty list" ;
        else if (type == TEST_INSERT)
            commonList.insert(&testInt) ; 
            commonList.insert(&testString) ; 
            prefix = "Test the insert(UtlContainable*) method for a non empty list" ;
        int expectedCount  = commonEntriesCount + testCount ; 
        UtlContainable* uActual ; 
        UtlContainable* uExpected ; 
        string msg ; 

        // Verify that the number of entries has increased accordingly
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, " :- Verify the number of entries") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedCount, \
            (int)commonList.entries()) ; 

        // Verify that the first entry has still not changed.
        uActual = commonList.at(0) ; 
        uExpected = commonContainables[0] ; 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the first entry is not changed") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ; 

        // Verify the entry at the previous last position
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the previous last entry is intact") ; 

        // Verify that the number of entries has increased accordingly
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify the number of entries") ;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedCount, \
           (int)commonList.entries()) ; 

        // Verify that the first entry has still not changed.
        uActual = commonList.at(0) ; 
        uExpected = commonContainables[0] ; 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the first entry is not changed") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ; 

        // Verify the entry at the previous last position
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the previous last entry is intact") ; 
        uActual = commonList.at(commonEntriesCount-1) ; 
        uExpected = commonContainables[commonEntriesCount-1] ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ;

        // Verify that the two new entries are added. 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the Collectable Integer has been added") ; 
        uActual = commonList.at(commonEntriesCount) ; 
        uExpected = &testInt ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ;        

        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the Collectable String has been added") ; 
        uActual = commonList.at(commonEntriesCount + 1) ; 
        uExpected = &testString ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ;

    } //testAppend