Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Note that the derivative is not generally a unit quaternion.
 * \param q the current orientation
 * \param w the angular velocity (in the global frame)
 * Uses the matrix:
 *      |  -q.x  +q.w  -q.z  +q.y  |
 * G =  |  -q.y  +q.z  +q.w  -q.x  |
 *      |  -q.z  -q.y  +q.x  +q.w  |
QUAT QUAT::deriv(const QUAT& q, const VECTOR3& w)
  QUAT qd;

  qd.w = .5 * (-q.x * w.x() - q.y * w.y() - q.z * w.z());
  qd.x = .5 * (+q.w * w.x() + q.z * w.y() - q.y * w.z());
  qd.y = .5 * (-q.z * w.x() + q.w * w.y() + q.x * w.z());
  qd.z = .5 * (+q.y * w.x() - q.x * w.y() + q.w * w.z());

  return qd;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * This matrix is used in the relationships qd = 1/2*L^T*omega and
 * qdd = 1/2*L^T*alpha' - 1/4*omega'^2*q, where omega'/alpha' are the angular
 * velocity/acceleration of a rigid body in the body frame and qd/qdd are the
 * first/second time derivatives of the Euler (unit quaternion) parameters.
 * The matrix L is defined as:
 * -e1  e0  e3 -e2
 * -e2 -e3  e0  e1
 * -e3  e2 -e1  e0
QUAT QUAT::L_transpose_mult(const VECTOR3& v) const
  double de0 = -x*v.x() - y*v.y() - z*v.z();
  double de1 = +w*v.x() - z*v.y() + y*v.z();
  double de2 = +z*v.x() + w*v.y() - x*v.z();
  double de3 = -y*v.x() + x*v.y() + w*v.z();

  QUAT q;
  q.w = de0;
  q.x = de1;
  q.y = de2;
  q.z = de3;
  return q;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// Computes the angular velocity of a body given the current quaternion orientation and the quaternion velocity
VECTOR3 QUAT::to_omega(const QUAT& q, const QUAT& qd)
  VECTOR3 omega;
  omega.x() = 2 * (-q.x * qd.w + q.w * qd.x - q.z * qd.y + q.y * qd.z);
  omega.y() = 2 * (-q.y * qd.w + q.z * qd.x + q.w * qd.y - q.x * qd.z);
  omega.z() = 2 * (-q.z * qd.w - q.y * qd.x + q.x * qd.y + q.w * qd.z);
  return omega;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This matrix is used in the relationships omega = 2*G*qd and
 * alpha = 2*G*qdd, where omega/alpha are the angular velocity/acceleration
 * of a rigid body in the game frame and qd/qdd are the first/second time
 * derivatives of the Euler (unit quaternion) parameters.
VECTOR3 QUAT::G_mult(REAL qx, REAL qy, REAL qz, REAL qw) const
  const double e0 = qw;
  const double e1 = qx;
  const double e2 = qy;
  const double e3 = qz;

  VECTOR3 r;
  r.x() = -x*e0 + w*e1 - z*e2 + y*e3;
  r.y() = -y*e0 + z*e1 + w*e2 - x*e3;
  r.z() = -z*e0 - y*e1 + x*e2 + w*e3;
  return r;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * This matrix is used in the relationships omega' = 2*L*qd and
 * alpha' = 2*L*qdd, where omega'/alpha' are the angular velocity/acceleration
 * of a rigid body in the body's frame and qd/qdd are the first/second time
 * derivatives of the Euler (unit quaternion) parameters.
 * The matrix L is defined as:
 * -e1  e0  e3 -e2
 * -e2 -e3  e0  e1
 * -e3  e2 -e1  e0
VECTOR3 QUAT::L_mult(REAL qx, REAL qy, REAL qz, REAL qw) const
  const double& e0 = w;
  const double& e1 = x;
  const double& e2 = y;
  const double& e3 = z;

  VECTOR3 v;
  v.x() = -e1*qw + e0*qx + e3*qy - e2*qz; 
  v.y() = -e2*qw - e3*qx + e0*qy + e1*qz;
  v.z() = -e3*qw + e2*qx - e1*qy + e0*qz;
  return v;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void get_color_entropy(float& r,float& g,float& b,float& a,VECTOR3 p,int* grid_res)
	int x=p.x(); int y=p.y(); int z=p.z();
	int idx=x+y*grid_res[0]+z*grid_res[0]*grid_res[1];
	float val=entropies[idx];

Ejemplo n.º 7
//load seeds
float* get_grid_vec_data(int* grid_res)//get vec data at each grid point

	float * vectors=new float[grid_res[0]*grid_res[1]*grid_res[2]*3];
	for(int k=0; k<grid_res[2];k++)
		for(int j=0; j<grid_res[1];j++)
			for(int i=0; i<grid_res[0];i++)
				VECTOR3 data;
				osuflow->GetFlowField()->at_vert(i,j,k,0,data);//t=0, static data
				int idx=i+j*grid_res[0]+k*grid_res[0]*grid_res[1];

	return vectors;